Mission Magazine Winter 2023 e-Issue

Page 11


Bill Snider


Amber Weigand-Buckley


Tom Young


Annette Santos


Patrick Tan

Vision Statement

We see Christ followers effectively utilizing media to reach every people group in Asia

Mission Statement

We advance the gospel in Asia Pacific by empowering Christ followers to effectively utilize media and technology

Values Statement

We are a Christ-centered ministry that values:

• Integrity

• Excellence

• Contextual relevance

• Innovation

• Partnerships and teamwork

APMedia was established in 1989 as a regional ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions.
2023 Winter E-Issue


Thirty-five years is a long time. When Kim and I began Asia Pacific Media in 1988, I didn’t know where this ministry would go; we just knew we had to start. We could not see the coming expansion of communication through digital media and smartphones. We just believed God had called us for this time.

This ministry has developed beyond what we could first imagine. But our ministry focus remains the same. One small group can’t do it alone. We must multiply! His Message Multiplied happens through training the next generation of media workers both online and in person and also by creating messages that share the gospel in relevant ways. Creativity, a passion for media, and a clear vision—His Message Multiplied.

I believe the best is yet to come. We have a growing team with a vision for ministry, several who weren’t even born when we began Asia Pacific Media! Our team has both a heart for ministry and skill to do the work with excellence.

In this issue of Mission, you will read about the open doors in early 2023. Several of our team members will be in Japan in February and in North Vietnam in March. Both nations have few believers but through creative media, churches can reach thousands of people online. We will be training believers to impact their digital world. We’re able to do this because of your partnership. Thank you for helping us expand the vision!

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In 2022, Media & Ministry Forum grew to over 5,000 members on Facebook alone and added Mentoring Groups. They are committed to providing help to media workers and creating messages of hope. This year your faithful support continues to help us Multiply His Message in new ways by equipping more workers!


I appreciate APMedia establishing this mentoring program—this is a huge help to those with a deep passion for the ministry.


Miguel Ordonio, His Life City Church

I joined the APMedia’s Mentoring group because I saw the need to improve our (church) Facebook page and make it work in reaching out to more people. Our mentor showed us the literary styles in the Bible and how we could emulate them as we communicate with people. As a result, I gained confidence in crafting my message for my audience by applying it to myself.


Christine Manal, Antipolo Assembly of God

AP Media helps connect our ministry with the world. Our media team of seven people are mostly youth. Little by little, we apply what we’d learned from AP Media Mentoring Groups. We’re upgrading our computers and video system to improve live streaming.

—Pastor Rey Fernando, Seeds of Jesus Full Gospel Church

Our church is close to the Payatas dump site and has been here for almost 22 years. We found the pandemic a big blessing to our church. Through the forum and mentoring groups, we saw our church’s growth through social media—we see the Word of God spreading through social media to encourage many to serve the Lord.

—Dwight Ril Maputi, Jesus Christ for You and Me Community Church

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[6.] MISSION | apmedia.org

APMedia’s First-Ever Church Media Conference Is a Month Away!

APMedia is conducting our first-ever Church Media Conference on March 4 in Mandaluyong City, Philippines. We are challenging church leaders and media workers to think beyond self-imposed limits and discover opportunities through media to make a lasting impact.

We will feature ��inspiring worship, a challenging word for Media Teams, Creatives Workshops, and host a Meet & Greet Fellowship for Church Media Teams. Various ��media booths will be showing new media production equipment and software. Thank you for your prayers and your support of this conference.

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For almost two years the Japan Assemblies of God have been requesting in-person training saying: “COVID has identified a real weakness in our Church. We are not reaching for the next generation. Because we have not been able to be together and have not had a lot of training, our use of online technology has not been up to the quality it should be.”

In Japan, statistics from internet use are probably the lowest in the world— less than 45 minutes per day. Because loss of face is cultural—not many people like to be out there in digital space and be known. We are trying to break some cultural norms with the leadership’s encouragement and permission. However, the emerging generation is not the way of the majority.

There is a generation embracing more online communication as the norm, and the Church is desperately trying to catch up. The need for the Church to engage this new mission field is enormous. Hopefully, we can get 25 or 30 pastors attending, as well as younger students. This is a groundbreaking thing.

The Japan AG has also designated building space for a media studio. Missionary Jonathon Lowrance has helped by consulting with leaders. The National Church is making a long-term commitment to media, and we’re preparing local churches to do it with integrity and consistency. The future is bright for Japan churches and media.

We’re teaching two classes. The social media class will focus on creating platforms and reaching out, building a model with the goal of engagement. We’re teaching leaders to train digital media ministry teams. They will be able to do short on-camera presentations. We also will teach video production for local Church live streaming and repurposing digital content.

Thank you for your continued partnership to see His Message, Multiplied in Japan by training the workers.

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For the first time in almost three years, APMedia conducted onsite training in online media outreach and production in Vietnam. It was done in Ho Chi Minh City. With more than 80 media workers and pastors, the three-day training in Vietnam was a success. That more than doubled the attendance in previous pre-COVID years. They came from the central and southern regions of the country. And there was a significant interaction, and the church leadership in Vietnam exhibited a really open heart to learn.

They were ready when COVID hit because of training in 2017, 2018, and 2019. God’s providence was unique in allowing us to be there before the virus hit and shut down so much of the country for a while.

Samuel Lamb, general superintendent, spoke about people receiving Christ and being healed in their homes. There were many testimonies of people who came to Christ watching online during the pandemic. Our seven-person training team came from the US, Japan, and the Philippines. We also did a one-day consultation with Dream Church, which Pastor Lamb leads.

We sensed God’s favor, and the Vietnam AG requested us to return in March to do another training in the northern part of the country. We will require $4,000 in travel funds. You can contribute to these travel funds by going to APMEDIA.ORG/GIVE and putting “Vietnam Training” in the memo line. We are excited to see what God is doing to expand the reach of media ministry in Vietnam and beyond.

[10.] MISSION | apmedia.org

Pray for Asia Pacific Pray for Asia Pacific

1) For the upcoming training in Japan and Vietnam. Many of those attending haven’t had any training. It is evident that there is a hunger and a desire to learn.

2) Our first-ever in-person media conference Manila will be this coming March. We anticipate between 500 and 1,000 people will attend in person. It will be streamed online simultaneously.

3) For new team members who have joined our Manila team in the last year. They have great training and gifting in everything from video production to social media graphic design.

4) As we enter the 35th year of our ministry, we are grateful for the thousands of people influenced by Asia Pacific Media and our partnership.


1) For the Japan media training. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire leaders and workers in this new area of ministry.

2) Our upcoming training in Vietnam. Many young people have a heart for ministry but have never had the opportunity to be exposed to media ministry.

3) As we launch a new video series called, “This is Jesus,” releasing in May in the Philippines. These great video stories demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ to change our lives.

4) For multiplying the work of the APMedia team. Pray for favor for churches who will be using our resources and participating in media training across the country.

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& A P M E D I A A S W E E Q U I P M E D I A M I S S I O N A R I E S & A P M E D I A A S W E E Q U I P M E D I A M I S S I O N A R I E S & R E S O U R C E T H E D I G I T A L C H U R C H & R E S O U R C T H E D I G I T A L C H U R C H

My testimony began when I was still a newborn. My father and mother were very proud of me. But the joy did not last long. The doctor said I had a disease and would probably die. They prayed for a miracle. God was so gracious to keep me alive to serve Him.

This is why I went to seminary and started ministering. In one area ministered in, there were addicts and drug dealers. Some people knew we went to Bible school, so one lady threw her scarf under my feet. She challenged me: “Do not pick this up and give it to me until you promise to bring my son home from the drugs.” I told her, I promise.

It took us a year and a half to bring her son home.We ended up baptizing 55 young people—addicts and dealers. God was so kind, so gracious. He saved them, but the drug lord came back to my church with an angry mob to kill me.

The mob beat me up and injured some of my brothers and sisters at church, but my wife and son managed to escape. When I was in the hospital, a policeman came accusing me of three different crimes: drunk driving, robbery, and rape.

On the final day of the court hearing, I told the judge and the jury that I wanted to forgive my accusers. The judge said how come—you are going to be in prison forever. But I told him, I serve the Lord and He gave His life, and He forgives. His accusers put Him on the cross. I just have broken bones and some bruises.

In that moment there was complete silence as I recited John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. Those 400 people in attendance heard the gospel. God gave me this unexpected platform to share the gospel. I thanked God for giving me this opportunity because He had a purpose.

I am presently serving in a closed country. Although there are restrictions, God continues to be faithful.

Thank you for helping APMedia create more Messages of Hope like this one. To watch the whole story click here.

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As we enter our 35th year of ministry, YOU are essential to helping APMedia's influence across Asia Pacific grow above and beyond what we ' ve imagined. You have continued to allow us to expand our online training capacity and return to in-person training. Thank you for multiplying the work of the Digital Church.


WE CONDUCTED THE FIRST IN-PERSON TRAINING SINCE THE PANDEMIC this summer We met with 80 pastors and church workers in Vietnam who took a step forward in their online ministry.


to reach almost 20K followers through their Media for Hope Facebook page Producing and broadcasting these videos continue to offer Good News during this time of prolonged political unrest.


to utilize ever-advancing digital technology for Digital Evangelism, Outreach and Discipleship.

WE CONTINUE TO CREATE RELEVANT DIGITAL RESOURCES to address different topics such as forgiveness and grief as well as other Messages of Hope

WE INVEST IN THE NEXT GENERATION OF CHURCH WORKERS casting a vision for media ministry from the local church and added online mentoring groups to enhance our support of digital missionaries



___ _I would like to designate my gift of$_______ to assist with travel expenses for training Vietnamese media missionaries at the upcoming in-person event. (70)

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M I S S I O N W W W . A P M E D I A . O R G T R A I N I N G M E D I A M I S S I O N A R I E S T O R E S O U R C E T H E D I G I T A L C H U R C H A S I A P A C I F I C M E D I A H I S M E S S A G E M U L T I P L I E D G E N E R A L C O U N C I L O F T H E A S S E M B L I E S O F G O D 1 4 4 5 N . B O O N V I L L E A V E . S P R I N G F I E L D , M O . 6 5 8 0 2

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