CREATE , PRESERVE ,DESTROY by Mutuma Mwiraria Kalinga Prologue The basis of Natural truth is objective. The only thing that stands in the way of who you want to become are the false beliefs you have accumulated through your life up to this moment. My intention is to create a different perspective on human life by putting forth an imagined concept that outlines our natural abilities in order to destroy false notions and reinforce/preserve truth Definitions Create, Preserve and Destroy: The three states that all aspects of life are subject to and are capable of. Create: This is the ability of any form of life to bring forth more life in both tangible and intangible forms in order to preserve itself. Preserve: This is the habitual practice of life that allows it to continue its existence. The ease with which it does so depends on the coping mechanisms it creates Destroy: Destruction is the removal of all that which does not serve life. It is the natural consequence of false creation that can not create, preserve and destroy in and of itself.