RHS 65th Anniversary Special section ►►PAGE 17
Same-sex marriage Fulton prepares for court ruling ►►PAGE 4
Take the stage
Milton grad plays Carnegie ►►PAGE 13
‘Friends’ help teens
Scholarship grant given by library group ►►PAGE 27
June 17, 2015 | miltonherald.com | 75,000 circulation Revue & News, Johns Creek Herald, Milton Herald & Forsyth Herald combined | 50¢ | Volume 10, No. 25
Thomas Byrd Sr. House opens
Home to new Milton Senior Center By SHANNON WEAVER shannon@appenmediagroup.com MILTON, Ga. — The Thomas Byrd Sr. House had its grand opening Wednesday, June 10 to introduce a new home to the Milton Senior Center. One of the oldest properties in North Fulton, the 2.5 acre site dates back to the 1830s. The Byrd family purchased the lot shortly after the state’s land lotteries. Many of the Byrds’ descendants remain in the area, and some were in attendance at the grand opening. The center is a new resource to Senior Services North Fulton, which previously provided its Milton programs through rented space at Community Christ Church. It is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1991 to provide programs and services for older adults who live in North Fulton. It is the only nonprofit in North Fulton dedicated to serving older adults.
The ribbon is cut June 10 at the Thomas Byrd Sr. House, home to the new Milton Senior Center.
See BRYD, Page 36
Conservation subdivision meetings wrap up Ordinance draft to be considered By SHANNON WEAVER shannon@appenmediagroup.com MILTON, Ga. — The last of three public meetings on a conservation subdivision ordinance was held Wednesday, June 10. The consultant group, led by Dan Broussard, will write a draft of an ordinance based on input from the meetings. The premise of conservation subdivisions is they allow higher density on a portion of a lot, freeing up more land for greenspace. If four houses would normally go in four acres, under a conservation subdivision, those four could be placed on two acres, leaving the other two undeveloped. “The primary benefit of a conservation subdivi-
The primary benefit of a conservation subdivision is there’s an opportunity to conserve some of the green space.” NOEL CARPENTER Planning Commission Member
sion is there’s an opportunity to conserve some of the green space,” said Noel Carpenter of the planning commission. “Whether we can do that in a responsible, viable manner is the question.”
Because conservation subdivisions would bring lot sizes below one acre, any septic system would have to be approved by the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. In response to community questions about the systems, representatives from the EPD gave a presentation on the permit process. Stakeholders including developers, citizens and wastewater companies were there to discuss the issues. Concerns were raised about the cost of these systems and viability for developers, system inspections and whether the city should be a third party in trust indentures, an agreement to take over should the permittee be unable to maintain the system or abandon it. The final decision will be made by city council, but the ordinance draft will next appear before the planning commission.
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