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Local communities

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Our FY2020 targets

Our FY2020 targets

We recognise the importance of maintaining positive relationships with all stakeholders, and the effect that has on our business success. We are embedded in our local communities where we operate, with many of our employees living in the local area. We are reliant on local goods, services, markets and natural resources. Developing mutually beneficial relationships makes us a desirable company to do business with.

We continue to attend community forums, such as consultation for development applications and community group meetings. We maintain strong relationships with legislative and regulatory authorities. In addition, company representatives are involved with industry groups to promote issues, such as sustainable building products.

1 00% Achieved

In FY19, Brickworks developed stakeholder maps and community engagement plans for sites at risk of community concern. The plans have improved our socio-political knowledge of the area, ability to identify community concerns and expectations, knowing when to engage and methods of engagement.

Sites identified as requiring a plan have developed their sitespecific plan and a local community engagement procedure. During FY20, our target will be to implement Community Engagement Plans across these sites.

Community group


Cardup WA: Austral Bricks operates a brick factory and clay pit in Cardup. The area has an active local community group with which we engage on a quarterly basis, and on occasion undertake tours of operations. We have developed a Community Engagement Plan that has been approved by the local authority. High on the agenda are issues such as land use planning, dust management and vehicle movements. In addition to providing updates on issues and responding to questions, we aim to ensure our engagement with the group is always a pleasant experience by offering refreshments.

Case study


At Ford Road Quarry Queensland, we undertake regular community engagement. The site has implemented a range of operational improvements, including road sealing, transport fleet management and dust suppressants.

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