ABN 17 000 028 526
HIGHLIGHTS ◗◗ Statutory NPAT including significant items, down 5.8% to $175.4 million ◗◗ Underlying NPAT before significant items up 13.9% to $223.7 million ◗◗ Building Products EBIT up 16.8% to $76.0 million (EBITDA $105.4 million) ◗◗ Property EBIT up 3.7% to $94.0 million ◗◗ Investments EBIT up 19.8% to $123.5 million ◗◗ Gearing (net debt/equity) of 14.7%, net debt $303.8 million ◗◗ Final dividend of 36 cents fully franked, up 2 cents or 5.9% ◗◗ Total full year dividend of 54 cents fully franked, up 3 cents or 5.9%
Review of
RESULTS Full year ended July 2018