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Education Sector
APL has partnered with Massey University to understand the education sector better and identify the best products for schools and tertiary institutions. As a result, we have created some guidelines for product specification in the Education Sector.
Healthy Ventilation
■ Optimum levels of ventilation for student health, comfort and learning are vitally important
■ The Covid-19 pandemic has underlined the benefits of continuous fresh air circulation through open windows in classrooms
■ The ‘Healthy Schools’ project part-sponsored by APL and carried out by Massey University’s School of Engineering and Advanced Technology carried out extensive monitoring of air quality in numerous schools, and tracked the build-up of CO2 under a variety of conditions
■ Excessive CO2 concentrations are known to lead to cognitive impairment. Now, however, concerns over preventing cross-infection from student carriers of Covid-19 are a new driver in the move to optimise fresh air in the learning environment
■ Covid-19 has transformed the design and operational management of learning environments to ensure consistent air quality is maintained
■ Studies have shown that even with students wearing masks and distancing in a classroom layout an airborne virus from droplets and microdroplets will spread dangerously with closed windows
■ With windows open the viral concentration from droplets and microdroplets remains densest near the infected student but the contaminants are diluted in the rest of the room
■ There are many window formats appropriate for education facilities e.g. high level, remotely controlled ashes, hopper widnows, awning and sliding windows, as well as passive ventilation options
■ Trickle ventilators can help provide a useful level of background ventilation. Options include Aerovent (head or transom of fixed windows), Sashvent (bottom rail of awning windows), and Ventient (range of installations possible).

Strength and Durability
■ Windows and doors must be able to cope with heavy use. They must be commercial grade in order to offer good durability

■ Ministry of Education guidelines specify windows with minimum 40mm frame and doors with minimum 50mm panel thickness
■ APL recommends Metro Series windows, which have a 40mm frame platform. These can be coupled with Magnum Series hinged doors which have a 50mm panel thickness and a wide stile option which allows the use of heavy-duty 60mm backset lever handles and locks.

■ For extra strength and resistance to impact, it is recommended that bottom rails on hinged and sliding doors be doubled in height with a rail extender

Enhanced Accessibility
■ Mobility-friendly thresholds for hinged doors are available as well as for flush sill sliding doors and near-flush interior sliding doors (Magnum Doors). This also reduces tripping and falls.
Interior Comfort
■ In colder parts of the country, Metro Series ThermalHEART may need to be considered
■ Commercial systems that include sun control fins may have a place on medium to high rise education projects.