Aplauso Magazine Fall/Winter 2022/23

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Kymn Harrison
Fall/Winter 2022/2023
Artist and the Studio houston
“Blaze” 60” x 72” oil on canvas


Eko Art Center is a premier art gallery in Houston, TX, that houses one-of-a-kind art pieces.  The gallery’s walls are arrayed with over 30 unique pieces by renowned Nigerian artists like Nike Okundaye, Dr. Ogunwo, Bruce Onobrak peya and more.

Hand-crafted wooden and bronze pieces line the gallery’s interior, nostalgically immersing visitors in the pure excellence of Nigerian art. Eko Art Center in Houston is a branch of Nigeria’s Nike Art Gallery, the largest art gallery in West Africa.

Since opening its doors in Houston, Eko’s art has been a true testament to itself. Captivating and trailblazing, it is coveted by the gallery’s many visitors.

Houston’s Eko Art Center invites you to explore the vibrancy, culture, and beauty of Lagos, Nigeria, through the magic of its art!

Contemporary Art Gallery Showcasting Rich African Cultural Pieces.

Uloma Okundaye / Curator Nike Okundaye / Artist
Aplauso Magazine - Fall/Winter 2023 <><
Silos at Sawyer Yards #102 1502 Sawyer, Houston TX 77007 (832) 283-9425 info@ekoartcenter.com www.ekoartcenter.com
Onose okoeguale / Photographer



2000 Edwards St, Houston, TX 77007

Silver Street Studios #202 713-291-7533

Kymn Harrison is a local Houston artist who draws on her background in psychology to evoke emotions through color and form. Her primary focus is color - subject and style are secondary. Each painting is designed to take the viewer on an intimate journey into the world of feelings.

ARTISTandy (Andy Gonzalez) born in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, June 19, 1974, discovered art early in life, and began developing drawing and painting skills in school. In 1992, ARTISTandy began college and studied at Parsons Paris, School of Design in France where life and art began to sync.

ARTISTandy produced hundreds of life drawings, sculptures, paintings and dove into studies in color and design. When he returned to the States in the mid 90’s, he continued studying Renaissance, Classical and Modern Art.

In 2008, ARTISTandy began experimenting with a new style of work by combining Abstract with Cubism. Over 240 sketches, drawings and designs for oil paintings in his AGGA Collection are currently divided into twenty-one series and scheduled for production over thirty years; all with divine inspiration and messages within each piece, otherwise known as Modern Biblical Art. Shortly after the birth of AGGA, ARTISTandy launched a new Collection titled FACES. FACES are works of Mixed Media pieces on Canvas, Linen, Wood Panels, Di-Bond Brushed Aluminum Panels, Bas-Relief Sculptures and Liquid Chrome Sprayed Canvas. FACES depict close up images of of all types of human emotions, and of every living thing on earth in an abstract style. FACES was inspired by ARTISTandy’s son Noah, and new

works are produced daily in conjunction with AGGA.

2020 ushered in a new world ARTISTandy began to explore; the world of NFTs. It’s what all artists have been waiting for. A world that allows royalties of art sales to forever generate revenue through blockchain technology, and tied to a crypto digital wallet.

ARTISTandy minted his first NFT on the OpenSea network, and has created over 100 NFTs to date, and continues to mint NFTs on Rarible and Portion as well.

“NFTs are not the future of the art world, because it’s already here, and will forever be part of this space; the physical will co-exist with the non-fungible. NFTs are highly regarded investments by digital asset owners, and creators have no boundaries,” says ARTISTandy.

Please visit ARTISTandy.com to see all the produced bodies of art, and visit studio 202 located at Silver Street Studios for art consulta tion, to discuss color, design, paintings, sculptures, NFTs and become an investor and collector in creations by ARTISTandy.

Her current project is a series of paintings chronicling Kymn’s journey through all 14 states of the Appalachian Trail, which will culminate in a solo exhibition in October 2022 entitled Blaze. As a member of the Silver Street Studios collec tive, Kymn is part of a vibrant group of cutting edge artists in one of the nation’s largest working arts communities. Her work can be seen in a variety of exhibits both in person and online.

Kymn Harrison

2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007

Silver Street Studios #205

studio@kymnharrison.com www.kymnharrison.com

kymn harrison fine art

Andy Gonzalez artistandygonzalez Artist Andy Gonzalez kymnharrisonfineart
SEC OND and Third Saturday of the month OPEN STUDIOS From 12-5 pm 2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007 Silver Street Studios #318 972-352-8698 Info@millerqart.com MillerqartMiller Alexander Quevedo Miller Quevedo Aplauso Magazine - Fall/Winter 2023 <>< “All Rise” 45”x 60”


Marlo Saucedo

Silos at Sawyer Yards #231 1502 Sawyer, HTX 77007 (713) 962-1841

marlo@marlosaucedo.com www.marlosaucedo.com

Marlo is a native Houstonian who uses words to create form, specializing in work that literally tells a story: A single word in 175 languages, a family’s story, the history of anything, a company’s goals, everything bees pollinate, everything the Bible says about peace, 2,000 mixtape bandsanything a client wants. To create any visual. She also sets up pieces with many individual’s signatures forming a single piece of art -bringing a community together. Marlo has created commis sioned work for clients including Methodist Hospitals, Crown Castle, Google Cloud, St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, MD Anderson, The City of Houston, Boulevard Realty, and many private homes. For her the greatest honor is to form reality out of an idea.

Lucía Narváez Art

The Silos at Sawyer Yards

1502 Sawyer Street Houston Studio # 113 832-265-3759 art@lucianarvaez.com www.lucianarvaez.com


I am Lucía Narváez, Mexican visual artist. My paintings are all about expression, emotion, movement, and what they make you feel.

Every brushstroke has an intention, and my only hope is that each piece makes the viewer feel inspired and wanting to see more.

Egidio Narvaez

& Commercial Photographer

The Silos at Sawyer Yards

1503 Sawyer Street Studio #230 Houston TX 77007 713-540-6379 info@egidionarvaez.com

Peace, 20" x 20" The Great Bee -detail, 48" x 72"
Olivia, 36" x 36" Acrylic in Canvas @marlosaucedoart Essence, 30" x 48" Acrylic in Canvas
egidionarvaezphotography egidio_narvaez Aplauso Magazine - Fall/Winter 2023 <>< www.egidionarvaez.com

Gretchen Bender Sparks Artist





Gretchen Sparks

I am an artist who likes exploring the spirituality of remote, wide open landscapes. Through the isolation of the Covid years I concentrated on these spaces – void of human touch or interaction. Now we are venturing out into a new world. We are reconfiguring our relationships with our homes/sanctuaries; personal green spaces/gardens; relationships with other people/how close is comfortable. As I face these issues, I am exploring new paths with my art. Some new directions of exploration include:

Interior Landscapes - with windows to the outside.

Micro Landscapes - Exploring scale within the landscape. Looking at the world through a new perspective where the statement “Wide open spaces” is all relative!

Come and see what’s new in the studio –From the wide expanses of far West Texas to the details of Oma's Garden in Austria to the push/pull of a window scape!

gretchenbendersparksart Artist, Geologist, Road Tripper
Houston, TX 77007
Street Studios #214 713-444-7562
Aplauso Magazine - Fall/Winter 2023 <><

2000 Edwards St Studio #325

Houston, TX 77007

Silver Street Studios

sarahinthestudio@gmail.com www.sarahlunafineart.com


2000 Edwards St Studio #325 Houston, TX 77007

Silver Street Studios 419-602-0976

sarahrimboch@gmail.com www.sarahrimboch.com

@sarahrimboch @sarah.rimboch

Dana Cargile Art

2101 Winter Street Houston, TX 77007 #A10

Winter Street Studios (903)730-0701 danacargile.art@gmail.com www.danacargile.art


“I create fine art paintings using oil, acrylic, mixed media and watercolor. My style is impressionistic that utilizes bright contrasting colors. I paint landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, abstracts, animal and human portraits. I paint images in vivid color that I hope others will connect with. I paint with all the feeling in my heart to send a message to my viewer. My goal is to draw the viewer in to study my work to find hidden images. I make art to leave a piece of myself behind on this earth for my loved ones.”

I am a contemporary and pop artist from Houston, Texas. I LOVE color, and I groove on actual POPS of color.

My love language is creating joy and making a statement through my artwork. I am best known for my fortune cookies, abstracts and popsicles. I make each one by hand, and I continue to expand their possibilities.

I accept commissions throughout the year, and depending on the season, it takes about 1-3 months to complete. Don’t hesitate to email me and talk about your project and vision.

I love working with your paint swatches and textile patterns and creating either a contemporary abstract piece, popsicle piece, collage piece or a lightening bolt!

By day, I am a Certified Daring Way high school counselor and am passionate about helping adolescents as they navigate a very interesting world. In 2019, I was featured in Travis Scott’s, Look Mom I Can Fly, his Netflix documentary, where he honors me as his counselor in high school. It was such an honor.

Whether I am painting in my home studio or working in my office as an educator, I am fortunate to thrive and find joy in both worlds.

Sarah Rimboch is an artist living and working in Houston, Texas. She grew up in Huron, Ohio and went to school for Art Education from 2007-2012 at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. After graduating with her bachelor's degree, Sarah moved to Houston in 2013, where she started teaching elementary art and working on her art career. After 7 years of teaching and working on her art, she was finally able to resign from teaching in the spring of 2021 and currently works on her art full time. Sarah is known for her abstract resin paintings, but as she continues to grow as an artist, she has added a variety of different styles and series to her body of work. Sarah works in resin, acrylics, oils and also loves incorporating woodworking into her artwork. She  is continuously challenging herself by learning how to use new materials and create new styles of artwork. You can see and shop her work in her studio, on her website or on instagram.

Spring Skies. 10x10” abstract landscape painting.

Jatziri Barrón

Silver Street Studios 2000 Edwards St Studio #323 Houston, TX 77007 956-534-3222 art@jatziribarron.com www.jatziribarron.com

Oil and acrylic painter Sarah Rimboch Sarah Luna
SEC OND and Third Saturday of the month OPEN STUDIOS From 12-5 pm
Aplauso Magazine - Fall/Winter 2023 <><

Shirley is inspired by ordinary moments of daily life. She paint from her own photographs, taken all over the world, which often capture chaotic and organic moments like street vendors, families walking in the rain, and cows grazing in Texan pastures.  She loves to paint figures, still life, and landscapes and enjoys the challenge of an occasional plain air outing.

You’ll find her oil paintings filled with color, as many people comment upon entering her studio.

Ready for a challenge, because each painting is a new learning experi ence, the variety of subject matter keeps her inspired. Attending workshops and artist conferences periodically and painting alongside other artists keeps Shirley growing and experimenting with different techniques. Along with light and shadow, people, color, mood or a still life filled with things collected over the years, she hopes her love for what she does and her interpretation of life in full color is apparent.

Rodrigo Aguilera Rodrigoaguilera “Self portrait at 7” 30”x22” Acrylic on paper / collage 2000 Edwards St, Houston, TX 77007 #210 Silver Street Studios 281-235-3671 areliuga777@gmail.com www.rodrigoaguilera.art Virtuoso in jugGling styleS 2101 Winter Street #14 Houston, TX 77007 Winter Street Studios 832-788-3735 lavineshirley@gmail.com www.shirleylavineart.com Shirley Lavine Art @shirleylavine @shirleylavine
Flower Market, 30" x 30" oil on linen Maine Summer, 40" x 30" oil on linen Sailing, 30" x 24" oil on linen MASTER PIECES Rodrigo Aguilera West Gallery / Silver Street Studios Opening Reception Friday Nov 4th, 2022 6-9 p.m. November 4 - October 26, 2022 “Everything in creation has a place and a purpose”


www.factoryeyeglass.com 4- Monterroso Gallery 1824 Spring St. #104 www.monterrosogallery.com 239 Westheimer (713)522-5281 www.issuu.com/aplausomagazine
Mezcladadancecompany www.mezcladadancecompany.org aplausomagazine com

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