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Te Aute College 100 SH 2 Pukehou Central Hawke’s Bay www.teaute.maori.nz



Kia mataara, e tu - i runga i te whakapono, whakatangata kia kaha kia meatia a - koutou mea katoa i runga i te aroha.

Te Aute College established in 1854 is a state integrated, Ma -ori Anglican boarding school for young men located in Pukehou, Central Hawke’s Bay. The college moto Whakatangata kia kaha – Quit ye like men be strong is taken from the above opening passage, 1 Corinthians 16:13 in the bible. Te Aute College enrolls boarders and day students from Year 9 through to 13 and is a specialised school committed to producing the finest young men in Aotearoa, under the mantle and our special character status of kaupapa Ma -ori, tikanga Ma -ori and Christianity. Any young man who enters the portal of Te Aute College instantly becomes part of this legacy where the amorangi (leading mantra) is Ma -oritanga. Te Aute College is also a specialist school that is set upon the prestigious mantle and whenua (land) bequested by Nga -i Te Whatuia -piti, the local hapu .

Principal Shane Hiha - Nga -ti Kahungunu, Te Arawa, Nga -i Tahu

Raymond MateneRink Head Boy / Tatana Whare NgātiPorou, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Raymond Matene-Rink HeadBoy /Tatana Whare NgātiPorou, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa Tēnāwhakahuati ake ko waite kāreti nei? Aue ko Te Aute Kāreti ko Te Aute Kāreti Tēnāwhakahuatiaake ko waite tohunga o runga ? Aue ko Te Wiremu ko Te Wiremu Tēnā whakahuatia ake ko wai ngā morehu kua ngaro ki te pō? Ko Tā Pomare, ko Tā Apirana Te Rangihiroa au hei tikitiki mo tākuupoko Kia ora Ko Raymond Matene-Rink ahau. I am the Head Boy of Te AuteCollege. Our Collegeissteeped in history datingback to1854. It is 166years old and one of the oldest schools in Aotearoa and I am very proud to be the student leader of this greatCollege. Myconnection with this school began when my fatherwas a student in the 1980s and it was always his intention to send his two sonstoTeAuteCollege. Itwas my dreamto attendTeAuteCollegeandfollowin myfather’sfootsteps, so in 2017 I began my journey alongside my brother who was Deputy Head Boy. Te Aute College means so much more to me than just a school. As an example, the strong brotherhood that we form over the years which is a result of living and sharing together with our brothers. Te Aute students have the privilege of a large whānau network and so can travel anywhere around the world and Te Aute whānau will be theretohost. Thebond,thefriendshipsandthememories willbeembeddedinmymindforever.Thisgreatschoolhas given me so much and taughtme life’s lessons. Being a leader means setting the right path forward and creating a strong foundation for our new students. Teaching and supporting the boys to learn and practice Teautetangaisfundamental,sothatwhenitcomestimefor them to lead the school, they are ready. Assaid in our CollegeHaka “mate atu he toa, aramai rāhe toa”Oneleaderfalls, another shall risetotakehis place Taraia Butler Co-Deputy Head Boy/ NgarimuVCWhare TeWhānau-ā-Āpanui, Whakatohea, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāi Tai Tērātemarama ka rewa maii te pae,i ahu maii te Rongo maitawhiti. Koutouakutōtarahaemata,akuKauritūwaotakotoemoe. Kia koutou ngātini mate, moe mai rā! Rāhiritia maie ngā uri o Mataatua waka, Kia tū hikitia, kia tū hapainga ko te whare kōrero, e haereake nei. Tihei mauri ora! Me haumiri ahau ki te taha tika o Maraenui kiatahaetae pō ki a te Roroku me kawe au ngā wai o Motu, ngā awaawa i haeremaiaTamatea.KaekeaukirungaoTihirau,katahuri tekanohikatitirokite tai hauāuru,kongakuria Whārei,ko terohe rāhui tēnei oMataatua. Titiro atuahau kite kahanui a Tiki ki Rangitaua ko Te Ehutu, ko Tukaki, ko Te Whānau a Apanui. Me rere aorangi ahau ki te tihi tapu o Maunga Pohatu ko ngā taniwha o Tuhoe, me whai au i te awa o Motu, ngāawa i haeremai nōTatai Aorangimerukuaui te moana i Hauriri, auēkoTainui ko Torere-nui-a-ruakoNgāi Tai. Tihei mauri ora Kia ora my name is Taraia Butler, I am a descendent of ApanuiRingamutufromthebeautifulEastandTuri-Arikinui from the nice breezy West.I attend one of the oldest boys boarding schools in NewZealand, Te Aute College! Opened since1854andstillstandingwithvaluesthathelpuspursue and strive for excellence not only at school but also when we leave for the big wide world. My role here at Te Aute College is Co-Deputy Head Prefect and responsible for Tikanga Māori.I am pushing and strivingto attainmygoals through Tikanga Māori, Music and so much more. It is an honour to carry out this role and have this responsibility to help lead the school in all we are doing for the up and comingyears. Whakatangata Kia Kaha!

Manuera Tukaki Co-Deputy HeadBoy /NgarimuVCWhare Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui, NgātiPorou Being a leader is not about being better than anybody else, it is about having the trust of the student body to organiseandrepresentthemwithhonestyandenthusiasm, whenever called upon. Being a leader is setting a good examplefor students,following the school rules and being there when needed and ensuring that all my duties are fulfilled.WefollowourschoolvaluesTika,Pono,andAroha. With these values we show compassion, respect, and integritytoothersinouractions,words,andthoughts.That is whatit means to be a leaderatTeAuteCollege. Whakatangata Kia Kaha.

Taraia Butler Co-Deputy Head Boy / NgarimuVCWhare TeWhānau-ā-Āpanui, Whakatohea, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāi Tai Manuera Tukaki Co-Deputy Head Boy / NgarimuVCWhare Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Maniapoto,Tainui NgātiPorou

ROTENE House Captains ParekuraWatene-Savea Ngāti Kahungunu kiTe Whanganui-a-Orotu, Ngāti Porou Caelen Marcroft

Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Rangiwewehi ki Uta

NGATA House Captains MauiTaparaRansfield Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu Trizarn HenareMcLaughlin Raukawa,Waikato

TATANA House Captains KlaydeTeKahu Ngāti Kahungunu o Heretaunga TupuarangiTaniwha NgātiAwa,Tuhoe, Ngāpuhi, TeWhānau-ā-Āpanui

NGARIMUVC House Captains Maika Graham Ngāti Kahungunu Rongomaiahua Burton Ngāi Tai, Ngāti Pukeko,

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