The Ryde Connector – Spring 2023

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North Ryde Common and Macquarie Mental Health Hospital

Under Threat!

North Ryde Common and Macquarie Mental Health Hospital are under threat, and I need your help.

Recently, the Sydney Morning Herald revealed the Minns Labor Government is considering the development of the North Ryde Common and Macquarie Mental Health Hospital site for highdensity housing.

With your support, I am hoping to send a strong message to the Premier that the Ryde community is opposed to these plans.

I am a long-term advocate for open space and believe our current mental health crisis makes preservation of the Macquarie Hospital facility more important than ever.

Whether it’s the thousands of local families who enjoy the Rotary Carols on the Common, or those families who receive acute mental health support at Macquarie Hospital, this site is home to highly valuable community facilities that must be protected for current and future generations.

Every signature counts, and I would strongly encourage you to scan the QR code above and to share this petition with your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues. The link to this petition is

Thank you for your support and for standing up for what truly matters. I will continue to keep you updated. Together, we can make a difference!

Please reach out to my office via email at or call us on (02) 9808 3288 if you have any questions or need further assistance.

A Community Newsletter from Jordan Lane MP, Member for Ryde Shadow Assistant Minister for Health and Multiculturalism
Jordan speaks to media with Member for Lane Cove, Anthony Roberts MP and the Shadow Minister for Planning, the Hon. Scott Farlow MLC

1 Rebuilding Ryde Hospital

I am pleased the $479m rebuild of Ryde Hospital is now underway, with early site works already commencing. The rebuild is a major investment in local health infrastructure, and will secure the future of our local hospital for generations to come. After a series of successful community information sessions, the team will soon be seeking approval for detailed designs, demolition of old buildings, additional car parking and major construction works. Regeneration works are also continuing in the Blue Gum High Forest which should be completed this year.

2 Advocating For New Schools

Ryde enjoyed historic investment in education before the last election, but we know we need to do more. Before the election, commitments were made to build a new K-12 school in Macquarie Park, and another major school redevelopment in Melrose Park. Unfortunately, the new Government is yet to commit to a site for either of these schools. This is creating a lot of uncertainty, particularly for the K-12 school in Macquarie Park which previously had a site identified. I have repeatedly asked the Minister for Education about this issue, and will continue to keep you updated. I am a passionate advocate for education, and want local kids in Ryde to have access to the very best school facilities anywhere in the country.

3 Protecting Sydney Water

The Government has been clear about their plans to build new housing on public land. While this sounds logical in theory, it likely conflicts with their other commitment of keeping Sydney Water at West Ryde in public hands. While the new Government has refused to commit to widening Victoria Road, no future Government will ever be able to improve this traffic bottleneck if the site is lost to developers. I have already called on the Minister for Water to commit to activating this site for community use, and am working with Ryde Council on plans to create more active transport options for local residents, school and TAFE students between Meadowbank and West Ryde.

4 T.G. Millner

My first ever motion in the NSW Parliament was to call on the Minister for Planning to join with Ryde Council and the local community to save TG Millner. As many of you know from my time as Mayor, Council has been negotiating with the landowner on options to acquire this site so that it can remain public open space in perpetuity. The alternative is for the site to be developed which would mean our green space is lost forever. Council recently applied to the Minister for Local Government for approval to proceed with this acquisition, which will give Ryde Council the powers it needs to continue with its strategy. Please encourage your local Ryde Councillors to support this plan so we can save TG Millner.

Supporting Local Businesses

Parliament Watch

Since my election, I have been busy representing you in Parliament: 78 Speeches, 7 Notices of Motion, 63 Questions on Notice. You can find more details on these contributions by scanning the relevant QR codes below:

78 Speeches


Notices of Motion

Interpreter services can be organised if required. In order to assist our Korean constituents in addressing state issues, a bilingual Korean staff member will be available on Mondays. To assist our Mandarin speaking constituents a bilingual staff member is available on Thursdays.

63 Questions on Notice

in Parliament

Out in the Community
주 정부 현안과 관련된 한국 선거구 매주 월요일에는 영어와 한국어로 민원상담을 도와드립니다. 영어를 구사하는 직원이 있습니다.
如果需要,可以安排口譯服務。每個星期四, 我們還有會講普通話的工作人員為選民提供服務。

Our Community Needs Your Help!

Please consider adding your voice to any or all of these important community issues by scanning the relevant QR code and completing the Survey/Petitions

Stand Up for Active Kids

The Minns Labor Government recently announced major cuts to the popular Active Kids, Creative Kids and First Lap voucher programs. I am calling for the reintroduction of this program in full in the next budget. Please add your voice so we can get more kids playing sport, and help take pressure off household budgets.

More Domestic Violence Funding

Before the election, I secured a $600,000 commitment to fund an important family and domestic violence service in West Ryde. Unfortunately, the new Government is now only delivering $40,000, less than 7% of what was announced. This is very disappointing given the impact of family and domestic violence in NSW. Please sign and share my petition to help secure this much needed funding.

Grants Program

Over the past 4 months as your new Member of Parliament, I’ve had many conversations with locals about issues affecting Ryde and NSW more broadly. From these discussions and our recent community survey, it’s clear that the rising cost of living is the number one concern in Ryde

There are different grants, savings, rebates, and budget relief initiatives from various government websites that can be found using the QR code.

Authorised by Jordan Lane MP. Printed by Print48, Wetherill Park NSW 2164 using parliamentary entitlements.
VOLUME-CONTROL-PHONE (02) 9808 3288 @ MAP-MARKER-ALT Suite 202, Ground Floor 5-9 Devlin Street Ryde NSW 2112 I ♥ Ryde MESSAGE @JordanLaneRyde ✉ PO Box 736 Ryde NSW 1680 Don’t forget to share this newsletter with your friends and family to keep them in the loop with all the exciting happenings in Ryde! Together, we can make a difference in our community. Community Survey HAVE YOUR SAY SCAN THE QR CODE GET IN TOUCH

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