CNIWC Forestry Awards - August 2022

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CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards2022 1 2022 Howdotreespreventsoilerosion? HowdoIgrowtreesfromseedlings? Howdotreeshelpwithbiodiversity? BroughttoyoubyTeUruRākau–NewZealandForestService

KomatsuPC270HW KomatsuForestworking closelywithKomatsuLtd Japanhavedeveloped twonew Forest Xtreme models thePC270HW &PC300HW.These twomodelsfeature unique forest specificationsfrom theKomatsuOsakafactory; • High &Wideundercarriage/ForestryBoomSet /ForestryCabin OptionssuppliedfromKFare; • HD Guarding Packages /ForestryCabins/Hydraulic Interface Komatsu’sunique‘Forest Combinations’ KomatsuForest PtyLtd 15CHylandCresent Rotorua, NewZealand John Kosar M: 0274 865844 PaulRoche M: 021350 747 HD Side Doors Komatsu High/Wide HD Slew Guard Forestry CabOptions • Komatsu • EMS • Active • Ensign Internal HoseRouting Factory WG Boom Set HD TrackSkis

Minister StuartNashaddressedthe audience and commentedonthe fact thatRotoruaisthehome offorestry andthat is whythe Te UruRakau (NZ Forest Service) wouldresidethere in thenear future.

ewZealand’s largestforestry regioncelebratedits workers on Friday 5Augustwiththe inaugural CentralNorth Island Wood Council Awards. MC PioTerei kept the450 strong crowdatthe EnergyCentreRotorua formal dinner bubbling alongasthe heroes of theregionweretoasted for their professionalism,dedicationand effort.

It’s thelastregioninthecountry to establishawardsbut sportsa real pointofdifferencewithquite differentcategories, including forest engineering, best nativeforest enterprise and best farm forester.The Generation Programme,which creates apathway and training forthose keen to getintotheindustry,was also celebrated.

Taking out theFirst Security sponsored Heroof theYear wasLeesa Haimona (Timberlands),withLorraine Uatuku(Fast Harvesting)the runnerup.Those whoknowLeesasaysher communityinvolvement and promotion of theindustryisexemplary. Her passionand knowledgeoftikanga,her openness to be approached about anything health and safety related,and understanding of systemsand rules, is second-to-none. Shehas takenTimberlandshealth and safety standards to awholenew level. Mereana Tobenhouse from Fast Harvestingwashonoured as the FemaleinForestryAward winner. She startedinloggingasanapprenticein 2001,working in skidcrosscuttingand quality control. Since thoseearlydays, shehas progressed into operating skidders, haulersandmechanised processingmachines, witha keen focus on health and safety.

Sherunsatight ship forFast Harvestingastheir health and safety coordinator, generaloperational support,and fill-inprocessor operator and crewforeman. Sherepresented thecompany on theSafetreeTechnical Advisory Group andisonthe Central North IslandHealth andSafetyForum Committee.


CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards2022 3

Inauguralawardscelebrate region’s forestindustry

Te WaaLogging tookoutthe Wildlands-sponsored BestNative Forestry Enterprise Award. Thisisa companyknown to walkitstalk. Ledby WaaOwens,its focusisall about the communityand ensuring thenatural and cultural values of anywhenua being restored,are understood, protected and respected.Their meticulous work ensuresonlytargeted species are controlled with no damage toexistingnativefloraand fauna. Thewilding controlling teamis proactiveinits cultural obligations, respectingthe whenua,engagingwith hap,iwi and landowners. TheCentral North Island Wood Council hasbeengoing forlessthan twoyears butisalready making great headway.

Runningalongside herbusycareer areher four children and sport. She’sa formerNewZealand softball representative, hascompetedin theWorld MastersGames,anduntil recentlycoachedjuniorlevellocal teams.She’s described as onewhois neverafraidtorollupher sleeves, and as ashining lightto otherwomen in the forestry industry.

Fast Harvestingshowedtheir class, winning four categories –the South WaikatoInvestmentFundTrustsponsored SilviculturalExcellence Award, theTaumata Plantations Ltdsponsored outstanding health andsafetymanagementaward,the Timberlandssponsored Femalein Forestry,and theCompetenz Trainee of theYearAward.

CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards20224


nformation, please visitourwebsite

The winners Growyour forestry business witha qualified workforce Getintouch to find thebesttrainingsolutionfor your team. 22031_AUGUST2022 AZTECFORESTRY TRANSPORTDEVELOPMENTS Congratulations WINNER OFLOGTRUCKD EXCELLENCE AWA Raymond Bradshaw- Quality,Safety andService achievedthrough

Distribution Excellence (sponsored by RFH): Jody Reti (Trimble Forestry). Log Processing Excellence (sponsored by AB Equipment/Tigercat): Desmond Williams (ProgressiveHarvesting) Runner-up: David Hatcher (FastHarvesting). LogTruckDriverExcellence (sponsored by Patchell): RaymondBradshaw (Aztec FTD). Runner-up: Josh Fisher (Green TransportLtd).

ForestEngineering Excellence (sponsored by Ontario Teachers/Manulife): Campbell andRJ (JSwap Ltd) Wood ProcessingExcellence (sponsored by Oji Paper Company): HeathMcMurtrie (DonnellySawmillers) Outstanding Environmental Management (sponsored by Tiaki Plantations Company/ Manulife): Crew14 (Loggabull). Outstanding Health andSafetyManagement (sponsored by Taumata Plantations Ltd/Manulife): Fast and EvansLogging– Crew26 (FastHarvesting). Outstanding Regional Service Award (sponsored by PF Olsen): Ritz (Retina) Ellis (EllisForestryTraining andAssessing Ltd). FemaleinForestryAward (sponsored by Timberlands): Mereana Tobenhouse (FastHarvesting). Runner-up: Sarah-Jane Luoni (ManulifeForestManagementNew Zealand). Forester Award (sponsored by Rotorua NZ): (TeTiringa Farms). veForest Enterprise Award (sponsored by Wildlands): ns (TeWaa Logging). eYearAward (sponsored by First Security): mona (Timberlands). LorraineUatuku (FastHarvesting).

Winnerstable Awards2022

Trainingexcellence, Generation ProgrammeGraduateofthe Year (sponsored by South Waikato District Council): RawiriTeHiko (Brown Logging Ltd). Excellenceawards: Connor Wallace andOlive Williams. Traineeofthe Year (sponsored by Competenz): Jayme Walker (FastHarvesting). Skilledprofessionals;SilviculturalExcellence (sponsored South Waikato Investment Fund Trust) : GlennFountaine (FastHarvesting). Forest Protection andServicesExcellence (sponsored by SCION): Evan Rarere (Timberlands). Harvesting Excellence (sponsored by Manulife Investment Management): RobDavy (G WhiteLogging Ltd).

TheGenerationProgramme Whakatipua to tatou iwi (Act upon growing ourPeople) is theEastlandWoodCouncil’s Forest industry solutiontothe challenges of attracting,recruiting, training,and retainingitsworkforce.

Through hands-onlearningweinspire andcreatework-readygraduatesfor theforestrysector.

Apply now ToiOhomaiisproud to supportthe CentralNorth Island Forestry Awards.

GenerationProgramme Jewelfor Youth

•a NZ Certificate in Forest Industry FoundationsSkills–Level2,

TheCNIWC Generation Programmehas successfullycompleted twoprogrammes,one in TokoroaandoneinRotorua with anotherin Tokoroaset to beginshortly.The success of gettingourlocalrangatahi intowork hasbeen encouraging with 10 placedinto employment at theend of theprogrammeand 1stillexploring. Fiveare continuingtheirforestry education throughthe Level3WoodsmanProgramme at ToiOhomaiand oneisenrolling into the Diploma Programme next year. Damita

GenerationProgramme Graduateofthe Year.The CEOofthe CNI Wood Council and the Generation Programme manager,DamitaMita introducedthe programme to theaudienceon thenight. Adapted from aprogramme setupin Tairawhiti –Gisborne, theGeneration Programme is designed to pathwaythe next generation into ourindustry,”Damitaexplained.

CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards2022 5

Many of thosesame challengesarealsobeingfacedbythe Central NorthIsland(CNI) forestry community. Conversations heldwith thesectorbythe ‘working group’ hasresulted in alocalizedversion of theGenerationProgrammebeing deliveredbyToi Ohomai InstituteNZinpartnership withthe Central NorthIslandWoodCouncil.

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•workreadyskillssuchasphysicalfitness, health and nutrition,understanding an employment agreement, CV writing, first aid, help to studyfor adriver’slicense and health and safety, •pastoralcaresupport such as drug andalcohol education,communicationskills, counselling,and support,

On completionofthe programme thetraineeswill be placedinto paid employment as anapprentice andwill be continuedtobesupportedthroughthe programmeforup to twoyears.

•a comprehensive introduction to theindustrythrough field tripsand presentations, and •the provisionofbasic personal protective equipment.

TheGenerationProgrammekey objectiveistoprovide an industry backedtraining pathwayfor youngpeopletogood localjobsinthe forestry industry. Theprogrammeincludes:

Anexcitingcategoryuniquetothe Central North Island Forestry Awards wasthe

During the12weeks we spendwiththe trainees,theycompletea NZCFFS level2 andthrough fieldtripsand presentations, the trainees areintroducedtodifferent sectorsof theindustryand theemploymentopportunities within them. “Wetakecareofour trainees,weteachthem about health and nutrition with breakfastand lunchbeing provided,physicalfitnessbringing in aPTtoworkwiththemand we provideakit of basicPPE gear.The keytothisprogramme is thatwe provideawraparoundpastoralcare serviceand support”Damitaemphasised.


Vivalsohas a112hahillblockthatwaspreviouslyusedfordairygrazing.Approximately18haofnativebushhasbeen putintotheQE11 Trust,15haofthisblockhasbeenleftto reverttoindigenousspeciesandthe remainderoftheblock hasbeen re-plantedinpines. Thisareais registeredintheETSandcarbonunitswillpotentiallybeusedtooffsetDairyemissions.

Te TiringaFarms, Awakeri,Whakatane,hasbeenintheBarrfamilyfor110years.Theyhavebeenpivotalincreating solutionstotheenvironmentalchallengesthedairysectorfacesandhavegained agoodunderstandingofthe role forestrycanplay.Inthemid1980stheyplantedareasinpines,eucalyptus,acacia,andcypresses.

VivBarr -TeTiringa Farms -WinnerofBest Farm ForesterAward atCentralNorthIsland WoodCouncilAwards2022. FarmForestryContacts: B.O.P.Secretary0272274494 |NationalOffice0223195489 Awards on Friday 5Augustin Rotoruafor theCentral North Island Wood Council, BrentDonaldson wasmostcertainlynotforgotten and ColinMaunder,Chairofthecouncil referred to thesignificantworkBrent hadput into theawardscampaignand highlightedthe fact that he wasthe drivingforce in theestablishmentof thewoodcouncilfor theregion. Brentwas oneofthe founding membersofthe Central North Island Wood Council. It took Brentand Colinacoupleofyearstofinally get thewoodcounciloff theground givenit’sone of thelastregions to getanorganisationthatprovidesa single voicetoadvocateonbehalfof theentireforestryindustryvertical and supply chainand to support the sustainablegrowthofthe sector. In conjunction withtheestablishment ofthe council, itgaveabody to manageand roll out theestablishment of theGenerationProgrammeinthe Central North Island.The impetus to gettingthe Generation Programme forthe region came from theSouth WaikatoForestry Symposiumheld in 2019,toexploreissues and opportunitiesfor forestry in the region. Oneofthe agreed outcomes of thesymposium wastoset up the Generationprogramme, withsupport from South WaikatoDistrictCouncil. Brent wascentralto gettingitupand

NEXTLOCALFIELDDAYPLANNEDFORNOVEMBER2022 CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards20226 Despitenot making it to the

BrentDonaldson applauded runningandgettinglocal contractors on boardtoGenerationProgramme graduatesafter their initial induction into theforestrysector. Brenthas always been avery enthusiasticpersonwho does not seebarriersbut rather sees the opportunities that wouldbevery beneficialto theregion. Onecould easily sticktoone’s dayjob,but Brent most certainlyisnot oneofthose people.Hehas been working 10 years in Central North Island afterreturning from Australia. Brentwas workingas CentralRegion Manager forHancock Forest Management(NZ)Ltd,which wasrecentlyrebranded toManulife Forest Management. Brenthas givenmuchtothelocal communityand alwayssupportednew forestry initiatives andworkedclosely withMaori land lessorstoachieve their aspirationsfor theirland.Brent was also adriving force behind settingup schoolstudentcrews in Hancock Forest Management..Highschoolstudents withaninterestingettingintothe forest industry work schoolholidays to give them arange of forestry work experience,mentoredbykey forestry staff. This hasgiven ahighhit rate of newentrantsintoforestry, witha highproportionofthe students now in employment in theforestindustry. Brentisnot shortofmotivation, connecting people togetherand getting things tohappen. Heis open minded and fullyimmersed in ensuring theforestrylicense to operate witha strongmantra that suggested if we want people towork forinthe industry then we need to supportthemalong their journey. Recently,Brentresigned from Manulifeto take up adifferent journeyworking fortheinvestment management companyGresham house, managing theirforest investments inAustralia.



olin Maunderin hischair’srole gave the450 guests at the CNIWC Forestry Awards an overviewof theCentral North Island Wood Councilasanincorporated societythathas beenoperatingfor thelasttwo years. Thecouncil’svisionisthatthe Central North Island’s integrated production forestry is recognised as aworld-class modelofbio-circular andcommunitykaitiakitanga.Pivotal to this vision itwill bringrecognition to theresilience and sustainability ofCNI investmentsinforestryand wood processingoversuccessive generations. Thecouncilwill capitalise on thegrowing interest in naturally renewableand lowenvironmental productsthroughnew investment and innovation.Itwillalsobuild stability andpride in communitiesbyfostering adiverse rangeofworthwhile employment opportunities.

Evan hasworkedfor Timberlandsin some keycapacitiessince 2003,but as Fire and Security Manager. Evan is anationallyrecognizedfiremanager, representingTimberlands andthe industry on theNZForestOwners Fire Committee,FENZDeployment WorkingGroup,FENZQuantifying LEGENDOFFIREPROTECTION &SERVICES


TheCentral North Island Wood Council is amembershipbody formally establishedinAugust2020to promote apositiveforestry sectorprofile— to encourageinvestorconfidence, communityprosperity andresponsible forest stewardshipkaitiakitanga. Colin reminded everyonethat with more membership thecouncilwill be even morevaluableandmanagemore activities.

CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards2022 7

DON’TMISS OUT, APPLY TODAY Formoreinformation andapplication, contact Damita at

Evan hasestablishedafirst-classfire managemententity(forTimberlands) that is oftenreferredtoasthe best ruralfirefighting teaminAotearoa-NZ.

This will be soughtthrough the following areas offocus: -Beacollectivevoicethrough coordinatedsubmission/response torelevantissuesthat affect the industry -Collaboration with localbodies -Healthand safety–assistinthe ZeroHarmgoal -Promotion ofregional employment -Support and representsmaller growers -Undertake input intoRegionalPlans -Facilitate and promote improvementstopertinent transport andinfrastructure -Makingtheindustry attractive–covertrainingand labour Colinalsomentioned,“We all know and fortunately many of theCNI public know,how important ourindustryis, butnoteveryonedoes,and wereally do need to promote and attractpeople to ourindustry.”The forestry sector offers so muchmorefromemployment, environment, climatemitigation,anda significant regional economy. Formoreinformationcontact Damita at ensuring people and resourcesare available, trainedand maintained.Evan hastrainedover1,000 people in this manneroverthe years. Thereare many otheraspectsto Evan’s regionalcontribution including providing painting and repairsfor Ngati Whaoa-NgatiTahu’soffice at Waiotpu, whichasmuchappreciated, organizing ourfireresourcestohelp with flooding events, workingwithlocal communities on fireawareness and sponsorship to name afew.But mostimportantly Evan is awellprovenemergencyresponder, when sh@T happens–callEvan!

Industrial Investment inFireRisk Managementgroup,FENZRegional 2Land ManagementCommitteeand previously thePumiclelandsOperations Committee.

Colinwas pleased to suggest, “That’scorporate code for “PROMOTINGOUR GREAT INDUSTRY”. Theregionboasts that it is the largestofall NewZealand regions forforestarea,process capacity, support services and thelargest port in Tauranga.However, it is one of thelastregions to setupawood councilentity. Colinconfirmedthat theyalso have supportivecouncils,

vanRarere is alegend whohas builtastrongregional firefighting capability that benefits awide portionofthe Central North Island region. He took outthe topaward for FireProtectionandServicesatthe CNIWC Forestry Awardsthis month.

thriving thenationalforestry researcher SCION, thetechnical instituteToi Ohomai and soon thankstoMinisterNash, theHQ of thenew NZForest Service– Te Uru Rakau.

Evan performs severalroles including managingfireresponse,controlled burns(fortraining),organizingnational andinternational deploymentteams, leadsinvestigations, engaging stakeholders and neighbours,and C

Congratulations Jodi Reti CNIWCForestry awardwinner forDistribution Excellence Jodyhasanexceptionallyhigh work ethicand is always hard at work somewhere within theindustry. Whetherit’s comingintoworkearlyon arainyday to makesure the trucks are flowing Jodyisalwaysthere.Sheis well respectedand appreciatedamongstthe driversin the Central NorthIslandifthere’ssomework to do Jody will bein thethickofit. CongratulationsJodiweare veryproudof you CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards20228 2022WINNERS TRAINEEOFTHE YE AR JAYME WALKER FAST HARVESTING SPONSOR FORES TP SERVICESEXCELLENCEROTECTION EVAN RARERE TIMBERLANDS SPONSOR DISTRIBUTIONEXCELLENCE JODY RETI TRIMBLEFORESTRY SPONSOR SILVICULTUREEXCELLENCE GLENNFOUNTAIN FAST HARVESTING SPONSOR FORES TE EXCELLENCENGINEERING CAMPBELL &RJ JSWAPLTD SPONSOR WO EXCELLENCEODPROCESSING HEATHMCMURTRIE DONNELLEYSAWMILLERS SPONSOR HAR VE ST INGEXCELLENCE ROB DAVY GWHITELOGGING LTD SPONSOR LO GT EXCELLENCERUCKDRIVER RAYMONDBRADSHAW AZTECFTD SPONSOR


Jody Reti has gone beyond thestandard expectations of adispatcherand hasawillingness to do whatever it takestoget thejob done. Her work ethicis complimentedby herrelationshipand communication skillsthatallow Jody to positively interact withall stakeholdersshe works with. Sheconstantly delivers above the KPI’srequired in herworkplanning. Customerordersare metwhile maximising theefficiency of thecore trucking fleet and meeting crew uplift requirements

Vivian Barr as aFarmForester hasbeenpivotal in creating solutionstothe environmental challenges the dairysector facesand has gained agood understanding of theroleforestry canplay. Shehas amazingenergyand abilities, always ready to do theright thingand in themid-1980s Vivian plantedareasofpines,eucalyptus, acacia,and cypresses. Shehas also establisheda joint venturethatwas aharvested pine blockof112ha and some 15ha of this blockhas been lefttorevert to indigenous species, approximately 18 ha have been putinto aQEIITrust block, and theremainder have been plantedinpine.Thisareais registered in theETS and carbon units will potentiallybeused to offset Dairy emissions.

Great effort Jody Reti TrimbleForestry

Heroofthe Industry Award (sponsored by First Security)

Four forestry women

Congratulations to Green TransportLtd’s Josh Fisher Runner up in theCNIWC ForestryAwards for“LogDriver Excellence” GreenTransportLtd -Log andTimberTransportservice OurLogging Services canassist youinall your logand timberrequirement's We arebasedinBay Of Plentysoget in touch to find out more today. Email: 027 4833429 CNI Wood Council Forestry Awards 202210 Distribution Excellence (sponsored by RFH)

LeesaHaimona hasbeen described as an unsung hero of our industry.She has been instrumental in severalhealth and safety initiatives and improvements, butitiswith herdedicationtothe community involvementand promotion, this is exemplary. Leesahas apassion for and deep knowledgeoftikanga that bringsthemtowork, and they arethe go-to person foranythinghealthand safety. Sheknows thesystems,rules, and ways like no oneelseand have many achievementsunder their belt, including theintroductionofanew incidentreportingand management systemsfor safetyand theenvironment, developmentnew companyHealth& Safetystandardstotakethe benchmark into anew era. Hero(ine)ofthe industry,congratulations LeesaHaimona –Timberlands

Takingthe stage… VivianBarr –TeTiringa Farms Female in Forestry (sponsoredbyTimberlands) Experienced, with 21 yearsin logging, Mereana Tobenhouseis highlycapable and amultiskilled character. She is passionate, honest, loyal, innovative, amentor, empathetic and showsgreat leadership Shebegan as an apprentice in 2001 doingskidcrosscutting& quality controlworkthenoperatedskidders, haulers, and mechanised processing machinesintheir time in thebush. Mereana or Minasshe is better known have always takenondutiesinthe crewstheyworkedin, whichinturnled to them to taking on aHealth &Safety co-ordinatorrole across thebusiness supportingall thecrews.She is amulti skilled and hugely talentedwoman in forestry Congratulations Mereana Tobenhouse –Fast Harvesting The resultsfromthe category winners at theCNIWC Forestry Awards showsachangeinthe makeup of theworkforce and ahigher portionoffemales taking up keyroles.Wecongratulate thosethat took thestage and recognisethe Councilisbeing ledbyDamita Mita,who is agreat role modeltootherstostepupand getinvolved. We acknowledge:


Best Farm Forester Award (sponsored by Rotorua NZ)

The Generation Programme is a‘real world’ learning experience combining industry training andemployment and has been designed to pathway the next generation into the industry


Fast Karps Harvesting, Crew 67 Crew Leader Shaun Kapene and Connor Dunn Wallace. Vision The Central North Island’sintegrated production forestry recognised as aworld-class model of bio-circular and community kaitiakitanga. Mission Bring recognition to the resilience and sustainability of CNI investments in forestry and wood processing over successive generations. Capitalise on the growing interest in naturally renewable and low environmental products through new investment and innovation. Build stability and pride in communities by fostering a diverse range of worthwhile employment opportunities.

This scholarship aims to support a local person through higher education (university) who is focused on developing acareer in Rotorua within wood processing and manufacturing and/or wood technology and/or timber design.

Considerable emphasis is placed on education and encouraging young people to follow acareer in the forest and wood processing industries. In addition to the generation programme CNIWC offers the CNIWC Scholarship.

The council is anon-profitorganisation, with its own Constitution and Rules and is governed by a committee.

Generation Programme fieldtrip with FAST Harvesting, Tokoroa. Brendon Hirst, Shaun VanOrsouw,Connor Dunn Wallace, Rawiri Te Hiko, Hector Mankelow,Olive Williams (all Generation Programme students and graduates), Damita Mita CNI Wood Council CEO, Min Tobenhouse of FAST Harvesting. Michelle Maunder Administrator 0274615475

Our Focus


Rawiri Te Hiko and Damita Mita. Rawiri was presented achainsaw from WORKit, Tokoroa who supported the graduates with purchasing their first chainsaw Olive Williams, left, Paniora Daniels of WORKit Tokoroa who supported the graduates with purchasing their first chainsaw and Connor Dunn Wallace.

POSTAL ADDRESS 1444 Eruera St, Rotorua 3010 Damita Mita Chief Executive Officer Generation Programme Manager 021 721 371 •

About The Central North Island Wood Council (CNIWC) provides asingle voice to advocate on behalf of the entireforestry industry vertical and supply chain and to support the sustainable growth of the sector

The Central North Island Wood Council is a membership body formally established in August 2020 to promote apositive forestry sector profile—to encourage investor confidence, community prosperity and responsible forest stewardship kaitiakitanga. This will be sought through the following areas of focus: Be acollective voice through coordinated submission/ response to relevant issues that affect the industry Collaboration with local bodies. Health and safety –assist in the ZeroHarmgoal. Promotion of regional employment. Support and represent smaller growers. Undertake input into Regional Plans. Facilitate and promote improvements to pertinent transport and infrastructure. Making the industry attractive –cover training and labour CEO of the CNI Wood Council Damita Mita along with fellow committee members would like to sincerely congratulate Rawiri Te Hiko who was awarded the Generation Programme Graduate of the Year,Olive Williams and Connor Dunn Wallace who wereboth awarded Certificates of Excellence at the awards ceremony

The recipient will receive: $6k ayear for 3years of their degree to help with tuition fees and living costs. also... 4to10-week paid internships each summer with aRotorua-based company within the wood processing, wood technology or timber design. Mentor support from CNI Wood Council throughout the course. Continuation of the scholarship depends on successful completion each year Applications close 30 November 2022. See our web site for further details.

The next generation anything in this world, youneedtogive it your best shot.Hewas encouraged to exploreafutureinthe Forestry industry and soon demonstratedgreat senseofdeterminationtocompletethe programme and make their ownway in theworld Rawirilovesabit of funbut was very diligentintheir book work and respectfultothose supportingthem. They passed their first drug test and wasaclass support to afellow studentthatneededit. He wasregular and punctual in hisattendance to theprogramme.Rawirilikes being outdoors all dayand beingableto keep fit throughwork, as aserious league player whohad competedata nationallevel

12 Rawiri Te Hiko took outthe Generation Programme Graduate of theYearcategorysponsored by theSouthWaikato DistrictCouncil He completed theprogramme in November 2021and wasawarded theNZCertificateinForestIndustry FoundationsSkills– Level2 Rawiriwas thefirststudent to commence work whichwas with Knight LogginginTokoroa as abreaker-out It hadbeenRawiri’sdream from the beginningofthe programme to be offeredabreaker-out role and started work on thesteep hillsofAtiamuri, just down theroad from hisMarae Rawiri’sdeterminationand resilience wastestedattimes,and he completed just under threemonthsinthisrole. Following‘pastoral care ’ meetings with Knight Loggingand Rawiri we agreetoexplore otheremployment options. Rawiri then movedtemporarily to Forest ProtectServices of Tokoroauntil being placedwithBrown LoggingofTokoroa whereheisworking as aQC. Rawiriwas recognized forhis focusonwhat he wantedtodoand was clear that if youwant

Connor Dunn Wallace completed theprogrammeinNovember 2021and wasawarded the NZ Certificate in Forest Industry FoundationsSkills– Level2 Connorwas placedasaninterim employmentplacementatForest Protech ServicesofTokoroa untilafter thetraditional Christmas/NewYear break. In January2022Connorcommenced work at FAST HarvestingofTokoroa and is working as aQC. Connorwas also nominatedfor the Generation Programme Graduate of theYear awardfor theupcoming CNIWC Forestry Awards andreceived on stagea Certificate of Excellence

OliveWilliams completed the programmeinNovember 2021and wasawarded the NZ Certificate in Forest Industry FoundationsSkills–Level2 Olivewas placedasaninterim employment placementatForest Protech Services of Tokoroauntil after thetraditional Christmas/NewYear break. In January2022Olive commenced work at FAST HarvestingofTokoroa andisworking as aQC. Olivewas nominated forthe Generation Programme Graduateof theYearaward forthe CNIWCForestry Awards and wasawarded aCertificate of Excellence.

CNI Wood Council Forestry Awards 2022

It is with great pleasure we share theamazing resultsand celebratethe achievementsofthese amazingforestryprofessionals whoare notalways recognised.Weare just so incredibly proudofnot only ournomineesand winners, butofeverysingle oneofour 56 strong Fast team.Manyof the widerteam have contributedtothose whowere nominatedbyteaching, mentoring, encouragingand supporting them throughtheir forestry journeyand careers, anditwas awesome to hear thewinner's gratitude to theteamintheir acceptance speeches Theawards went to:- FemaleinForestry Award:Mereana Tobenhouse- Skilledprofessionals, SilviculturalExcellence: GlennFounaine xx xxx Traineeofthe Year:Jayme Walker -Outstanding Health andSafetyManagement:Fast andEvans Logging –Crew26 xx Hero of theYear Award:Runner-up: Lorraine Uatuku -Log Processing Excellence: Runner-up: David Hatcher

The Fast groupnow comprises of 7harvesting crews, witha mix of road line salvage, groundbasedand cableloggingand 1silverculture operation with amechanised planting machine.Withinthe group there are4 companieswithstaff members nowbeing partners in those companies, and2 otherstaff members whohave bought their ownmachines andare sub-contractors.Smileyisalwayslooking forthatperson whohas thefocus andmotivation to better themselves andheenjoyshelping them into thatnext step of their forestry career with the opportunity of some ownership.The same opportunityheand Ange were given 26 years ago.Theyhave alarge managementteamtoensure thatevery memberofthe team hasthe support, help andguidancetheyall need.Whetheritbewithregardstothe daytoday operations, training, health andsafety, environmentalcomplianceorpersonalwell beingissues,weliketothink thereisalwayssomeone available to listenand help.Italso helpsthe managementteamtofeelcomfortable abouttakingleave knowingthattheir role canbecovered by another passionateand competentteammemberwhich is very important. We believewehaveanawesome culturewithinour team butremind everyonethatwecan never get complacent. Everyday is newand different andrequires consistent focusand communication foreveryoneto get home safeeveryday.

Marketleadersinforestrysecurity FIRSTSecurityis amarketleaderinforestrysecurity,providingservices to theforestryindustryandregionalNZbusinesseswithvaryingchallenges. We haveextensivecoverageacrossruralNewZealand,andour commitmenttocustomerserviceisproven.It’s thereasonforestry companiestrustustoprotecttheirpeopleandassetssafelyeveryday. We canhelpyourbusinesswith: ✓ AccessControls ✓ CCTVmonitoring ✓ Forest Patrols ✓ SpecialisedSecurity Personnel PEOPLE &PROPERTY VISIT FIRSTSECURITY.CO.NZ PROTECT YOUR | 0800347 787

HarvestingExcellence: RobDavy(GWhiteLoggingLtd). JodyReti(TrimbleForestry). Desmond Williams(ProgressiveHarvesting).

Log TruckDriverExcellence: RaymondBradshaw(AztecFTD). JoshFisher(Green TransportLtd).

ForestEngineeringExcellence: CampbellandRJ(JSwap Ltd). OutstandingEnvironmentalManagement: Crew 14(Loggabull).


ManulifeInvestmentManagementForestManagement(NZ)Limitedwouldliketo congratulateand recogniseallthenomineesandwinnersoftheCNIWCforestry awards.EspeciallythecontractorswhowonawardsthatworkforourManulife clients. WelldonetotheCNIWCcommitteefororganisingsuch agreatevent FemaleinForestryAward: Mereana Tobenhouse(FastHarvesting). Traineeofthe Year: Jayme Walker(FastHarvesting). Heroofthe Year Award: Runner-up:LorraineUatuku(FastHarvesting). Skilledprofessionals,SilviculturalExcellence: GlennFountaine(FastHarvesting). OutstandingHealthandSafetyManagement: Fast andEvansLogging –Crew26(Fast Harvesting). LogProcessingExcellence: Runner-up:DavidHatcher(FastHarvesting).


STAFFMEMBER FemaleinForestryAward: Runner-up: Sarah-JaneLuoni(ManulifeForestManagementNewZealand).

CNI WoodCouncilForestry Awards202214

NZSafetyBlackwoodshasyoucovered with33branchesn technical training wherew conditionscan be replicat controlledenvironment.A they conductpubliccou ofvenues throughout Ne providingnationwidecove Butwait, there’smore. Blackwoods TechnicalSol caninspect and servicef equipmentsuchasharne arrestersand retrieval wi They care so much about it’s in theirnameand theyhave equipmentandtrainingoffe keep yousafeasyou wo morewhy nothaveabro website www.nzsafetyblac co.nzorgivethemacallto more0800660660.

NZ Safety Blackwoods is growing faster than your averageRadiata pine and theirbranchesnow number 33nationwide, whichisgreat news becausenomatterwhere youare,a NZ Safety BlackwoodsTradeCentre won’tbefar away.Theyare specialists in safety, work gear and footwearand haveeverythingyouneedtoget the jobdone. They’vealsogot astellar line up when itcomestopower tools andhand tools,stockingyour favourite brandslikeMilwaukee,Bosch,Makita andDeWalt. When you’reworkingat heightandwith equipmentthat needs to be handledwithcare, they areyour ‘goto’ forfit-for-purposegear. They’ve gotyou coveredfromheadtotoe and if youneedto powerup, they canhelp withthat too. Did youknowthatNZSafety Blackwoodshaveover70years’ experience inNewZealand?Theydon’t just sell products,theyoffer training too. NZ Safety Blackwoods Worksafe Training serviceofferscourses that keep yousafe atwork including Elevating Work Platforms, Confined Spaces, Height Safetyandmore. Their dedicatedtrainingvenuesinAuckland, Tauranga,Wellington, and Christchurch arewellequipped with classrooms andpurpose-built facilities to provide

Training excellence,GenerationProgrammeGraduateofthe Year: Excellenceawards: Connor WallaceandOliveWilliams. excellence,GenerationProgrammeGraduateofthe Year: RawiriTeHiko(BrownLoggingLtd).

NZ SafetyBlackwoods thefinalists andwinners North Island Forestry Awar workplace atedina safe, Additionally rses at arange ewZealand, overage. NZ Safety olutions team fall protection esses,fallinches. out safety, eyhavethe offerthatcan ork.Tofind out owseoftheir ackwoods. to findout s –celebrating at Central wards 2022.



080 06 60660 nz safe ty bl ac kw oo ds .c o. nz Takingcareofyouon thejobwithFall Protection, FirstAid,Worksafe Trainingandmore. Talk to theexperts at NZ Safety Blackwoods, we’llget yougearedupand readyto tacklethebigjobsand thesmallones. 33 Trade Centres Nationwide Whenyou’reout onalimb,we’ve gotyoucovered. Head Protection Kit Winter Vest DefenderPro Chainsaw Chaps G3Leather Glove Kokoda 4999 AtacamaPolarised CODE 434855 HELMET 410176 HELMET ATTACH EARMUFFS 434857 EYESHIELD CODE 416651 CLIPPED 416652 ZIPPED CODE 410526 CODE 441636 CODE 401221 CODEG3 S-4XL

Thankyoutoalloursponsors Thiseventwouldnotbepossiblewithoutyoursupport SILVERSPONSORS GOLDSPONSORS BRONZESPONSORS

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