Aurora Public Library District Newsletter
(630) 264 - 4117
Hours | Horario
Monday - Thursday: 9 a m - 9 p m
Lunes - jueves
Friday - Saturday: 9 a m - 5 p m
Viernes - sábado
Sunday: 1 - 5 p m
Closed | Cerrada
07/04 - Independence Day
Día de la Independencia
Message from our Director Mensaje de nuestra Directora
In 2022, we asked for your feedback about how your libraries are working for you, and we heard you loud and clear – better spaces for kids and teens, larger program rooms (and more programs!), more group study rooms, better access to technology, and updated interiors We spent 2023 putting together an infrastructure plan, and in 2024 we’ve been working with our architects and the Library Board to finalize everything. Now we’re ready to get started, and Eola Road Branch is first up! We have in-person and virtual information sessions scheduled so that you can see all the great things that are coming, and of course there’s a party to celebrate construction starting at Eola Road Branch West Branch customers, you’re up next: expect to start hearing from us in early 2025
The Excitement is Building: Eola Renovations Saturday, June 15 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Tuesday, July 9 at 2 p.m.
Friday, August 9 at 10 a m
Thursday, August 22 at 7 p m
Eola Road Branch - 166
Enjoy a carnival (6/15) and lively activities as you hear the most current information on our Eola Road Branch renovation project! A virtual option is available on July 9 with registration
En 2022, te pedimos tu opinión sobre el funcionamiento de tus bibliotecas y te escuchamos alto y claro: mejores espacios para niños y adolescentes, salas de programas más grandes (¡y más programas!), más salas de estudio, mejor acceso a tecnología e interiores renovados. Pasamos el 2023 elaborando un plan de infraestructura y en el 2024 trabajamos con nuestros arquitectos y la junta directiva para finalizarlo todo ¡Ahora estamos listos para comenzar y primero le toca a la sucursal de Eola Road! Tenemos programadas sesiones de información presenciales y virtuales para que puedas ver todas las grandes cosas que se avecinan y, por supuesto, celebraremos el inicio de la construcción en Eola con una fiesta Si eres un cliente de la sucursal West, tú turno sigue: espera tener noticias a principios de 2025.
JULY 2024 | JUNIO Y JULIO 2024
aurorapubliclibrary org
Explore our Summer Reading Adventure theme of Read, Renew, Repeat in these stories where nature, climate, and the ecosystem play a major role!
Leer, Renovar, Repetir es el tema de nuestra Aventura de lectura de verano. Explóralo en estas historias dónde la naturaleza, el clima y el ecosistema juegan un papel importante
Children | Niños/as
Featured Programs Programas destacados
En español
Museo instantáneo
Jueves, 6 de junio de 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
*Registration Required |
Registro requerido
** Tickets available 30 minutes before the program
** Boletos disponibles 30 minutos antes del programa
Miércoles, 12 de junio de 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Sucursal Eola RoadSala de programas infantiles
Lunes, 24 de junio de 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Sucursal West - Sala de reuniones
¡Los Museum PopUps de DCM brindan aprendizaje STEAM práctico, diseñado específicamente para nuestros exploradores más jóvenes y sus familias directamente a su biblioteca! Durante nuestra experiencia “Es un zoológico”, los niños tendrán la oportunidad de usar sus músculos para crear estructuras, grandes y pequeñas, mientras exploran conceptos de razonamiento espacial y planificación motora. 0 a 5 años con un cuidador
Conceptos de mantenimiento de automóviles*
Sábado, 29 de junio a las 11 a m
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
Teens | Adolescentes
Adults | Adultos
¿Quieres aprender cómo prolongar la vida útil de tu coche, o lo qué debes considerar al comprar un automóvil usado? ¡Este programa te puede ayudar a responder estas preguntas y más!
Children Section
Children | Niños/as
Rainbow Storytime & Craft**
Monday, June 17 at 10 a.m.
Eola Road Branch -
Children's Program Room
Happy Pride Month! Come to this special all-ages storytime about love, acceptance, and being proud of who you are!
D DiN ' R il Show
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Consultas legales de inmigración*
Martes, 18 de junio
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 225 & 226
¿Tienes preguntas legales sobre la ciudadanía o inmigración? Estas consultas gratuitas de 30 minutos se realizarán con un abogado de World Relief, acreditado por el Consejo de Apelaciones de Inmigración (Board of Immigration Appeals) del Departamento de Justicia.
Ramo de pino*
Martes, 23 de julio a las 6:30 p m
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
Traigamos un poco de vida y color a nuestro hogar de una manera económica, creando un hermoso arreglo floral con piñas de pinos que seguramente durará muchos años
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Relaunch Party!
Friday, June 21 from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Santori Library - 125/126
Join us for a party in celebration o of our NEW 1 Before Kinde reading progr include craftin from a belove character, an Ages 0-5 with
¡Fiesta de lanzamiento de lectura de verano!
o, 1 de junio de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. eca Santori - Estacionamiento a el inicio de nuestra Aventura de lectura de verano úsica en vivo de Istvan & His Imaginary Band, e aves rapaces en vivo de Wings & Talons, os gratis hasta agotar existencias más!
Watercress by Andrea Wang Berros por Andrea Wang
How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu
La naturaleza de las brujas por Rachel Griffin
The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin
Una nueva tierra salvaje por Diane Cook
READ,RENEW,REPEAT! ¡Leer,Renovar,Repetir!
Teens | Adolescentes
Jackbox Games
Tuesday, June 11 at 7 p.m.
Virtual via Discord
The teen discord is back! Join us online to play Jackbox games over voice chat Keep an eye on the Discord the first week in June to vote on what games you want to play. Email teens@aurorapubliclibrary org to join the Discord server
Snap, Edit, Share:
Mastering Smartphone Editing*
Thursday, July 18 at 6 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 166
Dive into the world of photo editing and discover how to enhance colors, adjust lighting, remove imperfections, and add creative effects to your pictures with photographer and author Molly Page
Adults | Adultos
Community Voices: In Conversation
Friday, June 7 at 5 p.m.
Society 57100 S. River St. Aurora, IL 60506
Panelists from our LGBTQ+ community, whose stories are showcased in our Community Voices Pride exhibit, will share their Aurora lived experiences in a discussion facilitated by a moderator All are welcome
Cheesemaking 101:
Unleash Your Inner Cheese Connoisseur*
Thursday, July 11 at 6 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 166
Calling all chefs, cheese-lovers, and the cheese-curious! Meredith Meder from Full Circle Cheese will discuss different milk types, cheese styles, and how to make, buy, cut, and store a variety of cheeses.
Pride Nails*
Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125 Learn how to make a beautiful, Pride-inspired design with local nail technician Stephanie Arzate. Stephanie will give us a step-by-step tutori share tips and tricks for creating own designs at home! Bilingual program (English & Spanish).
Book Page Rose Pens
Tuesday, July 23 at 7 p.m. Eola Road Branch - 166
Create your own pens topped with unique, book page roses made from upcycled books! All materials will be provided
June 1 - 28 & July 6 - August 2 1 - 28 de junio & 6 de julio - 2 de agosto
Storytimes are for children of all ages and their caregivers, unless otherwise noted. Las horas de cuento están disponible para niños de todas las edades y sus cuidadores, a menos que se indique lo contrario.
Monday | Lunes
Family Storytime
10 a m - Santori Library
Bilingual Storytime | Cuentos bilingües
10 a.m. - West Branch
6:30 p.m. - Santori Library
Bedtime Stories
7 p m - Eola Road Branch
Immigration Legal Consultations*
Tuesday, June 18 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Santori Library - 225 & 226
Have legal questions about citizenship or immigration? Register for a free, 30-minute consultation with a Board of Immigration Appeals accredited staff attorney representing World Relief.
Hidden Messages in Negro Spirituals*
Wednesday, July 17 at 6 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126 & Virtual via Zoom
IL Humanities Road
Tuesday | Martes
Tots & Tunes (Ages 2 - 3)
10 a.m. - Eola Road Branch
Family Storytime 10 a m - West Branch
Wednesday | Miércoles
Bilingual Storytime | Cuentos bilingües
10 a.m. - West Branch
Busy Babies (Ages 0 - 24 months)
10 a m - Santori Library
Little Learners (Ages 3 - 5)
10 a m Eola Road Branch
Summer Reading Kick-Off Party
Saturday, June 1 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Santori Library - Parking Lot
Celebrate the start of our Summer Reading Adventure with live music by Istvan & His Imaginary Band, meet live raptors from Wings & Talons, enjoy free tacos while supplies last & much more!
Scholar Connie Martin will explore how certain lyrics and emotion within Negro Spirituals were used to inform freedom seekers when and how to escape from the bondage of slavery.
Thursday | Jueves
Family Storytime
10 a.m. - Santori Library
10 a m - Eola Road Branch
Friday | Viernes
Busy Babies (Ages 0 - 24 months)
10 a m - Eola Road Branch
Storytime & Craft (Ages 3 - 5)
10 a.m. - Santori Library formoreinformation. paramásinformación.
S torytimes | Cuentos S torytimes | Cuentos
Pick up your program guide at any APLD location or download it today! ¡Recoje tu guía de programas en cualquier sucursal de APLD o descárgala hoy!
Santori Library
101S.RiverSt. Aurora,IL60506
Eola Road Branch
555S.EolaRd. Aurora,IL60504
West Branch
233S.ConstitutionDr. Aurora,IL60506
Summer Bookmobile Stops
Paradas de verano de la biblioteca móvil
Schedule subject to change Horario sujeto a cambios
For up-to-date information about stops and special events, please call 630-723-2705 or visit
Para obtener información actualizada sobre paradas y eventos especiales, llama al 630-723-2705 o visita
StorytimeatArrowWoodPark forages3+withacaregiver Joinusformusic,read-alouds, andmore!
ColoradoAve &N CommonwealthAve
McCulloughParkwith Sci-Tech.Forages6-11 withacaregiver Stopbyfor hands-onSTEMactivities 150W.IllinoisAve.
ActivitiesontheGoat PhillipsParkZoowith AuroraAreaInterfaithFood Pantry.Childrenages6-11 andtheircaregivermayjoin usforart,STEM,andother funsummeractivities. Peopleofallagesmaytake homefreebagsoffamilyfriendlyfoods 1000RayMosesDr.
PlumParkwith NorthernIllinois FoodBank TheNorthern IllinoisFoodBankwill offerfreeandnutritious boxedmealsforyouth ages18&under. 337PlumSt.
ConstitutionHouse withAuroraArea InterfaithFoodPantry. Peopleofallagesmay takehomefreebagsof familyfriendlyfoods 2131W.GalenaBlvd.
BrooksElementarySchool 2700StonebridgeBlvd. 2:30-3pm
AldenGardensofWaterford 1955RandiDr.
SummerReadingKick-Off SantoriLibrary 10a.m.-12p.m.on Saturday,June1
Peopleofallagesmaytake homefreebagsoffamilyfriendlyfoods. ChurchRd &EdisonAve
EolaRoadBranch 555S EolaRd from1-2pm onthefollowingWednesdays: June5&19 July3,17,31 August14
9:30-10:30am LakewoodValleyClubhouse 2529DickensDr. 12:30-1:30pm CambridgeChasePark 3168BennettPl. 2-3pm CarillonStonegate 1300MansfieldDr.
AuroraChristianSchool 2255SullivanRd from1:30-2pm onthefollowingThursdays: June6&20 July18 August1
SATURDAYS 9-11am FarmersMarket 65WaterSt. 1-2pm ButterfieldPark DuPageParkway&WhiteBarnRd. 2:30-3:30pm SavannahSubdivision SavannahDr.&FlagstoneLn.
WestonAvenuePark 323WestonAve from1:30–2pm onthefollowingWednesdays: June12&26 July10&24 August7
aurorapubliclibrary org