2022 Mission Magazine Annual Update

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[2.] MISSION | EXECUTIVEAPMEDIA.ORGEDITOR Bill Snider MANAGING EDITOR/DESIGN Amber Weigand-Buckley COPY & LAYOUT EDITOR Tom Young EDITORIAL SECRETARY Annette Santos WEB MANAGER Patrick Tan APMedia was established in 1989 as a regional ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions. Vision Statement We see Christ followers effectively utilizing media to reach every people group in Asia Mission Statement We advance the gospel in Asia Pacific by empowering Christ followers to effectively utilize media and technology Values Statement We are a Christ-centered ministry that values: • Integrity • Excellence • Contextual relevance • Innovation • Partnerships and teamwork OUR MEDIA IN MINISTRY FORUM ON FACEBOOK PROVIDES TRAINING TO OVER 4,500 FOLLOWERS AND CONTINUES TO GROW EVERY DAY.



The training we’ve done before COVID, the online training during COVID, and the life-changing stories we’ve produced have multiplied His Message dramatically. From restricted nations like Myanmar, to open nations like the Philippines and Japan, the move to saturate the online world with hope keeps growing. Now we are seeing the fruit of this movement.


Our influence is even growing beyond Asia Pacific. In September, I’ll teach a media workshop in South America, and leaders and pastors will attend from many nations. These opportunities remind me of the verse: “work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work” (John 9:4). As you read stories and meet some amazing people who are taking what they have learned about media ministry to carry His Commission— rejoice with us! Thank you for being a partner in this strategic moment! HORIZONS FOR THE DIGITAL CHURCH

Churches planted! Marriages find restoration through the salvation of a spouse! People who have watched online services for months now are attending local churches. Media is a lifeline of hope for believers in tough times. We thank God! But what’s next?

2022 Annual Update [3.]

During the last two years, APMedia has seen the reality of 2 Corinthians 9:6: “those who sow abundantly will reap abundantly.”

As nations open up, our team has invitations to go on-site. With God’s help, we will go. Second, we are helping the Church to continue to up its game by increasing our online media training. Third, some of the best ideas for bringing the GOOD NEWS to those who have not heard are still evolving and excelling with the growth of new technology. We are learning as much as possible and passing this knowledge to the field. We want His Message to reach all people in all nations.

of Church Livestream The Next Level A S I A I N S T I T U T E F O R M E D I A M I N I S T R Y

2022 Annual Update [5.]

• Livestream is a courtesy to the sick and elderly. It also allows congregants to attend their home church no matter where they are in the world. Secondly, livestream provides a front door, allowing those looking for a church to try one out instead of going in “cold” as a visitor.

• Livestream allows people to visit a church before attending in person. (continued on page 6)

As the church in Asia transitions back to face-to-face services, APMedia is essential to what we do. Our ministries can find creative content and learn technical skills. APMedia is a trusted place to discuss current ministry trends and questions about the future. —Media Missionary “ “

There is no denying that utilizing livestream has enabled churches to keep their doors open virtually during pandemic-induced lockdowns over the past two years. Today, churches are meeting face-to-face, and even U.S. pastors are asking if livestreaming still has value or if it just provides people an excuse to stay home. These questions have been the topics of recent APMedia seminars. In these sessions, the media workers and church leaders were presented with the expanding possibilities to utilize the church livestream. So what could the purpose be?

And let’s not forget God’s Commission to all of us to take His Message outside church walls so all may have the opportunity to hear.

During our 2022 AIMM, we were also challenged to think about the role of the pastor on a media team, the importance of casting a vision for media ministry, and the potential of their media team beyond just Sincelivestream.weall like easy, the easiest purpose to execute is to provide a way for our members to stay connected to church life. We just have to hit record and broadcast video on our website or social media.

If the broadcast is live, real-time chat and prayer can be available. These enable the receiver to feel connected to the greater church body. The pastor can even participate by acknowledging individual names of those attending church service via livestream—which can be almost impossible to do effectively during an in-person service • Livestream has become an essential evangelism tool to reach the unchurched. This requires us to evaluate how every part of our service might be viewed by someone who is not a Christ-follower. Live chat, prayer, and using an MC during the pre- and post-service segments help reach out to those who have never attended church and don’t know what to expect.

Thank you for supporting churches across Asia Pacific Media as we expand our virtual and in-person training to meet a growing need. We are excited to see the harvest to come! (continued from page 5)

This is, indeed, an exciting time for not only the church in Asia Pacific, but the Church at large as well. We can utilize technology to take the church beyond a building. And those who are a part of our Media in Ministry forum also teach us as they share the many unique and creative ways they are utilizing media to multiply His message. Our media team is not just for playing music and sermon presentations. We are eager to prepare content, share, and train to expand our knowledge of media so that we can align with God’s greater vision. —Lheng Mahumok


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We are witnessing many salvations and healings by those who have not even walked through the church’s doors because the Holy Spirit isn’t limited by walls, TVs, or computer screens.

A S I A P A C I F I C M E D I A T E A M to media missions ANSWERING THE CALL


Q: When did you first become interested in media missions?

Q: How has APMedia training helped you in your local church’s online A:ministry?

As I’ve joined the APMedia team, my skills in graphic design and relevant and trending design concepts continue to grow. I love being a part of APMedia’s vision—His Message Multiplied—as we share and teach others to take the gospel in different places to different audiences.

Q: How important do you see the ability to use media to reach this

2022 Annual Update [9.] P R I N C E L E N N O N B A N L A Y G A S — G R A P H I C S & S O C I A L M E D I A A S S I S T A N T

Q: How has working with APMedia helped you grow your skills and A:vision?

Young people today are avid users of gadgets, and they thrive on social media. To reach them, we must use their social media platforms. It’s essential to take advantage of their technology to share Messages of Hope and win them to Christ. These young people will know Jesus through media and other social platforms. Social media is an excellent way to share the gospel.

A: I attended an APMedia training event at our church; I was especially interested in the training about graphics designing, and I could use what I have learned to make graphics for our church. There, I saw that the graphics I make are helpful for our church, like our Sunday invitation, sharing Bible verses, etc. I started to enjoy what I was doing when I saw the results. I am thankful for the opportunity and support my friends gave me so I can make graphics for social media.

Becoming part of APMedia has helped our church, especially our tech staff. I share the ideas I get from APMedia with our church for our online livestream. APMedia’s mentoring and training programs, especially AIMM, have been a great help for our online streaming. Five of us from our church team who attended AIMM have been able to apply the things we learned to our ministry.

We want to introduce you to one of the latest additions to our APMedia Manila-based team. Prince Lennon Banlaygas is now helping us meet the ever-increasing needs of our ministry by providing Social Media and Graphic Design support. Here is what he had to say about the impact he’s seen media have and his call to see His Message, Multiplied.

return to vietnam A P M E D I A I NP E R S O N T R A I N I N G THE CALL TO

Our team in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, proudly shared how they are now taking APMedia training and are now training other churches. Presently, they are focused on teaching the churches how to livestream media as well as tell stories with video.

Throughout COVID, the Church in Vietnam has approached online media passionately. From church services to the short Messages of Hope and online discipleship training, they have seen thousands of people watch services. Many of these churches have been strengthened with new members.

One of the things that we’ve always wanted to happen with Asia Pacific Media is that local believers would become indigineous media missionaries. Our vision is for them to take our training, and then train others in their own nation. In the last few months, we’ve seen that ignite in Vietnam.

The August 21st training welcomes many media teams from churches across Vietnam. Our training team will travel from the US, Japan, and the Philippines. The national church leader has asked us to teach livestream producing, how to video and create a testimony story, ways to engage in follow-up, and how to build an online audience.

—Vietnam AG Superintendent Samuel Lam

As doors continue to open back up, we will be there! We are dedicated to enabling the local and national church of Vietnam and greater Southeast Asia as they utilize media to reach the lost and disciple believers as well as multiply media workers. Thank you for your partnership that makes moments like these possible!

“ Through COVID-19, we have discovered that media is irreplaceable for the church.

At our second in-person media training in the country, we look forward to equipping ministers. We will have the priviledge of sharing our knowledge with more Vietnamese people than ever. The first training event was held pre-COVID in 2019, and our upcoming return has been eagerly anticipated.

2022 Annual Update [11.] F O C U S O N V I E T N A M


Q: How did you become a follower of Jesus Christ?

Q. What do you see happening in people’s lives through your Media for Hope page messages?(continued on page 14)

As the upheaval continues in Myanmar, a light on social media shines bright. Brother Chit Po is sharing his messages of hope, which has a following of over 15K in his country, through social media. His success is partly due to the training and resources our APMedia partners have provided, and they have prepared him for this strategic ministry moment.

Although my family has been Christians for many generations, I did not know Christ. I thought I would go to heaven because of my good deeds when I attended a Bible study in April 1984. I came to understand the grace God gives His children. A few years later, I felt the call to ministry. I thank God for continuing to use me, especially during this time. I prayed that God would use me to share His salvation with people as much as possible, especially at this time.

Q. Tell me how you began to work with Myanmar media. One day, while sitting in a tea shop with my friends, I met Ah Khin from APMedia Myanmar. When we met, we talked about the Word of God, and he invited me to join the Media for Hope team. My work with Media for Hope has allowed me to share the truth of God’s Word. The Media for Hope ministry focuses on the love and grace of Jesus and helps all who hear to understand the work of the Holy Spirit. I thank God for the internet because I have the opportunity to share His Message on many online media channels. Media is such an essential tool for the Church. We cannot go to many faraway places, but media is not limited by distance. All of us, of any race, religion, or denomination, can access the Message of Hope. People are busy and tired these times and cannot listen to long messages. The Media for Hope videos we share on social media are clear and concise. We are seeing many testimonies come out of this effort.

Q. With all that has happened in Myanmar in the last year, do you see people more open to the message of Jesus?

In the past, when the situation in Myanmar was good, people did not realize they needed a Savior. When the situation in the country got worse, and people did not find the answers they were looking for, they felt hopeless. No matter how much they meditated, no matter how many good deeds they did, there was no way out.

(continued from page 13)

Many people are encouraged through my messages on Media for Hope about salvation. There are three questions concerning salvation: the present moment, public life, and eternal life. Some have come to faith after listening to the topic.

This critical moment helps unbelievers realize that all they need is Jesus. During these difficult times, people are surprisingly hungry for the gospel more than ever before. People are worried about tomorrow. Even though the situation was not good when they heard the gospel, they were eager to know Christ. And not only know Christ; they desire to share His message with others — even selling possessions to follow God’s call. As the last days approach, everything pushes us with more urgency than ever before to proclaim His truth so all may hear and come into a relationship with Him. This is the power of sharing His Message, Multiplied by the power of media!

I heard about a person who married an unbeliever, Their spouse came to Christ through my message. In one place, Media for Hope’s messages are used for Sunday services. Someone who had heard these messages passed them on to evangelize others.

1) Pray for the growth and effectiveness of MEDIA AND MINISTRY FORUM. The training page has over 4,000 followers.

6) Pray for 50 new monthly partners for Asia Pacific Media in 2022. We need more friends resourcing this ministry to meet the increasing training needs of the Digital Church.

3) The number of followers to Media for Hope in Myanmar has grown by 70% in the past 6 months. One church worker shared, “your messages give me courage to live and serve in difficult days.”

Pray for

3) Pray that the participants in AIMM 2022 will translate their learning into better online ministry for their local churches.

2) Pray with our team for new messages that tell stories of changed lives by God’s power.

2) For our great APMedia Manila team. We’ve added three new staff members in the past months, and each is performing quality ministry that expands our ability to serve more.

5) Pray for wisdom as we consider ministry in Asia. There are continued challenges in bringing people together.

2022 Annual Update [15.]

& A P M E D I A A S W E E Q U I P M E D I A M I S S I O N A R I E &S A P M E D I A A S W E E Q U I P M E D I A M I S S I O N A R I E S & R E S O U R C E T H E D I G I T A L C H U R C &H R E S O U R C T H E D I G I T A L C H U R C H


4) Pray for Myanmar and our media team. Pray that our video messages and online ministry will provide hope and connection for many.

Asia PPacific ray for Asia Pacific

1) In March, almost 150 workers from 8 nations attended the Asia Institute for Media in Ministry (AIMM). The response to the training was very encouraging.

Multiplying His Message in the Metaverse M E D I A I N M I N I S T R Y T R A I N I I N G

2022 Annual Update [17.]2022 Annual Update [17.] M A R T I N K Ö R B E R — A P M E D I A T R A I N E R 2022 Annual Update [17.]

The potential of the new Metaverse is unrolling before our eyes. And sooner than later, it will dramatically impact the way we live. We can already see that the industry is putting billions of dollars into the development of the Metaverse, and everyone is trying to become the first big player. The projected market size for the Metaverse in less than two years will be approximately 270 billion dollars.

It began when founder Mark Zuckerburg changed the name of Facebook to Meta. Microsoft, Apple, and many others are working on building devices to integrate with the Metaverse. The significant move forward into Meta began when the social media company decided to purchase Oculus “Virtual Reality” goggles to merge the two technologies.

The merge of social media and augmented reality allows the user to meet up with friends in a “virtual room.” You can watch a movie, play party games like Pictionary, and, yes, even attend church. Even some Assemblies of God churches in the US, like James River in Ozark, Missouri, are already experimenting with “Metachurch” campuses.”

Utilizing augmented reality, churches are making these virtual campuses to look like the inside of the main church. When you go to church in the metaverse, you can talk to people and hear their real voices. You can explore a full campus and experience different ministries. You can connect with pastors and receive prayer. It’s hard to forecast the possibilities for using this technology, as it is still in development, much like when the internet started in the 80s or when the smartphone hit the marketplace. But you can see how these technologies influence the daily life of billions of people today. (continued on page 19)

So, what is the Metaverse?

S T A T S F R O M W E A R S O C I A L . C O M


Facebook is the most used social media platform with nearly 3 billion users. Internet users in the Philippines spend nearly 10.5 hours online each day. In 2021, there were nearly 424 million new social media users 73% of the populations in Pacific Oceania, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Asia are internet users. 94% of the population of Japan is connected online. Social media users make up 94% of worldwide internet users. Social media users spend an average of 2 5 hours on social media each day Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are the top three media platforms worldwide 72% of the population of Southeast Asia are social media users. DID YOU KNOW?

—Argie Guerrero This technology is a great way to reach those in countries dominated by other religions and help them connect to Christ.

The Metaverse can be a unique way to have church. This will be useful for those unable to attend church physically.

Wouldn’t it be amazing when people who might even be homebound can go into the Metaverse to meet with friends? They could corporately celebrate, shop, or just hang out with others. People in this community would find newfound freedom to go to church, meet Christians, and encounter and discover Christ?

(continued from page 17)

Here is what our Media in Ministry Forum members said about the Metaverse Training. You help APMedia offer these webinars free of charge.

How much more will the Metaverse influence how we live in the future?

The Metaverse will give us many opportunities to reach a new group of people with the gospel. Still, we must prepare, learn, and not lag behind technology. Your support of APMedia helps us respond proactively to the future of digital media. Your partnership allows us to train the church across Asia Pacific on how to utilize new technology like the Metaverse to spread His Message of Hope.

Psalm 2:8 speaks about giving us a nation as our inheritance … preaching the gospel in every nation. This can happen with Metaverse technology. —Ferdie Malong Metachurch provides unlimited opportunities to share the gospel and expand God’s kingdom. —Anarie Jayson Ibañez God bless Asia Pacific Media! The message is not changing, but the Church needs to adapt to new platforms to reach more people for Jesus! —Rafael De Jesus

The question is not, “Will the Metaverse come?” The question is, “Is the church ready for the Metaverse?” Here at Asia Pacific Media, we are dedicated to help the church in Asia Pacific be ahead of the game. We are incorporating cutting-edge training on technology like the Metaverse to help reach “all who can hear.”

The Fruit of Media Ministry M E D I A I N M I N I S T R Y F O R U M M E D I A I N M I N I S T R Y F O R U M

2022 Annual Update [21.]

R U S S E L L S A N T I A G O — P H I L I P P I N E S

Media ministry in our church, Seeds of Jesus Full Gospel Church AG, located in Arkong Bato, Valenzuela, was birthed during the early pandemic. We started from zero, and we kept on learning, thanks to Asia Pacific Media. I first learned about APMedia in 2009 when I attended my first Magazine Layout training. At that time, I was the Senior Graphic Designer at our church. During the pandemic, our Multimedia Ministry was renamed Media Ministry as we realized media enabled us to help all ministries in the church. Our church leadership, especially our pastor, has supported our desire to expand and extend the gospel of our Lord through this Media Ministry. Our media team is comprised of seven people—most between 20 to 25 years old. My wife and I have fun working alongside their enthusiasm and energy. We love how these younger people generate ideas. The Media and Ministry Forum has widened our perspective on the different media we can use in our church. Our media team is dedicated to attending these seminars to learn more and grow in our use of technology for the Lord. The world uses technology professionally. Media ministry workers in the church must also train, so they exude professionalism. I use this time to build the team and offer growth opportunities. The value of having this training and mentoring from APMedia is priceless. You can acquire knowledge from paid training and seminars; after that, you are on your own. But the team at APMedia is always there to offer advice and instruction on our specific situations. There is nothing like this ordinarily available to the church. Before the training, the audio and video were very challenging for us. We determined our priority and what we should do first. We decided to prioritize audio because we learned that people tend to listen more. Then we invested in our video equipment. I would like to thank APMedia for bringing these training opportunities to every church, especially in our church. I have the vision to start broadcasting networks for our church—to plant seeds of Jesus. I am inspired as a church leader to accomplish greater things


[22.] MISSION | APMEDIA.ORG As an APMedia partner, you play a critical role in helping Multiply His Message across Asia Pacific. In 2022, although the pandemic continues to limit church in-person, you have allowed us to increase our online training—exponentially growing the reach of the Digital Church. THANKS TO YOUR FAITHFULNESS, HERE’S HOW WE HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE! TOGETHER WE'VE DONE SO MUCH GOOD! WE ENGAGE, MENTOR AND TRAIN CHURCHES IN VIETNAM, JAPAN, INDONESIA & MALAYSIA in the whys and hows of Digital Evangelism, Outreach and Discipleship. WE CONTINUE TO CREATE RELEVANT DIGITAL RESOURCES, promoting mental health and providing support to parents with children. to continue producing and broadcasting Messages of Hope during the pandemic, complicated by intense political unrest. WE'VE PROVIDED OUR MYANMAR MEDIA TEAM TRAINING & TOOLS, INCLUDING A PRODUCTION STUDIO WE INVEST IN THE NEXT GENERATION OF CHURCH WORKERS casting a vision for media and ministry from the local church. WE TRAIN AND GUIDE THOUSANDS OF CHURCHES DAILY who continue to expand their ministry to the local community through social media during a time of lockdown. THANK YOU FOR YOUR APMEDIA.ORG/GIVEPARTNERSHIP!


M I S S I O N W W W . A P M E D I A . O R G T R A I N I N G M E D I A M I S S I O N A R I E S T O R E S O U R C E T H E D I G I T A L C H U R C H A S I A P A C I F I C M E D I A H I S M E S S A G E M U L T I P L I E D G E N E R A L C O U N C I L O F T H E A S S E M B L I E S O F G O D 1 4 4 5 N . B O O N V I L L E A V E . S P R I N G F I E L D , M O . 6 5 8 0 2

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