Cobalt Blue Holdings Limited – Prospectus

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PROSPECTUS For an offer of up to 50,000,000 Shares at A$0.20 per Share to raise a maximum of A$10,000,000, with 12,500,000 free attaching Loyalty Options on a 1:4 basis and with a minimum subscription of A$8,000,000 for 40,000,000 Shares (with 10,000,000 free attaching Loyalty Options on a 1:4 basis) (General Offer). This Prospectus also includes a priority offer as part of the General Offer to shareholders of Broken Hill Prospecting Limited (BPL) registered at 5:00pm ADST on the record date of 21 November 2016 (Priority Offer). This Prospectus has also been issued to provide information to shareholders of BPL registered at 5:00pm ADST on the record date of 21 November 2016 in respect of BPL’s proposed in specie distribution of 35,000,000 Shares it holds to those shareholders, to provide information to those shareholders in respect of the issue by COB of 8,750,000 free Options to those shareholders (on a 1:4 basis) as part of the in specie distribution, and to facilitate the secondary trading of those Shares and Options.

IMPORTANT NOTICE This Prospectus and each of the documents which are incorporated by reference are important documents and must be read in their entirety. If you do not understand their contents or are in doubt as to the course you should follow, you should consult your professional advisor.

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