Aslı Pekman // Engineering Physics Projects Portfolio

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AnkaraUni versi ty-Engi neeri ng Physi cs( 20092014) Habi reYahĹ&#x;iHi gh School -Sci ence& Mathemati cs( 20042008)

Thuli um Doped Telluri teGlassCharacteri zati on KoçUni versi tyLaserResearch Laboratory( June2013 -Jul y2014)

Soli dSt ateLasers( Nd: Vanadateand Ti : Sapphi reLasers) , PumpProbe, ZScan, Li feti meMeasurements, Femtosecond, Pi cosecond and Nanosecond Lasers Li ghtTools, Soli d Works, Cati a, Autocad. Engli sh –TOEFLI BTScore:79 Date: 31. 05. 2014

Drum, Gui t ar, Fi lm Photography


Photo ofSt.Catheri ne' sEngland ByKi m Fahlen

Fresnellenswasdesi gned i n Soli dWorks 3D desi gn program and opti mi zed by changi ng parti cularparameterswi th Li ghtTools packageprogram to perfectl ycolli mateapoi nt sourceand resul tswereobserved wi th arecei ver.

http: / / www. candlepowerforums. com/ vb/ showthread. php?283513Homemade67mmglassbasedTI Ropti c

Asweachi eved i n desi gni ng Fresnellens, also aTI R lenswasdesi gned i n Soli dWorks 3D desi gn program and opti mi zed by changi ng parti cularparameterswi th Li ghtToolspackageprogram to colli mate apoi ntsource.


Li nearand nonli nearopti calproperti esofseven thuli um doped telluri teglass sampleswi th 0. 05%,0. 1%,0. 5%,1%,2%,3% and 4% thuli um concentrati onswere characteri zed.

Emi ssi on bandsand thei rli feti mesweremeasured byexci ti ng at893 nm wavelength comi ng from Ti : Sapphi relaser.Emi ssi on spectraofthesesamplesweremeasured wi th PbS detector.Thuli um hastwo wellknown emi ssi on bands,onei sat1400 nm and the otheri sat1800 nm.

Tm doped telluri deglassesshow thatconcentrati on playsacri ti calrolei n determi ni ng therelati vei ntensi tyofthe1400 nm and 1800 nm emi ssi on bands.

Emi ssi on li feti meofthuli um weremeasured at1800 nm wasmeasured wi th Gedetectorforeach sample.Thef actthatli feti meof832 nm i ssi mi larto thatof 1400 nm band wasused.Li feti meof832 nm band wasmeasured wi th PMTdetector. Therefore,bymeasuri ng 832 nm band,i ndi rectresul tsfor1400 nm band were achi eved.

1800 NM DECAY LI FETI ME When theTm i on concentrati on i ncreased from 0. 5% to 4%, therati o ofthe1400 nm to 1800 nm band i ntensi ty decreasesfrom 1. 09 to 6. 6. On thecontrary,i n thesame concentrati on rangeli feti me atthe1800 nm emi ssi on i ncreasefrom 284 µsto 131 µs,atthe1400 nm emi ssi on i ncrease from 1. 42 µsto 1. 68 µs.




Si De t e c t or HR



Si De t e c t or

Sampl e HR z



Two photon absorpti on properti esofthuli um doped telluri teglasseswere i nvesti gated byusi ng open apertureZscan techni que.Second harmoni cof Nd: YAG laserat532 nm wasused astheli ghtsource. I ntensi tydependent transmi ssi on changei . e.nonli nearabsopti on wasobserved forvari ousi nput energi eschangi ng between 0. 5uJ and 5uJ .

Weobserved thatnonli near absorpti on coeffi ci ent i ncreasesbyi ncreasi ng laser i ntensi tyand decreasesby i ncreasi ng thuli um concentrati on.When theTm i on concentrati on i ncreased from 0. 05% to 4%, transmi tt ancei ncreased from 0. 35 to 0. 85, thereforenonli near absorpti on i sdecreasi ng atthi swavelength dueto smallli nearabsorpti on of thuli um i onsat532 nm wavelengths.

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