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The latest achievementoflocal Otakigrower

Don Watson Senior is the new Candy Stripe Carnation,which has also turned into the naming inspiration for the newcaféatWatson’s GardenOtaki.


Theflower,which is uniquetoWatson’s Garden, is the culmination of 65years of experienceinlocalgrowing

Five yearsago Don Watson Senior purchased some redand white carnations at aflorist, but he was not happy with thecolour.Hebegan to picture in his mindthe look of an altogether new design of flower.Hesowed somered, white and pink carnationsand potted them up. Once theygrewlarge enough he let themflower He repeatedthe process forfive years until unforced natural growth produced adesign that he was finally contentwith Don still couldn’t think ofanamefor the flower,sohetookthe idea over to thelovely teamatWatson’s Garden to askthemfor help with thenaming. After anumber of names were discussed, Kirsten suggested the nameCandy StripeCarnation. Don learnedhow to change the colourof flowersmanyyears ago when workingfor

Wa the originalowner of Watson’s Garden, Jim McCor mick.Don is currently in theprocess of writing hismemoirs, which include many ‘recipes’ andtips on floral cultivation. He is modestabout his totallyuniqueachievement:

‘You’ve got to trynew things.’

Speakingoftrying new things –anew café has recentlyopened at Watson’sGardenwhich has been namedafter the flower The Carnation Café offers pies, spiders,teas and barista-made coffee, milkshakes, kids’ ice cream, icechocolates and icecoffees.

The public clamourfor acaféatWatson’s Garden had eventuallybecome too loud:many visitors to the garden centrehad asked ‘Whydon’t you have coffee?’

With locally sourced ingredients and biodegradablepackaging, thecaféhas been taking off. It is theper fect addition to Watson’s Garden –perhapsthe onethingthe business has beenmissing.

The beautifulnew variationcan be viewed outside the Carnation Café at Watson’s Garden andisevenavailablefor sale.

17 Bell Stre et 06 364 8758 www.watsonsgarden.co.nz

Opening hours: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm; Closed on Sundays andPublicHolidays

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