Book Match Junior (0-7)
Please fill out a separate sheet per child.
Readers's Name:
Readers's Age & School Grade:
Caregiver's Name:
Caregiver's Email Address:
Caregiver's Phone Number (if you'd like a paper copy):
Library Card Number (if you'd like items to be placed on hold for you, for APLD card holders only):
Which library location do you visit? (Santori, Eola, West, or Bookmobile):
For your child, are you interested in...
Board books? (For babies and toddlers):
Picture books? (For all ages!):
Early reader books? (Usually for grades K-2, located in the E section):
Beginner chapter books? (Usually for grades 2-3, located in the YF section):
Non-fiction & biographies? (If yes, please indicate which you'd like):
Graphic novels or comics? :
Audio options? (Includes audiobooks, books with CDs, & VOX books)
(If yes, please indicate which you'd like):