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Sustainability governance

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Our FY2020 targets

Our FY2020 targets

Sustainability is embedded into the Brickworks business strategy. The Brickworks Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) is responsible for the oversight of sustainability governance, with day-to-day management of the Group governance arrangements delegated to the Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer.

Annually, key management personnel make presentations to the Board on safety, human resources, risk, environment and sustainability issues and targets. During FY20, sustainability will be formally incorporated into the charter of the ARC, and the ARC will be presented an Environmental Social Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities paper and a five-year Sustainability Strategy.

Our Environmental Policy includes our sustainability commitments and can be downloaded from www.brickworks.com. au p about us p policies. Sustainability risk management is integrated through key performance indicators (KPIs) which are set at business level. This year several sustainability KPIs were linked to the divisional bonus structure, for items including: health and safety performance; environmental management training and systems development; and the development of community engagement plans and natural gas efficiency plans.


Audit & Risk Committee

◗ Financial reporting, internal and external audit ◗ Risk management framework and strategy, risk appetite and risk profile ◗ Oversight of sustainability and climate related risks and opportunities Brickworks Board

Nomination Committee

◗ Board and Committee membership and renewal Remuneration Committee

◗ Remuneration policies, practices and related disclosure Independent Board Committee

◗ To consider and make recommendations to the Board when circumstances exist or proposals are received when the interests of WHSP may differ from the interests of Brickworks or other shareholders in Brickworks

Brickworks Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer

◗ Delegated limits of authority to manage the Company other than matters reserved to the Board or as otherwise delegated to a Board Committee

Brickworks senior management

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