Daily Advance What 2 Watch Entertainment Guide / July 30 - Aug 5

Page 12


TV and Entertainment Source

Sunday daytimE auguSt 1, 2021 A B C D E 8 AM Curious

8:30 Wild Kratts

Best Bets

9 AM



July 30 - August 5, 2021 A=Elizabeth City B=Edenton/Hertford C=Camden/Currituck D=Dish E=DirecTV


9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM

This Old Ask This SecExploring Project House Old H’se ond-Joan N.C. Fire

Simply Ming


FirMilk ing-Hoover Street


2 PM

Christina Test Cooks Kitchen

2:30 Cook’s Country

3 PM


Mexican BookTable watch

4 PM Black Issues


5 PM


Front Washing- NewsRow Wit ton Week Hour Wk


2 2 2 2


3 3 3 3 3


4 4 4 4 4 God



2020 Tokyo Olympics Volleyball, BMX, Weightlifting, Fencing, Tennis, Gymnastics. (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Volleyball, BMX, Weightlifting, Fencing, Tennis, Gymnastics. Men’s volleyball (U.S. vs. Argentina); (Live) Å BMX freestyle; weightlifting; fencing; tennis; gymnastics. (N Same-day Tape) Å All In CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Relief Bull Riding CrossFit Games From Madison, Wis. (N) Major League Rugby Paid Pro- 2020 Tokyo Olympics Volleyball, BMX, Weightlifting, Fencing, Tennis, Gymnastics. (N) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Volleyball, BMX, Weightlifting, Fencing, Tennis, Gymnastics. Men’s volleyball (U.S. vs. Argentina); 10 10 10 10 10 gram (Live) Å BMX freestyle; weightlifting; fencing; tennis; gymnastics. (N Same-day Tape) Å This Week In Touch Baptist Paid Prg. Stop Brain Fog NCIS Å (DVS) We Have a Dream World of X Games World of X Games ROH Wrestling Good Morning Good Morning Paid Pro- Paid Pro- This Week With In Touch Pawn Paid Pro- TransWipeout “Bachelors We Have a Dream World of X Games World of X Games Paid Pro- Paid Pro13 13 13 13 13 America (N) Å gram gram George ... Stars gram form vs. Bachelorettes” (N) Å (N) Å gram gram Å


15 6 6 15 15 mentary Riddle


5 8 8 27 27 Maxwell


20 11 11 33 33 Whitaker Hans


12 5 5 43 43


16 17 17 49 “Identity Crisis”


7 7 7


In Touch Joel Os- CBS News Sunday Morning teen (N) Å

Face the Nation (N) Å

Truth of

Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Relief gram gram

Crusade Paid Pro- Tomor- Baptist for Christ gram row Wld Church

All In W/ Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Bull Riding Laila Ali gram gram

Major League Rugby Championship: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å

Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Xplor. DIY Live Life Paid Pro- Paid Pro- SherSherImp. Jok- Imp. Jok- Bob’s gram gram Sci and Win! gram gram iffs-Dorado iffs-Dorado ers ers Burgers

Bob’s Burgers


News Pet Vet

Hero Ele- Xavier

Curious George

Daniel Tiger

Donkey Hodie

Elinor Sesame Wonders Street



Greater Emman


Small Battle of Just for Town Big the Laughs



Paid Pro- Stop Brain Fog gram


Dr. Scott FOX News Sunday Paid Pro- Pure Out- The Short Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Raw With Chris Wallace gram door List gram gram Travel

Asian Americans Å In Their Own Words Song of the Moun“Chuck Berry” tains Å


World’s- Weather Gone Viral Good to Weath Know

›› Midway (2019, War) Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson, Luke Evans. Å


David Byrne’s American Utopia (2020, Musical) David Byrne. Å


551 351 351 318 545 tion (2012) Å


571 365 365 327 553 Taylor Russell, Sterling K. Brown. Å

›› Out of Time (2003, Suspense) Denzel Washington, Eva Mendes. Å

››› Cujo (1983, Horror) Dee Wallace. Premiere. Å


25 26 26 118 265 Hoarders Å

Hoarders Å

Kids Behind Bars


52 39 39 131 254


61 47 47 184 282 59 73 74 124 329 45 37 37 208 355 24 29 29 200 202 49 50 50 107 249 19 95 95 210 350 39 24 24 182 278 30 61 61 172 290 26 28 28 140 206 27 27 27 143 209 55 44 44 110 231 43 66 66 205 360 57 69 69 60 62 62 180 311


51 58 58 136 248


54 38 38 112 229 42 34 34 120 269 461 15 15 259 364 31 32 32 108 252 53 65 65 209 356 41 41 41 160 331 37 31 31 170 299


33 30 30 241 241


64 57 57 122 244 cent, Jenny Agutter, Gerrit Graham. Å

›› The Four Feathers (2002) Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley. Premiere. Å

›› Step Up Revolu- ›› John Q (2002, Drama) Denzel Washing- The Chi “Soul Food” The Chi “Cooley ton, Robert Duvall. Premiere. Å High” Å Å


28 36 36 138 245


48 59 59 176 296 62 46 46 106 304 29 45 45 105 202 38 35 35 162 335

››› Changing Lanes (2002, Suspense) Ben Affleck. Å

Cake (2005) Heather Graham, David Sutcliffe. Å

The Chi Kiesha goes The Chi “Candyinto labor. Å man” Å

The Chi “...Black Messiah” Å

››› American Gangster (2007) Denzel Washington. Premiere. A chauffeur becomes Harlem’s most-powerful crime boss. Å

Kids Behind Bars Kids Behind Bars Kids Behind Bars Kids Behind Bars Accused: Guilty ›› Sixteen Candles (1984, Comedy) Molly › Grown Ups (2010, Comedy) Adam San- › Grown vors a flashy mobster over his hard-working dad. Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall. Å dler, Kevin James, Chris Rock. Å Ups 2 North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Payne Payne Prince Prince Prince Prince Celebrity Fam Celebrity Fam Celebrity Fam Celebrity Fam › Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral (2019) Å Favorite Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. New Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Gold Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Shark Tank Å Inside Politics State-Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Source State-Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Parks Parks Office The Office Å Office Office Office Office Office Office ››› Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) ›› We’re the Millers (2013, Comedy) Å Washington Journal (N) (Live) Å Washington This Week Å Washington This Week Å Deadliest Catch Gold Rush (N) Å Dino Hunters Å Naked and Afraid Naked-Afraid Naked-Afraid Naked-Afraid Naked-Afraid Naked-Afraid Naked-Afraid Big City Big City Big City Big City Owl Hse. Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Gabby TBA Bluey Bluey Ladybug TBA Big City Big City Big City Jessie Jessie Jessie Formula 1 Formula 1 Racing Hungarian Grand Prix. SportsCenter (N) The Basketball Tournament TBT The Basketball Tournament ESPN Original Documentaries SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) 30 for 30 ESPN Films 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 Valerie’s Valerie’s Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Girl-Farm Valerie’s Trisha’s Trisha’s The Kitchen Å BBQ Brawl Å Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games FOX and Friends Sunday (N) (Live) Å Maria Bartiromo MediaBuzz (N) (Live) Fox News Live (N) Fox News Live (N) Fox News Sunday Maria Bartiromo Fox News Live (N) Sunday Show Athletes Unlimited Lacrosse World Wild Ride Polaris Golf Life Focused Pregame MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds at New York Mets. (N) (Live) Post The Ten Kickboxing › Mr. Deeds (2002) ››› The Wedding Singer (1998) Å ›› Can’t Hardly Wait (1998, Comedy) Å › John Tucker Must Die (2006) Å › 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Å ››› Cinderella Å Mike & Mike & Mike & ››› Mission: Impossible III (2006, Action) Tom Cruise. Agent ›› Skyscraper (2018, Action) Dwayne ›› Jurassic World (2015) Chris Pratt. Man-made dino- ›› Jurassic World: Molly Molly Molly Ethan Hunt faces the toughest villain of his career. Å Johnson, Neve Campbell. Å saurs go on a rampage at an island resort. Å Fallen Kingdom Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Å Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars In Touch Victory Cheyenne Å Cheyenne Å Daniel Boone Å Daniel Boone Å Gunsmoke Å ››› She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) The Virginian “Hell Wind” Wild Amazing Jeremiah J. Osteen Paid Prg. Abducted on Air (2020) Perrey Reeves. Her Deadly Sugar Daddy (2020) Å Unwanted Guest (2016) Kate Mansi. Å Nobody Will Believe You (2021) Å Velshi (N) Å Velshi (N) Å The Sunday Show With Jonathan Alex Witt Reports Alex Witt Reports Alex Witt Reports Reports Reports PoliticsNation (N) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Dino Fury Sponge. To Be Announced Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Loud Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue “Back to Bar Rescue “Taken Bar Rescue “Rookie Bar Rescue “Driving Bar Rescue “Win, Bar Rescue Å Bar Rescue “Antiso- Bar Rescue “Muscle Bar Rescue A manSchool” Å for Granted” Å of the Beer” Å Miss Tara” Å Lose or Brawl” cial Media” Å Madness” Å agement-heavy staff. ››› A Bronx Tale (1993) Robert De Niro. A youth fa-

››› Erin Brockovich (2000, Drama) Julia Roberts. A woman probes a power company cover-up over poisoned water. Å

Cult of Chucky (2017, Horror) Fiona Dourif, Curse of Chucky (2013) Fiona Dourif. › Seed of Chucky (2004, Horror) Jennifer › Bride of Chucky (1998) Jennifer Tilly. An Jennifer Tilly. Å Chucky the killer doll infiltrates a family. Tilly, Voice of Brad Dourif. Å evil doll and its mate seek human form. ››› Rush Hour ›› Rush Hour 2 (2001) Jackie Chan. › Rush Hour 3 (2007, Action) Jackie Chan. MLB Baseball (Taped) Å ›› Semi-Pro (2008) Will Ferrell. Å (DVS) Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress You, Me & My Ex You, Me & My Ex You, Me & My Ex You, Me & My Ex You, Me & My Ex Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey ›› Man of Steel (2013) Henry Cavill. Young Clark Kent ›› Suicide Squad (2016) Will Smith. Armed supervil- ››› Shazam! (2019) Zachary Levi. Shazam squares off ›› Justice League (2017) Ben Affleck. Batman, Wonmust protect those he loves from a dire threat. lains unite to battle a powerful entity. Å (DVS) against the evil Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. Å (DVS) der Woman and other heroes unite to battle evil. DC Girls Teen Teen Teen Craig Craig Craig Craig Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Victor Victor Teen Teen Teen Teen Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden The Golden Girls Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics Beach Volleyball. Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics 2020 Tokyo Olympics Tokyo Olympics Olympics Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single Lv Single ›› Beauty Shop (2005) Queen Latifah. ›› Barbershop (2002, Comedy) Ice Cube. Å ››› Friday (1995) Ice Cube. Å ›› Child’s Play 2 (1990, Horror) Alex Vin-

46 63 63 139 247 56 42 42 183 280

Hoarders Å

The Chi “The Girl From Chicago”

Real Time With Bill Maher Å

›› 27 Dresses (2008, Romance-Comedy) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. Å

›› The Prophecy II (1998, Hor- ››› Up in the Air (2009, Comedy-Drama) ror) Christopher Walken. Å George Clooney, Vera Farmiga. Å

The Chi “Native Son” Å

Central Ave

Criminal Minds “Per- Criminal Minds suasion” “Rabid”

100-Foot Wave Å

531 315 315 310 515 thy Olyphant. (Dubbed) Å

retired cop investigates a mystical urban legend.

Hoarders Å

NHRA Drag Racing Lucas Oil Winternationals. (N) (Live)

›› Blackhat (2015, Suspense) Chris Hemsworth, Tang Wei, Viola Davis. Å


› The Empty Man (2020, Horror) James Badge Dale. A To Be Announced

Waves (2019, Drama) Kelvin Harrison Jr.,

Fight Camp

›› King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law. Å

512 303 303 301 502 Channing Tatum. Å

Major Crimes “Risk Assessment” Å

Funny Real Life Central You Ask With Ave

› The Spirit (2008, Action) Gabriel Macht, Samuel L. Jackson. Premiere. Å


›› Hitman (2007, Action) Timo- › Skyline (2010) Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson. Å


Major Crimes “Cleared History”

NewsChavis Hour Wk Chron.

Modern Family

Criminal Minds “The Criminal Minds “The Criminal Minds J.J. Criminal Minds “Mr. Criminal Minds Black Queen” Road Home” is abducted. & Mrs. Anderson” “Gabby”

511 301 301 300 501 (2021) Å

›› 10 Years (2011, Comedy)

The Race ThisMin- ThisMin- Nightwatch “Freak ute ute Show” Å Å

Best Hair Regrowth Sharyl At- ›› Forces of Nature (1999, Romance-Com- Heartland “Wild One” Modern Treatment tkisson edy) Sandra Bullock, Ben Affleck. Å (DVS) Family

NCIS: New Orleans Criminal Minds “The Criminal Minds Caller” “Bully” › Tom & Jerry




CrossFit Games From Madison, Wis. (N) (Live) Å

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Daily Advance What 2 Watch Entertainment Guide / July 30 - Aug 5 by APG Eastern NC - Issuu