NZ Herald - Travel 10th Dec 2024

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Where the rich bask on beautiful beaches

»Nilerivercruising Pharaohs, pyramids and ancient history


We visit France’s most luxurious hotel

Theworldisavastplace,yetfewofitsdestinationsareunfamiliartoSilversea.Forover30years,wehavebeenexploringiconicdestinationsandhiddentreasures withunmatchedinsight,invitingyoutotraveldeeperwithourimmersive,small-groupexperiences.FromthemomentyoucrossthethresholdofanySilversea ship,youenteraworldofsublimeelegance.Yourjourneywillunfoldwithaquietperfectionthatisbothunseenandflawless,leavingyoufreetoimmerseyourself inthejoyfuldiscoveryofeachmoment.TherearethousandsofreasonsforsailingwithSilversea,butwethinkyou’ll enjoyupto$8,000savingspersuite onmorethan500voyages mostofall.Totakeadvantageofthislimited-timeoffer,bookyoursuitewithourall-inclusivefaresbyFebruary28,2025.

TERMS&CONDITIONS:ReasonstoSailoffervalidonnew,individualbookingsmadebetweenDecember4,2024andFebruary28,2025onselectvoyages.Offerapplicabletoguests1and2insuite.Guestsbookingwiththis offerwillreceiveasavingsof$2,500perpersonor$4,000perperson,onselectcruises.OffernotvalidonWorldCruises,GrandVoyagesandSpecialCombinationCruises.OffervalidonDoor-to-DoorandPort-to-Portfares. Offervalidonallsuitecategories.OffercombinablewithPromotionalGroups,VenetianSocietySavings,EventCertificates,NationalAccountAmenities,ReferralSavings,OnboardSavings,CombinationSavingsandKids Savings.Offercannotbecombinedwithmostpublicorclosedusergrouppromotions;exclusionsapply.Thepromotioniscapacitycontrolledandcanberemovedatanytimewithoutpriornotice.Singlesupplementsapplyand varybyvoyage.PricingforDoor-to-Door&Port-to-PortbookingsaresecuredunderSilversea’sFareGuarantee.Cancelandre-booksdonotqualify.Otherrestrictionsmayapply.Seesilversea.comforfulldetails. VISITSILVERSEA.COM,CALL0800701427ORSEEYOURTRAVELPROFESSIONAL.




BusinessClassv PremiumonCathay Pacific


Fewplaceslookas goodinreallifeas theydoonInstagram


Youshouldbe visitingthisbuzzing, dynamictown

RIVEROFDREAMS Soakupevery pharaohand pyramidyoucould wishfor

VOYAGEOF DISCOVERY Goonboardthe luxuriousScenic EclipseIIcruiseship

SPIRITEDAWAY Relaxandenjoythe HotelGajoen 6 8 10 16 19 22 25

SPLASHOUT Themeritsof spendingdoublethe moneybutgetting10 timesmorefunoutof yourholiday



HeadofPrint: StuartDye


EditorPremium: StephanieHolmes

Cover: Thepooldeckon OceaniaVista.Photo/Supplied ListentoourpodcastTrip NotesatiHeartRadio

Advertising: LiezlHipkins-Stear



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EmbarkonanextraordinaryjourneywiththeGlenbrookVintage RailwayaswetraversetheNorthIslandbyprivatetrain,immersing ourselvesinhistory,breathtakingscenery,andthecharmof lesser-travelledrailwaylinesnotusuallyavailabletopassengers. Ourfullyescortedrailtourwilltakeyoutocaptivatinglocationssuch asRotorua,Napier,NewPlymouth,andOhakune. Ourexclusivetourtrainoffersunparalleledviewsoficoniclocations andscenerynotseenbyanyothermeansoftravel. Highlightsinclude:AcaptivatingjourneywithForgottenWorld Adventures,Napier’sfamousGannetColony&ArtDecoTourby VintageCarandRotorua’sexhilaratingRedwoodsTreeWalk.


Adventure inBali Welcometo Bali,the sizzlinghot spotthatisas diverseasitis divine.Spend sevennightsatthe SakalaResortBaliAll Suites,withdailybuffet breakfastandprivateairport transfersincluded.Stayina deluxesuiteandsaveupto$640 percouplewhenyoubookwith FlightCentre.Extrasinclude TanjungBenoajetskiadventure, adriverforadayservice,and score25%*offthebillatsomeof Bali’smostpopulardining destinationswithaDineAround privilegescard.From$935per person,bookthisdealbefore February28,2025.Travelon selecteddatesbetween December9,2024,andAugust 30,2025.Airfaresareadditional. Contact:FlightCentre,call 0800427555orvisit


AnantaraKohYaoYaiResortandVillasisatranquil escapeonaprivateisland,featuringelegantvillas,a world-classspa,andbeachfrontdining.Enjoylush landscapes,wateractivities,andasereneatmosphere perfectforrelaxationandadventure.Spendseven nightsinaDeluxeSeaviewSuitewithdailybreakfast, returnprivateairporttransfersandUS$100($170) hotelcredit.Subjecttoavailability,enjoyaroom upgradeattimeofbooking,earlycheck-inandlate check-out.From$4269perperson,thisdealisonsale untilJanuary5,2025.TravelbetweenFebruary1March31,2025. Contact:TravelAssociates,call


SpendfivenightsatRoyalDavuiIslandResortinFijiandenjoyonenight pre-andonenightpost-atRadissonBluResortFiji,DenarauIsland. SituatedinFiji’sbreathtakingBeqaLagoon,theadults-onlyRoyalDavui IslandResortistheepitomeoftranquillityandbeauty.Yourbungalowor villaiscomplementedwithauniqueopen-airshower,anair-conditioned sleepingpavilion,andaprivateplungepool.

From$6260perpersonsharetwin,thisdealincludesreturnplane/ launchtransferfromNadiDomesticAirporttoRoyalDavuiIslandResort, breakfast,three-courselunchandfour-coursedinnerdaily,sunset canapeseveryevening,pureFijibathroomamenities,welcomelei andamenityonarrival,freeWi-Fiinpublicplaces,and complementaryuseofallnon-motorisedwatersportsand activities.BookbeforeDecember20,2024,andtravel fromDecember1-December18,2024andJanuary 6-March31,2025. Contact:HelloWorld, call0800758787orvisit

Booka25-daycruise,departingAuckland CrosstheSouthPacificaboardthemagnificent DiscoveryPrincessonthis25-daycruise.Departing fromAuckland,enjoyatasteofhomewithastop attheBayofIslandsbeforesettingsailforFrench Polynesia.DiscoverTahitiandMooreawithalagoonsailandsnorkeltour. ExperienceHawaiiandLosAngeles:enjoyadayofshoppingorswimmingin HawaiiandthenvisittheiconicSantaMonicaPierinLA.ThencallintoVictoria andVancouver,Canada,wherebustlingcitylifeawaitsyou. Pricedfrom$4270perperson,sharetwinforaPrincessStandardfare,which includesstandarddining,accommodation,andentertainment.Flightsare additional.CruisedepartsAucklandonApril12,2026.Pricesarecorrectatthe timeofpublicationandaresubjecttochange. Contact:Princess,call0800

ScantheQRcodetofind outmore,viewourwide rangeofJapantours andfollowourrecent journeysthroughthis beautifulcountry.



SeeJapan’siconiclandscapesandsights, includingbreathtakingMountFuji,Hiroshima PeaceMemorialParkandUNESCO-listed castles,shrines,templesandvillages.





•Breakfastdaily,1dinner TRAVELFROMAPR2025TONOV2026

Gobeyondthemust-seesights anddelveintoJapan’srichcultural tapestry.Combinethedelightsof theGoldenRoutewithgemslike Nikko,MatsumotoandTakayama.



•JourneyontheJapanese shinkansen bullettrain

•Fullyescortedbyanexpert, English-speakingguide




SeeKenrokuenGarden,MountFuji, thedeerofNara,MiyajimaIsland’s iconicfloatingtoriigate,Takayama OldTown,UNESCOsitesShirakawa-gō andWhiteHeronCastleaswellas dazzlingcities.


•14nightsinwell-situated accommodation






Theflight: CX0198AirbusA350-1000

Class: Business

Flighttime: 10hours32minutes

Visasandrequirements: ThosewithaNewZealand passportcanvisitvisa-freeforupto90days.This alsoappliestoarangeofothercountries,including Australia,Tonga,FijiandtheUS.TherearenoCovid19relatedrequirementsforHongKong.

Departureairportexperience: Checkinginat AucklandInternationalAirportwasabreeze,wedidn’t evenhavetotakefragileitemstoanothercounter. Itwasn’tafullflight,possiblyduetotheTuesday afternoondeparturetime.

Withtheflightnotatfullcapacity,thegatesituation wasverychill.Wewereboardedalittlelate,around 40minutesafterourtickettime,buteveryonewaited patientlyandstaffwerecalmandhelpful,keepingus informed.Onboardwesettledswiftlyintobusiness class.Seatswerespaciousandtherewerewarm towelsandbubbles(orjuice)servedbeforetheflight departed.

Seat: Spaciousandcomfortablewithallthe accoutrementsyouexpectofBusinessClass.There’s heapsoflegroom,andIgetmyfeetelevated immediately.Seatsare20incheswideand75inches longand,thisbeingBusiness,theyreclinefully.Other passengersmakethemostofthisandsleepthrough theflight,butasit’sadaytimeflightandIwantto adjusttoHongKongtime,Idecidetostayupand watchmovies.

Crew: Staffareefficient,polite,maskedandverynice. Jokesaresharedbetweenusandsomeofthecabin crew(alovelyinteraction)andwefeelwellcaredfor. Passengers: Ourflighthasamixoffamilies,couples andsolotravellers.Ididn’tspotmanymasks. Foodanddrink: CathayPacificdoesa“verygood” negroni,accordingtomytravelcompanion,andIcan reportthecoffeeisgoodtoo.Whenitwastimefor lunch,built-indiningtrayscameoutandtablecloths wereunfurled.Tostartwasalittledishofsmoked salmon.Entreesincludedachoiceofcauliflower creamsoupandcouscouswithchicken.Therewere therequisitewarmbreadrollswithbutteror,ifyou’d like,oliveoilandbalsamic(itcameinaniftywee bottle)anditwasthefirsttimeI’dbeenofferedthat onaplane.Forthemain,Ihadstuffedchicken,which wasfillingandgood—nottoorich,whichisalways welcomeonaflight—followedbycheeseandcrackers fordessert.Fordinner,Iorderedchickenrendang, becauseIneverpassupthatdish.

Entertainment: There’sadizzyingrangeofthings towatch,anditwashardtochoose—especiallywhen flightslendthemselvesequallywelltofilmsthat requirefocusandthosethatareguiltypleasures.

Arrivalairportexperience: Astoundinglyquick really.Immigrationwasabreezeandwewerelucky tohaveashortqueue.Baggagewasswifttooand, withnothingtodeclare,wegostraighttoarrivals.

Thebestbit: Lyingdownandwatchingmoviesfor 10hoursisthebestwaytofly.

Theworstbit: Ishouldhaveletmyselfhaveanap toreallymakethemostoftheseat,butthat’sonme.

Finalverdict: Ifyou’retravellingforworkand,like us,needtohitthegroundrunningwhenyouarrive, flyingCathayPacificdirectwithabusinessclassseat ensureyou’rewell-restedandreadytogo.

CathayPacific’sAirbus A350-1000fliesbetween AucklandtoHongKong daily. Photo/Supplied

EmmaGleason teststwocabinclassesonCathay Pacific’sAucklandtoHongKongservice

• Easypaced–Idealfor maturetravelers

• Limitedplaces

• Bookearly


Theflight: CX113AirbusA350-1000

Class: PremiumEconomy

Flighttime: 11hours20minutes

Visasandrequirements: ReturninghomeonaNew Zealandpassportmeanstherearenorequirements. Departureairportexperience: Unbelievablyswift andefficient.Whenourfixertoldusyouonlyneeded toarriveanhourandahalfaheadofaninternational flightwewereincredulous,buttheguidanceproved correct,evenatanairportashugeasHongKong’s.

Wecheckedinatthebusinesscounter,therewere noqueuesthereoratthenormaldesk.Mysuitcase ziphadbrokenenroutetotheairport,soCathay Pacific’sdeskstaffhelpedsecureitinaboxand labelleditfragile.

Thenitwasontotheidentityscanner—passport andface—andthroughthebrisk,efficientsecurity check(noneedtotakelaptopsout),beforeanother electronicautocheckandweheadedtoourgate.

Bepreparedforawalkandleaveplentyoftime togettoyourgate.HongKongInternationalAirport has530gatesandit’salongwaytosome.

Thelounge: Afterallthatwalkingit’snicetohave amomenttounwind,andthere’snowherebetterthan aCathayPacificLounge.TherearethreeatHongKong InternationalAirport,soyoucanbestrategicwhen itcomestolocationsandyourgate.Wegotothe famouslygoodThePierBusinessLounge(theFirst ClassLoungeisnearbytoo),foundbygate65.

Insideitiselegantandcalmandhuge.There’sa hugearrayofsofasandchairs,desksandworkspaces, arelaxationroom,expansivefoodhallandbar—they doanexcellentnegroni,andforthosewanting somethinghealthythegreenjuiceisgoodtoo—as wellasacoffeeandteastation,renownednoodlebar andatearoom.

Thereareluggagelockers,andforfresheningup youcan’tgopastthelounge’sshowers.

Afterthat,youcanparkupandunwind,orget stuckintosomework.It’sallverycalm,withsoft ambientjazzsetstherighttone,andjustwhatIneeded

DarwintoBroome 11days,departs18August2025


TwinShareEarlyBirdSpecial! BookNow.Save$1,000percouple


• Returnflights

• Extensivesightseeing


Boarding: Consideringit’safullflightandlateon aSaturdaynight,thestaffhandlethecrowd masterfully.

Seat: Premiumeconomymeansextralegroomand morespace.Thereclineisgenerous,andIfeltlucky tobeseatedwithnoonebehindme,soIcouldmake themostofit.Thefootrestprovidesgoodelevation forthelegs.Seatsinthissectionarethesamewidth asBusinessClass,20inches—comparedtothe 18-inch-wideseatsonstandardEconomy.

Crew: Soniceandfriendly.Thestaffdidanadmirable jobcateringtosuchafullflight.

Passengers: Theflightwasfullandeveryone boardedandwasseatedswiftly.

Foodanddrink: CathayPacific’sin-flightmenus highlighttheflavoursofHongKong.Onthisleg,we hadachoicebetweeneggplantcaponata,braised chickenwithginger,andporksaltimbocca.Thelatter wasmychoiceandputmerighttosleep.Awaking intimeforbreakfast,dimsum—spinachshumai, acoupleofdumplingiterationsandasensational glutinousricewithchicken—wassuchagoodway tofinishtheovernightflight.

Entertainment: Theofferingwasthesameasthe flightover,butseekingsleepIlistenedtopodcasts andnoddedoffquickly.

Arrivalairportexperience: Consideringhowmany peoplehadtobeprocessed,ourluggagewasonthe baggagecarouselsquickly.

Thebestbit: ThePierBusinessLoungeatHongKong InternationalAirport.

Theworstbit: Nothavingmoretimetospendin theaforementionedlounge.

Finalverdict: Whileitdoesn’thaveallthefrillsof BusinessClass,CathayPacific’sPremiumEconomy optionisagreatwaytotravel—particularlyifyou’re flyingovernight.

Contact: CathayPacificfliesdirecttoHongKongfrom AucklanddailyandChristchurchseasonallyfourtimes aweekfromDecember2,2024,toMarch30,2025.

Graceland,Nashville,Tupelo 9days,departs20September2025


TwinShareEarlyPrice! Packageincludes: •Returnflights •Gracelanddaytour

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Packageincludes: •LasVegasCentralStripresortstylehotel




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Saveanadditional AU$400percouple.




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UncovertheancientsecretsofEgyptamidthewelcoming cultureoftoday.Seethepyramidsfromastrideamajestic camel.ExploretheTempleofKarnak’s136soaringpillars. VisitQueenNefertari’stombintheValleyoftheQueens. SkimthewatersoftheNilebytraditionalfelucca.Enjoy thefragrancesofAswan’sspicemarket.Joinourexpert Egyptologistsona12-daycruisetourthroughEgypton boardourmodernNileships,ownedandoperatedbyViking.

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Moredaysmeansmoreto discover,withextension packagesyoucanaddbefore orafteryourVikingcruisetour. Enjoyadditionaldaysto exploreyourembarkationor disembarkationcity,orseea newdestinationaltogether withachoiceofexcitingcities.




Luxury, wildlife and natural wonders collide in the Maldives, where Chris Stead and his family lived the good life for a month but does it live up to the hype?

Few places look as good in real life as they do on Instagram, but photos can’t do the Maldives justice It’s as spectacularly beautiful as you’d expect

The luscious jungle islands surrounded by white sands, exotic blues and coloured reefs are all true It’s magic

As is that moment when you surface from your overwater villa’s private pool, gaze out across the Indian Ocean and take a swig of champagne as the laughter of kids fills in the soundtrack Oh please, take me back!

The Maldives is pure luxury, no matter what “luxury” means to you

Defining luxury

My wife and I were lucky enough to stay at eight resorts during our month in the Maldives So did my three (ridiculously) lucky kids

The surprise was how each location offered a different take on luxury; a unique point of difference

At the Ritz-Carlton Fari Islands resort, it’s all about modern comfort The shiny overwater villas are breathtaking Floor-to-ceiling glass makes the ocean the centrepiece An infinity pool reaches across the generous deck Rooms offer technological wizardry at every turn It’s pure comfort, surrounded by facilities such as the stunning main pool, tennis court, Hobbit-like kids club, games room and spa I was also blown away by the food at the RitzCarlton The delicious Asian cuisines, in particular, will stay with me for a long time Watching the sun set over the ocean while my kids enjoyed their first teppanyaki is an


Checklist MALDIVES


FlyfromAucklandtoMale VelanaInternationalinthe Maldiveswithone stopoverwithChina Eastern,Emirates,and SingaporeAirlines.


TheMaldivesissetupfor multi-resortvisits.The resortshandlethe transfersinthe backgroundandliterally passyoufromonestaff membertothenext. TheMaldivesisaMuslim country,it’ssafeandthe localsarejustlovely.Be warned,though,that alcoholisexpensiveand youcan’tbringyourown throughcustoms.

StRegisMaldivesVommuliResortincludesawhale-shaped barandlobster-inspiredspa.Below:HolidayInnKandooma isparadiseforanyonewholikesabitofactionwiththeir oceanviews. Photos/Supplied

Yeteverythingismadefromrecycledwoods, metalsandglass,craftedwithexquisiteattention todetail.Throwinthecompanionshipofyour barefootbutlerandavibesocalmyoucanhear theworldbreathe,andyouhavesomethingtruly special.It’salsohometothebestkidsclubI’ve everseenandanoverwatercinema.

TherealWaterworld Inotherlocations,luxurynotonlycomesfrom thefacilities,food,serviceandrooms,butinits oceansetting.

TheStRegisMaldivesVommuliResortbrings luxurytothetablethroughitssmall,intimate guestcount,bespokeserviceandisolation.For mykidsandI,however,thehousereefwasthe luxurywemostindulgedin—notsomuchthe coral,butthewildlife.

Ashortpaddleoffthebeachoryourvillaand thereefplummetsintothedepths.Bathedin warm,crystal-clearwater,swimmingalongthis underwatercliffislikebeinginanaquarium. Mykidspointedexcitedlyatsharks,turtles, mantarays,morayeels,dolphinsandfish, includingahugebarracuda.TheStRegisalso featuresstunningarchitecturalmarvels, includingthebrilliantWhaleBarandlobstershapedIridiumSpa.

Foradventureseekers,luxurycouldbeaccess toactivities.TheHolidayInnKandoomais perfectforfamilieswhothink“action”rather than“relax”whentheyseetheocean.

InpartnershipwithPerfectWave,theresort offersaworld-classprivatewaveexclusivelyto ahandfulofguests,aswellasfreechartersto multipleotherfamousbreaks.I’msothankfulI gottosurftheseamazingwaveswithmyson, creatinglifetimememories.Anyonewitha divingcertificategetstwofreedivesaday (includinggear)atstunningnearbyreefs. Wecameacrossawhalesharkandapodof hugeRisso’sdolphinsononetrip;morebucket listitemsticked.


Inotherlocations,theislandisthestar.The AnantaraDhiguisatrulygorgeousarchipelago. Ontheprovidedbike,Ilovedridingitssandy pathsunderajunglecanopy,lettingthecool breezeblowthroughmyhair.Aroundeveryturn there’ssomethingnewtodiscoveroreat,with familiesandcouplessoakingupthesunshine.

Theresortevenoffersinternalboattransfers, allowinggueststocutacrossthereeftoexplore othernearbyislandsandtheirrestaurants,surf breaks,reefsandbars.Thespaciousoverwater villasarefantastic,too.

Elsewhere,thedensejungleofSonevaFushi featureslargetreesandwindingpathsakinto JurassicPark.Themainhubisashadowedcalm ofislandchic,wherefeastsandmusicunfold.

Anair-conditionedspaceoffershomemade chocolates,icecreams,cheesesandmeatsfor guests24hoursaday,afactofwhichmy bathroomscalescontinuetoremindme.

IlovethewaySonevaFushisuddenlyopens uponyou.Onemomentyou’reindenseforest thenextyou’reatarestaurantreachingoutover ahousereef—wherekidssnorkelwhileparents sinkpinacoladasfromthesafetyofahammock.


TheMaldivesisaparadiseforchildren.Mykids relisheddayafterdayinthesun,sandandwaves, gorgingondeliciousmealsandplayinginthe spaciousrooms.

Forfamilies,it’shardtogopastClubMedKani. Withitslongsweepingbeachesandtallpalm trees,itcapturestheMaldiviansoul,butfor parents,thetrueluxuryhereisfreedomfrom responsibility.Withpoolparties,sports,free snorkellingtours,surfing,liveshows,trapeze, sailingandplentymore,eachdayisfilledwith endlessactivitiesforthekids.They’relooked afterbyfantasticstaffandtherearehundreds

ofotherkidsforthemtomakefriendswith,too. Furthermore,it’sall-inclusive.So,there’s deliciousfoodavailableatalltimesandthe cocktailsneverstopflowing.Ifyou’reaparent, thenyou’llunderstandthisisheaven.

Forfamilieslookingtoliveluxeonabudget, theSheratonFullMoonResortandSpahasa significantupside.It’stheclosestresorttothe capitalMale,reducingthetransfercostsfromthe airporttoyourplaceofstay.Despitethe proximity,you’llbarelynoticethecountry’s biggestcity.Theoceanisrichwithwildlife,while theroomsandfacilitiesaresetaroundagorgeous lagoonthatallowsforsaferswimmingthanthe openocean.

There’safantasticmainpool,too,andourkids lovedswimmingunderitslittlebridgeand standinginitswaterfall,whilestaffranregular games.Culturalactivities,sports,trivia,sailing andsnorkellingalsokeepyoungerhearts beating,whileparentswillwelcometheshaded loungesandfloatinghammocks.


TheMaldivesmademybucketlistassoonasI sawaphotoofanoverwatervilla.Itlookedlike paradise:itlookedlikeluxury.NowthatI’vebeen there,Icanattesttoitsmagnificence.You’llbe treatedlikeroyaltyandhavethetimeofyour life,withamindfullofmemoriesInstagramcan’t match.

Yes,itcomesatacost.Butlivingluxeisworth everypenny.



Whetheryou’relookingforadestinationthatboastsitall,oryou’rekeentobreakupyourlong-hauladventure byhavingaholidaywithinaholiday,HKhasitall,writes EwanMcDonald

You’vedoneAustraliaandthe Pacificislandsandyou’dliketo spreadyourwings—well,the airline’swings.Oryoujustdon’t feellikehaulingyourselfthelong wayaroundtheplanetthistime.

So,you’relookingforsomewherethat’sexotic, justalittledifferentthantheneighbours. Somewhereyou’llexperienceadifferentculture orshows,heardifferentlanguagesbutcanget bywithEnglish,trygobsmackingfood,get aroundeasily.Oh,andsomefirst-rateshopping wouldn’tgoamiss,either.


Lessthan12hoursflyingtimefromAuckland orChristchurch—andWellingtonwhenthat newrunwayiscommissioned—Kiwisusedto regardtheterritoryasa24-or36-hourstopover onthewaytoEurope.

Notanymore.HongKongisaworldcityand adiscerningtraveller’sdestinationinitsown right.Here’swhyyoushouldbevisitingthis buzzing,dynamic,historic—andfun—town. InthissurprisinglygreengatewaytoAsia,the islands,parksandmountainsareworth exploring,too.

AndifyoudowanttokickontoEuropeor elsewhere,there’saprettygoodairlineoperating outofHongKongthatwillbeonlytoohappyto takeyou.


Inacoupleofhundredwords?Impossibleto captureHongKong’smeltingpotofcultureand communities,ancientandmodern,curated andchaotic,solet’sfocusonsomeofthe greatesthits.

Fromthehistoric,theBigBuddha andPoLinMonastery.Alsoknown asTianTanBuddha,the34m-high statueismadefrommorethan200 bronzepiecesandtook12yearsto complete;togetupclose,you’ll havetoclimb268steps.The monasteryisasignificant Buddhistcentre.WongTaiSin templehousesthreereligions— Buddhism,Confucianismand Taoism—insideitsgolden-roofed, red-pillared,brightlycolouredwalls.

Timetochill?LantauIsland,nested atthePearlRivermouth,hassandy beaches,fishing,countrysideandbeautiful monasteries.

Contemporaryinspiration?That’sanobrainer.TheWestKowloonCulturalDistrictis oneoftheworld’slargestculturalprojects, blendingart,openspace,hotel,officeand residentialdevelopmentsandretail,diningand entertainmentonreclaimedharbourfrontland. Whencompleteitwillprovideabout23haof publicopenspacewith2kmofwaterfront

Main:TheTianTanBuddha onLantauIslandtook12 yearstobuildandstands 34mtall;above,the seeminglyendless labyrinthofTempleStreet NightMarket. Photos/123rf; GettyImages

promenadeasawellasahostofartsandcultural facilitiesthatwillproduceandhostworld-class exhibitions,performances,andartsand culturalevents.

TheArtsPavilion,ArtPark, Freespace,HongKongPalace Museum,M+andtheXiquCentre areopenwithabreathtakingrange ofexhibitionsandperformances fromaroundtheworld,fromthe traditionaltothepopulartothe cutting-edge.Oryoucanjust wanderaroundtheprecinct, enjoytheviewandthecafes,and think:“Gee,IwishtheAuckland Councilhadtheenergyand ambitiontocreatesomethinglike this.”


OneofthegreatthingsaboutHongKong isthat,whateveryou’relookingforindining, entertainment,accommodation,thecityoffersit ateverylevelfromultrahigh-endtobudget. Soitiswithshopping:it’shometoluxurymalls likeIFC,PacificPlaceandElementsforbrands likeGucciorChanel,anditsstreetmarketsare anendlesssourceofentertainment,peoplewatchingandsouvenirs.


TheStarFerryhasbeen connectingKowloonandHong KongIslandsincethe19th century;below,HongKonghas afairclaimtobeAsia’sculinary capital;HongKongDisneyland. Photos/123rf


Best-knownsitesaretheLadies’Market,a1km stretchofTungChoiStthatsellsanythingfor women,includingcosmetics,watches,apparel, purses,noveltiesandhomewares(notthatwe’re sayingtheseareonlyofinteresttowomen,of course).

Asthesunsets,fortunetellers,operasingers andshopkeeperssetouttheirstallsintheseeminglyendlesslabyrinthofTempleStreetNight Market,oneofthebestspotstofeelthelocalvibe. StanleyMarketisknownforsilktextiles,jewellery,furnishings,clothing,uniquegiftsandexcellentfood.GoldfishStreetdoeswhatitsayson thebowl:sellsgoldfish.

ForasnapshotofhistoricHongKong,Old TownCentralsnakesaroundslopedstreetsand near-overlookedalleys,easilywalkableand crammedwithheritagebuildings,artgalleries andlocaltreats.Pairaneggtartwithmilktea. Food Frommarketstallstostreetfoodvendorsto— atlastcount—77Michelin-starredrestaurants, HongKonghasafairclaimtobeAsia’sculinary capital,itsmenurunningfromtraditional Cantonesedelicaciestoinnovativefusiondishes.

Foodiesandanyonewholikestoeatshould seekouttheCentralWetMarket,anarchitectural landmark,recentlyupdatedintoacontemporary three-leveldestinationthat’sasmuchaheritage culturalexperienceasadiningdestination.

Ifyou’veeverhadanightonAuckland’s DominionRd,youmaythinkyouknowallthere istoknowaboutCantonesecuisine:afew mouthfulsoftheoriginalflavoursofsweetand sourpork,wonton,dimsum,spicyroastgoose andfishballs,oranyoftheendlessvarietiesof eggtart,andyoumayneedtoreviseyouropinion.

Bars,nightlife Partyon…andon.Thiscityisknownforwhat we’lldiscreetlycallits“vibrantnightlife”and asoneoftheglobalhotspotsforbarflies—Bar Leoneranks#2intheWorld’s100BestBars;Coa, ArgoandtheSavoryProjectarehighonthesame drinkslist.BartendersinHongKongareknown fortheirexpertiseandflair,andforpushing boundariesintheircreations.

Thereareseveralpartyareas,eachwith adifferentpersonality.Probablythe mostrenownedisLanKwaiFong,with morethan90exclusive(read: expensive)barsandrestaurants. KnutsfordTerracehasalengthy stretchof“lively”eateries,open-air locations,barsandafter-hourclubs.

SoHoisadaytimespotforantique shops,galleriesandboutiques.When thesunsets,thelittlestripbuzzeswith glitzybarsandfancyrestaurants.

FamousfortheLadies’Market,TungChoi Stismoreofalocalhangout,linedwithbars withdicegamesandbucketsofbottledbeer. Minglewithhometownfolkwhileenjoyinggoodvaluecocktails.


Checklist HONGKONG

ThebigplayersareHongKongDisneylandand OceanPark.Bothhaverecentlyupscaledtheir offeringsandtherearesomeother,moreoutthereoptionstokeepyoungervisitorsawayfrom theirscreens.

Disneylandretainsold-schoolfavouriteslike DumbotheFlyingElephantandIt’sASmall Worldbuthasincorporatedimmersive experiencessuchasthenewlyopenedWorldof Frozen,Ant-ManandTheWasp:NanoBattle!and IronManExperience.

Thesprawling90haOceanParkallowsguests togetclosetonatureasrepresentedbysharks ina360-degreeaquarium,giantpandasand more,ortech-basedthrillslikethefloorless rollercoasterandvirtualrealityequippedturbo-dropride.

OnthePeakpop-culturejunkiescan meettheirheroes(BruceLee)and heroines(ArianaGrande)atMadame Tussaud’sHongKong;board-game fanscanrollthediceandstartafamily argumentontheworld’sfirst Monopoly-themedexperience, MonopolyDreams.

Aswe’vementioned,thisisn’tjusta concretejungle.HongKongWetlandPark intheNewTerritoriesboastsalush60ha naturereserveteemingwithplantsandwildlife,

GETTINGTHERE Flynonstopfrom AucklandtoHongKong InternationalAirportwith CathayPacificinapprox. 10.5hours.


includingbutterflies,mudskippers,fiddler crabsandafamoussaltwatercroc,Pui Pui,pluslocalartandinteractive games.


It’smoregettingupthangetting aroundbutridingthePeakTramto thehighestpointonHongKongIsland shouldbeyourfirstport—orstation —ofcall.Inrecentlyrefurbished carriages,you’llwindthroughgreenery, beatthesameheightasskyscrapers,and arriveatanunparalleledpanorama. Atgroundlevel,you’llfindfrequentand cheapcitybuses,taxis,themetroandtheStar ferriesacrosstheharbour.Afavourite:thedingdings,vintagedouble-deckertramsthathave ruledthestreetsformorethanacentury.


Thebesttimesarespring(March-April)and autumn(October-November);summer(thebitin themid-year)isoftenhotandhumidwithbonus typhoons;winter,whichhappensoverour summer,iscoolanddry.


Wecouldsay,“Itdependsonwhatyouwantto seeordo,”butbecauseHongKong’spublic transportissogoodandtheareasosmall,that reallydoesn’tcomeintoit.Themajorlocations areHongKongIsland,KowloonPeninsulaand theNewTerritories(includingislandslike Lantau).Ifyouwanttoberightamongthe action,choosenorthHongKongIsland orKowloonPeninsula;theislandsoffer alessfreneticexperience.


Kiwi(andmanyother)passport holdersenjoyvisa-freeentryinto HongKongfor90days.Usualrules apply:makesureyourpassportis validforatleastthenextsixmonths andhasablankpage.Ifyoutravelon anotherpassport,checkyournational authority’stravelwebsiteforofficial information.



Joinoneofourescortedtoursaswetraveltoanexcitingrangeoffantasticoverseasdestinations. Wehaveafabulousselectionofwaystoexperiencedestinationsandactivitiesaspartofalike-minded groupwithatourleader.



TraveltoMelbournefortheSouthernHemisphere’slargestflowershow,theMelbourne InternationalFlowerandGardenShow.ExplorethecitywithguidedtoursofRoyal BotanicGardensMelbourne,CoombeMelbaEstate,CloudehillGardens,Geelong BotanicGardens,andWerribeeParkMansion.









JoinourfullyescortedSouthernAfricatour,startinginJohannesburgandexploring Pilanesberg,KrugerNationalPark,Eswatini,Hluhluwe,andDurban.ExperienceCape Town’slandmarks,VictoriaFalls,asunsetcruise,andaChobeDayTrip.Discover SouthernAfrica’sstunningbeautyandrichculture.









JoinusforaEuropeanandIcelandicjourney,exploringCopenhagen’scanals, Sweden’sarchipelago,Stockholm’smedievalbeauty,andIceland’sGoldenCircle, blacksandbeaches,andBlueLagoon.Experiencestunninglandscapes,cultural gems,andunforgettableadventuresinonetour.









NorfolkIsland,asubtropicalgemintheSouthPacific,offerslushlandscapes,towering pines,andcrystallagoons.JustthreehoursfromNewZealand,exploreconvictruins, enjoyfreshlocalcuisine,andexperiencetheisland’suniquehistoryandwarmhospitality. Paradiseawaitswitheverybreathtakingsunset.







France » Living the life of

Hotel Byblos is one of the most luxurious hotels in France and one of the greatest rock ’ n ’ roll hotels in the world, writes Tim Roxborogh

The first time I heard about Hotel Byblos was from my friend Ronald LaPread of the Commodores The former bassist for the mega-selling Motown band has lived in New Zealand since the mid-1980s, but mention the word “Byblos” to him, and it’s like it’s 1972 and he’s back in Saint-Tropez again

There he is, pre-fame, straight out of Alabama, seeing France and Europe for the first time, fresh baguette in hand, sitting on the centuries-old walls of the citadel that’s perched on the hill next to Byblos, watching the sun creep up above SaintTropez and the Mediterranean Sea just beyond

It was, according to LaPread, “the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen”

This nightly ritual occurred during the several-week residency the Commodores had secured at Byblos’ underground nightclub Les Caves du Roy, a venue as full of legends and myths and A-list, private-booth debauchery as any in France

LaPread, Lionel Richie and the rest of the Commodores would enter that A-list world themselves just two years later when Machine Gun began a record-breaking chart run (Sweet Love, Just To Be Close To You, Easy, Brick House, Three Times A Lady, Still, Sail On, Lady You Bring Me Up Nightshift etc ) that would last more than a decade

Richie’s been known to credit Byblos as being his career’s good luck charm, but he’s not alone in being extremely famous and being extremely fond of Byblos

It is, after all, where Mick and Bianca Jagger honeymooned in 1971, where a young Jack Nicholson and Cher preferred to party, where Grace Jones once rode a motorbike through Les Caves du Roy, and where everyone from Rihanna to George Clooney to Lady Gaga to Elton John still chooses to stay when in the South of France And me

At Byblos, it doesn’t matter if you’re suffering either imposter syndrome or an over-inflated concept of your own self-importance, you’ll be treated the same

Which is to say, you’ll be treated like a star whether you’re Timothee Chalamet or Timothy Roxborogh Or more to the point, you’ll feel a warmth of welcome irrespective of your status And yet “status” has been part of the Byblos legend since it opened in 1967

Built by the lovestruck Lebanese billionaire Jean-Prosper Gay-Para in a failed attempt to woo Saint-Tropez’s most famous daughter, actress Brigitte Bardot, Gay-Para had the gumption –and the cash – to bring to life his idealised vision of the most idyllic kind of Lebanese village

Across 91 rooms and a series of postcard-cute interconnected tiled-roofed buildings that spanan entire block, Byblos is just minutes on foot from the boutiques, restaurants, and superyachts of Saint-Tropez

Architecturally ostentatious Byblos is not Architecturally beautiful; immaculate even, yes But ostentatious? No

This is not some domed palace visible for miles around, and maybe that’s why the classy but deep-of-wallet like it so much

It’s where you stay when you don’t want to be snapped by the paparazzi, something I’ve often had to consider

With fewer than 100 rooms all of which are of different proportions and designs, a full 50 of

Hotel Byblos was built in
1967 by Lebanese billionaire Jean-Prosper Gay-Para; the writer in Les Caves du Roy Main photo / Supplied


whicharesuites—Byblosisbigenoughto getalittlelostinduringthefirstcoupleof days,butsmallenoughtofeelsecludedand private.

Andnoonewho’snotstayingatBybloswill beabletoseeyousunningyourselfinthat iconiccentralcourtyardswimmingpool,the samepoolstilloverlookedbytheJaggers’old honeymoonbalcony.

Likewise,Byblosstaffdon’thavetotellyou thatifyoudidspototherByblosregularslike PaulMcCartney,Beyonce,DavidGuetta,or evenBillGatesonasunlounger,itwouldbe whatevertheoppositeisofrefinedFrench chictosnapaphoto.

Beforeyouask,no,Ididn’tseeanycelebs whileIwasatByblos,butwordwasClooney wasreturningtohisfavouritesuitejusta weekafterIwasthere.

GeorgeandIwould’veundoubtedlyhung outbythepool,orderedour ¤45burgers(I’m notkidding,thoseByblosburgersareinthe ballparkof$80dependingontheexchange

HotelByblos’centralpooloverlooksthebalconywhereMickJaggerandfirst wife,Bianca,stayedduringtheirhoneymoon;Withonly91rooms,including50 suites,eachroomatByblosisuniquelydesignedforexclusivityandcharm. Photos/TimRoxborogh


GETTINGTHERE FlyfromAucklandtoNice Coted’AzurAirportwith onestopoverwith EmiratesandQatar Airways.SaintTropezis aboutonehour,30 minutesbycarfromthe airport.



Asitstands,Iwasheretolapupeverything Bybloscouldthrowatme,evenifthatmeant eatingsuchanenthusiasticallypricedburger onmyown.Itcamewithfries.Andmore importantly,itcamewithByblos,becauseI could’vetakenastrolldowntheroadinan attempttofindsomewherecheapertodine,but asahotel-nutonapilgrimage,Bybloswasmy reasonforbeinginSaint-Tropez.

SoIatetheburger.IalsoboughttheByblosbrandedfrisbeeandtheByblos-brandedmultiadaptorplug.I’dtellyouwhatthosecosttoo butmywifeisreadingthisandshe’sonlyjust comingtotermswiththeburger.

Whichraisesanobviousquestion:whydo it?Whymakethesplurgeonthishotelsome 18,000kmawayfromhomewhenmyresume (andbankbalance)suggestI’mseveral GrammysandOscarsshortoftheirusual clientele?

I’velongsaidthatthebesthotelsarefullof stories.

Theydon’thavetobemarbledfive-star luxurywithexquisitegardensandartworks likeByblos,butitsureisfuniftheyare.But thestoriesofwhyandhowtheywerebuilt,and whohasstayedthere,andwhathistorythose wallshavewitnessedhasalwaysdrawnmein. Byblossuccessfullywalksatightropeof celebratingitsdecades-longassociationswith theshowbizelitewithoutiteverseemingcrass, norasabetrayalofprivacy.

Forme,tostandonthatJaggerbalcony,to swiminthatpool,towalkintothatnightclub (whereareported1000bottlesofchampagne aresoldeachnightinpeaksummerseason) waswild.

Recreatingthewalkupthehilltothecitadel thatLaPread,Richie,andtheCommodores woulddo—thoughnotpostseveralhoursof bringingthehousedownatLesCavesdeRoy aswasthecaseforthem—waspartofthe pilgrimage.

IguessIalwayswantedtobeapopstar.For afewdaysstayingatByblos,itfeltlikeIwas.

River of drea

One of the newest Viking river ships to grace the Nile, the Sobek soaks up every pharaoh and pyramid you could wish for, writes Erika Ebsworth-Goold

Stretched out on my stateroom’s spacious veranda, sipping a glass of sparkling wine, I’m savouring a small bit of downtime. Towering palm trees sway on the shore in the warm, dry breeze. We pass by tiny fishing boats and small villages at a leisurely, calming clip. At some point, a muezzin’s call emanates from a mosque’s minaret, summoning people to afternoon prayer along the river.

I still can’t believe I’m here in Egypt experiencing all its wonders.

I recently travelled on an abbreviated version of Viking’s Pharaohs & Pyramids 12-day cruisetour and sailed on one of the line’s brand-new ships, Sobek. The boat’s creature comforts combined with Viking’s thoughtfully curated itinerary add up to the journey of a lifetime along the Nile.

Life on board Sobek reflects the elegant and airy Scandinavian design synonymous with Viking. When I came aboard in Luxor, the ship was conveniently docked a short distance from the famed Karnak Temple complex. The incomparable Valley of Kings was visible just across the river.

On embarking, I received a refreshing face cloth, a small glass of cold hibiscus tea and a warm


“Welcome home,” one of the stewards smiled at me. I couldn’t help but grin right back. Granted, I spent most of my time off the ship, exploring tombs, temples and so much more. That said, Sobek’s on-board experience was restful and restorative. My spacious stateroom was the perfect haven after long days on the go. Its full balcony was one of my favourite spots on the boat, the perfect vantage point for watching the river go by. The queen-sized bed made up with luxury Egyptian cotton sheets was just right for a restful night’s sleep.

Shared spaces, including the lounge and library, were inviting and full of natural light. The sundeck was a comfortable spot to watch incredible sunsets. The small infinity pool offered a view of the wake trailing into the Nile’s horizon.

I certainly never went hungry during my time on board. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were either served in the dining room or more casual Aquavit Terrace. The culinary team made sure each day’s menu incorporated Middle Eastern flavours, including an assortment of mezzes and main dishes, alongside Western standards such as ribeye, salmon and even cheeseburgers. If I felt peckish between meals, I’d grab biscuits and tea at a self-serve station near the reception area.


Main:Vikinghasbeen cruisingtheNilesince2008; left:basreliefatDendera Temple;inset,thewriterin Esna. Photos/ErikaEbsworthGoold;Supplied

Clockwisefrommain:the TempleofHorusatEdfu;the EsnasTempleofKhnum; PoolDeckontheSobek;the vessel’smaindiningroom. Photos/ErikaEbsworth-Goold; Supplied

Locallyproducedwineandbeerwereservedat lunchanddinner.Somespiritswerealsoavailable onboard,althoughtheselectionwassomewhat limitedgivenlocalreligiouscustoms.

Ready,set,explore MyVikingitinerarybeganinCairowith aland-basedtour.Representatives metmejustbeforebaggage claimandquicklywhisked methroughcustoms.From there,itwasofftothefivestarNileRitzCarltonfor amuch-neededrest.

Thefollowing morning,ourgroup motor-coachedtoGiza, whereImarvelledat thepyramids,said hellotothemysterious sphinx,andtooka camelridethroughthe desert,allarrangedby Viking.Theafternoon includedavisittothe magnificent,brand-newGrand EgyptianMuseum.Intheevening, IhaggledintheKhanel-Khalilisouk, enjoyedatraditionaldinnerandreceivedaprivate after-hourstouroftheEgyptianMuseumwhere Tutankhamun’smaskandglitteringgoldencoffins aredisplayed.



Thenextmorning,anhour-longcharterflight landedmeinLuxortobeginthecruiseportionof thetrip.Aftercheckingin,IwasofftotheKarnak Templecomplex,hometomorethan100towering pillarscarvedwithintricatehieroglyphics.Ialso walkedaportionofthemagnificentAvenueof Sphinxes,a2.7kmavenueconnectingKarnakto LuxorTemple,its1000statuesdatingback millenniaandstillstandingsentry. Otherhighlightsincludedasunrisehot-air balloonridethathadmesoaring700mabovethe

Nile,hikingthroughtheValleyoftheKingsand descendingintoKingTut’sgildedtomb,whereI wasmesmerisedbyitsillustratedscenesfromthe BookoftheDead.Eachoutingwasmoreincredible thanthelast.Icouldbarelycontainmyawe. Sobekalsosetsailfortwosmallertowns,giving methechancetoexplorelesser-known sites.NearQena,Istrolled throughDenderaTemple, dedicatedtothegoddessof loveandjoy,Hathor.Its colourfulchapelsdepict thebirthofHorus, alongwithother mythologicalfigures andfables.Onthe southexteriorwall,I spiedCleopatraand herson,Caesarion. Esna’sTempleof Khnumisfilledwith twodozengilded columns decoratedwith dazzlinglotus, palmand papyrusmotifs. WhileIwas ona truncated version ofViking’sfull 12-day Egyptianjourney,I certainlymadethemostofmytime.Andwiththe line’sdailyexcursionsateachport,youwill,too.

Getreadytolearn Myholidayfeltabitlikedrinkingfromafirehose. Itwouldhavebeeneasytofeeloverwhelmed withoutcontext. Thankgoodnessforourprogrammedirector HananEl-Deib. ProgrammedirectorsoneveryVikingNile itineraryareEgyptologistswithdeepknowledge oftheland,theriver,andthecountry’sancient

civilisations.They’realsoskilledstorytellerswho trulymakeallthedifferencetoyourholiday. “Noothercountrycancompetewithuswhen wetalkabouthistoryoverthecenturies,”El-Deib toldme.

AfterexperiencingEgypt’smagicformyself,I’m inclinedtoagree.

El-Deib,alsoanarchaeologist,constantly connectedhistoryandcultureduringour excursions.SheexplainedtheancientEgyptians’ relationshipwithnature,theirdeities,birthand death.Ateachsite,shepointedoutnuances—like asmallstatueofthelesser-knowngodBesat DenderaTemple—Iwouldlikelynotevenhave noticed.Herpassionwasevident,asshe enthusiasticallyansweredeveryquestionIhad. Fromdescribinglocalcustomstotranslatinga complicatedhieroglyphic,El-Deibhaditcovered.

On-boardlecturescoveredtopicsrangingfrom medicineinancientEgypttothesignificanceof theNile.Theywereinformativeandentertaining, presentedwithlocalcolour,witandcharm.

Animmersive,trendingitinerary It’sclearVikingisbullishoneverythingEgypt offersvisitorsfromaroundtheworldandKiwis aretakingnotice.Sobek’shotelmanager confirmedanuptickofNewZealandtravellers cruisingtheNile.Theitineraryremainspopular andisnearlysoldoutthisseason,whichrunsfrom AugustthroughJune.

“Peoplewhohaveneverthoughtaboutdoinga rivercruisebeforearenowconsideringit,and cruisingtheNileisabucket-listexperience,” explainedMichelleBlack,Viking’sManaging DirectorforAustraliaandNewZealand.“There’s somuchwonderateveryturn.”

Vikingmakesnoapologiesforthefactitappeals tothecurious,deep-thinkingtraveller.Ifyoucount yourselfinthatcategoryandwanttoexplore Egypt’smosticonicsightssafely,withouthassle andincomfort,aVikingNilecruisemightjustbe yourticket.


Soarabovebyhelicopter^ ordivebelowbysubmersible^ inthe GreatBarrierReeftoexploreAustralia’slargestcoralreef VisitKomodoIslandandseethegiantlizardtheKomododragon CruisetothefamousPinkbeachonKomodoIsland,oneofonlyseven intheworld

Voyage of


It’s not all helicopter excursions and fine dining onboard the uber luxurious Scenic Eclipse II cruise ship but mostly it is, writes Neil Porten

Firsts matter My first helicopter flight is off the rainswept deck of Scenic Eclipse II, a sleek new ship on its first voyages to New Zealand

The chopper ride is a quarter-hour thrill over the jaw-dropping Milford

Sound My cruise is an equally unforgettable journey of comfort and style Firsts matter, for the markers they lay down and the memories they make

Scenic, a company known for its land tours and river cruising, has dubbed its pair of 168m-long ocean vessels “discovery yachts”

Up and away on one of the ship’s helicopters and out and about on

combining the luxury and size of a private megayacht with go-anywhere features such as dynamic GPS positioning for anchorless mooring, and an ice-busting hull for polar exploration Guests can up the thrill factor with flights in a pair of gorgeous six-seater helicopters or plunge beneath the waves in an eight-seater submersible

I’m aboard Scenic Eclipse II, launched in 2023 and a sister ship to Scenic Eclipse, for part of an 18-day voyage around New Zealand Over the next 18 months, she will sail in Australia, Asia, the Pacific and New Zealand, and cross the Southern Ocean from Tasmania and the South Island to explore east Antarctica and the Ross Sea My discovery yacht experience will see Eclipse (as I’ll call the vessel for convenience, not from over-familiarity) at its most sedate: this is a Cruise Voyage for 228 guests, with lots of port calls and a few at-sea days In beast mode

Scenic prefers the term “Expedition Voyage”, for some reason a team of up to 20 experts are aboard to guide and inform guests about the remote environments explored using zodiacs, kayaks and paddleboards Take a “Discovery Voyage” and you’ll enjoy a mix of the two

With nearly one crew member for every guest, butler service, all-inclusive eating, drinking and excursions, numerous bars and restaurants and a beautiful spa, it’s impossible to imagine I’ll have anything but a great time Queenstown is where this trip starts, allowing guests to fly into the international airport the day before we depart to meet the ship in Bluff Waiting for us, five coach-loads of expectant cruisers, at Bluff’s otherwise industrially bleak South Port is Eclipse, her white superstructure visible above stacks of dull shipping containers At the wharfside, her black hull gleams, while a welcoming party of officers and crew smile,

refreshing towels and usher us up the stairway

The first few minutes on board are a procession of essential tasks: passports checked; photo taken and suite keycards issued; following a crew member who shows us our muster station and how to don a life vest; filing past a tray of champagne and gladly accepting my first drink; being escorted to my deluxe veranda suite one deck up, where my luggage has preceded me

My home for the next week is decorated in neutral greys, browns and copper There’s loads of wardrobe and drawer space and the many mirrors enhance the roomy feel The two beds that make up the king-size bed are individually adjustable and I end up having the best sleep while I’m aboard A curtain separates the bed from the lounge area, which has a view out the floor-to-ceiling sliding glass door to the veranda The spacious bathroom has more mirrors and the shower has both rain and wand shower heads

Later, I discover the air-con is super-responsive and very quiet, light completely fails to penetrate the blackout blind, and the ambient lighting options are thoughtful and practical Also, the minibar can be stocked with whatever you fancy and the teas and Illy capsule coffee machine hit the spot

But first, my butler Mohammed knocks and introduces himself He is tall and smiling, and happy to explain his role He is my first point of contact for any queries He can make dinner reservations and confirm shore excursions, deliver breakfast, and serve beverages in-suite I’m tempted to ask for more champagne, but instead I thank him and slip out for a proper exploration of Eclipse

The Yacht Club on deck seven is open for a late lunch It’s a buffet of hot and cold delights, where you can serve yourself, let your waiter bring you anything or order a la carte

One deck up, a helicopter is available for inspection on the helipad Hugo the aircraft engineer answers my questions and lets me sit inside I’m like a kid on Christmas Eve when I later learn I’m going up in this black beauty the next morning

My mini-tour continues at the top of Eclipse,

on deck 10 Up here is a pool and the Sky Bar, where bartender Raj serves up the first cocktail of my cruise, a Blue Hawaii, a coconutty delight Later, at the voyage welcome with cruise director Chloe in the theatre, I’m reminded a sense of adventure and personal firsts come in all forms The guest who sat down beside me said the cocktail in her hand was her first martini not the first of the evening but her first ever Bluff is behind us and Eclipse is making for Milford Sound I make for Lumiere, where the seven-course French feast is the first of many fabulous meals enjoyed on-board Incredibly, there are 10 unique dining experiences on-board this relatively bijou ship After dinner and any time, I learned Scenic Lounge is the place to relax, compete in the daily trivia quiz or maybe play your first game of backgammon

This is the heart of the yacht, a spacious meeting place where almost every seat has a view of the showcase of 130 whiskies featured behind the bar

When I eventually head to my suite, I have only 128 left to try

The cafe Azure is the go-to for refreshment and becomes my preferred breakfast haunt I learn my best Eclipse hack here too: Yacht Club has a rotating selection of gelato flavours, but if you want chocolate or vanilla, you have to come here And the vanilla is superb Fuelled up, I head to the bridge, which is always open to guests and where the officers and crew are happy to answer questions Captain Torry Sakkariassen shows me his remarkable image-stabilised binoculars, perfect for rough weather

And rough weather is just what we get after departing moody Milford Sound I’ll never forget my helicopter flight in this most scenic of New Zealand’s gallery of visual wonders

Throughout the evening and night, voyaging south back through Foveaux Strait, winds and a 4m swell provide a rock-and-roll taster of what it might be like to journey to the polar regions

Entering Otago Harbour the next morning, calm returns to the sea and seafarers

Cruise Voyage mode is the mild-mannered Clark Kent alter ego of Scenic Eclipse II, all luxurious comfort and superb service, and it’s a great way to travel

(*basedon2adults,2kids3-9years) DEPARTS:22Sep25.Askusaboutothertraveldates







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A previously frugal traveller, Anna Sarjeant discovers the many merits of spending double the money but getting 10 times more fun out of your holiday

Camping can be a lot of fun But sometimes, when you look at the 2m by 2m patch of grass you’re paying $70 to sleep on, you wonder if you should have paid the extra $70 for a roof over your head

But, once inside a 2m by 2m cabin with the wind howling through a door that hasn’t been sealed in a decade, you wonder why you’re paying a hefty Auckland mortgage to holiday in a shed

When it comes to an uber-thrifty getaway, my breaking point occurred while attempting to breastfeed in a bunkbed at midnight crippled under some creaky bedsprings which then grabbed my hair and began garroting me

Never again

Against all my husband’s protests, any future

mini-break would involve saving harder and spending more

As the chief instigator of our new bougie lifestyle, this also led me to become chief holiday organiser Fine by me: show me a family joint account and I’ll show you a good time

Soon, I had us heading to Martinborough for two nights And I threw in a bike ride for good measure While this might sound nonchalant from someone who months earlier considered a non-timed hot shower

“flash”, I am getting savvier at making the most of company loyalty programmes For this trip, I used Booking com’s Genius programme which gave me some good discounts on the accommodation, and I could book our flights and car rental at the same time When the day came for our getaway, we jetted off, drama-free from Auckland Airport on a 50-minute flight to Wellington

In the capital, we picked up the car from Ezi Car Rental, based right inside the airport

We’re now looking at approximately four hours from the time we left our house where I (the mother and therefore the most stressed) remained cool, calm and collected

A holiday miracle

So far, zero regrets about our new, hasslefree lavish lifestyle

Having navigated the notoriously twirly Remutaka Range, we do experience one hiccup on arrival in Martinborough but I’m now so bougie and zen, it doesn’t even phase me

We can’t get into our accommodation The pin provided is a dud

Black Barn Modern is situated on a fancy estate named Pinot Grove (no boom barrier reception in sight)

I ring the number provided and the lovely lady is helpful but hesitant She knows the pin for the door, but she doesn’t know anything about new guests

“Could you check it’s been cleaned?” she inquires

Main:Swappingthethrifty familyholidayforsomething moreluxurious;lright,Palliser EstateWinery;acherry-on-top kindofholiday. Photos/Getty Images;AnnaSarjeant

JudgingbytheemptyboxofSolbeeronthe driveway,Icanguesstheanswer.

Within20minutes,twoladsarrivedwiththe Dettolandfreshsheets.Itwasnobigdealfor us—thebarnisbeautifulwithahottubinthe gardenandacommunalswimmingpoolwithin walkabledistance—andwarmenoughforan enjoyablelate-Novemberdip.

Mysonplayedwithacollectionofprovided toyswhilethelastpillowswerefluffedandwe werelefttoenjoytherestofthebalmyafternoon; mostlyspentpoolsidebeforedinneratLittle SquarePizzainthevillage.

Thefollowingday,wewaketoanother bluebirddayandsizzlesomesausagesonthe barbecueforbreakfast,whiletheboysenjoythe hottubagainandItakeabathbeforehooking uptotheWi-Fi.

Hottub.Bath.Wi-Fi—threethingswedon’t usuallywakeuptoinatent;afteranightona blow-upmattressthatisinevitablyflatby1am.

Also,Imadeamidnighttoiletdashwithout jandalsoratorch.Nowthat’sluxury.

By10.30amwe’rebackintown,whichisall ofthreeminutesawayinthecar.

GreenJerseyExplorerTourshasbeen expectingusforourself-guidedvineyardbike ride.

Iexpectedababyseatattachedtothebackof apushbikebutinstead,we’rehandedanelectric tuk-tuk.Orrather,myhusbandis,whilemyson andIclimbinthebacktobechauffeured.

Wehaveitfortheentiredaybutbymidday we’veonlymadeittothecoffeeshop(20maway) andtheplayground(30maway).

EventuallywemakeittoAtaRangiVineyard forwinetasting.Astwocluelesswinenovices, we’rekindlyandpatientlyintroducedtothe region’shistory,climateandvarietalswithout beingmadetofeelaslowbrowasweknowwe are.However,thechild’spatiencewearsthinby thefourthglassandit’sbacktotheplayground

wego.Bynaptime,two-thirdsofthecontingent areasleepinourcool,air-conditionedbarn whileIeatcheesefromfamedC’estCheese artisandeliinnearbyFeatherston. Includedinthebiketourisaflashlunchat PalliserEstateWinery,whichwedescendon lateafternoon.

Acasualwinetastingtakesplacewhilewe playpetanque,hide-and-seekinthegardensand beanbagdiving—suchisthenatureofa vineyardvisitnowwehaveatoddler.

Thestaffareastounding;aspatientandas funasatroupeofdaycarestaff,unfussedthat wehaveachildintow.

Theydelightoursonwithhisown (unbreakable)wineglassandaselectionof colouredstraws,beforewesitalfrescotodine onragu,fishcroquettesandstrawberry meringue.

Beforeday’send,westopoffattheiconic MartinboroughHotelwherethehipsterbar staffarewell-moustachioedbutlessenthused withchildren,sowesitoutsideandnibbleon hotchips.Anenormousknickerbockerglory arrivesfortheboy.

Tomorrowwewilldepartearlyandretrace ourrouteovertherangestoflyhome.

Whilethelocalsflutteraroundus,mingling inandoutofMartinborough’scurbsidebars, dressedingolden-hoursunshine,myhusband remarksonwhatagoodholidayit’sbeen.

Inodinagreementwhilestealingthecherry ontopofmyson’sicecream;it’sbeenacherrytoppedkindofholiday.

Itmayhavecostustwiceasmuchaswe’ve everdaredpayinthepast,buttheenjoyment haseasilyquadrupled.’sGenius programmewhichenabledhertobook accommodation,flights,carrental,taxisand attractionsinoneplace.

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WelcometoHotelGajoen;theluxuriouswaytospendarestfulnightinTokyo,writes AnnaKingShahab

TheHotelGajoenTokyowas Japan’sfirstintegratedwedding venue,builtin1928;below, Cherryblossomsatthehotel’s entrance;aJapaneseKingroom. nPhotos/AnnaKingShahab

Asinanybigcityaroundtheworld, it’seasytocheckyourselfintoa big-brandhotelinTokyoandfeel nosenseofplaceatallwoveninto thewhite-on-beigeminimalist design.Sometravellers appreciatetheuniformity.

Butifthat’snotyou,ifyou’reinTokyoand wanttofeelimmersedinJapan,HotelGajoen— averitable“museumhotel”istheplaceforyou. ThismemberoftheSmallLuxuryHotelsgroup offersallthemodernluxuriesyoucouldhopefor, withvisuallystunning,unique,andfascinating lessonsinhistorytoboot.

GajoenoccupiesageneroussiteinMeguro,an areanamedfortheriverthatrunsthroughit. Cherrytreesoutlinethepathoftheriver;Meguro isknownasoneofthebestplacesforhanami —blossomviewing—inspring.

Thetree-linedriverandthewiderareaare prettythroughouttherestoftheyear,too; Meguroisonlyafewstationsbutawholeother worldfromthefranticpaceofShibuya.This upmarket,mostlyresidentialareahasa peacefulnessaboutit,andthemomentyouenter thegroundsofHotelGajoenthatdeepensto tranquility.

Completedin1928,thehotel’spredecessor MeguroGajoenwasbuiltasJapan’sfirst integratedweddingvenueandwearsanArtDeco charm—Japanwasstillreelingfroma devastatingearthquakeandfamineearlierinthe decadeandthiselegantspotwasviewedasa beaconofhope.

Itremainsapopularupmarketspotfor nuptials,whichtakeplaceinroomsofsuch beautytheymakeourWesternwhite-cloaked chairsandflouncyribbonslookpositively boring.

Stayingguestscangetapeekofthewedding shrinesandbanquetroomsviathehotel’sfree GajoenArtTourwhichIhighlyrecommend booking.You’llgetupclosetosomeofthemore than2500artworksthatgracethehotel,including thebreathtakinglybeautifulpaintingsand hinokicarvingsfromtheShowaerathatadorn thewallsandceilingsofthetraditionaltatami weddingrooms.


heat,wastheicingonthenaturalpinkmarble cakeforme.

Itwasunderstandablyhardtoleavetheroom (inwhichthebedsaredangerouslycomfortable), butthere’splentyofpulltoexplorethearea.We wanderedtherivertowpathtotheNakameguro, bustlingwithstudentsandcreatives,toperuse itsbookshops,bakeriesandeateries.



GETTINGTHERE AirNewZealandfliesnonstoptoTokyoeveryday. Theflighttimeisabout11 hours.It’sanapprox. 22-minutedrivefromthe airporttoHotelGajoen.


thesepaintings,portrayingnature’sbounty throughoutitsseasons,inspiredthefilm Spirited Away Amongthe60luxuriousrooms—allsuites— youcanoptforeitheraWesternorJapanesefit out.

At80sqmandupwards,theeyewateringreal estatevalueofeachroomissomethingIpondered asIdrewbackthecurtainstotakeintheview overMeguroanditsriver,allleafygreeninthe heightofsummer.

Roomsontheothersideofthecorridorboast aviewoftheformalJapanesegarden,complete withanimpressivewaterfall.Allroomshavea steamroomandwhirlpoolbath,andthe collectionofamenitiesonofferwasthemost impressiveI’veeverencountered.

Thehairdryer,featuringtechnologythatdries hairbyvibrationratherthantheusualdamaging

Afive-minutewalktoMegurostationandone stoponthetrainhadusemerginginEbisu,where wespentafuneveningwindingthroughits centralyokocho(foodalley),progressively diningonyakitoriskewersandpetiteplatesof sashimi,andstoppingatseveralofitsbarsto siponwinesfromaroundtheworld,sake,and ofcourseaYebisubeer,brewedastone’sthrow awayfromthere.

Dininginthehotelisalsomemorable:eight choicesawaitthosewithanappetite,including Chinese,Americangrill,Italian,andTofutei, whichnestlesonitsownintheformalgarden, andoffersnineprivatediningspacesinwhich toenjoyanelegantkaisekibanquet.

Breakfastissuitablysumptuous;theusual ContinentalandWesterncooked-to-order pickingsarethere,alongwithfancyFrench dishesandfreshjuices.Ilovedselectingfromthe Japanesecounter—steamedricetoppedwith miso-grilledfish,withsidesofpickles,natto,and miso.

Inmyopinion,thebestluxurystaysarethose thatofferopportunitiestoamusethebouchewith complimentarysessionsintheclublounge.

Duringourtwo-nightstay,weweretoobusy outandabouttocheckoutthedailyafternoon tea,butoncewe’ddiscoveredhowwonderful eveningcocktailhourwaswemadesuretobe therethefollowingtwilightforroundtwo.

Guestsareinvitedtopourpremiumsakeand wines(includingexcellentJapanesewines)and nibbleonaselectionofcanapes(includingsushi andsashimialongsideinterestingfusion creations).

Ihadtobecarefulnottoruinmyappetitefor dinner…buthadnoregretssavouringsecond andthirdhelpingsofbite-sizedkatsusandoand daintyskewersofmiso-marinatedhavartiasthe sunsetandTokyo’snightskycamealivewith electricity.


A journey through Hong Kong's most sophisticated districts, natural escapes, and must-attend events

Hong Kong's entrancing mix of old and new awaits, for any traveller eager to experience once-in-a-lifetime adventures woven together across unique neighbourhoods, serene islands, and world-class events

In the urban heart of the city, districts like Central pulse with high-rise glamour, heritage buildings and cutting-edge art galleries

Head over to Kowloon for an immersion in Hong Kong's rich traditions, with buzzing markets, neon-lit streets, and some of the finest local cuisine

Venture out to Sham Shui Po for a different flavour altogether – this neighbourhood is famed for its eclectic thrift shops, authentic street food and creative energy

Beyond the cityscape, Hong Kong's green spaces call to nature lovers, with 263 outlying islands offering hiking trails and panoramic views of mountains and sea.

Timing your visit with one of Hong Kong's famed events will reveal an extra lively side of the city Rugby enthusiasts from around the world converge for the iconic Hong Kong Sevens, where thrilling matches and carnival spirit electrify the atmosphere

Meanwhile, foodies flock to the Wine & Dine Festival, a celebration of flavour set against Victoria Harbour's dazzling skyline, to name just a couple of the many highlights of the social calendar Wherever you wander, Hong Kong

promises a wealth of experiences, blending cosmopolitan luxury, local charm and spectacular nature

Here we delve into these many sides of Hong Kong's allure, for a journey fit for every passionate traveller, from outdoor enthusiasts and fun-seekers to those with a penchant for the finer things in life


Discovering culture and creativity across Hong Kong's districts Hong Kong's neighbourhoods are as varied as its skyline, each with a unique

identity shaped by the interplay of history, culture, and innovation

Travellers can wander from world-class museums to heritage markets, or from high-end dining experiences to authentic street food stalls These neighbourhoods offer a cross-section of the city's character, each adding to the interwoven fabric that makes Hong Kong a city of fascinating contrasts and convergence

The West Kowloon Cultural District is a relatively new addition but has quickly become a focal point for art and culture enthusiasts Situated along Victoria Harbour, the neighbourhood has transformed a stretch of reclaimed land into one of Asia's most ambitious art hubs Anchoring the district is M+, Asia's

first global museum of contemporary visual culture, showcasing modern and contemporary art, design, architecture and moving image works from across the world With its distinctive façade and sprawling gallery spaces, M+ challenges visitors to see contemporary art through a unique lens A visit to the museum can include everything from installations and avant-garde exhibits to multimedia presentations that highlight Hong Kong's own urban evolution

Close by is the Hong Kong Palace Museum, where art, history and culture are celebrated in galleries filled with exquisite artefacts, allowing visitors to appreciate everything from calligraphy to ancient ceramics in a refined, modern

West Kowloon s Xiqu Centre showcases Cantonese Opera

setting More than 900 priceless treasures are on display, some that have never been shown to the public before The Museum regularly presents special exhibitions featuring Chinese art and culture, as well as art and treasures from other parts of the world

Also, part of West Kowloon's artistic renaissance is the Xiqu Centre, a striking architectural landmark dedicated to the traditional art of Cantonese opera

The centre's curvilinear design echoes the flow and rhythm of the opera, offering an immersive experience for those curious about this time-honoured art form

Moving further into the Kowloon Peninsula, Sham Shui Po presents a different side of Hong Kong – one that prioritises tradition and community over glitz and glamour Known for its vibrant street life and down-to-earth charm, this neighbourhood is a treasure trove for those interested in Hong Kong's simpler pleasures Sham Shui Po's bustling markets are the lifeblood of the area, offering everything from fresh produce to vintage gadge Its food stalls have gained a reputation for serving some of the city's best local dishes, including Michelin-recommended rice rolls, wonton dumplings and a famous corned beef and egg sandwich These low-key eateries capture the spirit Hong Kong's culinary cultu , with vendors serving dishes that locals have loved for generations

Designers and artisans frequent the area in search of unique materials and vintage finds, keeping Sham Shui Po's legacy alive The district's Ap Liu Street is particularly famous for its array of electronics, antiques, and bric-a-brac, giving it a vibrant, eclectic atmosphere that feels both nostalgic and dynamic

A walk through Sham Shui Po is a journey through time, providing visitors with an authentic experience of Hong Kong's local culture In contrast, Central combines heritage with an unmistakably modern edge making it one of Hong Kong's most dynamic neighbourhoods Central is among the city's oldest areas, but its streets and architecture are a testament to the constant evolution of Hong Kong's identity Along Hollywood Road, visitors encounter an intriguing blend of art galleries, antique shops, and trendy cafés The road was constructed in 1844 and today it's home to art spaces that showcase both local and international talent Galleries here range from contemporary art to nal calligraphy, offering ide variety of artistic xpressions

Historically, Sham Shui Po was the heart of Hong Kong's textile industry in the 1950s and 60s, and remnants of this past can still be found in its many fabric shops and haberdasheries

One of Central's standout landmarks is Tai Kwun a former police station and prison complex transformed into an rts and culture centre s heritage site has been lously restored to retain its historical architecture while housing a diverse range of exhibitions, public art installations and live performances Tai Kwun's blend of open-air courtyards, galleries, and bars and restaurants makes it a unique cultural experience where history and modernity intersect

Lamma Island has plenty of eateries along its waterfront
Sham Shui Po is known for its down-to-earth charm

From engaging art exhibitions to themed walking tours, Tai Kwun gives visitors an insight into Hong Kong's social history, all while keeping pace with contemporary creative trends

Another revitalised site, Central Market, presents a fresh take on traditional Hong Kong markets

Originally a wet market it has been reimagined as a cultural space where visitors can sample gourmet street food, browse artisanal goods, and explore local craftsmanship Central Market combines Hong Kong's past with its present in an innovative way, bringing together a diverse community of foodies, artists, and creators The building itself reflects Hong Kong's blend of old and new, with restored architectural details paired with sleek, contemporary design

Each neighbourhood – whether it's the artsy allure of West Kowloon Cultural District, the vibrant streets of Sham Shui Po or the historic yet cosmopolitan Central – reveals a unique facet of Hong Kong Together, they create a city that's as diverse as it is dynamic, where high culture meets everyday life and where heritage sites coexist alongside cuttingedge attractions. Exploring these areas offers travellers an enriching journey through the layers of Hong Kong's history, art, and lifestyle, capturing the essence of this multifaceted city


Exploring the natural beauty of Hong Kong's outlying islands

Beyond its urban core, Hong Kong is blessed with natural landscapes that provide a welcome contrast to the city's fast pace With 263 outlying islands, accessible beaches, and scenic hikes, it's easy to venture into Hong Kong's great outdoors and find serene spaces that feel worlds away Each island offers a unique glimpse into the region's natural beauty, cultural richness, and recreational opportunities.

One of Hong Kong's most popular trails, the Dragon's Back hike, offers some of the best views of the South China Sea This ridge-line hike has earned acclaim for its beauty and accessibility, winding through lush greenery with panoramas of coastal cliffs and vibrant blue waters below

Stretching about 8 kilometres, the Dragon's Back is perfect for hikers of various skill levels The trek starts at Shek O Road and meanders through the serene landscapes of the Shek O Country Park, culminating in breathtaking views from the highest point on the ridge Along the trail, walkers are treated to a stunning juxtaposition of rugged mountains and tranquil sea, making it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts

For those seeking a leisurely post-hike experience, Big Wave Bay at the trail's end offers a relaxed beachfront setting with cafés and picnic spots The bay is famous for its surf culture, attracting both novice and experienced surfers looking to catch a wave The beach is surrounded by an array of amenities, including surf shops, restaurants and facilities that cater to water sports enthusiasts Visitors can extend their outing by booking a private guided tour that includes transportation, scenic

detours, and insights into the region's unique geology Guided tours often include local storytelling, enhancing the experience by connecting hikers with the rich history and ecology of the area

Another gem in Hong Kong's island repertoire is Cheung Chau, a small island that has preserved a laid-back charm distinct from the city Known for its annual Bun Festival – a vibrant event featuring parades, lion dances and climbing competitions – Cheung Chau offers a lively cultural experience

The festival, which usually takes place in April or May, coinciding with Buddha’s birthday in the lunar month, draws visitors from around the world to participate in its colourful celebrations

Year-round, the island is a favourite weekend escape for locals, with cycling paths, seafood restaurants and beaches perfect for swimming or kayaking

The island's pedestrian-friendly streets are lined with charming stalls selling

handmade crafts and snacks – the giant fish balls and mango mochi are musttries – allowing visitors to soak up the local culture as they explore Visitors to Cheung Chau can also explore Pak Tai Temple, dedicated to the Taoist deity Pak Tai, God of the Sea It is a site of cultural significance and showcases traditional architecture offering a glimpse into the island's spiritual heritage A short ferry ride from Central or Aberdeen, Lamma Island is another tranquil retreat that combines outdoor activities with a relaxed, bohemian vibe Lamma is known for its hiking trails that wind through villages, beaches, and hillside viewpoints, making it a popular destination for both day trips and weekend getaways

The island's main path, the Family Trail, links the villages of Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan, offering easy hiking with beautiful coastal views This trail is perfect for families and casual walkers,

Cheung Chau’s Pak Tai Temple is dedicated to a god of the sea
Tai O fishing village has homes built above tidal flats

as it meanders through scenic landscapes without being overly strenuous

Lamma's culinary scene reflects its artistic spirit, with vegetarian cafés, seafood restaurants and bars that cater to a diverse crowd of locals and travellers

Beyond these well-trodden paths, Hong Kong's outlying islands invite deeper exploration Sai Kung, known as the city's "back garden," is an ideal destination for outdoor activities, from yachting to diving This picturesque region boasts stunning landscapes, including rugged coastlines sandy beaches, and serene coves The nearby Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark showcases unique rock formations and sea arches formed over millions of years, accessible by guided boat tours that explore the geological history of the area Here, visitors can witness the remarkable natural beauty that characterises this lesser-known part of Hong Kong

Private yacht charters offer another way to explore Hong Kong's remote islets, allowing guests to experience the region's natural beauty in style

These charters often include customised itineraries, allowing visitors to swim, snorkel and picnic on secluded beaches

The calm waters surrounding Sai Kung make it a popular spot for water sports, with kayaking and paddleboarding among the most sought-after activities

Hong Kong's outdoor offerings reveal a side that's refreshingly different from its urban image Each location, from Cheung Chau to Sai Kung, offers a peaceful retreat that showcases Hong Kong's natural beauty and commitment to preserving its unique landscapes

Whether one seeks adventure on the hiking trails, relaxation on the beaches or a taste of local culture, the outlying islands of Hong Kong present an inviting escape from the fast-paced life of the city The accessibility of these destinations, combined with their stunning natural environments makes them perfect for both spontaneous day trips and planned weekend getaways. Exploring Hong Kong's great outdoors is not just about leaving the city behind, it's about embracing a different way of experiencing this vibrant region


Hong Kong hosts lively events that capture the city's cultural vibrancy and cosmopolitan appeal

Hong Kong is a city that knows how to celebrate and its event calendar reflects the dynamic nature of its social scene

From art fairs and sporting attractions to culinary festivals and fashion shows, Hong Kong plays host to a variety of stellar events that attract an international crowd of connoisseurs and jet-setters For those seeking a deeper connection with the city's culture, these events offer the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the experiences that define Hong Kong's social calendar



Among the most anticipated events is the Hong Kong Sevens, held from March

28-30, 2025 This international rugby tournament is a highlight of the city's sporting calendar, known not only for its thrilling matches but also for its party atmosphere The 2025 event will be its debut at the city’s brand new, state of the art Kai Tak Sports Park The event draws fans from around the world, with corporate boxes offering VIP seating, catering and prime views of the action The stadium's electric atmosphere is complemented by fans donning vibrant costumes transforming the stands into a riot of colour

Beyond the rugby pitch, the event transforms the city with themed parties, live music, and social gatherings, creating a weekend-long celebration that extends well beyond the stadium From prematch parties to post-game celebrations, the Sevens is as much about the socialising as it is about the sport



March also sees the city's art scene take centre stage with Arts in Hong Kong, a celebration of visual and performing arts Anchored by events like Art Basel Hong Kong which runs alongside Hong Kong Sevens from March 28-30, 2025, and Art Central March 26-30 2025 Arts in Hong Kong brings together a diverse array of exhibitions, performances, and installations This month-long extravaganza attracts art collectors, enthusiasts, and curious tourists alike, all eager to immerse themselves in the creative atmosphere that permeates the city

Attendees can explore works from renowned international artists and galleries, as well as emerging talent from the region Meanwhile, Art Central complements the main fair with a focus on contemporary art and innovative

installations, providing a dynamic platform for new talent The event highlights Hong Kong's role as an art hub, with galleries, museums, and cultural institutions offering special programming throughout March, including guided tours, workshops, and talks with artists HONG KONG WINE & DINE FESTIVAL: OCTOBER 2025

As the year progresses, food and wine lovers eagerly anticipate the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival, scheduled for late October 2025 Held over several days, this event is usually held along the scenic Central Harbourfront, where attendees can indulge in a food and wine journey that showcases the best of Hong Kong's gastronomic talents With tastings, cooking demonstrations and wine pairings led by top chefs and sommeliers, the festival is a feast for the senses

More than 3 participating b offer a superla selection of diverse global beverages and culinary delights From classic vintages and Chinese Baijiu to whisky, gin, sake, creative cocktails and craft beer, the enticing array drinks cater to palate And the food offerings are equally attractive, with local snacks, hotel delicacies, and Michelin-starred dishes on offer With breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour providing the perfect backdrop, the festival fosters a sense

of community, bringing together food and wine enthusiasts from all walks of life Live entertainment and interactive activities ensure that the atmosphere remains lively and engaging throughout the event


October also brings the Hong Kong Cyclothon This city-wide cycling event invites participants to ride through some of the city's most iconic locations Open to cyclists of all levels, the Cyclothon features routes ranging from leisurely family-friendly paths to challenging courses that attract competitive cyclists Cyclists can pedal through picturesque areas, including the iconic Victoria Harbour and historic districts, offering a unique way to see Hong Kong erspective g enthusiasts, clothon ers a sense of maraderie, bringing together participants from around the world to share their love for cycling while exploring the brant streets Hong Kong


Hong Kong s cultural calendar also includes various other significant events that highlight the city's diversity and vibrancy In May, the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races takes place, featuring

The Hong Kong Sevens tournament has a carnival-like atmosphere

thrilling races along Victoria Harbour, This event involves colourful dragon boats racing fiercely as teams from around the city compete for glory

The festival atmosphere is enhanced by cultural performances, food stalls and activities for families, creating an exciting environment for spectators and participants alike

Additionally, the Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated on October 6 in 2025, is a cherished tradition in Hong Kong, marked by mooncake making, lantern displays and family gatherings

The festivities usually kick off with the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, where on three consecutive nights the streets are filled with the vibrant sounds of gongs and drums, prompting the century-old fire dragon to dance for good fortune This cultural event highlights the importance of community and family in Hong Kong's society, providing an opportunity for visitors to engage with local customs and enjoy the festive spirit

Each event reflects Hong Kong's diverse interests and international connections, creating a calendar

luxury and tradition exist side by side creating a destination that is as diverse as it is elegant Whether you're exploring the dynamic neighbourhoods, escaping to the tranquil outdoors, or attending one of the city's many prestigious events, Hong Kong offers a wealth of experiences that cater to those with a taste for excitement and the finer things in life As a destination that constantly evolves, yet remains grounded, Hong Kong continues to thrill travellers from around the world, offering encounters that are truly unparalleled

To discover more about intriguing Hong Kong, the Beating Heart of Asia, visit discoverhongkong com/anz

that appeals to travellers of all types. Whether you're watching world-class rugby at the Hong Kong Sevens, exploring world-class art at Art Basel (or both, it’s the same weekend!), sampling fine wines at the Wine & Dine Festival, or participating in the energetic Cyclothon, these events highlight the city's energy, creativity, and community spirit By planning your visit around these exciting gatherings, you can experience the best of what Hong Kong has to offer, immersing yourself in its dynamic social scene Hong Kong is a city of contrasts, where

Tai Long Wan is a 3km-wide bay on the east coast of Hong Kong’s Sai Kung Peninsula
The Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival is a feast for the senses

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