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Get your deck ready for summer
Choosing the right product to coat your deck is noweasier thanever.
Cabot’s Aquadeckcan now be used over any deck’sexisting coating, making itevensimpler tobring life backtoyour deck this spring.
Cabot’s brand manager Shirelle Schubert said up until now knowing what was previously usedtocoatyour deckwas essentialtoselecting the right decking oil.
“Aquadeck already belongstoour fastest decking system yet, allowing youtofinish your deck ina day, but now it doesn’t matter what previous coatingwas on there(oil orwater based) or if itwas bare or coated timber– Aquadeckcan be applied.
“We often find that consumersgo into retailers and they might not know what their deckwas previously coated with.
“All those questions are now answered, as extensivetesting has shown that Cabot’s Aquadeck formulationcan be used overany existingcoating*.”
Two years ago,before Schubert workedfor Cabot’s, she went into a store to purchasea product to do up her deck but now wished she had chosen Cabot’s Aquadeck.
“Thestaffmember asked me what my deckwas previously coated with andI literally had no idea.
“I assume many shoppers have similar experiences andI ended up choosing all the wrong products.
“I think the Cabot’s Aquadeck updateisa real game changer as it makes the choice so much simpler especially in the DIY environment.”
Cabot’s Aquadeck is also the perfect solution because it laststwice as long as traditional oilbased decking oils, providing your exterior timber with protection while simultaneously enhancing its natural look.
“Youcan use Cabot’s Aquadeck over any existingcoating and no sanding required*.
“It also hasa fast recoat time of one hour#.
“So together with Cabot’s New Timber Prep and Cabot’s Deck Clean, youcan prep andcoatyour deck in a day spending less time working and more time enjoying your deck.”
There’s also a weather decking forecastso you can work out the best timeto re-coat your deck deckingforecast.cabots.co.nz.
Being abletoapply Cabot’s Aquadeckover anyexistingcoating* means it’s noweasier than everto bring life backtoyour deckbecause you don’t have to worry about what was already on it: • No water-beadtest# • No sanding# • No stripping# • No high pressure washing#g p g Main picture left:Cabot’s Aquadeck laststwice as long as traditional oil-based decking oils protecting your deck against UV,water,dirt, mould and general wear. Above:Cabot’s Aquadeck can be applied over any deck’sexistingcoating* Below left:Cabot’s brand manager Shirelle Schubert. Photos/Supplied