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Making the most of your outdoor area
ABOVE:Cleaning andre-staining your deck is aneasy project. INSET:Mitre 10 building consultant and EasyAspresenter, Stan Scott. RIGHTTOP:It’s mucheasier to enjoy your outdoor areawhen it’s clean. RIGHT MIDDLE:Clean and clear your decking, driveways and pathways, tilesand pavers by clearing the areaof debris that has built up over thewinter months. RIGHT BOTTOM:Stan Scott putting life back into an oldtable. Photos/Supplied
Ruby Harfield
The days are getting lighter and there’s more sunshine so now is the best time to give your outdoor areaa makeover.
You don’t havetospenda fortunetoturn yourgarden into a greatsummer areaand you can do many of the things yourself with the help of places like Mitre 10 and Bunnings.
Mitre 10 building consultant and Easy as presenter, Stan Scott, said its best to work with what youhavegotsuch asa deck orpatio area as long as it isstructurally sound.
“Firstly, give it agood clean– this isa reallyeasy thingtodo and you will seeresults immediately.
“There’s lots of good deck and timberwash around as well as stains and oilsto rejuvenatethe area.
“It’s areally goodway to smarten that area up.”
Another thing is cleaning your outdoor furniture.
Once you’ve done that then youcan paint or stain your fence fora bit ofcolour.
Then it’s a good idea to createa feature such asa plant or sculpture.
“You don’t needtospenda lotof moneyto do this.”
Outdoor lighting is anothereasyway to bring yourgardentolife.
Shade sales and deck screenscan also help createa privatespace to sit in.
Bunnings NewZealandcoordinator Del Betham said anyonewantingtodo some DIY in theirgarden should always do some research before startinga project.
There’s plenty of resources online and DIY retailers arealways happytoprovide advice.
“Spring isa greattimetogive your home a refresh with simple DIY projectsyoucan tackle overa weekend.” Bunnings’easy DIY projects for your garden: Clear out the gutters A simple job that can help prevent tricky problems like blocked downpipes,rainwater leaking into yourceiling and dried out leaf litter becominga fire hazard. Cleaning your gutters is aneasy DIY job that requires only basic equipment includinga ladder, brush, bucketandgloves. Once you’ve set up your ladder safely, pull the debris out and put into your bucket, giving the gutter a final sweep witha brush. Oilyour deck Oiling yourdeck is a greatjob to do over the weekendto get your outdoor area readyfor summer entertaining. Making sure youoil it at least once a year will prolong the life andkeep it looking it’s best. Give the outdoors a deep clean Clean and clear your decking, driveways and pathways, tiles and paversby clearing the areaof debris that has builtupover thewinter months. During winter, many outdoor areas, duetocoolertemps and excessive amounts of rain,can build up mould, algae andbacteria. Spruceup the furniture With outdoor furniture having braved the elements all winter long, spring is the perfect timetogive ita littleTLC. Timberrequires abit of elbow greaseand oil-based soap,followed by somegood quality oiltohelp prevent moisturegetting in.
For metal furniture, use some mild soapy water forgeneral grime, ora solutionofwater and white vinegar fortougherstains and mildew.
Cane, wicker andrattanfurniture is best cleaned witha mild soap solution and soft scrubbing brushfollowed bya good rinse with water.
Smith & Sons is the whole package
Smith& Sonshasrenovated thousandsofhomesacrossNew Zealand. INSET:Smith& Sonsmaster franchiseeandbuilderReonPaterson. Photo/Supplied
Ruby Harfield
Renovatingyourhomecan be astressful timebutSmith& Sonsishere to help.
Asrenovationexperts,Smith& Sonshasa dedicated processtoensure all renovationsrunsmoothly, whetherthat be addinganadditionalstorey, doingupyour kitchenorputtingina grannyflat.
Theirthree-step renovationprocess, Design-Plan-Construct,ensuresthat thefinal outcomeiseverything youwantedandthe journey to getthere wasaseasyaspossible.
Smith& Sonsmaster franchiseeand builder, ReonPaterson,saidwhat setsthe companyapartisthefactthat itoffers an entire package as wellashavingtheright peopleonthejob.
“We areallownedandoperated by builders;weare passionateand canbringour draftsmenandarchitectstothetable.
“Thetraditionalway to tacklea large renovationistoheadtothearchitect or draftspersondirectly.”
However,havingbuilders as partof the processfromthebeginningstops anyhidden costs creepinginbecausebuilders have the knowledge to putanaccurateinitialbudget andprice in place.
Anyonewantingtorenovateshouldget in touchwitha Smith& Sonsoffice buteven ifyou decidenot to usethem,you should alwaysconsulta builderinitiallyasthey know theindustry andcurrentcosts best,he said.
Smiths& Sonskeepscustomers involved inthewholeprocesswhichisa collaborative approach.
“Itmeanstheresultandexperience is muchmore enjoyableandtobudget.
“Renovatingisn’teasybutourprocess makesiteasierbecausethere arefewer surprises.
“Ourpointofdifference is that we coordinatetheentire renovationeliminating thepossibilityofcosts buildingup.”
Asbuilders whocreaterenovationsand extensions,theSmith& Sonsteamshave experience withallcomplexitiesinvolved inrenovatingaswellasanyunanticipated issues.
“We know ourjob, andwedoitwell.”
Smith& Sonshaslocationsallaroundthe country readytocater to yourrenovation needs. Superiorprotectionthat lasts
*TheIntergrainUltrarange laststhree times longerthan traditionaloil-baseddeckingoils. The advanced,long-lastingformulaprotects against UV andabrasionand is fast drying.Get thejob done rightwithIntergrainUltraDeck.
It’s time. Bring life back to your deck.
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