City-level 3 pra 4

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Final Exam

Level 3

SECTION A: COMPREHENSION Read attentively the following text: A few years ago, I was going from London to Paris to join my husband and children. I checked in early and the assistant offered to change my ticket from tourist class to business class, which was very nice of her. As she gave me my boarding pass, she told me there was no delay, because there was little air traffic. So, all in all, I was in a very good mood. I went to the business class lounge and I had a cup of coffee, then they called the flight right on time. I had a row of seats to myself, because there weren’t many other passengers and we all sat down, put on our seat belts and waited for the take-off. The cabin’s crew went through the safety instructions and I thought: “Why do they do this on every flight? It’s only forty-five minutes to Paris!” Then we took off. It was a lovely morning, so we had a fabulous view of the south coast as we flew towards France. But then, the pilot made an announcement: “I am sorry but we seem to have technical difficulties, nothing to worry about. Nevertheless, we will land in an airport, just outside Paris, while we get things sorted out”. He sounded very calm, but I sensed that something was happening. The flight attendants went through the cabin once again telling us to fasten our seat belts. Then the captain’s voice came on again: “Well, I’m afraid that the situation is more serious than we thought and we will be landing as soon as we reach the French coast”. Therefore, for the first time in my life, I looked at the safety instructions and checked the emergency exits. In a very short time, we landed and as soon as the plane came to a stop, the attendants told us to get out, as quickly as possible, using the emergency parachutes and to get away from the plane. Nobody panicked, but as soon as we were all out of the plane, we ran as fast as we could. They told us, later on, that they thought there was a bomb on board. It was only afterwards that I realised how frightened I was!

1. Give a title to the text ________________________________________________________________

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Final Exam Level 3 A. Say if the following sentences are TRUE (T) or False (F) 1. The person in the text is a man.


2. The person is travelling to London.


3. The trip is done by plane.


4. The flight was delayed.


5. The plane took off one hour later.


6. The plane was full.


7. She could choose her seat.


8. This flight takes a very long time.


B. Correct the false statements _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

C. Answer the following questions about the text 1. What was the passenger’s destination? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. When did this flight happen? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did the passenger take this flight? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did the passenger do after doing the check-in? ______________________________________________________________________________

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Final Exam

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5. How was the passenger feeling in that special day? ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did the passenger first think of the safety instructions? ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. How was the weather that day? _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. How long did this trip usually take? ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. What did the pilot say in the first announcement? _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Was it similar to the second one? Justify your answer. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. Did the plane land safely? ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. How did the passenger feel about “this accident�? ______________________________________________________________________________

SECTION B: VOCABULARY A. Match each word or expression on the left with its synonym or explanation on the right 1. all in all (l.4)

a) person who works aboard planes

2. good mood (l.4)

b) giving important information

3. seat belts (l.7)

c) when a plane comes down and stops safely

4. announcement (l.11)

d) safety device that holds people to their seats

5. land (l.12)

e) all things considered

6. flight attendants (l.15)

f) feeling well, happy

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Final Exam Level 3 B. Place the words below in the correct column. (Some words may be used in more than one column) ticket


bed and breakfast








check out





a train journey

a boat journey

a plane flight

Hotel accommodation

C. Complete the sentences with the best answer 1. The industrial __________________ of the town were not very pretty. a) scenery

b) sights

c) suburbs

d) subway

2. A package holiday to Spain doesn’t __________________ a lot. a) cost

b) earn

c) worth

d) pay

3. He can’t see you this afternoon, I’m afraid. He’s very __________________. a) crowded

b) serious

c) busy

d) nervous

4. The flight was __________________ so she didn’t need to wait for it. a) on time

b) in time

c) late

d) timely

5. It is dangerous to travel with a large __________________ of cash. a) number

b) amount

c) quantity

d) much

6. She __________________ her job as a printer and opened a travel agency. a) stopped

b) left

c) gave up

d) gave in

D. Read about Tina, the woman who was in that dangerous flight: Exam Level 3

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Final Exam

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“I have quite a large family. My grandmother lives with my mother and father, and she’s called Jacqueline. Then, I have a brother who’s called Raymond and lives in Spain and a sister called Chantal, who lives in Marseille. My aunt is called Christine and my uncle is called Tony. Then, of course, there’s my husband Vincent and our two children, Sarah and Sam. Oh, I nearly forgot, my mother is called Marie and my father is George. We’re very close.”

Write sentences, establishing the correct relationship 1. Jacqueline / Tina,

e.g. Jacqueline is Tina’s grandmother.

2. Raymond / Marie ___________________________________________________________ 3. Tony / Tina ________________________________________________________________ 4. Chantal / Christine __________________________________________________________ 5. Marie / George _____________________________________________________________ 6. Sarah / Sam ________________________________________________________________ 7. Sam / George _______________________________________________________________ 8. Vincent / Tina ______________________________________________________________ 9. Christine / Tony _____________________________________________________________ 10. Chantal / Sam _____________________________________________________________

E. Complete the passage using the words in the box ● reservation ● departure

● landed ● took

● flight

● control

● booked ● address

● reception ● taxi ● plane

● business ● terminal

● took ● luggage

I ___________________ a seat on the one o’clock ___________________ to Geneva on Saturday. I also made a ___________________ for a single room at a hotel in the centre of the city. At eleven o’clock I ___________________ a taxi to ___________________ number two of Heathrow airport. I checked in my ___________________, went through passport _____________ and customs and I walked to the ___________________ lounge.

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Final Exam

Level 3

I boarded the ___________________ at a quarter to one. My seat was in the ___________________ class. The flight ___________________ off on time and the plane ___________________ in Geneva at a quarter past two. I took a ___________________ to my hotel. I gave the man at ___________________ my name and ___________________ and he gave me the key to my room.

F. Agree or disagree with the following sentences 1. I like art galleries. ______________________________________. 2. I don’t like expensive restaurants . ________________________________________. 3. He doesn’t like modern sports stadium. ______________________________________. 4. She prefers crowded nightclubs. ______________________________________.

G. Imagine you and your loved one bought a package tour to a special place and you have just arrived at the hotel. Write a dialogue between you and the hotel’s receptionist (minimum 100 words) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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Level 3

A. Complete the following sentences with the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple I ___________________ (go) to Rome last year with my family and close friends. We ___________________ (travel) by car and, fortunately, we ___________________ (have) great laughs together. My children ___________________ (enjoy) it very much, because they ___________________ (eat) lots of pizzas and ice-creams. However, they ___________________ (not drink) cappuccino, because it ______________ (be) too strong for them. Now I ___________________ (sit) on the sofa looking at those wonderful photos. In some of them we ___________________ (visit) the Vatican Museum, while in others we ___________________ (throw) a coin into the Trevi’s Fountain. My youngest daughter ___________________ (not laugh) in any of these photos, because she ______________ (be) sick. Nowadays, I always ___________________ (miss) those holidays whenever I ___________________ (look) at the photos. That’s why I often ___________________ (show) them to my friends. I ___________________ (not like) to pay such importance to the past as my husband ___________________ (do) but these holidays were quite unforgettable!

B. Write the past tense of the following verbs 1 – smile

6 – meet

2 – do

7 – speak

3 – go

8 – hurry

4 – stop

9 – arrive

5 – see

10 – have

C. Rewrite the following sentences into the negative form 1. The assistant offered to change my ticket. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. She told me that the plane was on time. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. We flew towards France. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. I seemed very calm. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. I looked at the safety instructions. Exam Level 3

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Final Exam

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____________________________________________________________________________ 6. It was a terrible flight. ____________________________________________________________________________

D. Rewrite the following sentences into the interrogative form 1. She gave me my boarding pass. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. We went to the business class lounge. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. I was in a good mood. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. The passengers put on their seat belts. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. The pilot made an announcement. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. I realised how frightened I was.

E. Ask the appropriate questions 1. _________________________________________________________________________? She travelled to Paris by plane. 2. _________________________________________________________________________? She went to Paris, because she wanted to be with her husband and children. 3. _________________________________________________________________________? Yes, she was. (She was very happy that day). 4. _________________________________________________________________________? The flight took off at nine o’clock in the morning. 5. _________________________________________________________________________? The assistant was inside the airport. 6. _________________________________________________________________________? Yes, she did. (She did the check-in early). 7. _________________________________________________________________________? She visited Paris three times last year.

F. Fill-in the blanks with the correct possessive forms Yesterday, on flight 1105 to Paris, there was a bomb on board and everyone left the plane in a hurry. Today some passengers are at the airport looking for the things they left behind:

Vicky: Exam Level 3

Here’s _____________ travel guide and this is _____________(Greg). - Page 8 -

Final Exam Joanne: Leon: Vicky: John: Joanne: Penny: Joanne:

Level 3 Whose jacket is this? It’s _____________. Has anyone seen _____________ new green suitcase? Yes, here it is. And here are two small bags. Whose are they? One is _____________ and the other is _____________. (Susie) Where’s _____________ umbrella? Has anyone seen it? Is this it? Yes, that’s _____________. And here’s _____________. (Penny)

G. Replace the underlined words by its corresponding pronoun: 1. I gave Peter and Sheila the keys to the flat. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. This flat belongs to John and me. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Can you ask Mary to write to Tom, please? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. We took Charles some Swiss chocolates. _____________________________________________________________________

H. Complete with the correct time preposition She decided to go to Paris __________ Thursday evening. She booked the flight ticket the following day and __________ the afternoon she went to the agency to collect it. She was very nervous __________ the departure’s eve because she missed her family. Friday arrived, she left home __________ seven o’clock, and she arrived at the airport __________ time.

I. Complete the following sentences 1. The passenger was afraid because _______________________________________________ 2. It was cloudy outside so ______________________________________________________ 3. She missed her family because _________________________________________________ 4. The captains suspected of a bomb attack so _______________________________________


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Final Exam Level 3 Choose one of the following themes and write a composition of about 80 - 100 words. 1. Write a letter to your best friend telling him/her what you did last weekend. 2. Write a description of the first time you met your best friend. You may refer to: the way you were introduced, the time/place and the reason why you were there, your first impressions‌ 3. Imagine you had the holidays of your dreams. Write about what happened, where/how you went, what you did, where you stayed‌ 4. Imagine you are in London drinking a cup of tea. Describe the place and the actions of the people that surround you. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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