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hat age, from newborn to five, is often said to be the most magical part of parenthood.
You get to watch your bundle of joy grow from a tiny baby into a high-spirited preschooler. He or she is constantly growing, learning and enthralled with life. Newborn 2 Five provides you with advice and information on newborns and activity options for preschoolers in the Bay of Plenty, as well as positive parenting tips and early childhood education (ECE) options. There is a huge range of ECE choices in the Bay of Plenty, and in this publication some local childcare options are highlighted. Keep this book as a useful reference. We hope it helps contribute to the immense delight your children will bring you. Remember that you are not going to get it right all the time, but make sure you enjoy the journey.
Useful numbers and websitess
Bringing baby home
Baby development
Don’t forget about Dad
Combating colds
Out and about in the Bay
Childcare options
Te Puna Reo o Pukehinahina
Little Einstein’s Montessori
We’re here for you
Learning that your child has a disability can be e overwhelming. CCS Disability Action Bay of Plenty is here to provide you with the support and information you need to find your way through the maze of services. We will: C Help you work with health professionals. C Inform you of services, funding and support that’s available. C Ensure you get the support you need. C Assist in planning for key milestones, education and transitions. C Offer local swim school classes for toddlers and pre-schoolers of all abilities. Get in touch (07) 578 0063 or 0800 227 2255 74 14th Avenue, Tauranga www.facebook.com/ccsDisabilityAction www.ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz
Allergy.org.nz Support, information and advocacy for children with allergies. Mum2Be: 0800Mum2Be (0800 686 223) – helps locate leading maternity carers in your area Health Line: 0800 611 116 – free 24/7 advice from trained registered nurses PlunketLine: 0800 933 922 – free 24/7 advice from Plunket Nurses. Plunket Bay of Plenty office: 07 578 7811
Annabelkarmel.com Nutrition advice, how to guides, busy forums and recipes for babies and children. Run by children’s food expert and mum of three Annabel Karmel. Areyouok.org.nz Campaign for action against family violence.
Immunisation: 0800 IMMUNE (0800 466 863)
Aupairlink.co.nz In home childcare from international aupairs.
Barnados: 0800 BARNADOS (0800 227 627) – parenting advice, support and childcare
Breastmates.co.nz Clothes, accessories and equipment for breast and bottle-feeding.
Women’s Refuge Crisis Line: 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843)
Familyservices.govt.nz Website of government information and resources for families.
Tauranga Parents Centre: 07 577 1229 – parenting advice and info including antenatal classes Poison Hotline: 0800 764 766 – free 24/7 advice Family violence Information Line: 0800 456 450 connects people to services where appropriate. It is available 7 days a week from 9am to 11pm, with an after-hours message in case of emergency.
Kidshealth.org.nz Joint initiative between The Paediatric Society of New Zealand and Starship Foundation. Information and resources on children’s health. Kidspot.co.nz Pregnancy and parenting resource with advice and activities for children. Kiwifamilies.co.nz Practical parenting advice from conception until they leave home. Nsu.govt.nz Information on screening tests during pregnancy. Parenthelp.org.nz Community parent and family support.
Say Goodbye to Baby Woes!
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Parentsinc.org.nz Not-for-profit organization with programmes to encourage and support parents, including Hot Tips seminars and Toolbox small group parenting programmes. Parentscentre.org.nz Parenting and community education and support, including local groups.
Up to 70% of babies suffer the distress of gas and gastric discomfort. Colic Calm & Tummy Calm is an all natural allergen free homoeopathic formula that provides rapid and effective relief.
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Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see you healthcare professional.
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Parent2parent.org.nz Support and information network for parents of children with special needs. Plunket.org.nz Free support services for the development, health and wellbeing of children under five. Skip.org.nz Free resources to support positive parenting. Thenappylady.co.nz Info, support, workshops and coffee groups for cloth nappy users. Womensrefuge.org.nz Support for women and children against family violence.
newborn baby in the house can be a real shock to the system. If you are a new mum, with little experience around babies or toddlers, you may find this a trying time! Most new mums go through the exact same thing – they can’t believe the sheer amount of work involved, the relentless lack of sleep and the constant worrying of whether you are ‘doing it right’.
Sleep or lack of!
You are not going to get a lot to start with. All mothers can’t wait for the night their baby sleeps through. It’s a breakthrough moment and a hot topic at mummy coffee groups. All babies are different and you may have the perfect eight hour sleeper in the first three months or still be getting up in the middle of the night when they are a year old – you just never know.
Sleep when your newborn sleeps
Most mums will gladly fall into bed when baby goes off to sleep for a much deserved kip – small as it may be. It’s a good idea as looking after a baby’s needs is a full time, very tiring job. Don’t try to soldier on, give your body a break. Even a ten minute power nap will help perk you up for the rest of the day. Or at least sit down with your feet up.
Don’t try to be Supermum
Housework can take a back seat when you have a baby. It’s difficult for the house proud to imagine, but finding the time to do housework with a baby at home can be a chore in itself! Some mums do their housework when baby sleeps, sacrificing their own
sleep time and further tiring themselves out. As there’s often visitors to a newborn baby’s household, consider just keeping the living area clean and tidy.
Try to have time out
Most mums are reluctant to leave their precious baby for the first few months, but you will eventually get over that. Hopefully you have a partner or family and friends for support who will babysit while you go out for the odd night off. A trip to the gym, shopping or lunch with a friend will help boost energy levels and do you the world of good. The best part of babies is they get even better as they get older. Things get easier every few months as babies grow into toddlers and you become an expert in figuring out their moods.
Pregnancy is an exciting time. Pregnancy is exciting and a time of great change. At babycity we are here to share your journey from pregnancy through into motherhood. Our expert team is ready to listen and help with the many decisions you will make for your upcoming arrival. With an extensive range of brands and products focused on wellbeing, safety and lifestyle we can provide solutions that suit you and your baby. Our Bub Club is a great way stay informed and up to date as you go through your pregnancy and beyond. We look forward to seeing you in store or visit us online.
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abies learn by looking, listening, touching, smelling and tasting. They go through the same stages of development, but will develop at different rates. Talking to them about what you are doing, naming things, and talking about what they are doing helps them learn about their world and learn to speak.
3 months
Movement: By 3 months most babies will: smile and coo watch your face, and try to respond to speech hold their head up when being held follow gentle movement close to them become quieter at the sound of your voice
Eyesight: By 3 months most babies will: close their eyes against a bright light turn towards light smile at you without being touched or spoken to stare at people’s faces when they are close Language and Noises: By 3 months most babies will: start making cooing sounds, which will change to babbling enjoy listening to sounds, voices and their own cooing
Between 4 months and 1 year, your baby will try making many different sounds. At 4 to 5 months they may start to laugh and squeal.
6 months
Movement: By 6 months most babies will: reach out for toys bring their hands together hold their hands open watch their hands hold onto toys for short periods and take them to their mouth make different sounds like cooing and laughing recognise familiar faces become more social Eyesight: By 6 months most babies will: follows slow-moving, brightly coloured objects with their eyes reach out for toys and objects and hold them firmly
PRESTIGE FRAMING 57 NINTH AVENUE TAURANGA p. 577 9397 www.prestigeframing.co.nz 6
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Kidz Need Dadz Charitable Trust Tauranga was established in 2002 to strengthen families by supporting and educating Dads on the importance of being involved in their children’s lives. Kidz Need Dadz acknowledge kids need both parents actively present in their lives and we provide services to support this. DadzKare Support meetings are held every Tuesday at 7:30pm at 538 Fraser Street. No need to book or register - all Dads are welcome and you can bring a support person if needed. The support groups are run by trained volunteers who help Dads who are suffering from the loss of a relationship; working their way through separation; feeling isolated with no support; fear losing their children through the process or believe it’s just too hard to stay involved. There are many reasons Dads come to the meetings for support and we provide a relaxed, nonjudgemental environment for support. The meetings help to unmask the family court process, giving participants information on the steps they need to take to gain regular access to their children. KidzKare is a service which provides supervised contact for children who have been separated from significant people in their lives. Referrals for supervised contact are made through Ministry of Justice, Oranga Tamariki and private clients. The service is provided at our offices which is a house with full kitchen facilities, a large lounge room, dining room and a fully fenced backyard with play equipment. Kids can enjoy visits in a relaxed, warm and friendly environment. Supervisors observe and provide objective reporting on the visits. Enquiries welcome: kidzkare@knd.org.nz 027 919 9502 Kidz Need Dadz also operates Bitz & Bobz Charity Shop, 82 Second Avenue, Tauranga. All profits from Bitz & Bobz goes directly to Kidz Need Dadz to help fund the services they provide to the community. Bitz & Bobz are always looking for quality donations such as furniture, tools, bric a brac and clothing. Pop into the shop and have a browse or send us your donations! All Kidz Need Dadz enquiries can be made to: tauranga@knd.org.nz 07 571 0379
hen it comes to baby bonding, mothers undoubtedly have a head start. This special bonding begins before birth, with mother and baby co-existing for nine months, their lives intimately intertwined. Fathers, however, are presented with a wrinkled tiny baby at birth and often feel anxious and overwhelmed at caring for such a helpless being. It is important that fathers get involved with their babies as soon as possible. Taking an active role in baby’s care from the beginning helps forge that bond: try feeding, changing nappies, bathing, or joining the night time routine. As time progresses and they watch the efficiency of mothers and babies, dads can become reluctant to handle the baby. Spending time alone with babies is the best way to bolster self-confidence. It helps fathers become comfortable caring for children, and time spent with another caregiver helps children be tolerant of different nurturing styles. New mums should leave babies and dads alone for a while – the benefits are immense for everyone. Mothers need to be cautious interfering with the way new fathers handle babies, unless they are doing something that could endanger the baby. It’s too easy to step in and do it ‘mum’s way’ – constant fault finding inadvertently discourages the father from being fully involved.
Another good way to build a strong father-child relationship is to be involved in doctor’s appointments, play groups and bedtime. This allows fathers to enjoy all facets of development in babies’ lives and to build a history that is theirs alone.
Free Community Dental Service How do I care for my baby’s teeth?
• Enrol your baby from birth with BOPDHB Community Dental Service, 0800 935 55 43. • Give baby only plain milk or plain water (fizzy and juice damage teeth). • Once teeth are through brush them twice daily with a smear of fluoride toothpaste. • Choose low sugar foods once baby is on solids.
How do I care for my own teeth during and post-pregnancy? • Visit your local dentist before or at the start of your pregnancy. • Looking after your teeth and gums during pregnancy is looking after you and your baby. • Pregnancy hormones and food cravings can increase gum disease and tooth decay during pregnancy. • Eat a varied and balanced diet including plenty of fruit and veges. Drink water or milk. • Look out for tender, swollen or red gums, bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.
Before School Check
• The B4 School Check is a free health and development check for your 4-year-old. It’s the last Well Child Tamariki Ora check and helps give your child the best start at school. Remember to take your child’s My Health Book with you to the check. • The nurse will: • check your child’s height and weight. • check your child’s teeth. • ask if your child has been immunised • ask you questions about your child’s learning and development and strengths and difficulties. • ask you questions about your child’s health and wellbeing. • provide you advice and support about your child’s health and development. A vision and hearing technician will check your child can see and hear well and a separate appointment will be made for this.
Contact Community Health 4 Kids, a service of the BOP District Health Board, on free phone 0800 935 55 43 if you have any queries about the free child health services. 9
hildren tend to get more colds than adults because their immune systems are still developing. The risk is greater still for children who attend kindergarten or day care. This is because they are more likely to be exposed to infectious droplets by virtue of being surrounded by other kids who are infected, and they do not have a history of exposure to cold viruses to draw on when it comes to ďŹ ghting off infection.
Over the counter cold medications can be dangerous for young children, so here are some tips to make your little one feel better: Apply baby vapour rub to their chest and back Keep baby upright (e.g. use a baby carrier for naps) Keep them well-hydrated Make sure they get lots of rest Maintain your own personal hygiene (e.g. wash hands before eating) Treat mild fevers with infant paracetamol or ibuprofen Try a nasal aspirator or saline nasal spray for stuffy noses Use the power of steam (e.g. let them sit in the bathroom while you have a hot shower)
here are lots of activities running in the Bay to keep you and your little ones busy: Check out your local library for their weekly ‘Toddler Time’ for stories, songs and rhymes – see www.library.tauranga.govt.nz for times Connect with other new parents and their babies as you explore parenting and children’s development at Space – find a group at www.space.org.nz Mainly Music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child – find a local group at www.mainlymusic.org Playcentre offers a fantastic environment for children to learn through play in a mixed age environment with great adult to child ratios that enrich children’s learning – go to www.playcentre.org.nz to find one close to you There are a number of community playgroups and social groups that always welcome new members – go to www.facebook.com/taurangaplunket for an up to date list Your local toy library allows you to choose and borrow toys then bring them back to exchange for others – find one near you at www.toylibrary.co.nz
If you want to get a bit more active, there are a number of groups and organisations that have classes at preschool level, including athletics, dancing, gymnastics, performing arts, rugby, soccer and swimming
The kind of service you want – home based care or a larger daycare centre?
t can be hard to know where to start when choosing an early childhood education (ECE) service for your child, but it is important to choose one that supports your child so that they can be safe and nurtured, as well as join in and learn alongside other children.
What types of ECE services are available?
There are all sorts of ECE services available in New Zealand including:
Education and care centres Home based education and care Kindergartens
The location of the service – do you want it close to your home or workplace? How long you want your child to attend – do you need flexible hours? You and your child’s needs – do you want to attend with your child? Opening times – do they run through the school holidays? Structure – is the emphasis on free play or is it more structured? The fees you can afford To find an ECE service in your area go to - https://parents. education.govt.nz.
Childcare will be one of the biggest expenses if you return to work after having a baby. Costs and conditions vary widely among childcare centres so it pays to shop around.
Kohanga Reo Montessori Playcentres Steiner kindergartens Te Kura (the correspondence school)
How do I choose the service that’s right for my child? With so many different types of services available, it can be hard to choose. Some things to think about are:
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Work and Income have a Childcare Subsidy to help cover the cost of preschool childcare for low to middle income families. To see if you are eligible, go to - https:// workandincome.govt.nz. The government also subsidises all children over the age of 3 years who attend ECE with ‘20 Hours ECE’. The cost can be fully subsidised for up to 6 hours a day and up to 20 hours a week.
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ur kaupapa Māori marautanga/curriculum is crafted and delivered in Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga by passionate, motivated kaiako. Our tamariki lead their learning through their own individual interests and needs. Our setting, being on Gate Pā School grounds, is highly influential to our marautanga, with regular weekly interactions with Te Rumaki o Pukehinahina, the immersion unit at the school.
Our whānau are important to us. The kaiako value the whānau knowledge shared with us and apply these insights when offering experiences for their tamaiti. We believe in making learning fun, and we encourage play and exploration in a safe nurturing environment, with guided risk-taking and socialising. Through play, yuor tamaiti will be encouraged and supported to develop within our four pou AROHA, MANA, RANGATIRATANGA and AKO. In their early years, all tamariki acquire and develop vital language skills. At Te Puna Reo o Pukehinahina we hope to take full advantage of this critical learning period to expose our tamariki to Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga. We have conversations in Te Reo Māori with the tamariki and around them, sing waiata, play language games, role model Te Reo with patience, encouragement and aroha. Friendly, respectful relationships are very important when working closely alongside and with others. As a Puna Reo we have
excellent working relationships with Te Rumaki o Pukehinahina and the whole of Gate Pā School as the next step in matauranga Māori/immersion Māori education. Our most important relationships are with our whānau. We are here to support your whānau journey in learning Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga.
WE CATER TO: • wha- nau in the Gate Pa- area and Tauranga Moana region • wha- nau working/studying before 9am and after 3pm • wha- nau wanting quality care and education in Te Reo Ma-ori WE OFFER: • Opening hours Monday- Friday, 7.30am-5.30pm, and during school holidays • Qualified and certified kaiako and kaiako in-training • Spaces for 0-5 year olds (limited spaces for tamariki under 2 years old) Enquire about our 20 free ece hours for 3-5 year olds! WANT TO KNOW MORE? Come in and speak to our friendly kaiako
TE PUNA REO O PUKEHINAHINA 900 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112
07 577 6869 or 027 438 1203
t little Einsteins Montessori your child will receive the best start not only to their preschool years, but to life. Our calm, respectful and nurturing environment, along with our highly qualified team of teachers, supports each child to reach their full potential. Your child will receive a unique Montessori journey from as young as 3 months to 6 years of age. We offer excellent adult to child ratios, with carefully thought out learning spaces, supporting each child’s stage of development. This happens effortlessly with our indoor outdoor flow, creating a harmonious learning environment. Our thorough planning and observations allows us to truly understand each child’s personality, their strengths, interests and needs. From these observations, the teachers work one on one with the children as well as in groups, offering a wide variety of activities in areas such as Practical Life, Sensorial, Maths, Language, Cultural, and Arts & Crafts. Our unique curriculum weaves together the New Zealand early childhood curriculum Te Whariki and The Montessori Curriculum, igniting children’s curiosity and unleashing their potential. Come in for a visit and experience Montessori at its finest!
LITTLE EINSTEINS MONTESSORI MOUNT MAUNGANUI • Our calm, respectful and nurturing environment, along with our highly qualified team of teachers, supports each child to reach their full potential. • Your child will receive a unique Montessori journey. • The teachers work one on one with the children as well as in groups, offering a wide variety of activities. • Our Unique curriculum ignites children’s curiosity, unleashing their potential. • Infant, toddler and preschool areas catering for children aged 3 months to 6 years.
Little Einsteins Montessori, 1 MacDonald Street, Mount Maunganui Phone 5725916 or call in. www.littleeinsteinsmontessori.co.nz 15
Screening Services Breast cancer Prostate cancer Bowel cancer Bone density Chromosomal abnormality during pregnancy
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