Book Match for Adults
Pleasefillinasmuchofthisreaderprofileasyouwish.Themore informationyouprovide,themorelikelyitisthatwecansuggest titlesthatyoumightenjoy.LibrariansattheAuroraPublicLibrary willuseyouranswerstocreateacustomizedreadinglistforyou.
Allprofileswillberespondedtoassoonaspossible.Starredquestionsarerequired.Pleasereturnyour completedprofiletotheAdultReferenceDeskatanyAuroraPublicLibraryDistrictlocation!
Name*: _____________________________________________________________
Library Card #* _____________________________________________________________
Email or Phone Number* ____________________________________________________
The librarians should*: Sendmealistofbookstobrowsemyself____________
We will email your curated list or call to set up a time to pick up a printed copy after we are finished.
Maywesaveyouranswerssothatwemaybetterhelpyouinthefuture? (circle one) Yes No
What book(s) or author(s) have you recently read that you enjoyed?* Please try to name a few!
What did you like about the book(s) or author(s)?*
What book(s) or author(s) have you recently read that you didn't enjoy?*
What about the book(s) or author(s) didn't appeal to you?*
Is there anything you try to avoid when picking out books?* This could include violence, swearing, explicit sex, books with 400+ pages, etc.
Reading preferences
Do you read Fiction or Nonfiction?* (circle one) Fiction Nonfiction Both
Do you enjoy reading Contemporary Fiction? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Fantasy? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading GLBTQ+? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Historical Fiction? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Horror? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Humor? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Inspirational/Christian Fiction? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Literary Fiction? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Mystery? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Romance? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Science Fiction? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Short Story? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Suspense/Thriller? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading Western? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
Do you enjoy reading YA/Teen? (circle one)
Loveit Enjoyit
Couldtakeorleaveit Nottoointerested Hateit
If you read nonfiction, what subjects do you enjoy reading about?
Is there anything you are particularly interested in today? This could include: genre; tone; series or stand-alone; books similar to a specific TV show, movie, or other book; etc.
Do you read in Print? (circle one)
Always Often Sometimes Never
Do you read in Large Print? (circle one)
Always Often Sometimes Never
Do you read in eBook format? (circle one)
Always Often Sometimes Never
Do you read in Audiobook on CD format? (circle one)
Always Often Sometimes Never
Do you read in Audiobook (download)? (circle one)
Always Often Sometimes Never
Do you read Graphic Novels/Manga? (circle one)
Always Often Sometimes Never
Is there anything else you would like us to know? Something you loved that we missed? Want to be more specific?