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Moore Law

First Home Buyers

Property Conveyancing Advice for First-Home Buyers


IF you’re a first-home buyer, it’s understandable that you may not know all the steps to buying a house. Although you will be getting excited looking at properties and may be keen to sign a Sale and Purchase Agreement, obtaining expert legal advice early on from a specialist property solicitor will ensure there are no unexpected hurdles on the path to your first home. Our property law specialists at Moore Law can guide you through this often complicated process ensuring you’re informed on both your contractual and ongoing obligations before you sign anything.

Getting ready to purchase your first home

Purchasing your first home can be a daunting exercise. Before you begin looking at properties you need to go through quite a rigorous financial exercise to work out what is going to be affordable and what your deposit requirements are going to be. The current although often changing Loan to Value Ratio restrictions (“LVR”) require a 20 per cent deposit when purchasing a property to live in. In other words, you must provide a minimum of 20 per cent of the purchase price yourself, excluding any bank lending –lower deposits are possible, so if you don’t h have 20 per cent and you want to purchase a house, talk to your bank or broker early on. Although some individuals can borrow from family, others must depend largely on personal savings. Our team can provide guidance on deposit requirements including using your KiwiSaver funds, applying for the HomeStart grant from Housing New Zealand or the Welcome Home Loan, and how to incorporate gifting from f family or friends.

Where will you enter the property market?


Moore Law can help you tick the right boxes to get into your own home.

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