Eola Road Branch 555S.EolaRoad Aurora,IL60504 West Branch 233S.ConstitutionDrive Aurora,IL60506 Santori Library & Bookmobile 101S.RiverStreet Aurora,IL60506 October & November 2023 octubre & noviembre 2023 aurorapubliclibrary.org
Hours | Horario
Lunes - Jueves
Viernes - Sábado
11/22: Close at 5 p.m. Cerrado a las 5 p.m. 11/23: Thanksgiving Day día de Gracias
Table of Con Tabla de con
2 - Featured Events & Library Info
Eventos destacados e información de la biblioteca
3 - Storytimes
Hora de Cuentos
3 - Programas en español
6 - Programs for children
Programas para niños/niñas
11 - Programs for teens
Programas para adolescentes
14 - Programs for Adults
Programas para adultos
Story Contest
nvited to submit a short story e. Each story must include nformation visit
Segundo Concurso Anual de Cuentos de Autores Jóvenes
1 - 30 de noviembre
Se invita a los aspirantes escritores jóvenes (2º a 5º grado) a enviar un cuento para ser juzgado por su creatividad, estilo y voz. Cada historia debe incluir el tema: Un misterio resuelto Para obtener más información, visite aurorapubliclibrary org/Featured
Diwali Celebration:
The Festival of Lights
Saturday, November 4 | 1 – 4 p.m. Eola Road Branch
Join us for an afternoon filled with stories, crafts, treats, and live henna body art! We will also be featuring performances by a local, traditional Indian dance school and music by Aurora students
Individuals who require accommodations in order to participate in the library's programs are requested to contact the specific location at least 10 days in advance. Please note: The Aurora Public Library District staff and volunteers sometimes take photos and videos of customers at library locations and during programs or events. The photos and/or videos are used for promotion and publicity of APLD and its services in printed and online library publications.
Se solicita a las personas que requieran adaptaciones para participar en los programas de la biblioteca que se comuniquen con la sucursal específica con al menos 10 días de anticipación. Tenga en cuenta: el personal y los voluntarios del Distrito de Bibliotecas Públicas de Aurora a veces toman fotos y videos de los clientes en las bibliotecas y durante los programas o eventos. Las fotos y/o videos se utilizan para la promoción y publicidad de APLD y sus servicios en publicaciones bibliotecarias impresas y en línea.
Closed | Cerrad
Connect with us Conéctate con nosotros @APLibraryIL * Registration required | Registro requerido ** Tickets available 30 minutes before the program | Boletos disponibles 30 minutos antes del programa Registration Info | Información de Registro www.aurorapubliclibrary.org/events | 630-264-4117 Join our Email List Download our Newsletter aurorapubliclibrary.org/news News | Noticias
Únase a nuestra lista de correo electrónico Descarga el Boletín
Santori Library BibliotecaSantori
Songs & Stories (All Ages) 10 a m
Monday lunes
Cuentos y cantos bilingües | Bilingual Stories and Songs (All Ages | Todas las edades) 6:30 p m
October 14 – November 17
14 de octubre - 17 de noviembre
Eola Road Branch SucursalEolaRoad
West Branch SucursalWest
Bedtime Stories (All Ages) 7 p m
Tuesday martes Tots & Tunes (Ages 2 - 3) 10 a m
Wednesday miércoles
Busy Babies (Ages 0 - 24 months) 10 a.m.
Sleepyhead Storytime (All Ages) 6:30 p.m.
Thursday jueves Family Circle Time (All Ages) 10 a.m.
Friday viernes
Storytime & Craft (All Ages) 10 a m
Cuentos y cantos bilingües
Little Learners (Ages 3 - 5) 10 a m
Cuentitos, rimas y más (Todas las edades) 10 a m
Family Storytime (All Ages) 10 a m
Bilingual Storytime | Cuento bilingüe (All Ages | Todas las edades) 10 a m
Music & Movement (All Ages) 10 a.m.
Busy Babies (Ages 0 - 24 months) 10 a m
lunes, 2 de octubre - 13 de noviembre | 6:30 - 7 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 139
Disfrutemos leer y cantar en dos idiomas.
Cuentitos, rimas y más
lunes, 2 de octubre - 13 de noviembre | 10 - 10:30 a.m.
Sucursal West - Sala de Reuniones
Disfrutaremos de cuentos, rimas y musica infantil en español.
Cuentos bilingües
miércoles, 4 de octubre - 15 de noviembre | 10 - 10:20 a.m.
Sucursal West - Sala de Reuniones
¡En este programa disfrutaras de cuentos infantiles bilingues, rimas y musica!
Concurso de deletreo en español para niños* domingo, 15 de octubre | 2 - 2:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125
¡Participa y muestra tu orgullo Hispano deletreando en español! Premios para los primeros 3 lugares Para niños de 6 a 11 años de edad.
Tarde de Manualidad & Cine: Coco jueves, 26 de octubre | 5 - 7:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
Ven a la biblioteca por la tarde para ver la película de Pixar Coco.
Cautívate por la lectura Cautívate por la lectura
1 - 31 de octubre
Recoje un registro en cualquier sucursal de APLD. Sigue el rastro y colorea cada una de las 5 imágenes de otoño por cada 15 minutos que leas (o que te lean) ¡Regresa tu registro completo para recibir un premio!
3 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
Inglés en jueves, 5
Bibliote jueves, 1 Sucurs
¡Mejora t
Voces de la comunidad: en conversacion*
viernes, 6 de octubre | 5 - 6 p.m.
Nide Jardin, 140 S. River St., Unit 106
Los miembros de la comunidad hispana compartirán información sobre su herencia y experiencias vividas
Primer viernes: celebrando el Mes de la Herencia Hispana viernes, 6 de octubre | 6 - 8 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - Atrio
¡Estamos celebrando con música en vivo, la exhibición Voces de la Comunidad, concurso de disfraces y más!
Grupo de conversación en inglés*
sábado, 7 de octubre - 25 de noviembre | 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 332 & Virtual por Zoom
Únase nase a otros aprendices de inglés de todos los niveles en Zoom
Inmigración 101: Visas, ciudadanía y beneficios martes, 10 de octubre | 6 - 8 p.m.
Sucursal Eola Road - Sala de Reuniones Grande & Virtual por Zoom
Una representante de USCIS presentará sobre los tipos de beneficios de inmigración
Computación básica*
miércoles, 11 de octubre y 8 de noviembre | 6 - 7 p m
Biblioteca Santori - 218
Aquí aprenderá las habilidades básicas para usar el ratón y el teclado También aprenderá lo básico del programa
Microsoft Word
Clínica de vacunas contra la influenza
jueves, 12 de octubre | 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Sucursal Eola Road - Sala de Reuniones jueves, 19 de octubre | 4 - 7 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
¡Obtenga su vacuna contra la influenza sin costo en la biblioteca! Edades 18+
Jardín de lectura*
Estamos proporcionando un servicio sin cita previa para ayudar con preguntas legales 15 minutos por persona
jueves, 12 de octubre y 9 de noviembre | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Nide Jardin - 140 S River St., Unit 106
Jardín de lectura presenta libros de ficción con enfoque de autores hispanoparlantes
Reuniones el segundo jueves del mes.
octubre: La Hacienda por Isabel Cañas
noviembre: Más allá por Julia Alvarez
Concurso de deletreo en español para adolescentes y adultos*
domingo, 15 de octubre | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125
¡Participa y muestra tu orgullo Hispano deletreando en español! Premios para los primeros 3 lugares
Crea una calabaza decorativa con un libro* lunes, 16 de octubre | 6 - 7 p.m.
Sucursal West - Sala de Reuniones
Acompáñanos a construir una calabaza decorativa hecha con páginas de un libro. Una artesanía fácil y divertida para decorar tu hogar este Octubre
Historias paranormales de mi pueblo: cuentos del más allá martes, 17 de octubre | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 224
¿Tienes ese tío que jura que escuchó a la Llorona, esa tía que vio a un duende cuando era niña o tal vez simplemente no te cansas de sus historias? Compartamos historias paranormales en español
Corona de cempasúchil para el Día de Los Muertos* martes, 24 de octubre | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 224
Hagamos una hermosa corona de flor cempasúchil para nuestro altar o entrada para el Día de los Muertos.
October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023 PRO 4 PROG
Computación intermedia*
miércoles, 25 de octubre y 15 de noviembre | 6 - 7 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 218
Aprenderá cómo encontrar sitios de Internet e información con buscadores como Google, y practicaremos con otros programas de computación para mejorar tus habilidades
Churros & calaveras*
sábado, 28 de octubre | 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
Se acerca el Día de Muertos, celebremos decorando nuestras propias calaveritas de azúcar.
Exhibición y concurso de ofrendas*
lunes, 30 de octubre - sabado, 4 de noviembre | todo el dia
Biblioteca Santori - Atrio
Las ofrendas creadas por nuestra comunidad se exhiben en nuestro Atrio!
Primer viernes: Celebrando Día de los Muertos viernes, 3 de noviembre | 6 - 8 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - Atrio
Disfrute de danza, arte, Pan de Muerto, la competencia de ofrendas y un desfile de moda con globos
Mayores de edad, jovenes de espiritu: Karaoke martes, 7 de noviembre | 5 - 6:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125/126
¡Invitamos a personas mayores de 64 a nuestra primera reunión mensual: Un espacio para socializar, divertirse con actividades y juegos, informarse sobre recursos comunitarios y más!
Consultas legales de inmigración*
martes, 14 de noviembre | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Sucursal Eola Road - 128 & Sala de Reuniones Pequeña
¿Tiene preguntas legales sobre la ciudadanía o inmigración?
Regístrese para una cita gratis de media hora
Inglés para principiantes* lunes y miércoles, 2 de octubre - 27 de noviembre
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Biblioteca Santori - 332 martes y jueves, 3 de octubre - 30 de noviembre
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Biblioteca Santori - 224
¿Estás empezando a aprender inglés ? Regístrate para una clase gratis de 12 semanas para principiantes Aprende inglés con World Relief en clases semanales interactivas diseñadas especialmente para principiantes. Practicarás la lectura y escritura, mejorarás tu conversación y mucho más. Ofrecemos dos niveles para principiantes
Las clases se reunirán dos veces por semana durante 12 semanas. El nivel 1 se reúne los martes y jueves. El nivel 2 se reúne los lunes y miércoles
Como empezar tu propio negocio* miércoles, 15 de noviembre | 6 - 7 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 332
¿Eres un nuevo emprendedor o buscas iniciar un negocio? Únase a Minerva Calatayud del Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial de Mujeres (WBDC) y aprende todo lo que necesitarás saber para empezar!
Centro de mesa de otoño* martes, 21 de noviembre | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Biblioteca Santori - 125
Diseñemos un impresionante centro de mesa para el Día de Acción de Gracias que será el complemento perfecto para tu mesa Utilizaremos elementos como hojas secas, calabazas, florero, ramas y flores
5 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
Bilingual Storytime - Hindi
Thursdays, October 5 & November 9 | 4 - 4:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Join us to enjoy stories told in English and Hindi! Children of all ages and their caregiver(s)
Fire Department Storytime**
Sunday, October 8 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
It's Fire Safety Week! Join us for a special storytime with the Aurora Fire Department and a real fire truck! Children of all ages and their caregiver(s).
Indigenous Peoples' Day Storytime & Craft**
Monday, October 9 | 2 - 3 p m
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Monday, October 9 | 6:30 - 7:15 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Honor Indigenous Peoples™ Day with a storytime of stories, songs, and facts celebrating Indigenous cultures. We will also create a kids' version of an Indigenous craft Children of all ages and their caregiver(s)
Constellations Storytime & Craft
Wednesday, October 18 | 4 - 4:45 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 129
Learn about stars and constellations featured in our night sky & create a craft Ages 4 - 6
Bilingual Greek Storytime*
Friday, October 20 | 11 - 11:30 a.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Enjoy a bilingual storytime in both English and Greek Rhymes, music, and more will be featured Opa!
Alien Invasion Storytime & Craft
Wednesday, October 25 | 4 - 4:45 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Do you believe in aliens and UFOs? We'll read stories and make a craft using potatoes and paint to create your alien Ages 4 - 6
Ready for Kindergarten Playgroup
Tuesdays, October 3 - November 14 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Get kindergarten ready with this interactive playtime, brought to you in collaboration with SPARK Aurora Ages 2 - 5
Meet Mirabel Madrigal**
Saturday, October 7 | 1 - 2 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Saturday, October 14 | 1 - 2 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come meet Mirabel Madrigal from the movie Encanto! Mirabel will lead us in a storytime and dance party Children of all ages and their caregiver(s)
Pretend & Play*
Wednesdays, October 11 & November 29 | 10 - 10:45 a.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Books, crafts, and activities included.
October: explore, play, and work in a pretend pumpkin patch!
November: explore, play, and work in a pretend space station! Registration will open two weeks before the event Ages 2 - 5
Math Matters
Wednesday, October 11 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
This program provides simple math techniques for children October's topic is tallying Ages 3 - 6
Little Builders**
Saturday, October 14 & November 11 | 10 - 11 a.m.
Thursday, November 2 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Build cool creations using LEGOs & DUPLOs. Ages 3 - 5 with a caregiver
Paper Plate Monster Craft**
Monday, October 16 | 12 - 12:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Celebrate spooky season with a paper plate monster craft! Ages 3 - 5 with a caregiver.
Fall into Reading
October 1 - 31
Pick up a log at any APLD location. Follow the trail and color each of the 5 fall images for every 15 minutes that you read (or are read to). Bring your completed log back for a prize!
6 October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023
Noon Lions Club Free Vision Screening
Saturday, October 21 & November 18 | 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Aurora Noon Lions Club provides free vision screening for children Primarily aimed at 6 months to 6 years old although useful up to age 16
Messy Mornings - Baby Sensory Play**
Saturday, October 21 & November 18 | 10 - 10:45 a m
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Let your baby explore using their developing senses with our messy sensory stations Ages 0 - 24 months
Halloween Storytime & Costume Parade!
Tuesday, October 24 | 10 - 10:30 a.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Tuesday, October 31 | 10:30 - 11 a.m.
Eola Road Branch -
Large Meeting Room
Ready for a “not-too-scary" Halloween storytime? Storytime will be followed by a costume parade through the library.
Attendees are encouraged to wear costumes
Sundays, October 1 - November 12
1:30 - 2:30 p.m. | Eola Road BranchLarge Meeting Room 3 - 4 p.m. | Santori Library - 125/126
Empower your children by fostering their love of math! Join OneInMath, a free in-person math tutoring program for students in grades K - 3, run by volunteers
Merry Tutors
3:30 - 5 p.m.
Tuesdays, October 3, 17 & November 7, 28
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Thursdays, October 5 & 19 - November 2 & 16
Santori Library - 224
3: 45 - 5:30 p.m.
Thursdays, October 12 & 26 - November 9 & 30
West Branch - Living Room
Looking for free homework help for your student? Drop in for tutoring sessions with volunteers from The Merry Tutor! Grades K - 12.
Just for Fun! Play-Doh**
Wednesday, November 1 | 2 - 2:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Let's have fun together in this play-based program where we will explore and create with Play-Doh. All materials will be provided. Ages 3 - 5.
Toddler Art**
Tuesday, November 7 | 2 - 2:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Toddlers, bring your caregivers and explore paint! A variety of mediums will be provided to create your own unique artwork. Ages 18 months - 3 years.
celebrate celebrate dinovember dinovember at apld at apld
All November | All Locations
Go for a dino-themed scavenger hunt, create a dinosaur craft, or color a dinosaur coloring page at any of our locations!
Dinosaur Paper Roll Craft**
Thursday, November 9 | 6 - 6:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Design and create your own dinosaur with a toilet paper roll! Ages 3 - 8 with a caregiver
T-Rex Tea Party
Monday, November 20 | 6 - 6:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Stomp on down to the library for the fiercest tea party ever! We'll have dinosaur stories, songs and surprises Wear your fanciest or most ferocious attire Ages 3 - 9
Paper Pterodactyl Puppet**
Wednesday, November 15 | 6 - 6:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Make your own pterodactyl puppet to help celebrate Dinovember! Ages 7 - 12
We Dig Dinosaurs!*
Saturday, November 18 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Join us for a fun, interactive presentation and dino-riffic activities including a fossil dig, dino-bowling, bone craft, and more
Period Party
Wednesday, October 4 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Learn about menstruation in a safe environment with Certified Nurse-Midwife Rebekah Ellinger, explore informative stations, and make a craft! Ages 8 - 18, all genders welcome
7 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
Fun for All: Board Games
Thursday, October 5 | 5 - 7 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Join us for our board game club! Come play the games we already have available or bring your favorite board game and teach others how to play! All ages
The Art Box
Saturdays, October 7 & November 11 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Create some interesting art projects and show off your creativity. Caregiver(s) welcome.
Meet Mirabel Madrigal**
Saturday, October 7 | 1 - 2 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Saturday, October 14 | 1 - 2 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come meet Mirabel Madrigal from the movie Encanto! Mirabel will lead us in a storytime and dance party Children of all ages and their caregiver(s).
Wonder Clubs*
Monday, October 9 | 10 - 11 a.m. & 1 - 2 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
In partnership with DuPage Children's Museum and SciTech, Wonder Clubs empower children to explore their curiosity and foster a sense of wonder Ages 5 - 11
Design Your Own Board Game
Monday, October 9 | 11 - 11:45 a.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Using a template, design your own board game to take home
2nd Annual Young Authors Short Story Contest
Segundo Concurso Anual de Cuentos de Autores Jóvenes
November 1 - 30 1 - 30 de noviembre
Aspiring young writers (grades 2-5) are invited to submit a short story to be judged on creativity, style, and voice. Each story must include the theme; A Mystery Solved. For more information visit aurorapubliclibrary org/Featured
Se invita a los aspirantes escritores jóvenes (2º a 5º gra a enviar un cuento para ser juzgado por su creatividad, es y voz Cada historia debe incl tema; Un misterio resuelto.Pa obtener más información, visit aurorapubliclibrary org/Featur
Homeschool Huddle*
Tuesdays, October 10 & November 7 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126 & Hurrell Storytime Room
Oct 10: Felt a Pumpkin - Learn the art of wool felting with a real artist! Create your own beautiful wool felted pumpkin to take home. All materials provided.
Nov 7: Take & Bake - Learn the history of bread and make mini loaves of pumpkin bread to take home for baking.
Grade levels 1 - 5.
Trading Card Club
Tuesday, October 10 & November 14 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
It's time to duel! No matter what sort of cards you collect, you're welcome to come to this club to trade and play with others! Ages 6+.
Crochet for Kids*
Thursdays, October 11 & November 29 | 4 - 5 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Learn and practice the basic techniques of crocheting Materials will be provided.
Coding Club**
Wednesday, October 11 & November 8 | 4 - 5 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Want to learn about coding? Join us for fun activities that teach beginner coding skills! Grades 3 - 5
Worry Dolls**
Thursday, October 12 | 3 - 4 p m
West Branch - Meeting Room
Learn all about worry dolls and then make your very own doll to take home
October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023
Chess Club
Thursdays, October 12 & November 9 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Mondays, October 16 & November 20 | 6:30 - 8:30 p m
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Drop in, learn, play, and have fun developing strategies! Chess Club welcomes newbies, novices and chess masters of all ages! Walk-ins are welcome
Santori Sprouts
Saturday, October 14 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Santori Library - Kiwanis Children's Center
Help our garden grow! Learn basic gardening skills through hands-on activities.
LEGO® Club**
Saturdays, October 14 & November 11 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 2 | 4 - 5 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Thursdays, October 7 & November 18 | 1 - 2 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Saturday, November 4 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Come in to build cool LEGO creations. LEGOs will be provided by the library
Self Defense for Youth*
Saturday, October 14 | 2 - 3:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Are your children aware of the basics of self safety? Topics include stranger danger, situational awareness, consent, grooming, basic striking and more! Ages 7 - 11
Wednesday Addams Art**
Tuesday, October 17 | 6 - 6:45 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
If you love Wednesday as much as we do, create some fun art using a variety of materials! Grades 3 - 5
y, | p
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Create your own bat popsicle stick craft! Ages 7 - 12.
Afternoon Craft & Movie: Coco
Thursday, October 26 | 5 - 7:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Watch Pixar's Coco, make your own painting, and enjoy snacks! Costumes are encouraged.
Downtown Trick or Treat
Saturday, October 28 | 1 - 3 p.m.
Santori Library - Lake St. Entrance
The Santori Library is a stop on the Aurora Downtown Trick or Treat map Come by, grab some candy or a small toy, and show off your costume!
Thursday, November 2 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Halloween may be over, but we can still have fun with pumpkins! We'll conduct a volcano experiment before cleaning those pumpkins up to paint.
Iron Snackers
Tuesday, October 17 7 - 7:30 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room Master the art of snackin'! We will make a fun, cool snack each month.
Reading with Rover
Wednesdays, October 18 & November 15 | 4 - 5 p.m. West Branch - Meeting Room
Saturdays, October 21 & November 18 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Have fun reading to our dog friends! Dogs and handlers are from the Fox Valley Therapy Dog Club Children of all ages and their caregiver(s).
Monarchs On the Move*
Thursday, October 19 | 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
With the help of the University of IL Extension, learn about the Monarch Butterfly, the challenges that it faces to survive, and the unique life cycle of butterflies Ages 8 - 12
9 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
STEM Building 101
Friday, October 20 | 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
What type of builder are you? Use our building kits to test your engineering skills.
Light-Up Cards**
Saturday, October 21 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Learn circuit basics and put together a postcard that lights up, using simple electronics supplies Then decorate the card and keep it or give it away!
Early Readers Book Club
Monday, October 23 | 4 - 4:45 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
A book club just for grades K-2! Read about your favorite characters! Engage in exciting activities! This program does not teach children how to read.
Bored? Play Board Games!
Sundays, October 22 & November 19 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Try one of our many board games, or bring your own and teach others how to play! All ages and drop-ins are welcome
Pokemon Trainers' Club
Tuesday, October 24 & November 28 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Bring your own Pokemon cards, battle at our Pokemon Go gym, or bring your Nintendo DS to play with other trainers! Ages 7+
Award-Winning Homeschool Book Club*
Friday, October 27 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Thursday, November 30 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Discover the enduring classics, discuss with other readers, and engage in fun comprehension activities. Pick up your own copy of the book at the Santori Children's Desk Grades 4 - 5
3D Printing: Design a Box*
Monday, November 6 | 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 218
Learn the basics of kid-friendly 3D design program Tinkercad and create and decorate a small box with a lid for storing your smallest stuff Designs will be printed after class Grades 3 - 5
Mini-Golf in the Library
Friday, November 10 | 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Santori Library - Kiwanis Children's Center
Looking for a fun group activity? Stop for a round of mini-golf. Children of all ages and their caregiver(s).
STEM Building 102
Friday, November 17 | 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Put your engineering skills to work. Use toothpicks, clay, straws, etc to create the tallest, longest or strongest structure
The Art of Henna
Wednesday, November 1 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Learn about and experience the art of henna! Henna artist Vanaja will apply a henna design on your hand Ages 6 - 11 with a caregiver, and drop-ins are welcome.
Diwali Celebration: The Festival of Lights
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch
Join us for an afternoon filled with stories, crafts, treats, and live henna body art! We will also be featuring performances by a local, traditional Ind dance school and music by Aurora students
Diwali Display Competition*
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Lobby
Flower petals, diyas (clay oil lamps), and more!
Celebrate Diwali by creating a Diwali display to share with our community and compete for prizes
Bring your own décor, have fun, and get creative!
Rangoli Competition*
Monday, November 6 | 5 - 8 p.m
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Celebrate Diwali with a friendly rangoli competition! Beautiful patterns are decorated with colored powders, rice, flowers, beans, & more. Register to compete, or drop in and vote for your favorites!
Rangoli Competition: Viewing & Voting
Thursday, November 9 - Sunday, November 12
Santori Library - Atrium
Drop in and vote for your favorites! These beautiful patterns are decorated with colored powders, rice, flowers, beans, & more Competition takes place on Wednesday, November 8. To take part of the competition, please visit aurorapubliclibrary org/events
Diwali Dance Talent Show*
Thursday, November 9 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Children and teen dancers are invited to celebrate Diwali by showing off their dancing skills, and all are invited to cheer them on! Individual and group dances are welcome
October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023
Bright Directions
Tuesday, November 21 | 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
This program is a great opportunity for children to learn about mindfulness techniques through stories and crafts
Teen Advisory Board (TAB)
Mondays, October 2 & November 6 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Santori Library - 224
West Branch - Meeting Room
Virtual via Zoom
Teen Advisory Board is a group of teens that helps with special projects and planning programs We meet in person at every location and on Zoom P S There will be pizza!
Merry Tutors
Tuesdays, October 3, 17 & November 7, 28 | 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Thursdays, October 5 & 19 - November 2 & 16 | 3:30 - 5 p m
Santori Library - 224
Thursdays, October 12 & 26 - November 9 & 30 | 3: 45 - 5:30 p.m.
West Branch - Living Room
Looking for free homework help for your student? Drop in for tutoring sessions with volunteers from The Merry Tutor!
Grades K - 12
Teen Hangout
Tuesdays, October 3 - November 28 | 4 - 5 p.m.
West Branch - Living Room
Come hang out in our Teen Area and play games, craft, and more Snacks will be provided, and walk-ins are welcome Grades 6 - 12
DIY Sundials*
Tuesday, October 3 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Ever find yourself wondering what time it is? The sun can tell you that! In honor of the upcoming solar eclipse, we will be making sundials that really work!
Craft Your Own Adventure
Wednesday, November 22 | 1 - 2 p.m.
Santori Library - Hurrell Storytime Room
Stop by and choose your own craft adventure! Get creative with glue, paper, chenille stems, magnets, and more!
Friday Afternoon Movie
Friday, November 24 | 2 - 3:45 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Drop in for a family movie Bring your own packaged snack or covered drink Movie: Elemental (Rated PG)
Rockets to the Rescue*
Thursday, November 30 | 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Learn how to build a paper rocket and launch it with a stomper through this fun, interactive workshop with the University of Illinois Extension! Ages 8 - 12
Period Party
Wednesday, October 4 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Learn about menstruation in a safe environment with Certified Nurse-Midwife Rebekah Ellinger, explore informative stations, and make a craft! Ages 8 - 18, all genders welcome.
Fun for All: Board Games
Thursday, October 5 | 5 - 7 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come play the games we already have available or bring your favorite board game and teach others how to play! All ages and drop-ins are welcome
Service Saturday For Teens: Gravestone Transcription
Saturday, October 7 | 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Saturday, October 14 | 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Saturday, October 28 I 1 - 3 p.m.
West Branch - Living Room
Help people locate their ancestors by transcribing pictures of graves. Laptops, snacks, and volunteer credit will be provided.
11 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
Test Your Metal: Metal Stamped Keychains
Monday, October 23 | 4 - 6 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Grab a mallet and get ready to stamp some metal! All materials will be provided, and no prior experience is needed Safety will be enforced when using the mallet.
The College Application Process
Tuesday, October 24 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Through this presentation, juniors and seniors will learn the ins & outs of the college application process with ISAC staff Caregivers & students may attend together
Intro to Python*
Drop-In VR
Monday, October 9 & November 13 | 6 - 7 p m
Santori Library - 224
Wednesdays, October 25 & November 29 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Monday, November 27 | 5 - 6:30 p m
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come play a variety of virtual reality (VR) games and apps, including Fruit Ninja, Somewhere, Beat Saber, Gorilla Tag, and more! Snacks will be provided, and no experience is needed
Star Map Projector
Wednesday, October 11 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Let your favorite constellations shine with a unique, DIY star map projector! All materials will be provided while supplies last
Chess Club
Thursdays, October 12 & November 9 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Mondays, October 16 & November 20 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Drop in, learn, play, and have fun developing strategies!
Chess Club welcomes newbies, novices and chess masters of all ages! Walk-ins are welcome
APLD at Alive Aurora
Friday, October 13 | 4 - 5 p.m.
Friday, November 10 | 4 - 6 p.m.
Alive Center Aurora - 78 S LaSalle St
In October, we'll be making spooky jars with custom stickers and cut-outs, and in November, we’ll make custom temporary tattoos! This program will take place during the Alive Center's free afterschool drop-in hours
APLD Plays Twitch
Mondays, October 16 & November 20 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Virtual via Twitch
Tune in and watch us play video games on our Twitch channel! In October, we'll be playing Escape the Backrooms (ages 12+), and in November, we’ll play Overcooked (E for Everyone)
Bored? Play Board Games!
Sundays, October 22 & November 19 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Try one of our many board games, or bring your own and teach others how to play! All ages and drop-ins are welcome.
Button Making
Saturday, October 28 | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Learn how to code with 4-H Teen Science Ambassadors! This hands-on coding class is designed for middle schoolers, and computers and lunch will be provided Grades 6 - 8
Thursday, November 2 | 5 - 6 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Turn your printed or hand-drawn designs into wearable buttons! These 1.25" or 3" buttons can then be pinned onto your t-shirt, backpack, jacket, and more All materials provided
Service Saturday for Teens
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 3 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Saturday, November 11 | 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Saturday, November 25 | 3 - 4:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Spread joy this holiday season by making unique cards for residents of local nursing homes! These cards will be delivered to seniors by the Bookmobile Volunteer credit available
Haunted House Escape Room*
Saturdays, October 7 - October 28
2 - 2:45 p.m., 3 - 3:45 p.m. & 4 - 4:45 p.m.
Santori Library - 222
Our escape room is full of ghosts, ghouls, puzzles, and more Can you and your friends uncover its secrets before time runs out?! This escape room was designed and run by our Teen Advisory Board, and no experience is needed
Zombie Dolls
Tuesday, October 17 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Use a Sharpie! Scissors! Turn dolls into zombies and/or horrifying works of art for some hauntingly fun decorating. All materials will be provided while supplies last Grades 6 - 12
Mini Pumpkin Painting
Wednesday, October 18 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Let's paint some mini pumpkins to celebrate and decorate for fall! All materials will be provided while supplies last, and drop-ins are welcome
October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023
A Wealth of Opportunities: Local Scholarships
Tuesday, November 7 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Did you know that there are local scholarships available to students specifically from the Fox Valley? Join us to learn more about local scholarships for colleges and trade schools and how to apply!
The Science of Jurassic Park*
Monday, November 13 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Dinosaur enthusiast Donald Baumgartner will explore the science behind the popular film series! What was true? What was wrong? Would it really happen that way? Recommended for ages 10+
Paper Lanterns
Tuesday, November 14 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Light up your life with unique paper lanterns! Pre-cut designs will be available, or you can make your own No experience is necessary, and all materials will be provided
Folded Paper Bracelets
Wednesday, November 15 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Learn how to make folded paper bracelets in any size or color! (These are great gifts for friends or family ) No special skills are necessary, and all materials will be provided
Teen Anime Club
Thursday, November 16 | 5 - 7 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come hang out, talk about your favorites, watch anime, read manga, craft, and draw your favorite characters Cosplay and walk-ins are welcome!
Teen Movie Night - The Pursuit of Happyness
Tuesday, November 21 | 6 - 8 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
In recognition of Homeless Awareness Week, we will be watching The Pursuit of Happyness (PG-13) starring Will Smith Snacks and popcorn will be provided.
Everybody 1-2 Switch!
Monday, November 13 | 4 - 6 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come play Everybody 1-2 Switch!, a new party game from Nintendo with co-operative and competitive mini games All technology will be provided, and we are just playing for fun.
Create a Custom Sticker with Cricut*
Monday, November 27 | 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Learn how to use our Cricut machine to design your own custom sticker! Bring your own creativity, and we'll provide the tools and materials
Diwali Celebration: The Festival of Lights
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch
Join us for an afternoon filled with stories, crafts, treats, and live henna body art! We will also be featuring performances by a local, traditional Indian dance school and music by Aurora students
Diwali Display Competition*
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Lobby
Flower petals, diyas (clay oil lamps), and more! Celebrate Diwali by creating a Diwali display to share with our community and compete for prizes Bring your own décor, have fun, and get creative!
Rangoli Competition*
Monday, November 6 | 5 - 8 p.m
Eola Road Branch – Children's Program Room
Celebrate Diwali with a friendly rangoli competition! Beautiful patterns are decorated with colored powders, rice, flowers, beans, & more. Register to compete, or drop in and vote for your favorites!
Rangoli Competition: Viewing & Voting
Thursday, November 9 - Sunday, November 12
Santori Library – Atrium
Drop in and vote for your favorites! These beautiful patterns are decorated with colored powders, rice, flowers, beans, & more. Competition takes place on Wednesday, November 8. To take part of the competition, please visit aurorapubliclibrary org/events
Diwali Dance Talent Show*
Thursday, November 9 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Children and teen dancers are invited to celebrate Diwali by showing off their dancing skills, and all are invited to cheer them on! Individual and group dances are welcome
Dungeons & Dragons for Teens*
Tuesday, November 28 | 6 - 8 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Calling all adventurers: Can you help an ancient wizard uncover a precious secret-the world's best apple pie! No experience is needed for this D&D one-shot. All materials and pizza will be provided
See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte 13
ELA Classes (Fall Session)*
Mondays & Wednesdays
October 2 - November 30 | 9 - 11:50 a.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large & Small Meeting Rooms
Improve your skills in speaking and reading English through the College of DuPage's free 16-week long English Language Acquisition (ELA) program
Medicare 101*
Monday, October 2 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
Medicare is complicated and may be confusing How and when do you sign up for it? What does it cost? What does it cover? Come get the answers and uncomplicate Medicare!
Games for Grownups
Tuesdays, October 3 - November 28 | 1 - 3 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Seniors, join us to play board games, do adult coloring, and meet other seniors! Light refreshments will be provided. The first week of the month, staff will teach the group a new board game.
Spanish Conversation Group*
Tuesdays, October 3, 17, 31 & November 14, 28 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
This group is for anyone interested in learning & practicing basic conversational skills in Spanish. Join us & have a great time!
Financial Fitness Series: Investing Made Simple
Tuesday, October 3 | 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 224 & Virtual via Zoom
Learn how to simplify your investing decisions with financial educator Karen Chan! We'll explore stocks, bonds, mutual funds, index funds, target retirement funds, and more
Fun for All: Board Games
Thursday, October 5 | 5 - 7 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Come play the games we already have available or bring your favorite board game and teach others how to play! All ages and drop-ins are welcome
English at the Library
Thursday, October 5 - November 30 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Santori Library - 224
Improve your English conversation skills in a weekly, relaxed environment!
Computer Basics: Mouse & Keyboard Basics*
Thursday, October 5 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Thursday, October 12 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Santori Library - 218
Thursday, October 19 | 6 - 7 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Get started with the basics of computing the beginning of your digital literacy journey! If you don't know how to use a computer, we are ready to help get you started
English for Beginners*
Mondays & Wednesdays, October 2 - November 27
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Santori Library - 332
Tuesdays & Thursdays, October 3 - November 30
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Santori Library - 224
Are you starting to learn English? Sign up for a free 12-week class for beginners Learn English with World Relief in weekly interactive lessons, designed specifically for beginner learners. You will practice your reading and writing skills, improve your conversation skills, and much more! We are offering two beginner levels
Classes will meet two times a week for 12 weeks. Beginner level 1 meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays Beginner level 2 meets on Mondays and Wednesdays Classes start the week of September 5.
Intermediate Crochet: Advanced Patterns and Techniques*
Thursday, October 5 & 12 | 6 - 8 p m
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Create a scarf and hat- just in time for cold weather and the holidays! This class will focus on half double crochet- Experience with chain and single crochet is required. All materials provided
ELA Classes (Saturday Only-Fall Session)*
Saturdays, October 7 - November 25 | 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
nglish through nglish Language
ty Voices: sation* ctober 6 in ver St. ommunity will share o their heritage experiences anel , check out the y Voices exhibit tori Library! Month
Community Voices exhibit, costume contest, & more!
October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023 14
Bingo for Adults*
Thursday, October 12 & November 9 | 10 - 11 a.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Join us for Bingo fun, with books, candy, and other small prizes!
Chess Club
Thursdays, October 12 & November 9 | 6 - 7:30 p.m. West Branch - Meeting Room
Mondays, October 16 & November 20 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Drop in, learn, play, and have fun developing strategies!
Chess Club welcomes newbies, novices and chess masters of all ages. Walk-ins are welcome.
Lawyers in the Library
Thursdays, October 12 & November 9 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Writing Your Family Story
Saturday, October 7 | 10 - 11 a.m.
Santori Library - 125/126 & Virtual via Zoom
Learn how to craft your family's story from experienced local researcher and historian, Sherman Jenkins!
English Conversation Group*
Saturdays, October 7 - November 25 | 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Santori Library - 332 & Virtual via Zoom
Join English learners of all levels in conversation on Zoom!
Immigration 101: Visas, Citizenship & Benefits
Tuesday, October 10 | 6 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
Unsure about residency eligibility and requirements? Or which visa to apply for? A Department of Homeland Security Community Relations Specialist will explore these topics & more
Genealogy Walk-In Assistance
Wednesdays, October 11 & November 8 | 1 - 3 p.m.
West Branch - Living Room
Thursdays, October 12 & November 9 | 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Computer Lab
Need help with your family tree? Ask our expert volunteers, Maxine and Diane Liesinger, whose many combined years of experience can help you with your family history questions!
Financial Fitness Series: Developing Retirement Income Strategies for Today’s Markets
Wednesday, October 11 | 7 - 8:30 p m
Santori Library - 224
Explore various strategies for and challenges of navigating the financial aspects of your retirement years with Ed Gjertsen II, CFP, a past National President of the Financial Planning Association.
Flu Vaccine Clinic
Thursday, October 12 | 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Thursday, October 19 | 4 - 7 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Get your no-cost flu shot at the library! Walk-ins are welcome, and no insurance is required Ages 18+
Have a legal question? Come for a free, 15 minute, walk-in consultation with lawyers from the Kane County Law Library & Self Help Legal Center
Aurora Business United
Friday, October 13 & November 10 | 7:30
Santori Library - 125/126
Aurora Business United (1000+ members) is likely the largest networking group in the western suburbs Business owners, employees, entrepreneurs, non-profits, arts, others are welcome.
WIC Mobile Clinic (Women, Infants, Children)
Friday, October 13 & November 17 | 9 a m - 4 p m
Eola Road Branch - Parking Lot & Small Meeting Room
Have you ever wondered if you are eligible for the DuPage Health Department's WIC program? The mobile unit will be here to share more about services and eligibility!
Service Saturday for Adults: Birthday in a Box Kits
Saturday, October 14 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Everyone deserves to be celebrated. This month, volunteers will be creating Birthday in a Box Kits, each filled with birthday party supplies, to donate to local food pantries
See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte 15
What We're Reading Wednesdays*
Wednesdays, October 4 & November 1 | 8 - 9
Virtual via Facebook Live & Zoom
Reading anything good lately? Join our Virtual Book Club via Zoom or Facebook Live! We'll take turns sharing the great books that we have been reading Register for your Zoom meeting link!
Eola Road Book Discussion
Wednesdays | 6:30 - 7:45 p m
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
October 11 - Violeta by Isabel Allende
November 8 - The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny
This group reads a variety of fiction and non-fiction and meets once a month for discussion.
Griot African-American Book Discussion*
Tuesdays | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
October 17 - Last Summer on State Street by Toya Wolfe
November 21 - The Ditchdigger's Daughters by Yvonne S. Thornton
This group features books by African-American authors, and meets in-person or virtually via Zoom on the third Tuesday of the month
West Branch Nonfiction Book Discussion*
Tuesdays | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom.
October 17 - Mala's Cat: A Memoir of Survival in World War II by Mala Kacenberg
November 21 - The Child is the Teacher: A Life of Maria Montessori by Christina De Stefano
We meet the third Tuesday of the month and read a variety of contemporary nonfiction.
Books n' Brew
Wednesdays | 7 - 9 p.m.
McCarty Mills Taproom, 140 S. River Street, Suite 108
October 18 - There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins
November 15 - The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren Held at McCarty Mills Taproom, a relaxed setting, to socialize, discuss books from a variety of genres, and enjoy libations! Food/drink is available for purchase.
Breakfast Book Club
Wednesdays | 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Eola Road Branch - Adult Quiet Reading Room
October 25 - The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
November 29 - Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
This group reads a variety of fiction titles, mainly historical fiction, and meets once a month for a lively discussion
West Branch Fiction Book Discussion*
Thursdays | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
November 30 - The Guest Book by Sarah Blake
We read a variety of diverse contemporary and classic fiction and meet once a month for a thought-provoking conversation.
Gardening That Matters: Fall
Clean-Up and Planting*
Sunday, October 15 | 2 - 3 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Are your gardens ready for winter?! Join us to learn how to prune trees and shrubs, remove dead plants and debris, and make easy month-by-month to-do lists to help your gardens thrive next spring.
Loose Ends Handcraft Group
Monday, October 16 & November 20 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Calling all knitters, crocheters, embroiderers, needleworkers, and other fans of handcrafts! Join the Loose Ends Handcraft Group for crafting time & conversation
Food, Family, and Folktales: A Conversation with Grace Lin*
Tuesday, October 17 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
Enjoy a discussion with Newberry & Caldecott honoree and New York Times bestselling author Grace Lin about her journey
Financial Fitness Series: Terry Savage Talks Money
Wednesday, October 18 | 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Investment Advisor Terry Savage will discuss the volatile economy, financial markets, and personal finance topics and answer your related questions
Smartphone Photography 101: Take Your Best Shot*
Thursday, October 19 | 6:30 - 7:30 p m
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Ro
Smartphones contain powerful cameras
Join us to develop your photography sk including photo composition, exposure a focus adjustments, and photo editing fo professional look.
Coffee & Canvas*
Saturday, October 21 | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Enjoy a cup of coffee and a painting class with local artist Jen Hunger! We'll be creating fall-themed works of art, and all materials will be provided
October & November | octubre y noviembre
Estate Planning Explained
Wednesday, October 25 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Wondering where to start when planning your estate? Financial Planner Dr. James Flanagan, PhD will walk you through your different options and assessing which are right for you.
Echoes of the Silver Screen: Pioneers' Projectors Exhibit
All November Santori Library - Exhibit Staircase
Featuring a carefully curated selection of vintage projectors from the late 1800s, this exhibit invites you to experience the magic of moving images and the early projectors that brought it to life
Computer Basics: Microsoft Word Basics*
Thursdays, November 2 & 9 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Santori Library - 218
Thursdays, November 16 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Get started with the basics of computing! This month, we will explore Microsoft Word Basics for typing letters, resumes, & more.
Create a Custom Card For a Veteran*
Bored? Play Board Games!
Sundays, October 22 & November 19 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Try one of our many board games, or bring your own and teach others how to play! All ages and drop-ins are welcome.
A-Town Poetics*
Tuesday, October 24 & November 28 | 6:30 - 7:30 p m
West Branch - Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
A-Town Poetics is open to writers of all ages, including anyone who has never written poetry and thinks he/she/they can't Register with your email address to receive a Zoom invite or come in person.
Chills and Thrills with Stephen Graham Jones*
Wednesday, October 4 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
New York Times bestselling author Stephen Graham Jones and IL librarian and Readers' Advisor Becky Spratford join us for a conversation about scary stories, horror, and matching books with readers This program is offered is partnership with Illinois Libraries Present
Laser Cut Halloween-Themed Earrings*
Tuesday, October 10 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Santori Library - Makerspace
Using the Epilog Laser and acrylic, create a pair of Halloweenthemed earrings on design software in the makerspace You bring the creativity, and we'll provide the materials and tools!
Paranormal Discussion Group
Wednesdays, October 11 & November 8 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Interested in the paranormal? Join us to discuss the paranormal, ghosts, clairvoyance, telepathy, gemstones, and so much more!
Thursday, November 2 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Santori Library - Makerspace
In honor of Veteran's Day, makers will create a unique Veteran’s Day-themed card using a Cricut cutting machine. Send or share it with a veteran to honor and celebrate their service.
Breast Health Basics*
Thursday, November 2 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom Take control of your breast health & explore breast cancer prevention and detection options, & more with Women's Health Educator Michelle Schlieben from Northwestern Medicine.
Murder Mystery - Last Stop: Murder*
Friday, October 20 | 5:30 - 8 p.m.
West Branch - Living Room
It's an after-hours, murder mystery party! Set aboard the luxurious Oriental Express, participants must work together to sift through evidence and identify the killer in their midst.
Supernatural Cemetery Safari*
Monday, October 23 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
All aboard for a family-friendly tour of Illinois cemeteries and gravesites with supernatural overtones!
Hear about the Alton Mummy, Diana of the Dunes, the Devil's Chair and other spooky stories.
Laser Carve a Mini Pumpkin*
Tuesday, October 24 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Santori Library - Makerspace
Create a custom design using Makerspace software and engrave the image on a mini pumpkin using the Epilog Laser. You bring the creativity, and we'll provide all materials and tools
17 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
Day of the Dead Marigold Wreath*
Tuesday, October 24 | 6 - 7:30 p m
Santori Library - 224
Let's make a beautiful marigold wreath for your entrance or Day of the Dead altar
Churros & Calaveras*
Saturday, October 28 | 11 - 12:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Day of the Dead is approaching, let's celebrate by decorating our own sugar skulls
Ofrenda Competition & Exhibit
Monday, October 30 - Saturday, November 4 | All Day
Santori Library - Atrium
Ofrendas created by our community are on exhibit in our Atrium! Register to compete, or drop-in and vote for your favorite
First Friday: Celebrating Día de los Muertos
Friday, November 3 | 6 - 8 p.m.
Santori Library - Atrium
Enjoy dance, art, Pan de Muerto, the ofrenda competition, and a balloon fashion show!
NaNoWriMo: Come Write In
Thursdays, November 2, 16, & 30 | 4 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 128
Thursday, November 9 | 4 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Adult Quiet Reading Room
Monday, November 20 | 4 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 128
Are you working on a project for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Want to connect with other writers, or just need a change of scenery?Come write at the library!
Aurora Writers Group Poetry Workshop*
Monday, November 6 | 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 128
Meet fellow writers and kick off the new Aurora Writers Group! Are you curious about poetry but don't know how to start writing your own? Fermina Ponce, Aurora Deputy Poet Laureate, will help us!
Farmhouse Holiday Card Craft*
Tuesday, November 7 | 7 - 8:30 p.m.
West Branch - Meeting Room
Card Maker Jennifer Boring will show you how to make a beautiful holiday card with a farmhouse theme All materials provided
Eating Disorders Awareness & Management
Wednesday, November 8 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Santori Library - 224 & Virtual via Zoom
Know someone struggling with an eating disorder? Interested in improving your relationship with food? Clinicians from Nutrition Braved of Naperville will help us better understand and manage eating disorders, especially around the holidays
A Taste of Love with Maya-Camille Broussard*
Wednesday, November 8 | 7 - 8 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
Maya Camille Broussard, star of Netflix's Bake Squad and owner of Justice of the Pies, will share her love of pie, stories about those who inspired her, and tips and tricks live from her kitchen! This program is offered in partnership with Illinois Libraries Present.
Blooming Bulbs*
Thursday, November 9 | 6 - 7 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room
Flowering bulbs can add color to gardens from early spring to late fall, blooming in many colors, shapes, sizes, and heights Join us for tips on varieties, watering, colors, planting, and more!
Diwali Celebration: The Festival of Lights
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 4 p.m.
Eola Road Branch
Join us for an afternoon filled with stories, crafts, treats, and live henna body art! We will also be featuring performances by a local, traditional Indian dance school and music by Aurora students
Diwali Display Competition*
Saturday, November 4 | 1 - 4 p m
Eola Road Branch - Lobby
Flower petals, diyas (clay oil lamps), and more!
Celebrate Diwali by creating a Diwali display to share with our community and compete for prizes Bring your own décor, have fun, and get creative! Register to compete, or drop-in and vote for your favorite
Rangoli Competition*
Monday, November 6 | 5 - 8 p.m
Eola Road Branch - Children's Program Room
Celebrate Diwali with a friendly rangoli competition! Beautiful patterns are decorated with colored powders, rice, flowers, beans, & more Register to compete, or drop in and vote for your favorites!
Rangoli Competition: Viewing & Voting
Thursday, November 9 - Sunday, November 12
Santori Library – Atrium
Drop in and vote for your favorites! These beautiful patterns are decorated with colored powders, rice, flowers, beans, & more Competition takes place on Wednesday, November 8. To take part of the competition, please visit aurorapubliclibrary org/events
October & November | octubre y noviembre 2023
Service Saturday for Adults: Virtual Volunteering
Saturday, November 11 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Are you an adult interested in vounteering your time? This month, we'll learn how to volunteer virtually through a variety of online research projects on Zooniverse!
Stop the Bleed First Aid Training*
Sunday, November 12 | 2 - 3:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 128
Learn how to respond quickly to an emergency situation, help stop or control bleeding, and provide basic first aid until medical help arrives with staff from LifeSafey365
The Science of Jurassic Park*
Monday, November 13 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Large Meeting Room
Dinosaur enthusiast Donald Baumgartner will explore the science behind the popular film series! What was true? What was wrong? Would it really happen that way? Recommended for ages 10+.
Breastfeeding and Newborn Care*
Monday, November 13 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - Small Meeting Room & Virtual via Zoom
Breastfeeding is one way new caregivers may feed newborns, and it has unique benefits and challenges We'll discuss nutrients, common concerns, bonding, returning to work, helpful tips, and more with Michelle Schlieben, Women’s Health Educator at Northwestern Medicine
Immigration Legal Consultations*
Tuesday, November 14 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Eola Road Branch - 128 & Small Meeting Room
Have legal questions about citizenship or immigration? Sign up for a free 30-minute consultation with a Board of Immigration Appeals accredited attorney representing World Relief.
Healthy Holiday Cooking*
Tuesday, November 14 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
Learn how to prepare popular holiday recipes that are delicious and nutritious with Rachel Koroscik, a Community Education Specialist from Northwestern Medicine.
Mandala Art for Adults*
Wednesday, November 15 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Interested in mandala art? Artist Kripa Ram will teach you more about this gorgeous and meaningful style of art while you create a unique mandala painting using acrylic paint on canvas
Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty: G A R Post No 20
Saturday, November 18 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Santori Library - 125/126
Uncover the G A R 's past with museum curator Eric Pry! Founded in 1875, the G A R Post No 20 was not just any veterans organization; it changed the course of Kane Countyand Illinois -forever
DIY Fall Harvest Candle*
Tuesday, November 21 | 3 - 4 p.m.
Santori Library - Makerspace
Celebrate the season and brighten up your table with a fallthemed DIY candle! Makers will assemble a unique, festive candle using popcorn and beans All materials will be provided
19 See page 2 for Registration Info | Consulta la página 2 para registrarte
To sponsor or purchase tickets, please contact the Foundation at (630) 264-4240 or email us at foundation@aurorapubliclibrary org aurorapubliclibrary.org ¡Te esperamos! Para patrocinar o comprar boletos, comuníquese con la Fundación al (630) 264-4240 o envíenos un correo electrónico a foundation@aurorapubliclibrary org diciembre 2 sábado 6 p.m. Gala Anual de INVIERNO Save