1 minute read

Sleep well lastnight?

We’ve allheard the phrase “sleep is forthe weak,” butinreality, nothing could be further from the truth.Sleep is avital component of ouroverall health and wellbeing, andwithout it,wecan quickly find ourselves struggling to function in our daily lives.

Duringsleep,our bodies arehardatwork repairing and rejuvenatingour cells, regulating ourhormones, andconsolidating ourmemories.This is why alack of sleep canleadtoa variety of health problems, including obesity,diabetes, heartdisease, andevendepression


Sleepalsoplays acrucial role in ourcognitive function. Studies haveshownthat individualswho don’t get enough sleep aremore likely to struggle withfocus, concentration, memoryand a decreased ability to problem-solve and makedecisions.

However,itis notjustabout the quantityof sleepweget,itisalsoaboutthe quality.A poororunsuitable mattress canmakeitdifficult to getcomfortable andnot provide the necessarysupport,which canleadtotossing andturning throughout the night.This can makeitdifficult to achieve the deep, restorative sleepthatour bodies need

Findingthe perfect bed can be achallenge, butitisworth the effort.A comfortableand supportive bedcan greatly improve thequality of your sleep and contribute to better overall health and wellbeing.

Considering youare goingto spend thenext7-10years in your newbed, it is imperative you try

Outvarious Bedstoensureyou Getthe Best Fit

At Wellington Bedsweare experts in assisting you to findthe idealsleep solution, bestsuited to your individualcomfort and support needs. Manufactured locallyatour Tawa factory, we know beds through and throughand have onesimple goal -toget you the best night’s sleep. Ourstrong reputation for delivering exceptional results and outstanding customer servicehas allowedustocontinue assisting the Wellington community in getting greatsleep forover30 years. Contactyournearest store nowtobooka sleep consultation

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