is an Italian word that means "songlike " When referred to in instrumental music, it denotes a particular style of playing that can imitate the human voice
In the same note, Cantabile as a brand strives to achieve similar feats to reproduce natural sounds with the utmost fidelity and usher it to the listeners' ears
The world of high-end audio has been obsessed with one word: FIDELTY. How to faithfully record and preserve sound, and how to reproduce them in a true-to-live fashion; so much so that the home audience can enjoy sound or music as if they were present on site.
CANTABILE defines itself by the motto "Immersive Listening" - and through it strives to bring aural fidelity to off-site listeners. He or she must be able to experience faithful reproduction of the sound stage as if he or she were present on site. This means that the audio systems must be able to capture and represent the fullest range of sound frequencies; as well as present the sounds as if coming from different parts of the stage. When this is achieved with the highest accuracy, the listener could feel literally immersed in his or her listening; and for a time being, be transported aurally to the place of performance.
It is no secret that high-end audio systems can be extremely expensive. In fact, such systems may not merely be an expensive investment but also require high operational and maintenance costs. They are very often energy-vampires, with high-power being made equivalent to high-capabilities.
CANTABILE challenges these very notions by presenting comparably high-end systems at a fraction of the price; and also ensuring low operational costs through our TruPower low-power systems that can achieve the same quality and volume using only 1/10 of the power.
This means you can enjoy the highest-end audio without having to worry about how fast the electricity meters are running!
High-quality studio recordings; high-fidelity sound processing; high-quality sound systems are the inputprocess-output that must be kept uncompromised if one is to attain a truly audiophile level result. This is why many times even the most expensive stereo products may only produce sub-par results. Cantabile Platinum insists on an end-to-end process - from speaker design; recording sources as well as the final process of sound imaging to ensure a truly mesmerizing experience. Visit our showroom to gain a foretaste of what is exactly possible.
An immersive listening experience is the collective result of a number of indispensable factors; each of which must contribute harmoniously to the overall system much like a well orchestrated musical performance A lack in any of the factor will result in a sub par listening experience
An immersive listening will require High Fidelity Audio Reproduction system one that consists of good recording (input); as well as a good system capable of reproducing the audiophile recording (output); normally aided by a high quality DAC. It also requires a well designed Room Acoustics which preferably includes a treatable room for acoustic treatments. Last but not least, it requires a custom Spatial Positioning of the speakers in relation to the listeners' positions.
Cantabile's technicians offer its Sound Space Optimizer Service to ensure that the room acoustics and spatial positionings are suited for the listening space; ensuring not only the best quality product(s), but also its optimized use.
Audiophile enthusiasts often talk about holographic audio imaging as a way of evaluating the finesse of any audio system. This will determine the system's capability to generate a space from which sound can appear to originate; and the very essence of "immersive listening."
In other words, it creates a 3D sound.
Holographic audio imaging can allow you to discern if the violin player was on the left; and if the celli was on the right. It allows you to tell where the percussion is coming from; just as if you are transported from the comfort of your living room to the actual space of the performance.
When your space gets the Cantabile 3DSI treatment, you get an end-to-end high-quality tune up that encapsulates what true high end audio is all about.