Birth & Postpartum Essential Oil Based Recipes

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Birth & Postpartum Tushy Spray

Essential Oil Based Recipes*

Four a 4oz. bottle: 1/2 oz. Cucumber hydrosol/distillate, 1 oz. witch hazel, 10 drops Roman Chamomile EO, 10 drops drops Lavender EO, 10 drops Calendula oil, 5 drops Helichrysum EO, 5 drops Myrhh EO (or Frankincense EO, top with distilled water. Shake well before each use. Use anytime to soothe swollen burning girly bits & perineum.

Nipple Balm

Beeswax, coconut oil, lanolin, grapeseed oil, raw shea butter, Lavender EO, Roman Chamomile EO, & Calendula oil. Use about 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1-2 tbsp of each: beeswax, grapeseed oil, lanolin & raw shea butter. Play with amounts to get desired consistency. More beeswax equals “firmer” balm, more oils means more “creamy.” For suggested recipe, use about 1 tsp Calendula oil, use 30 drops lavender EO, 20 drops Roman Chamomile EO. Emulsify beeswax, coconut oil, shea, lanolin & grapeseed in glass bowl in boiling water in sauce pan (or double boiler), allow to cool for 20-30min., whip with hand mixer, add Calendula and EO’s, whip again. Transfer to container (jar or squeeze tube style) while still liquid. Wait 10min after application to absorb before nursing, no need to wipe off. Use as often as needed for sore, cracked, hurting nursing boobies.

Tummy Tightener Balm

Beeswax, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, raw shea butter, Lavender EO, Jasmine EO, Clary Sage EO, and Ylang Ylang EO. See NIPPLE BALM for directions how to render and emulsify the balm base. {OILY TIP: Make the beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter, & grapeseed oil base in bulk, then separate and add specific EO’s and other ingredients}. For a 4oz amount, use 10 drops lavender, 40 drops Clary Sage, & 40 drops Ylang Ylang. Those two oils are in high amounts to encourage the uterus to contract and quickly return to probably shape, flattening the tummy. May cause mild cramping. Can be used within 24hours of birth. Once mixture has nearly completely solidified in jar, add 10 drops of Jasmine (or Joy if jasmine not available) to “float” on top of balm. It helps tone down the earthy scent of Clary Sage.

New Mama UltraLuxe Cream Face Wash & Serum

Rose Castille soap, grapeseed oil, Argan oil (or sweet almond), Essential oils: Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemongrass, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Rose, & Geranium, Chamomile (Joy can be used in place of many of these oils). Amount of each depends on bottle size. Helps keeps hormonal postpartum skin clear and glowing. Add Mel A and/or more lemongrass if skin is very congested. Make the serum with many of the same oils, minus the castille soap. {OILY TIP: Make into a scrub by adding mix to coarse himalayan sea salt and/or organic sugar and reducing castle soap amount}

New Mama Healing Sitz Bath Salts

Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts), lavender EO, Roman Chamomile EO, Frankincense EO, Calendula oil, EO blend from CALM MAMA roller below, dried Calendula herbs, dried lavender. These salts are a bit more oily than typical salt/oil mixes because of the calendula. This is meant to be used 1/2 cup in warm half sitz bath for the new mama to soak her sore bum in. If cool water is preferred, dissolve 1/2cup of salts in hot water and mix into cool bath.

Surge Booster Dram

Clary Sage EO, diluted slightly with fractionated coconut oil. Rub on uterus to increase surge intensity and frequency once labor has started. Can also be made in a roller.

Nausea Relief Dram

Peppermint EO, diluted slightly with fractionated coconut oil. Inhale as needed when nausea strikes during labor or anytime during pregnancy. During labor 1 or 2 drops applied to a cool wet washcloth and applied to forehead, back of neck, or held in front of nose for cooling relief from nausea. Be mindful NOT to apply to tummy/ uterus unless specific for breech presentation.

Calm Mama Roller

Also known as “HappySauce” - in a 10ml roller, 50 drops lavender, 35 drops Valor/Valor II, 35 drops Stress Away, 15 drops Patchouli, 15 drops Vetiver, top with fractionated coconut oil. Can help keep away feeling of fear, anxiety, and loss of control. Apply to back and sides of neck, wrists, bottom of feet. Good to massage birthing mamas feet, calves, and lower back - wherever she needs relief during surges. Rub on hands and inhale with calming breathes, in for a count of 4, out for a count of 8 until she can relax her muscles completely. Use consistently as needed. {OILY TIP: A similar recipe (minus the carrier oil) is a great blend to diffuse in the birthing room and/or add to magnesium sulfate (epsom salts) for laboring in the bath or for pre labor relaxation}

*All essential oils are Young Living 100% pure therapeutic grades. Safety & efficacy cannot be assumed if other oils are used. All additional ingredients are organic. These recipes are based on comparable product market research, personal use, field work as birth/pregnancy & family wellness advocate, Birth & Postpartum Essential Oil guide in AS, and references for safety from Gentle Babies & EODR Limited Edition. Suggestions here are for informational purposes and not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any medical conditions. The FDA does not evaluate or endorse these natural remedies. Created by The Apothecary Mama, aka. Kristina Parry of The Whole Essential Life.

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