SPRING - 2020
Art by Erika Alonso
The idea behind “Aplauso Magazine,” is to share the positive influence of art and culture in our society. Dear ar t friends, as someone who enjoys the beautiful ar t of drawing and painting, I am excited about the oppor tunity to produce an ar t publication for our city. As a Latin American ar tist who has lived in Houston for thir ty-three years, I have always been enthusiastic about our local ar t culture. I think the measure of good ar t is not dependent on monetary success, but by its contribution to our community. This is why I have created “Aplauso.”
My wish is to reach out to the ar t community with the concept, “ar t must transcend” with mastery,
dominion, and talent. This will result in an experience of beauty and inspire the viewer. My mission is to present my enthusiasm and passion for ar t through this publication. I am eager to continue to promote contemporary ar t in our great city of Houston. Our “Round of Applause” will feature a chosen role model in every single issue.
Aplauso Magazine / Rodrigo Aguilera
Erika Alonso 2101 Winter Street Houston, TX 77007 Winter Street Studios #22 832-629-0210
“Helmet of salvation” Acrylic on canvas 30 x 24 - 2020
Casamayor Art
Aplauso Magazine - Spring 2020
Untitled, oil and charcoal on wood, 48 “ x 48 “
Mood 1, acrylic and charcoal on wood, 48 “ x 48”
My recent works made with watercolor and ink, acrylic and charcoal mix perspective and pure chance. I begin a painting with no intentions and no intended outcomes, fully embracing the unpredictability of materials and their interactions with each other’s elements. I am at my best when conscious thought is ignored when my hands and eyes are left alone with the material. I use sound to drown out the incessant thoughts: static, waves, songs on repeat. Only under these conditions will a painting emerge: sometimes as an energetic landscape of nonsensical marks; others as evocative scenes that are fantastical and phantasmagorical. My method varies depending on the painting, but always lies somewhere between action painting and automatism. For works on paper I start with a few brushstrokes of water, then drop some ink or color. My large works on canvas start with gestural mark-making in charcoal. From there, I unmask figures (or non-figures) through a series of additional layers. The unmasking itself is apractice of presence and structured wonder. Influenced by my immediate surroundings, what results finds comfort at the interstices between abstraction and figuration. This ambiguity is at the center of my creative process. I feel compelled to create something that captures a momentary mood that can only be expressed visually, like a dream whose recount defies both language and linearity. From there, the viewer is invited to decide for themselves what they see.
Rodrigo Aguilera was born in Bogota, Colombia. As a young child, he remembers replicating an image of Mickey Mouse and becoming obsessed with drawing. His passion from a young age led him to pursue his degree in painting from the Superior Academy of Arts of Bogota (ASAB) in 1984. The next year Aguilera moved to Houston, eager for the American dream and determined to expand his art career. The local art culture inspired Rodrigo, and he soon decided to utilize his graphic design knowledge in order to help promote the arts in Houston. The experiences relating to artists, museums, and what was current and trending, helped develop his own creative process. In the year of 2002 “The birth of Art Gallery Magazine was for me like a postgraduate project, visiting the art galleries and painting all at the same time.” From 2006 until the present he has continued to pursue his career as an artist painter and has participated with the prestigious Hunting Art Prize of Texas 2007 and 2009. He has also appeared in the 2007 Gala Night at the Museum of Latin American Artists (MOLAA) in the Lawndale Art Center. In 2012, he had a solo show with D.M.
Allison at Gallery-Houston’s Gallery Row on Colquitt St. Most recently, he participated with “Latino Art Now 2019” with CAM Fort Bend Museum. Aguilera has had a vast career and an ever-evolving process as an artist. He has mastered works ranging from realism to abstract. Currently, he has fused the two into what he calls "abstraelism." A constant is his expertise in color, which he emphasizes in all of his works. He identifies himself most currently with this quote by Wassily Kandinsky: “If you let your eyes stray over a palette of colors, you experience two things. In the first place, you receive a purely physical effect, namely, the eye itself is enchanted by the beauty and other qualities of color. You experience satisfaction and delight, like a gourmet savoring a delicacy….And so we come to the second result of looking at color: their psychological effect. They produce a correspondent spiritual vibration...Generally speaking, color directly influences the Soul.” Phil 4:8
1824 Spring St, Houston, TX 77007 Spring Street Studios #106 281-799-7837
hannanart233@gmail.com HannanArt233
Oil and Acrylic paint have their individual challenges. The immediacy of Acrylics forces me to identify challenges and address them quickly, and at times is unforgiving. Oil paint, is like an old friend, it welcomes me in and surprises me with beautiful blends and textures, while giving added time to experiment. My abstracts are influenced by memories and photographs of Landscapes, The Ocean, Lakes and Ponds. To capture the violence of the waves on the ocean and the peaceful solitude of a hidden pond or lake. Water has always intrigued me, it sustains, destroys and builds life. In Texas, Water has been an important part of our History from the early days of taming the parched earth of West Texas for Ranching, to the beautiful lakes of East Texas and the destruction to South Texas by Hurricanes and Floods. My goal in painting, is to evoke emotion and have the viewer participate in the journey. www.jimhannanart.com
“Bourbon on the Rocks” 40” x 30” Concrete, Epoxy , Booker bourbon barrel head.
Mona Ghazi
Alessandra Albin
1824 Spring Street, Houston, TX 77007 Spring Street Studios #114 713-725-4265
2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007
moneetsa@yahoo.com mona_fineart
fine art by Mona Ghazi
ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONIST Mona Ghazi is a self-taught abstract expressionist, who is half Egyptian and half Greek, she has been living in her adoptive city of Houston for the las 29 years, Mona received a Biology/chemistry Degree from El Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya. However, painting was always a passion that flourished over the years. Mona works primarily in acrylics and encaustic (a medium she is enamored with) but also occasionally incorporates other media, which allows an interplay of materials in her creations. Mona’s art has been exhibited internationally in Dubai and locally here in Houston, in both juried and non-juried exhibitions. Her work is also in private and corporate collections in Norway, Egypt, and in the USA. Creating a piece of art is a formidably arduous, exalting, and liberating experience that Mona hopes her viewers will feel, then it has served the purpose for which it was created.
Silver Street Studios #322 aa@alessandraalbin.com
My family line comes from many different places and cultures: Italy, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia. I was born in Mexico and I moved to Houston a long time ago. Fragments of all these places made the culture I have. Fragments. What I am is what you see. We are complete humans until we have to describe ourselves. Then, magic happens! We have to use different words and feelings. We become fragments. We dismember ourselves. I worked as a teacher all my life. I have the need to be my own teacher now. Motivate, push, pressure, and scold myself. My inspiration and ideas come from Greek and Latin antique sculptures. Gods and characters of mythology come to life with a modern twist. I describe myself through the characters I create. I put me in all of them and, maybe you- if you dare. These fragments of life. This is what I do. www.alessandraalbin.com
“Saliendo” Paper, plaster, fabric.
Hannan Art & Photography
“Calm and Chaos” Acrylic on Canvas 60 x 48 x 1.5
Bogdan Mihai info@bogdanfotoart.com 936-668-0109 Silver Street Studios #111 2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007 IG: @bogdanoninstagram
Bogdan Mihai is a Romanian photographer and video producer living in Houston, though his work has been exhibited in Romania, Argentina, the USA and Switzerland. Bogdan's photographic work focuses on a variety of subjects: psychology, documentary, street photography, and studio work. His photographs can be seen online at www.bogdanfotoart.com or by appointment at his studio in Silver Street Studios, #111. Bogdan also works on commission for photography and /or video projects whether they be commercial or fine art. “The Passage” from the series Inheritance
Aplauso Magazine - Spring 2020
Valentina Atkinson
Karuna Leach
Chell Vassallo
2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007
2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007
2000 Edwards St. Houston TX 77007
Silver Street Studios #317 713-724-0709 serranoartgallery@gmail.com
Silver Street Studios #301 281-455-8421 karuna225@yahoo.com
Valentina Atkinson
Art by Karuna
She was born in Mexico City, Mexico. The daughter of a painter and architect Serrano de la Piedra, Valentina studied industrial design at Universidad Ibero-Americana and Communication Arts at the University of San Francisco in California. In 1990, Valentina moved with her family to Houston, Texas, where she became the Executive Director, and then Chair of the Board of Directors for the Mexican Cultural Institute. Through the Institute, Valentina brought many important Mexican exhibits to Houston galleries and museums, including the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. Years later, Valentina launched Canal Street Gallery (now Serrano Gallery) and hosted more that 60 exhibits with local and international artists. Valentina trained as a watercolor painter with well-known Mexico City painters Manuel Arrieta and Alicia Leyva. Valentina has participated in numerous painting and sculpture seminars at the Glassell School of Arts and the Art League of Houston and has studied with many renowned artists, including Arthur Turner. Valentina’s work is constantly evolving as she seeks new challenges. Her favorite media is watercolor; however, she enjoys experimenting with encaustics, precious foil, and other mixed media compositions. Valentina is drawn to painting what she sees and loves, and she believes in the art that nurtures the soul. Valentina's works are displayed in many local and international galleries and are held in dozens of private collections internationally. Her work has received several awards and has been exhibited in over 20 solo shows, and in numerous group exhibits.
Karuna Leach began painting as a way to create beauty in an otherwise empty (wall) space. Her creative process is organic as she feels her way through, exploring both color and texture. She uses color to evoke a mood, and plays with texture to create depth and dimension. The piece is done when new realms of beauty are discovered within it. "I let things emerge and when I feel a piece is done, I decide on a name. When I pray and meditate, I often see earthly images from a heavenly perspective. I’m called to use my art to extract the Truth about WHAT REALLY MATTERS. I plumb the depths of myself, inviting others to come along and do the same. I deeply desire to make the unknown known, the intangible tangible, and the unseen seen. Creating art is a spiritual practice for me, and is part of my spiritual expression. I use my feelings as my artistic medium, and I LOVE my medium." Karuna has shown her work in a variety of art shows and group exhibitions and has installed works in private collections in Texas, Arizona and California.
Silver Street Studios #323 info@chellvassallo.com
chellvassallo Chell Vassallo Chell Vassallo is an emerging visual artist, working primarily with representational art in charcoal. Deeply inspired by Joseph Campbell's work on comparative mythology, Vassallo explores the human being's ability to create and believe in stories as a way to confront the inevitability of death. "I seek to portray the human being's unique storytelling skills through mythological narratives, combining dramatic negative spaces with monochromatic representations in charcoal to create an atmosphere marked by tension and resilience". Her works are part of private collections in Dubai, Australia, Netherlands, USA, Argentina and Brazil.
Rona Lesser
1502 Sawyer St Houston TX 77007 Silos Studios #313 832-372-5465
ronalesser@gmail.com www.ronalesser.com Rona Lesser
Aplauso Magazine - Spring 2020
“Innocence” 11"x14" Charcoal and Chalk on tonned paper “Serendipity” Mixed media on panel 40 x 30 Inches
I believe that artwork should be more than just representation: my paintings express my feelings about the world I view. Through various media I explore the color, shape, and emotion that a scene or model bring about. Color play, expression, movement, and the wonder of creation are all part of my work. I am influenced by my own spirituality and by the work of artists I admire. I hope you will share in my sense of wonder at the world and all of its beauty. My figurative work is often done directly from the model, which allows me to experience a direct connection with the subject. This connection and the emotional attachment that results can be experienced in line and color — I hope you will share my experience and my vision.
“Morning Light” watercolor, 13,5 “ x 10”
“Places” mixed media and ink, 12” x 12”
Katiyana Nova
Jatziri Barrón
Sarah Frances
1907 Sabine Street, Houston, TX 77007 Sabine Street Studios #127
2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007
Silver Street Studios #119 956-534-3222 bjatziri@gmail.com
Art at Atelier Birdy
@jatzirisart Jatziri Barrón is a Latina artist native to the state of Guanajuato, Mexico and Houston based since 2013. In her work she explores humanitarian topics that study immigration, evolution, and the human search for connection and purpose, between others. As the artist states, “I want my art to create an alternative understanding and perception of reality.” Through the use of vibrant colors, visual metaphors, and mixed media she creates artwork with the purpose of awakening the natural sensibility, spirituality, and need of transcending in others and herself. Her work ranges from realism to abstract, to a mix of both. The artist also dedicates her time to private commissions which range from muralism to portrait art.
Sarah Frances was born and raised in Houston, Texas and graduated from the University of Houston Clear Lake campus with a bachelor in Humanities. She currently lives in Pearland, Texas with her son and remains a full-time artist building on more than 25 years of experience. Sarah finds inspiration from nature; at her core she remains proud of her grandparents’ heritage and loves to incorporate Native American design into her work. . Her paintings are in dedication to her grandmother’s sister who passed away at the age of six, Frances.
Katiyana Nova is a multicultural visual artist who has been a lifelong traveller not having quite figured out a place to call “home” yet. She spent her childhood in Bulgaria, her university years in Cambridge, UK and her adult life here in the States. Her work focuses on faces and their expressions. They are painted in vibrant colours in some or black and white shades in others. Most of her paintings are created on large scale canvas and oils and acrylics are used for rich textured layers. Some of her inspiration comes from Bulgarian Folklore where art is in rich colors mixed in with traditions that have been handed down over thousands of years. Particular practice that influence Katiyana’s art is the so called “Surva” Festival where people depict folkloric ritual monsters, dressed in elaborate suits of fur, horns and ribbons, feathers and beads. It is done to ward off evil spirits and invite the good into communities.
“Craving” Acrylic and mixed media 14” x 11” “Trenzando tristezas” Acrylic on canvas 48” x 60”
“The Tree” Original designs of wood blocks
Piyali Sen Dasgupta “All living energy is directed to and belongs to the tree”
Sabine Street studios #141 832-236-9958 - 281-665-1706 piyalisendstudioart@gmail.com
Aplauso Magazine - Spring 2020
Miller Quevedo
Tania Botelho 2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007 Silver Street Studios #102
2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007 Silver Street Studios #316 972-352-8698 Info@millerqart.com Miller Alexander Quevedo
Art by Jeanne Jones The Silos on Sawyer Studio #112
Miller Quevedo is a Colombian artist that has lived in Houston, Texas since 2015. He is dedicated full time to his art. His development as an artist has gone through several stages of exploration between the figurative, expressive, and abstract. He has always taken interest in the study of the creative process, including how our brain works in this area. His taste for research has led him to communicate through his work an importance of developing and training all of our senses. This includes the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses. His works begin with the two-dimensional plane into the three-dimensional. These three-dimensional planes incorporate elements such as wood, aluminum, metal, and ropes. The result of these works give the viewer the opportunity to connect with their senses, as you can also see and touch the work in the process. The process also creates a sound response. During these interactions the viewer is activating three very important senses. Miller’s work is also rich in color, elements and creativity. Today, Miller calls his work CONNECTING WITH YOUR SENSES.
taniabotelho@yahho.com www.taniabotelho.com @taniahbotelho Art by Tania Botelho
Tania Botelho was born in Brazil and moved to Houston in early 90s. Her journey started very early and she worked in many projects and in different art areas. Performing art pushed her into the visual art world and allowed her to develop a very interesting fusion of dancing, acting and visual techniques and creativities. She has done many group and individual exhibitions in Houston, Europe and South America and have attended a few art residency programs in Vermont Studio Center and Virginia Creative Center of Art in Virginia. She also has been awarded with a scholarship at Glassell school of art in Houston and took collage, assemblage, drawing, painting and mixed media classes, as well. In 2011 she has received two awards (Third place and an Honorable Mention) in a group show curated by Mr. Bert Long at the Archway Gallery in Houston. In 2013, for the first time her art works were exposed at the Art Car Museum in Houston in an exhibition called “Full Circle”, from January to June. In 2015, she presented a new series named “Magic Birds” at the Jung Center Gallery in Houston, during the month of March. In October of 2016, she opened her new art studio at the Silver Street Studios in Houston. Still in 2016 in Houston, she has participated in the Big Show at Lawndale and Lives Matter at Art Car Museum. She also took part in 2 group shows in Miami and New York. In 2017 in Houston, she was part of the Ninth Annual exhibition at Archway Gallery and the 21st Annual Art on the Avenue at Winter Street Studios. She also participated in a group exhibition in Hoboken NJ. She participated in a group show in March 2018 in New York City and in Houston at The Art Car Museum from December 2018 to February 2019 – she continues to create and develop new ideas and projects with her art and exposing them in other group shows abroad, across the country and at her studio in the Silver Street Studios in Houston. She always wants her art to be strong, provocative and an instrument to promote the art as an educational and cultural valuable tool for the society.
Rodrigo Aguilera
www.issuu.com/aplausomagazine Aplauso services to the Museum district area at no cost, It's free. For advertising information infoaplauso@gmail.com
Our next publication SUMMER ISSUE Week of June 15th 2020
Aplauso Magazine - Spring 2020
April 25, 2020 - 5-9 PM SPRING BIANNUAL ART SHOW + SALE @ SILVER, WINTER, SILOS On the second Saturday of each month, the artists of The Silos, Silver Street, Winter Street, Sabine Street, and Summer Street Studios open their studios to the public.
Magic Birds by Tania Botelho
“Birds of the Nights” The Jung Center Gallery April 2nd to 29th, 2020 Artist reception – April 4th – 5 to 7 pm
Mixed Media/Painting/Collage
DeAnn Christensen 1824 Spring St, Houston, TX 77007 Spring Street Studios #227 832-860-0275
deannchristensenart@gmail.com deann_christensen_
Marie E. Casamayor-Harvey I am an artist based in Houston, Texas, with roots in Cuba and Colombia. I earned a B.A. from the University of Houston with a major in Art History, minoring in Studio Arts and Architecture, and a Master in Education and Supervision from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. I am an abstract artist who creates paintings, sculptures, drawings, collage and mixed media works. My work reflects intense curiosity, wild imagination, and an enchantment with symbolism, expressionist colors and metaphysical and surreal imagery. I experiment with different media, combining many materials and techniques. I incorporate strong boundaries and borders with bright, bold colors and muted tones. I am interested in exploring musical, spiritual and emotional experiences through my art. I strive to both ignite and excite people’s souls! My work has been the subject of 4 solo exhibitions and numerous group exhibits. My work can be found in private collections in the U.S., Canada, Colombia, Cuba and Sweden. Besides my studio practice, I have also curated exhibits and have taught art in after school programs at the elementary and junior high school level.
DeAnn is known for her colorful acrylic paintings and creations of atypical subjects/objects merged with various mediums. “Creating gives me a voice to express and release my artistic diversity. Art is always about exploration and growth. I communicate to the viewer through my choice of objects, movement, form and color. I would prefer to be known as a chameleon than to be boxed into a style and contained within boundaries or mediums. Each piece should illustrate its own perspective, truth or beauty. Art doesn’t need to be defined with vast statements, if it provokes a strong emotional response, it has fulfilled its purpose. Just as no two people are alike, each work of art should stand on its own merit.” Her inspiration comes from world travel, a deep sense of spirituality, nature and the human condition.
Clovis Postali 2000 Edwards St Houston TX 77007 Silver Street Studios #215 832-696-5789
cpostali@gmail.com cpostali Clovis Postali
Cyclists wandering carelessly in varied locations, wildly sunny landscapes, intriguing abstracts and environment statements portrayed as mountains covered in ice are the most frequent themes in Clovis Postali’s oil and acrylic paintings. His works convey not only present-day issues, but also celebrate his love for our world and life itself. Grandson of Italian immigrants, Postali was born and raised in a small town in the most southern state of Brazil. Although there were many artists in the family he chose to obtain a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering and earn a living working in the beverage industry. Constant travels throughout the world and the ever-present love for all forms of art sharpened his perception and consolidated his will of expressing himself as a visual artist. After living in several continents, Clovis left the corporate life for good and became a full-time artist. He shows his work at Silver Street Studios and on occasional solo/group shows. He has chosen Houston, Texas, as his place of residency since 2011. www.clovispostali.sitelio.me (new design coming soon) www.txartistdirectory.com - Clovis Postali
“audere est facere”
after the rain, acrylic and oil on canvas, 48” x 36”
2101 Winter Street Houston, TX 77007 Winter Street Studios #19B (713) 449-4074
Casamayor Art
cityscape, acrylic on canvas, 40” x 40” Aplauso Magazine - Spring 2020
13- Davin Borden Gallery 3917 Main St. (713)529-2700 www.devinborden.com
21- Jack Meier Gallery 2310 Bissonnet (713)526-2983 www.jackmiergallery.com
1700 Post Oak Blvd.1 BLVD Place 713.527.7700 www.laurarathe.com
Our Exclusive Distribution in the Museum District Area
6 5
59 EL
9 2 8
26 7
4- Art Box Gallery Spring Street Studios # 109 www.artboxgallerytx.com 4 - Serrano gallery 2000 Edwards St. #208 (713)724-0709 www.serranogallery.com
17- Gray Contemporay 3510 Lake St. (713)862-4425 www.graycontemporary.com
13- Samara Art Gallery 3913 Main St. (713)999-1009 www.samaragallery.com 26- Sicardi Gallery 1516 W. Alabama (713)529-1313 www.sicardigallery.com
19- Redbud Gallery 303 East 11th, St. (713)869-4770 www.redbudgallery.com
13- Art Palace Gallery 3913 Main St. (832)390-1278
18- Deborah Colton Gallery 2445 North Blvd. (713)869-5151 www.deborahcoltongallery.com
17- Heidi Vaughan Fine Art 3510 Lake St. (832)875-6477 www.Heidivaughanfineart.com
17- Dean Day Gallery 2639 Colquitt (713)520-1021 www.deandaygallery.com
11 th STREET
17- Moody Gallery 2815 Colquitt St. (713)526-9911 www.moodygallery.com
12- Art of the World Gallery 2201 Westheimer Rd. (713)526-1201 www.artoftheworldgallery.com
17- Catherine Couturier Gallery 2635 Colquitt (713)524-5070 www.catherinecouturier.com
23- McClain Gallery 2242 Richmond Ave. (713)520-9988 www.mcclaingallery.com
25- Octavia Art Gallery 3637 W. Alabama #120 (713)877-1810 www.octaviagallery.com
16- Booker-Lowe Gallery 4623 Feagan St. (713)880-1541 www.bookerlowegallery.com
17-Laura Rathe Fine Art 2707 Colquitt St. (713)527-7700
11- Archway Gallery 2305 Dunlavy (713)522-2409 www.archwaygallery.com
10- Barbara Davis Gallery 4411 Mntrose Blvd. (713)520-9200 www.barbaradavisgallery.com
22- Koelsh Gallery 703 Yale St, (713)626-0175 koelschgallery.com
14- Ardenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Picture Framing and Gallery 1631 W. Alabama (713)522-5281 www.ardensgallery.com
9- The Jung Center 5200 Montrose Blvd. (713)524-8253 www.junghouston.org 24- Meredith Long & Company 2323 San Felipe. (713)523-6671 www.meredithlonggallery.com 10- Anya Tish Gallery 4411 Mntrose Blvd. (713)524-2299 www.anyatishgallery.com
8- The Museum of Fine Arts 1001 Bissonnet. (713)639-7300 www.mfah.org
7- The Menil Collection 1515 Sul Ross. (713)525-9400 www.menil.org
6- Lawndale Art Center 4912 Main St. (713)528-5858 www.lawndaleartcenter.org
5- Houston Center for Contemporary Craft 4848 Main St. (713)529-4755 www.hcponline.org
2- Contemporary Arts Museum 19- G - Gallery Houston 301 East 11th, St. (713)869-4770 5611 Montrose Blvd. (713)284-8250 www.camh.org 20- Gremillion & Co. Fine Art 2501 Sunset Blvd. (713)522-2701 3- Diverse Works Artspace www.gremillion.com 3400 Main Street, # 292 (713) 223-8346 17- Hooks-Epstein Gallery info@diverseworks.org 2631 Colquitt St. (713)522-0718 www.hooksepsteingalleries.com 4- Fotofest 2000 Edwards St. #2 Building C 13- Inman Gallery (713)223-5522 3901 Main St. (713)526-7800 www.fotofest.org www.inmangallery.com
1- Art league of Houston 10- David Shelton 1953 Montrose Blvd. (713)523-9530 4411 Mntrose Blvd. (713)393-7319 www.artleaguehouston.org www.davidsheltongallery.com