Arts Streetfest
Annual event returns to Alpharetta ►►PAGE 4
Urban Escape
New game tests thinking ►►PAGE 14
Jigieso retires
Educator ends 40-year career ►►PAGE 28
Milton Egg Hunt
Inaugural event draws crowds, Easter Bunny ►►PAGE 22
April 15, 2015 | | 75,000 circulation Revue & News, Johns Creek Herald, Milton Herald & Forsyth Herald combined | 50¢ | Volume 10, No. 16
Welcome new Milton police chief Q and A with Chief Krokoff By SHANNON WEAVER MILTON, Ga. -- Steven Krokoff, the new Milton Police Chief, comes from Albany, N.Y. with over 10 years of experience in law enforcement. We asked him a few questions to introduce him to our readers: What attracted you to take this job?
I had both professional and personal interests in the City of Milton. From a personal standpoint, I had been a regular KROKOFF visitor here for several years to visit family. My sister-in-law has resided in Buford which has become the holiday convening point of our entire family. Upon each visit
we had found ourselves yearning for change and more seriously looking at various towns and cities in the North Georgia area. We had found that Milton offered the best of what we were looking for from awardwinning schools, to a closeknit community and a rural feel with amenities close by. Additionally, Milton is a young city with a clear strategic plan that includes preserving its rural character while achieving responsible, purposeful economic growth. These were the
qualities that we were looking for in a home. My professional interests were equally as strong. I had the honor and privilege to work in an urban department that had allowed my abilities to propel me through the ranks from patrolman to chief. The challenges of leading an organization that size in such a diverse city had been immeasurably rewarding. One quality that had always been missing, however, was the feeling of the fabric that makes a city a
community and a community a home. I believe that the City of Milton and its police department will fill that professional void. In addition to leading its police department, I envision my family and me becoming part of the fabric that is Milton. From the schools, to civic organizations, to church, I believe that the chief’s position will provide me that elusive professional opportunity. Additionally, leading a de-
See KROKOFF, Page 3
Cambridge Equestrian Team rides to nationals Girls won zone, region tourneys By JONATHAN COPSEY
The Cambridge Equestrian Team are, from left, Sarah Pierce, Rachel Lampl, Courtney Bailey, Alissa Garguilo, Taylor Chevalier, Allie Gauthier, Allison Balog, Abby Bryan and Coach Jana Chevalier. Not pictured is Kaitlyn Garland.
MILTON, Ga. – For the second year in a row, the Cambridge High School Equestrian Team is performing on a high level. Last year they won their regional competition. This year, they one-upped the accomplishment and head to the national competition. With 119 teams in the zone, plenty of riders are jockeying for a chance to move on. Zone 4 encompasses much of the South, including Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. Only the top three teams advance to the national competition. Cambridge came second in the tournament, beating the reigning national champions. “Zone 4 is a strong zone,” said Jana Chavalier, the team coach. “It’s very competitive.” The Region finals were March 1. The Zone finals
See CAMBRIDGE, Page 11
12850 Hwy. 9 N. and Windward Pkwy.