Lluis Martinez Candidacy 2017

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Board Candidacy Lluís Martínez

Hola! My name is Lluís Martínez and hereby, I present my candidature as member of the APG Board for Europe by APG Portugal. First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and admiration for Ferzan whom has been perfectly managing the European representation in the Board… and now is when you are expecting the “but”, however in this case there is no “but”, I simply think that I can also be a great representative of the European initiatives and interests within and for the Network. Moreover, I personally think it would be positive to have different candidates in a democratic participation system in order to provide a fresh touch to the network.

Let’s introduce myself: I have worked for 14 years in Iberia Líneas Aéreas, romantically starting as a mail guy to Marketing Manager for the North East of Spain. In 1991 I was requested to lead a new project based on the creation and kick off of a new aviation structure & operations for H.H. Aga Kahn. In 1992 I was appointed General Manager of Meridiana for Spain, Portugal and Andorra. In 2002 I created, together with my business partner Maribel Herrero, our own GSA in Spain: GRT – Global Representación Turística, today APG Spain - Allied Member. In 2003 we opened GPR - Global Portugal Representaçoes. Further in time it has become APG Portugal, managed by Raul Gonçalves. In 2004 we opened GPG – Global Pass Germany with Rudy Knewitz, today APG Germany. In 2007, following our inner Russian, we opened GRM – Global Russia Marketing with Valentina Dobromyslova, today APG Russia. At the present we are managing many different airline companies in these territories as well as e-commerce platforms for the railway business and the incoming tourism, among others.

When it comes to my life timeline & education: I was born… many years ago, in Barcelona in 1957, almost 60 years old. Married with my wife Blanca, we have our son Eduard and two daughters, Mariona and Carla. Myself, as a son of an airline employee in BOAC, I have been living among airplanes my entire life. Educated at the Jesuit School “Saint Estanislao de Kostka” in Barcelona. Business Administration Degree by the University of Barcelona. Ph.D. in Marketing Management by the University of Barcelona. Board Member of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona. Selected for the Iberia Management Program: Training in Madrid and Montreal. Course in Labor Relations by ESADE Business School. Course in Management Skills by CEGOS. International Marketing & Sales Course by ESADE Business School. Quality and Customer Service by Consultores Españoles. Public Relations Course by Iberia.

Awarded by: ENIT (Italian Tourism Board): “Diploma di Benemerenza”. Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government): Diploma Turístic de Catalunya 2000. Russia “Icons of Spain” award – 2014. Grupo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Awards – Trenitalia for 2005, 2007 & 2009 (the only years that they were provided ).

As part of the APG association since 2005, I am willing to contribute to make the network bigger in depth and shape.

How? Simply, by offering my years of organizational experience and strategic sight of the airline industry together with the synergies provided by my network of friends and contacts. No need to mention that I am open to all your requests and proposals. Looking forward to having your support! My best wishes to all of you, Sincerely;


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