How to improve the lifestyle of the urban poor in India?

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How to improve the lifestyle of the urban poor in India?

Urban Poverty in India Within a generation, it is projected that over 2 billion people will live in urban areas and that the majority of the population in developing countries will live in urban areas. No exception applies to India. By 2025, the urban population may amount to 50 to 60 percent or around 600 million people. However, urban centers are also responsible for the conditions that lead to urban poverty as they create and feed that condition. The economic growth caused by urbanization boosts the incomes of the urban poor on the positive side. The city also has the potential to improve the conditions in which people live and work, and it provides the political and bureaucratic context in which poor people can obtain redress from political and bureaucratic systems. People migrate from rural to urban areas in search of employment, a good life, and livelihood opportunities as urban populations grow and hit poverty in urban areas in India. How to improve the lifestyle of the urban poor in India? Putting your hands into the improvement work for diminishing the level of poverty in urban areas in India is not easy, but again it is also not impossible. With the help of the local Government and Central Government together, it can be achieved. Also, different bodies of Government working at ground level in rural and urban areas can be effective in localizing all the rules and schemes for the urban poor. Here are some suggested methods to improve the lifestyle of the urban poor and bring an end to urban poverty:

Improving rural life ● Developing rural infrastructure (or addressing a lack thereof) is essential to controlling recent mass migrations from rural to urban areas. ● The importance of providing slum-dwellers with some type of credit and resources shouldn't be forgotten; otherwise, these factors will continue to weigh on future generations, and there will be no improvement in poverty in urban areas in India. ● Organizing small and medium industries in rural areas and creating other income-generating opportunities is a positive step for India. ● It is possible to ease urban infrastructure pressure by facilitating more investment into tertiary or agricultural services that offer more jobs, equal pay, career, and mobility opportunities. ● The long-term solution to the problem of economic distribution could also entail more investment in basic services throughout rural and urban areas, such as health care, education, and skills development. ● Planning and Rehabilitation of Slums ●

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Indian cities are rapidly developing along with others in the world, but informal settlers are left behind, leaving behind urban poverty. Slums are not an overnight phenomenon, although they are persistent. Their development has been neglected for decades, if not centuries. Success in urbanization takes time, but upgrading or improving the lives of slum dwellers is the only way to make the slums better and reduce urban poverty in India. One of the key programs in India's big cities consists of renovating and modernizing slums to provide safe and decent housing for socially excluded urban poor families. It is possible to provide clean water and electricity to these families through rehabilitation, as well as better jobs (via training), and the right to remain in their homes.

Poverty in urban areas in India: causes and effects Almost all working-age people do not have enough opportunities for skill training and employment, which is why the rise of urban poverty in India occurs. People do not choose to live in urban areas in pathetic conditions, but because of their current living conditions and hope for improvement, people move to urban cities. Here are some of the major causes and their effects of urban poverty in India: ● It has been well documented that inadequate investment over the years has led to a deficit in quality education, health services, waste management, and skills training. Generations of malnourished, uneducated, ignorant, and unskilled or semi-skilled people have resulted that have difficulty finding decent-paying jobs. ● Agricultural jobs are seldom profitable, so their only option is to seek jobs in the informal economy of the cities. Each day, millions migrate to towns and cities seeking informal work.

These people lack a valid address on paper because there is no affordable housing available. They settle anywhere they can, but they create a whole community of undocumented settlers as more and more join in. In this manner, the process of accessing basic services such as electricity, water, sanitation, etc., is further complicated since authorities and public utilities can only provide these services to those who have registered. ● The overcrowding of informal settlements is another major problem. The bathrooms in each illegal building are rarely enough to accommodate 50-100 people, and families lack awareness of proper hygiene practices, which puts them at risk of illness and infection. Policymakers should first be clear about their goals. Does the plan aim to lift all the poor to an improving situation and to keep them there? or, Do they want to continue to rely on palliative measures to meet the survival and security needs of those who are currently able to meet those needs yet fail to address the systemic and underlying causes of urban poor people's vulnerabilities?

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