Book Match Junior (0-7 yrs)

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Book Match Junior (0-7)

Please fill out a separate sheet per child.

Readers's Name:

Readers's Age & School Grade:

Caregiver's Name:

Caregiver's Email Address:

Caregiver's Phone Number (if you'd like a paper copy):

Library Card Number (if you'd like items to be placed on hold for you, for APLD card holders only):

Which library location do you visit? (Santori, Eola, West, or Bookmobile):

For your child, are you interested in...

Board books? (For babies and toddlers):

Picture books? (For all ages!):

Early reader books? (Usually for grades K-2, located in the E section):

Beginner chapter books? (Usually for grades 2-3, located in the YF section):

Non-fiction & biographies? (If yes, please indicate which you'd like):

Graphic novels or comics? :

Audio options? (Includes audiobooks, books with CDs, & VOX books)

(If yes, please indicate which you'd like):

Book Match Junior (0-7)

What topics are you interested in for your child?

What fiction topics are you interested in? (Examples include animals, families, school, STEAM concepts, etc.):

What non-fiction topics are you interested in? (Examples include animals, science, cooking, history, art, etc.):

What else should we know before we make book suggestions? (Examples include reading level, child’s favorite books, series preference, books already read, only books in Spanish, etc.):

How would you like to receive your Book Match Junior list? (Select up to 2 options)

Place a few of the suggested books from the list on hold for me at my library location of choice.

Email me the list to look at myself.

Call me to pick up a paper copy of the list from my location of choice.

Staff use only. Date turned in: Forward form to Caitlin at Eola.

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