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An outstanding night in the capital

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A family affair

A family affair

Lodge Gowrie of Canberra celebrated its 819th meeting and 75th Installation on Saturday, 11 February at the Canberra Masonic Centre. Over 100 brethren joined the Grand Master, MW Bro Les Hicks, to witness the Re-Installation (for his third term) of W Bro Richard John Anderson who is also serving as a current Grand Steward.

A total of 101 masons were present with brethren coming from the Philippines, Victoria, as far away as Albury and Orange, and a dozen places in between.

Present were the Assistant Grand Master, RW Bro Paul Schultz and the GDC, RW Bro Troy Gara, RGC R4, RW Bro Dr Sean Hogan and the DGIW for D47, VW Bro Simon Hruza. Two PDGMs and 10 PAGMs were in the delegation.

However, the real significance of the evening was the member of Lodge Gowrie who had been asked by the WM-Elect to be the Installing Master – MW Bro Derek James Robson AM CMH. His exposition of the ritual and perambulations in the lodge room was a master class of knowledge and experience.

The Grand Master congratulated not only his predecessor, MW Bro Robson, but everyone who took part in this memorable event and emphasised that the whole evening represented Freemasonry working

Masterful Jerusalem

For some Worshipful Masters, having a bevy of Past Masters in the lodge can be daunting, but having eight Worshipful Masters at every meeting?

Lodge Jerusalem discovered that eight of its members were Masters of other lodges so in December they were all put to work to pass a brother. The Grand Master came along to celebrate this unusual occurrence.

at its most inclusive and enjoyable best. Special mention was made by the Grand Master of the perfect delivery of the Working Tools by three Lodge Gowrie Master Masons, Bros Allan Manalac, Cidrex Ramos and Stan Tudio.

The installation banquet was held at the Hellenic Club in Woden with 95 brethren and ladies and five children present and an excellent three course meal was enjoyed by all. Later in the evening the brethren of

Lodge Gowrie assembled for the cutting of the 75th anniversary cake, which was distributed, along with handmade masonic chocolates, to those present.

The Grand Master paid tribute to the long record of Lodge Gowrie and expressed his confidence that with the current team the Lodge’s future was in safe hands. In his response MW Bro Robson thanked the Lodge for the opportunity to act as Installing Master at the anniversary meeting.

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