Grand Master's Newsletter – 18 May 2023

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Brethren: Welcome to my May 2023 Newsletter

Over the past month or so there has been plenty happening within our jurisdiction and, I’m pleased to say that our membership numbers are still on the rise. The Ceremonial Team and I have been out and about over the past month or so with visits to St Andrews up at Manilla NSW, Lodge Independent Lewis out at Portland, Lodge Lake Macquarie at Toronto and Lodge St James up in Newcastle. Our

various boards and committees are also continuing their good work as we look toward growing and future-proofing our wonderful organisation.

From an administrative perspective, we are now well into our re-structuring process, and I thank our Grand Secretariat for their understanding and commitment to what has been an onerous but necessary task. Times are changing; we must work smarter and tighten our belts if

we are to rein in our spending and ride the wave of what is shaping up to be a somewhat volatile economic future.

From a lodge perspective we have some big events coming up, beginning with the ‘Hands Across the Border’ event at Deniliquin later this month.

Watch the Grand Master’s Video Newsletter CLICK BELOW
NEWSLETTER Staying Connected 18 May 2023 The Grand Master’s Newsletter An official publication of the United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT. Please submit your articles and photographs to and ensure you have permission from all depicted for their image to be published in United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT publications.   Freemasonsnswact 279 Castlereagh Street Sydney PO Box A259 Sydney South NSW 1235 T 02 9284 2800 • F 02 9284 2828

This represents a great opportunity to get together with our Victorian brothers and I especially look forward to catching up with our brethren from Deniliquin and surrounding areas.

For me, support for all corners of our jurisdiction is important, as such it has always been my intention to get down to Deni and this represents my first opportunity to do so. I am really looking forward to catching up with the brethren and their families during what will be an enjoyable weekend.

Of course, last week we witnessed the crowning of a new king. A new era for the monarchy and we wish King Charles III a long, happy and successful reign.

We also have several centenaries, installations and special events coming up and I thank all those that are taking on representative responsibility for these functions. If you’ve got a special function coming up, I wish you and your lodge every success.

The Board of Management is now getting much closer to having our new website launched. The website will be easier to navigate and incorporate a much improved and easier to operate membership system. Importantly it will save us money and be much more user friendly.

I really appreciate your tolerance and support during this process, I understand the difficulties associated with change and we won’t allow the official launch of the new system to go forward until we are sure that all your advice has been listened to, absorbed, and incorporated into what I am sure will be an outstanding addition to our administrative functionality.

We understand how hard our Lodge Secretaries work and, by September of this year we plan to ensure that we lessen their workload and give them the

Freemason magazine

You will have received your April edition of Freemason magazine, which can also be viewed at

In this issue: Lodge Myall Consecration, What’s a consecration?, Sky-high masonry, Vale Brother Lauer, Foundation launch, Two Lewises, no waiting, Masonicare in action, Sharing an interest in ale, Rainbow Girls, About the haggis, ANZMRC Report, A poetic figurehead, Getting to the pointe, The hand of friendship, A Start in Life, A devastating fire, and much more

information that they need to do their work accurately and with ease. Part of our new structure will be improved communication. As I have indicated there is much happening in the background and I want you all kept informed, so, by way of these newsletters, and with the improved functionality of our new website, I would like to see ongoing informative video communication from various sections of our administration that will keep members well informed.

Leading up to the launch of our new website we will begin by expanding the video information in the Grand Master’s newsletter.

Next month VW Bro Joe Corrigan will tell us what is happening with MasoniCare and in future newsletters we will hear from our Board of Management, Ritual Advisory Committee, and our Ceremonial Team.

So, stay tuned, look after yourselves and, most importantly, enjoy your Freemasonry.



To allow us to publish a more current Quarterly Communication report, we are now publishing the Freemason in January, April, July and October. Deadline for submissions is one month before publication date so why not get your story in the next issue? There’s still time! All you need to do is send an email to news@ It doesn’t have to be perfect but if you get the facts to us with a few pictures, we can use it.

We are also introducing a Classified section and some smaller/less expensive ad sizes to make it easier for smaller businesses to advertise in the Freemason More detail in your July Freemason Magazine.

The Grand Master’s Newsletter An official publication of the United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT. Please submit your articles and photographs to and please ensure you have permission from all mentioned and depicted for their image to be publicly published.   Freemasonsnswact 279 Castlereagh Street Sydney PO Box A259 Sydney South NSW 1235 T 02 9284 2800 • F 02 9284 2828

Calling all Masons

Freemason magazine needs your support.

Like everything, the cost of producing the Freemason increases every year, particularly due to the increasing cost of postage (nearly a third of total cost is postage!). Further to that, the income we receive from Capitation Fees is just $12 per member, and has not increased for many years. This is compounded by dramatically declining membership numbers, which are no longer anywhere near what they were when that figure was set.

We are committed to the continued production of our great magazine with its interesting and informative articles, regional news and advocacy of our masonic principals in the community. It’s also the perfect platform to help keep all freemasons in the jurisdiction connected to each other and to Grand Lodge, as well as being an attractive contact point for new masons and those who are curious about masonry.

Below are three examples of the same Classified advert to suit different budgets. Download our Media Kit for more options.

Masonic Books for Sale

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum – volumes for sale

Volumes 75–111, plus additional volumes in the sequence. Facsimiles of volumes 4 and 5 also available.

All profits devoted to masonic research. Email for details.

Books forsale

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum – volumes for sale

We can improve the financial health of the magazine if we carry more advertising. Any magazine or newspaper publisher will stress the importance of advertising as being a huge part of their financial wellbeing. The Freemason has a number of regular and loyal advertisers, but nowhere near the proportions that magazines need to survive. We have now reached a critical stage where our eroding income and increasing costs mean that we must put out a call for aid.

Volumes75–111, plus additionalvolumes in the sequence. Facsimiles of volumes4 and 5 also available.

How Can You Help?

All profits devotedtomasonic research. Email for details

If every lodge paid for a notice in What’s On, we would raise around $13,500 each year. This means that for only $60 per year, your lodge can help keep your magazine going.

Further, if just one business per lodge placed a small advertisement in each issue, we would raise enough money to cover the magazine’s costs for a year! There are plenty of options to suit all advertising requirements and budgets.

ArsQuatuor Coronatorum


Volumes 75–111, plusadditional volumes in the sequence. Facsimiles of vol 4 and 5 also available.

Email Bro Morse at

If so, tell them about the magazine and send them this link.

Play YOUR part and support YOUR magazine. Do you know of a business that could benefit from advertising to EVERY FREEMASON in NSW & ACT?
You can view or download our Media Kit at If you have any questions please email
ArsQuatuor Coronatorum - VOLUMES FOR SALEVolumes 75–111, plusadditional volumes in the sequence. Facsimiles of vol 4 and 5 also available. Email Bro Morse at Books forsale Ars Quatuor Coronatorum – volumes for sale Volumes75–111, plus additionalvolumes in the sequence. Facsimiles of volumes4 and 5 also available. All profits devotedtomasonic research. Email for details VOLUMES 75-111 FOR SALE Plus additional volumes in the sequence. Facsimiles of vol 4and 5alsoavailable All profits devoted to masonicresearch. Ars Quatuor Coronatorum Email Bro Morse at SUPPORTINGTHE FIRST? MENTORING THE September2019 Integrity – Loyalty – Respect Step... One regular ...a mason on the moon 2019 Bee Busy as a Integrity – Loyalty – Respect CHRISTMASSTORY WAS THE(K)NOTSOFFREEMASONRY v49 December Sydney’s Sandstone Integrity – Loyalty – Respect Monumental Masonry

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