The Final Cut
Denis Markell
Whenseventh-graderAlexisstuck takingFilm,hehastolearntowork withtwoverydifferentstudentsto makethemovietheywanttomake, evenassomeonetriestostopthem.
Chasing Vermeer I J Balliet
Winterborne Home for Vengeance
and Valor I J Carter
Finally, Something Mysterious I J Cornett
The Curious League of Detectives and Thieves: Egypt's Fire
Tom Phillips
After John's mom dies, he makes himself at home in the ceiling of the New York Museum of Natural History But when a rare Egyptian ruby goes missing, John is accused of the crime. That is until Inspector McGee sweeps in to wrestle control of the case, certain that the true culprit is a notorious criminal he's been tracking for years.
The Midnighters
Hana Tooke
FollowingtheoneclueherfriendSylvie leftbehindbeforeshewentmissing, Emaseekstoinfiltratethemysterious MidnightGuildtorescueSylvie, despiteapeculiarfearofshadowsand theabilitytopredicteventsbeforethey happen
The Ambrose Deception I J Ecton
The Great Shelby Holmes I J Eulberg
Recommended Reads Mystery
Belly Up I J Gibbs
The Van Gogh Deception I J Hicks
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The Game Master: Mansion Mystery
Matt Yoakum & Rebecca Zamolo
When the Game Master pet-naps
Miguel's pet snake, the clues lead Becca, Miguel, and friends to a super spooky house where they must use all their smarts and strengths to solve the puzzles and games to save the day
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Indiana Bones
Harry Heape
Indiana Bones is a shaggy dog with a difference He's got superpowers and can sniff out criminals and - with his young friend and owner Aisha - solve mysteries that would flummox the world's more expert detectives!
Drew Leclair Gets a Clue
Katryn Bury
Whenacyberbullypostsembarrassing rumorsaboutotherstudentsatschool, Drew,toprotectherownsecret,putsher sleuthingskillstogoodusetofindthe culprit,whojustmightbeoneofher closestfriends.
The Case of the Missing Auntie
Michael Hutchinson
TheMightyMuskratshaveanewcaseto solve:tofindthewhereaboutsoftheir grandpa'slong-lostsister.Onceinthe brightlightsofthebigcity,thecousins getdistracted,faceoffwithbullies,meet someheroesandunlikelyteachers,and experiencemanyofthedifficultiesFirst Nationskidscanfaceinthecity.
Wreck at Ada's Reef
Michael D. Beil
Twelve-year-oldLarkHeron-Finch inheritsahouseonSwallowtailIslandin LakeErie,wheresheuntanglesa decades-oldmysteryandsavesthe islandfromunscrupulousdevelopers
Undercover Latina
Aya De León
AndréaHernández-Baldoquínhailsfrom afamilyofspiesworkingfortheFactory, aninternationalorganizationdedicatedto protectingpeopleofcolor.Forherfirst solomission,Andréastraightensherhair andgoesundercoverasAndreaBurke,a whitegirl,tobefriendtheestrangedson ofadangerouswhitesupremacist
Hide and Geek
Eleven-year-old Gina Sparks, aspiring journalist, and her fellow GEEKs, Edgar, Elena, and Kevin, live in Elmwood, New Hampshire, a small town in serious danger of vanishing completely--unless the four friends can find the Van Houten fortune.
Sisterhood of Sleuths
Jennifer Chambliss Bertman
Wheneleven-year-oldMaizyfindsabox ofvintageNancyDrewbooks,her mysteriousdiscoveryuncoversatruth fromthepastthatwillleadtoselfdiscoveryinthepresent,connectingthree generationsofwomen
Whenadiamondgoesmissingfromthe Louvre,itisuptonine-year-oldJulietato identifythethief,exonerateherfather, andreturnhometoBostonbeforeher babybrotherisborn.
The Missing Jewels
Hayley LeBlanc
Things are going great for Hayley on the set of her show, Sadie Solves It But one day, things start disappearing. Hayley doesn't want to get involved... after all, she only plays a detective on TV. But then one of the stolen items is found in her trailer, and her favorite makeup artist, Vee, is blamed for the theft! Can they find the real thief before Vee is fired for good?
Daybreak on Raven Island
Fleur Bradley
Tori,Marvin,andNoahwouldratherbe anywhereelsethanontheclassfieldtrip toRavenIslandprison.Butwhenthe threeofthemstumbleuponadeadbody inthewoods,missthelastferryback home,andthenhavetospendthenight onRavenIsland,theyfindthattheyneed eachothernowmorethanever
The Secret Letters
Margaret Peterson Haddix
ColinandNevaeh,whoseparentsown rivaljunk-removalbusinesses,find vintagelettersthatleadtointerlocking mysteriesfromthe1970sand'80s,and theylearnabout"women'slib,"theERA, andothersocialissuesfromthattimein history--andthewayechoesfromthatera affectColinandNevaehthemselves.
Chester Keene Cracks the Code
Kekla Magoon
Eleven-year-oldChesterandhis classmateSkye,taskedwithacomplex puzzle-solvingmission,discoverthekey totheirspyassignmentistostopa heist,butcrackingthecodecouldmean findingoutthingsarenotalwayswhat theyseem