The Freemason magazine is the official journal of The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.
It started as a black and white newsletter in 1864 and has been in its current format since 1968.
It is the only regular masonic communication in NSW & ACT that is posted directly to all of its members. It is also available to everyone through the United Grand Lodge website and the Issuu digital platform.
The journal contains articles of masonic and general interest to members of the Craft and their families. Each edition comprises 48 pages of full colour throughout with a maximum of 8 pages allocated to advertising. This restriction on the ratio of advertising to editorial maintains a high level of prominence for the advertiser.
• To uphold and promote those values, morals and virtues which Freemasonry believes are universal and enduring.
• To foster a better understanding of Freemasonry within the general community.
• To provide a forum for discussion on masonic issues.
• To publicise the charitable works of Freemasonry.
• To provide articles of interest and education and to disseminate masonic news and views.
• To recognise masons and others who make significant contributions to the Craft and the wider community.
Readership and Circulation
Advertising Specifications
Advertising Prices
Digital Editions
Grand Master’s Newsletter
Publication Deadlines
Booking Form
Terms & Conditions
Our ceremonies, rituals and regalia are full of allegorical symbolism and are designed to remind us what we’ve learned and the obligations we’ve undertaken.
We seek to uphold universal values of love for all mankind, assistance to those less fortunate and to seek truth in all and every situation.
Freemasonry has been uniting good men all over the world for centuries.
It’s a way of guiding ourselves in the pursuit of truth, integrity and mutual support.
We come from different kinds of life paths, religions and backgrounds.
We lead by example, putting our principles into practice through our charitable activities.
• is prominent in his professional field, including a high proportion of small/medium business owners;
• is a decision maker;
• is a high income earner or retired with adequate funds;
• is from a stable and conventional background;
• is in a stable relationship (80%);
• is vitally concerned with community activities and charitable works;
• is over the age of 55 (average age 61);
• travels widely, takes regular holidays at home and overseas;
• plans carefully for the future;
• very interested in topics relating to health and leisure pursuits; and
• has an appreciation of music, the arts, good food and fine wine.
• is becoming younger and racially diverse;
• is increasingly tech savvy;
• includes friends and family members;
• includes other charity and community groups.
Freemason Magazine
Readership and Circulation
Advertising Specifications
Advertising Prices
Digital Editions
Grand Master’s Newsletter
Publication Deadlines Booking Form
Terms & Conditions
1 What’s On and Classified sections (text only) follow a specific format. See Submissions page.
2 An Insert is placed inside the magazine, an Onsert is placed between the magazine and the flysheet.
Please complete and send the accompanying Booking Form before sending artwork.
Submit all finished artwork, or content if you require our Design Service, by the submission deadline listed in this document.
All submissions should be emailed directly to freemason@apmgraphics.com.au. Hightail, Dropbox, WeTransfer may also be used to submit artwork but please also notify us by email first.
• Only press optimised PDF files at 300dpi (max quality) may be submitted to ensure the magazine maintains a high quality
• Image resolution required is 300ppi/dpi
• Images must be saved as CMYK or Grayscale (no RGB, LAB or spot colours)
• Pantone colours must be in CMYK equivalent
• Screen and printer fonts must be embedded
• Double page spreads to be supplied as a single page PDF
• Crop marks set 8mm from trim
• Double page spreads and full page adverts must have 5mm bleed on all four sides
• Large areas of black should have a tint of at least 10% cyan under the 100% black
• Total ink coverage should not exceed 240%
• Body copy text which is black should be set to 100% black (not 4 colour CMYK black)
For our What’s On and Classified sections you can also try our inexpensive ‘Text Only’ adverts. These are a maximum width of 55mm (one column) and a height of 33mm and follow a specific format. See examples below.
For What’s On, please supply: your lodge name and number, a heading and body text including contact details. For Classified ads, supply a classification, location, company name and body text including contact details. We will send a proof for your approval.
Lodge Example No 3579
We meet at the Example Masonic Centre in Sydney on the 3rd Thursday in the Month with our Installation on the 3rd Saturday in March. Our festive board is always sumptuous and we strongly encourage visitors.
Contact the Secretary on 0403 405 519 or email secretary@Lodge Example.com.au
A full design and creative advert service is available to advertisers FREE OF CHARGE for simple adverts. All content should be supplied with a brief and one round of amendments is included. If the advert falls outside the scope of a simple advert we will contact you to provide a cost estimate for this service. Contact us for more details and to discus your requirements at freemason@apmgraphics.com.au
Garden Maintenance
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For all your garden maintenance, including, grass mowing and clean-up, bush trimming and mulching. We also do fencing, pergolas, retaining walls, stairs and paths.
Contact Joe on 0400 408 518 or email joe@brojoemowhoe.com.au
Freemason Magazine
Readership and Circulation
Advertising Specifications
Advertising Prices
Digital Editions
Grand Master’s Newsletter
Publication Deadlines
Booking Form
Terms & Conditions
A full design and creative advert service is available to advertisers FREE OF CHARGE for simple adverts. All content should be supplied with a brief and one round of amendments is included. If the advert falls outside the scope of a simple advert we will contact you to provide a cost estimate for this service. Contact us for more details and to discus your requirements at freemason@apmgraphics.com.au
* Plus 10% GST
1 Inserts must be no more than 2mm thick and be no larger than 250mm x 185mm.
Heavy or bulky inserts may incur additional costs. Please provide specifications of onsert at least 14 days before print deadline for approval and costing.
2 Onserts can be no larger than 270mm x 205mm.
Heavy or bulky onserts may incur additional costs. Please provide specifications of onsert at least 14 days before print deadline for approval and costing.
3 What’s On and Classified (text only) entries follow a specific format. See Submissions page.
Your print advertisements will automatically appear in the digital editions with all specified active links. Your company name will also be shown on the Freemason magazine web page on our Grand Lodge website, where all our magazines can be downloaded or viewed.
Additionally, we use Issuu to make it easy for our readers to flip through the magazine at their leisure, on any device. It also allows the reader to download the full PDF.
Issuu also extends our readership by making the magazine available to the wider public.
Our digital editions will also extend the life of your advert beyond the quarter, as all publications will remain on the UGL website and the Issuu platform indefinitely. The active links that are set up for publication will stay, constantly being scanned by search engine ’robots’ and improving your online visibility.
The Grand Master’s Newsletter is emailed to every Freemason with an email address in NSW and ACT. It is also uploaded to Issuu and our Grand Lodge website
This document is a two page A4 interactive PDF and contains the GM’s personal message to the brethren of the jurisdiction. It is produced every month except for Freemason magazine publication months of January, April, July and October.
Traditionally, advertising has not been considered in this document so as not to dilute the GM’s message ... however, we now offer one advertiser per issue the opportunity to place a full page advert on the third page of the document.
Your company name and link will also be added to the first page of the Newsletter as part of the header block and on the Grand Lodge website
The cost for this exclusive full page advert is $1,000 per edition.
Please contact us for bookings. See the Publication Deadlines page for the Grand Master’s Newsletter.
Magazine Readership and Circulation
Advertising Specifications
Contact name: Phone: Email: Organisation (if applicable):
Billing postal address: State: Postcode:
Title of advertisement (or insert):
Ad Type: Double Page Spread Full Page Bleed What’s On Classified
Height: 230 112 72 53 41 33 Text Only
Width: 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column
Other: Insert Onsert Special (Please specify)
Finished Artwork Design Service required
I agree to pay the amount below, per edition.
$ plus 10% GST
I wish to confirm my advertising booking in the Freemason. I understand the booking will proceed unless I notify APM Graphics Management in writing.
I have read and understand the terms and conditions.
Freemason Magazine
Readership and Circulation
Advertising Specifications
Advertising Prices
Digital Editions
Grand Master’s Newsletter
Publication Deadlines
Print Name:
Booking Form
Terms & Conditions
• Rates given are subject to change without notice.
• All copy is subject to the approval of the editor, who may reject advertising or copy if they feel it necessary.
• The word advertisement will be placed above or below copy, which, in the opinion of the above, resembles editorial matter.
• Every care is taken with key numbers but no deduction allowed for errors.
• Omission on the part of the publisher to insert any advertisement shall not constitute a breach of the advertising order by the publisher, who may at their option insert the advertisement in a subsequent issue.
• Cancellation deadline is two weeks prior to booking deadline supplied. Cancellations made after this date or artwork that is not supplied by the deadline will still incur the advertising cost.
• The Advertiser indemnifies the Freemason, The United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT and APM Graphics Management, their employees and agents against any costs, losses, claims, damages or liabilities resulting from any legal action arising from the publications of the advertisement in the Freemason magazine and Grand Master’s newsletter.
• Advertisers and/or advertising agencies, upon and by lodging material with the publisher for publication, or authorising or approving of the publication of any material, indemnify the publisher, its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limited the generality of the foregoing so indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names or publication titles, unfair competition publication will not give rise to any rights or liabilities in the publisher, its servants or agents.
• All advertising matter submitted for publication will be accepted only on the understanding that the material is not in contravention of any provision of Part V of the Trade Practices Act and that the publisher may rely upon that understanding.
• All prices quoted are excluding GST. 10% GST must be added.
• APM Graphics Management (APM) makes every reasonable effort to publish the Freemason magazine and Grand Master’s newsletter according to the distribution schedule. APM is not liable for any loss or damage incurred by an advertiser as a result of any failure or delay in the distribution of the publications.
• All advertising submitted must be accurate and adhere to the principles of the Freemason ethos. Materials must be reviewed by the Freemason Editorial Committee and may be edited accordingly.
• The Freemason reserves the right to cancel or reject advertising deemed inappropriate.
• Advertising deadlines are included in this document. Advertisers are required to pay, in full, 30 days after the publication date.
• Repeat material will be used for a multi-issue contract when new material is not supplied by the deadline.
It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that advertisements comply with the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended. All advertisements are accepted for publication on the condition that the advertiser indemnify the publisher and its servants against all actions, suits, claims, loss and/or damages resulting from anything published on behalf of the advertiser.
If you have any questions regarding advertising, please contact us at freemason@ apmgraphics.com.au
Freemason Magazine
Readership and Circulation
Advertising Specifications
Advertising Prices
Digital Editions
Grand Master’s Newsletter
Publication Deadlines
Booking Form
Terms & Conditions