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Mock trial

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Robbie Burns Night

Members and visitors all enjoyed a most entertaining meeting when Lodge Bundaleeah Daylight conducted one of their now famous mock trials, where a poor and hapless member suddenly finds himself the defendant in a legal matter.

More embarrassing for him when you consider that his ‘trial’ was to be held in the presence of the Grand Master himself.

After some furniture re-arranging and audience-shuffling, the lodge room was transformed into a court room, with the luckless defendant Bro Frank Gaha (Junior Deacon of Lodge Bundaleeah) – despite his protests of innocence – being forced to sit alone in what was once the Secretary’s chair.

The imposing figure of the bailiff (RW Bro Peter Figg) entered the room and commanded all to rise while His Honour the Judge Presiding (RW Bro Harry Griffiths KC) entered. Once seated, His Honour appointed those Grand Officers in attendance to be the jury, with MW Bro Les Hicks as foreman.

Counsel for the Prosecution was RW Bro Ross Partridge, with the case to be defended by RW Bro Bob Handley. A noble but futile gesture was made obvious to all when the side curtains parted to allow a priest (VW Bro Terry McCallum) and an executioner (Bro Kieran Rodgers) to enter, ready and indeed eager to fulfil their inevitable duties.

The defendant stood silently while the charge of assault was read. It claimed that he did knowingly and with premeditation during his time as Inner Guard assault one Derek Blundell, on the occasion of his initiation, with a sharp instrument (Exhibit A). Witnesses to this heinous crime included Bro James Cameron (effectively sounding the death knell for the accused), and Lodge Bundaleeah’s mascot W Bro Croc O’Dile, who withstood a strong challenge by Defence Counsel that he would be able to see ‘bugger-all in that suit!’

Counsels for the prosecution and defence readily adopted the appropriate mien and haughtily criss-crossed the court room floor, verbally to-ing and fro-ing with their arguments. The jury would often huddle and mumble like a Roman Senate as points were made, but inevitably the scripted verdict of ‘Guilty as Charged’ was proclaimed by the Grand Master.

The priest crossed the court room and, perhaps more than a little prematurely, gave the last rites to the prisoner before sentence was pronounced. In his sentencing RW Bro Griffiths KC said that in his ‘many years on the bench (etc, etc)’. He announced that the poor soul was to complete his service as Junior Deacon for the remainder of the current masonic term.

A gasp was heard from the gallery, and the executioner – who had been noisily sharpening his axe on a stone during the entire proceedings – was visibly disappointed.

Court was declared closed, and all retired to enjoy a hearty festive board. Yes – even the prisoner!

The cast

R Plaintiff: Bro Frank Blundell

R The Accused: Bro Frank Gaha

R The Judge: RW Bro Harry Griffiths PSGW

R Foreman of the Jury: MW Bro Les Hicks GM

R Bailiff: RW Bro Peter Figg PJGW

R Defence Counsel: RW Bro Bob Handley PAGM

R Executioner: Bro Kieran Rodgers

R Priest: VW Bro Terry McCallum PDGIW

R Chief Witness: W Bro Croc O’Dile (Bro Elliot Reynolds)

R Prosecution: RW Bro Ross Partridge PJGW

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