Hawkes Bay Today - Hastings Health Centre Feature May 2019

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Thursday, May 2, 2019


We’ve moved!

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings Enter via Nelson Street


Phone (06) 873 8999 www.hastingshealth.co.nz

Welcome to The Hastings Health Centre

Your one stop integrated health and urgent care facility


he Hastings Health Centre’s $20 million investment has delivered Hastings one of the most modern, integrated primary health care facilities in New Zealand. Chief executive Andrew Lesperance said it all started with The Hastings Health Centre Board’s visions of “working to improve health outcomes for Hawke’s Bay by offering the best integrated general practice, nursing and primary

care - delivering quality, innovative and sustainable patient centred health services in collaboration with the local community.” “For us to truly deliver this vision we needed more space,” he said. On behalf of the board, then chairman Paul Messerschmidt recruited Proactive Management Ltd director Nick Ward and Architecture HDT, Hawke’s Bay

director Shaun Thompson-Gray to manage, design, develop and build a welcoming and iconic facility, that would stand the test of time and have room for growth. Over the next 16 months the development required a range of specialist services. None became more integral to the build than those of our Quality Manager and Registered Nurse Joanna Sloan. “Joanna was able to work the clinical and other requirements into both the architecture and the project manager’s development programme to effectively build what we required” said Andrew. “Now as we move in, it’s an exciting time for our directors, GPs, 100 plus staff and management to see the project completed after many years of planning. “Our new purpose - built facility means Hastings has more family doctors and nurses, diagnostic services and a full support team, along with our urgent care walk-in accident and medical and afterhours services - all at one central, easy to access location,” he said. “We are now able to provide nearly 30,000 patients, family and whanau with an advanced primary care medical facility that delivers better access to a wider range of GP and family health services, outside of the hospital environment.”

Proud to have provided independent comprehensive consultant Development Management and Project Management services to the new Hastings Health Centre project from inception to completion

Nick Ward Proactive Management Ltd

Project Manager / Director M: 027-2303769 E: nick@pmlimited.co.nz

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings

To enter use the Nelson Street entrance. Exit using Nelson Street exit unless heading to Havelock North when you can turn left into St Aubyn Street exit. (Note you can ONLY turn left from this exit)



Thursday, May 2, 2019

We’ve moved!

Phone (06) 873 8999

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings


Enter via Nelson Street

Building and facilities


he 4000m2 building, on the 7700m2 site, stands three levels high with 143 carparks. That’s three times the size of the old car park. Disabled parking is available as well as a designated drop off/ pick up zone.

contemporary stylish reception decorations. Art works, many of them Maori and Pacific in design, adorn the walls which has been created and sourced by local artists Dena Aroha Bach and Sandy Adsett, for whom we are very grateful.

“The facility has been built to cater for the needs of our expanding community for years to come.”

“The Hastings Health Centre, in partnership with other regional health providers, is fully committed to improving the health and wellbeing of patients and reducing health inequities within Hawke’s Bay. Our new facility is a great step toward fulfilling our commitment.”

Inside the spacious, warm environment there are welcoming splashes of colourful carpet denoting the new suites and

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Thursday, May 2, 2019


We’ve moved!

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings Enter via Nelson Street

Urgent Care


o appointment is needed. The Hastings Health Centre’s Urgent Care/walk in accident and medical service is open seven days a week from 8am to 9pm including public holidays and is available to anyone including visitors to Hawke’s Bay. Urgent care facilities have doubled in size with a relaxing waiting room. There are now five consulting rooms, a casting room (for those unfortunate broken bones) and four observation beds. This means there will be a better flow, resulting in less waiting time. Every patient is triaged by a nurse on arrival to help with assessing priority of treatment. The department is CORNERSTONE Accredited and meets NZ Urgent Care 2015 Standards and ACC benchmarks.

A wide variety of services support Urgent Care including:

• X-ray and ultrasound services • Casting Clinic – for many types of broken bones • Minor trauma including suturing, burns and other dressings • Laboratory • ECG • Advanced treatment of infections, such as serious skin infections • Advanced treatment of dehydration • Asthma treatment • Sexual health • Nurse led services

One stop shop integrated health services available on site Radiology HHC X ray department with new technology Ultrasound: TRG Group Dental: Golden Apple Physio: Cape Physio Podiatry: Green Feet Ltd David Greenhill and Cara Roundtree The Pharmacy – Hastings Health Centre Paul Messerschmidt Mental health nursing Kaiawhina and social work services

Phone (06) 873 8999 www.hastingshealth.co.nz




Thursday, May 2, 2019

We’ve moved!

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings Enter via Nelson Street

Phone (06) 873 8999 www.hastingshealth.co.nz

Your guide to the building


n arrival through the main entrance you are welcomed at reception. Along with Urgent Care, the ground floor also features radiology with the very latest x-ray technology, ultrasound rooms, a large pharmacy, laboratory, a full dentist service, physiotherapy and podiatry. And while waiting there is an open courtyard and a coffee bar. The first floor is home to our three family doctor and nursing suites: Ngahere GP Suite, which also features our specialist skin clinic, travel medicine, clinical pharmacist, a diabetes nurse, Kaiawhina and Maori and Pacific Island Health services. The Waimoana GP Suite, which also offers immigration medicals, and the Mairangi GP Suite. Each suite has a welcoming reception area and there over 50 consulting and treatment rooms. Above is the staff breakout, meetings, administration, boardroom and management space. A special feature has been the use of colour coded carpet and signage that helps clearly show and guide patients to each area. Inside the entrance is a large wall mounted directory board which helps patients and family follow the colour to where they need to go.

The ground floor has:

Urgent Care (yellow) - The Hastings Health Centre’s well-known accident and medical service which now has an expanded space along with a number of additional services

Ahua Suite (light blue) – x-ray, ultrasound and laboratory • Radiology – providing the same existing HHC x-ray department but with brand new ceiling mounted equipment • TRG – ultrasound services • Southern Community Laboratory – laboratory services Marama Suite (purple) – dental, podiatry and physiotherapy • Green Feet Ltd Podiatry Services • Cape Physiotherapy • Golden Apple Dental Services

Remainder of Ground Floor • The Pharmacy at Hastings Health Centre (lime green) • Koko Café: Bay Espresso • Wellness lounge and outdoor courtyard

First floor/GP Suites

When developing our new facility, it was made very clear that continuing to have the same team caring for patients health was vital. Within the new facility you will have the same GP, practice nurse and

receptionist working with you to meet your health care needs. It is important that the family feel continues. Research has shown that patients who have a long term relationship with their GP are healthier. We aim to take a holistic approach to your health and also provide a wide range of preventative care such as cervical screening and cardiovascular risk assessment. All of the GP suites are located on the first floor of the building. Look for the colour of your suite on the plinths and carpet throughout the building to find your way. GP suites & special services (closed on public holidays) Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm For a long time it’s been extremely difficult for newcomers to find a GP in Hawke’s Bay but the good news is that we are now enrolling new patients both in Hastings and at the Havelock North Health Centre. To find out more about enrolling please call (06) 873 8999


General Practitioners MAIRANGI SUITE Holly Drexler Naomi Bell Graeme McCrory Aliyh Namah Karen Irwin Hayley Perez Alan Wright Sara Mata

NGAHERE SUITE Colin Jones Colin Dykes Holly Runstadler Cathie Ellis Sandra Spilg Richard Jamieson Lisa Percy

WAIMOANA SUITE Tom Currie Gwenda Ward Liz Whyte Andrew Heslop Alma Del Rosario Louise Haywood Charlotte Ross Frank Wiehahn

brian eddy & associates proud to have provided quantity surveying services on this prestigious development

Proud to supply the Hastings Health Centre with Aluminium Windows and Doors. We are suppliers of Altus Windows and Doors offering a variety of styles, colours and hardware. Our suites include Pacific Residential, 40mm Architectural, Atlantic High Performance and Oakley Commercial. See us for a free measure and quote.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


We’ve moved!

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings Enter via Nelson Street


Phone (06) 873 8999 www.hastingshealth.co.nz

Hastings Health Centre Map


Our Collection Centres: Hastings Health Centre *New* Hastings (Maraekakaho Rd) Havelock North Napier Taradale

Blood Tests & Services Available: Immigration Insurance Health & Wellness Clinical Trials & Studies And more For full details visit www.sclabs.co.nz



Thursday, May 2, 2019

We’ve moved!

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings Enter via Nelson Street

Phone (06) 873 8999 www.hastingshealth.co.nz

Collaboration and team work pays off


delightful to work with and I have had the opportunity to get to know people I would never have met otherwise and they have made me feel like part of their team.”

It has been a huge learning curve at times but Joanna describes it as “A once in a lifetime opportunity that I never imagined.”

Although challenging at times, Joanna knew that the only way to succeed was to push through the challenges, to seek advice from others, and it was getting through these challenges that taught her the most.

ehind the scenes Quality Manager and Registered Nurse Joanna Sloan has been one of the project managers overseeing the build for The Hastings Health Centre and communicating with staff, patients, building contractors, tenants and artists.

The move itself was the equivalent of shifting several houses overnight, she says. Now with the Centre up and running she can look back on the job and reflect on the great experience that it has been and that has led to both professional and personal growth. “I have loved working with the Gemco staff, contractors and their subbies. They are

Communication was an essential aspect of the job and Joanna worked hard to involve staff whenever possible, openly communicated with them and had an open door policy for people to raise concerns and ideas. “The staff were really supportive as we approached the time to move.” Patients too have been kept well informed through information, photos on noticeboards and general news about the

move displayed at the old Health Centre and via emails for those who are signed up to the online patient portal. Instilling a sense of warmth and welcome for patients and their whanau as they enter the new building was another key aspect of the job. “It is important that our patients feel comfortable, relaxed, safe and cared for.” Iwi Toi Kahungunu were selected to design and make Maori and Pacifica art works and both the Kaiawhina and social worker had input into the design of their rooms. The Health Lounge has welcome messages in several languages that represent the cultures of staff and patients. Joanna is very grateful for the opportunity to assist The Hastings Health Centre with their move to the purpose built health care facility. She sees it an important step to expand their services and to continue to meet to a

high standard, the health needs of and care for the diverse Hawke’s Bay community. “It’s been an absolute honour to be involved. I’m going to miss the team who have been working at our new building site: they are an amazing group of people.”

Maori, Pacific Health and Kaiawhina


groups and the rest of the population. The Nurse led service is funded by Health Hawke’s Bay and is coordinated by nurse Louise Singh.

The Hastings Health Centre is committed to working to address the needs of Maori and Pacific people by first acknowledging the disparity between the health of these

Our Kaiawhina Wendy King is here to support our community and help those who wish to navigate their way around health services. She can advocate and act as a liaison person for patients.

he Hastings Health Centre is one of the largest providers of primary health care for Hawke’s Bay’s Maori and Pacifica population with more than 5,000 enrolled patients.

Wendy provides holistic support to our enrolled whanau and families in the region. Wendy also designed the beautiful frosting for her office which has a Maori and Pacifica theme.

Our values

The Hastings Health Centre values include: • Tauwhiro (care) delivering high quality care to patients and consumers.

Available at a special price of $25 for a limited time only, the set consists of a: • 2016 Limited Edition Beauty Cake & • Beauty Cake Sponge


Available in selected shades, white stocks last.


Unit 5/4 Te Aute Road, Havelock North Hastings Health Centre, St Aubyn Street West, Hastings

We’re bringing back the 2016 Limited Edition Beauty Cake Set! Your local Moisture Mist stockist:

Parkvale Pharmacy 800 St Aubyn Street East, Parkvale, Hastings 4122 Ph: 06 878 6999

Proud to have provided structural and seismic engineering design for this vitally important medical facility

• Raranga Te Tira (teamwork) working together in partnership across the sector. • He Kauanuana (respect) showing respect for each other, staff patients and consumers. • Akina (improvement) continuously improving everything that we do.




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Thursday, May 2, 2019


We’ve moved!

303 St Aubyn Street West, Hastings Enter via Nelson Street

World class primary health care facility


roject and development manager of the new Hastings Health Centre, Nick Ward of Proactive Management Ltd, was extensively involved with the project right from the beginning.

Nick Ward Now the project is completed he has nothing but praise for the consultant team of architects, numerous disciplines of engineers, quantity surveyors, planners, surveyors, plus the implementation team of Gemco Construction and their subcontractors. The project went according to plan thanks, in part, to bringing in Gemco under an ECI (Early Contractor Involvement) negotiated contract basis. They came on board during the early design process and were actively involved in the documentation phase advising on efficiencies, buildability, materiality, budgeting, sequencing, and so on. “We de-risked the project before we got to commence construction. This process assisted with ensuring an efficient build phase, reduced construction queries, mitigated any construction cost surprises, and streamlined the construction programme even before the tender price was agreed,” he says. “The way we procured and built the project we were all one team working in partnership.”

Nick selected the consultant team, managed the design & documentation, council consents and contractor pricing processes, and then managed the 21 month duration of site clearance and construction. It was a busy site with up to 80 contract staff working on the site at any one time. It’s a reasonably technical building that is a lot more complicated than a standard commercial building. As a medical facility it has a much stronger structure which has been heavily engineered above and below ground, and has complex and intelligent building systems and services throughout. The wall cladding is largely constructed of 250mm thick precast concrete panels integral with the structural steel frame and the heavy foundations – this is engineered to be very resilient to seismic activity to better ensure business continuance and on-going

provision of healthcare services following a natural disaster. The eye-catching 50mm relief pattern in the exterior precast concrete panel claddings are a unique feature that’s a first for Hawke’s Bay. Lattey Civil & Precast Ltd, a local engineering company, poured concrete into cleverly-made rubber moulds to achieve the textured look that breaks up the large wall surfaces and casts interesting shadows at different times of the day. Nick says it’s a unique architectural feature that was very challenging to achieve – but Lattey were well up to the task. The whole project worked out beautifully and to deadline. Visitors, patients and staff can now enjoy the result of design and construction excellence in a world-class primary health care facility.

Phone (06) 873 8999 www.hastingshealth.co.nz

Interesting construction facts


ere’s a summary of the quantity of bulk materials that went into creating the new Hastings Health Centre.

The materials included: • • • • • • • • •

3,200 tons of concrete 162 tons of structural steel 226 tons of reinforcing steel 58 km of electrical cabling 35 km of data cabling 9 km of steel stud framing 4 km of plumbing pipework 8,300 ceiling tiles 3,400 sheets of GIB plasterboard

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