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March 5, 2014 | forsythherald.com | 73,500 circulation Revue & News, Johns Creek Herald, Milton Herald & Forsyth Herald combined | 50¢ | Volume 17, No. 10
Drug Summit eye opener By ALDO NAHED aldo@forsythherald.com
Drug facts
FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Hundreds of concerned parents attended the second Forsyth County Drug Awareness Summit on Feb. 25. Law enforcement brought out actual drugs and paraphernalia to show parents exactly what to look for at home. The new information was presented with the purpose of empowering parents with knowledge about the types of drugs children are doing and share resources available for those who have already become addicts. “Parents want to help their kids,” said Cindy Jones Mills,
• Forsyth County had 43 calls to 911 regarding overdose in 2013 • There were 19 overdose deaths in 2013, 15 of those due to heroin or other opiates. • In 2013, 14 percent of Forsyth County high school seniors used marijuana in the last 30 days. • Eight percent used other drugs in the last 30 days. • Four out of 5 kids will try drugs/alcohol before they graduate high school.
Aldo Nahed/Staff
County Sheriff's Sgt. Richard Thompson shows the affects of meth on woman pictured over time.
See SUMMIT, Page 4
Boyfriend arrested in toddler’s death By ALDO NAHED aldo@forsythherald.com FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — A 3-year-old toddler was found dead Feb. 25 in north Forsyth County. Christopher E. Truett, 25, of Butts County, who was babysitting at the time, has been charged with one count each of malice murder, felony murder and aggravated battery, according to Forsyth
County Sheriff’s investigators. Truett, who is the boyfriend of the 3-year-old’s mother, is currently being held at the Forsyth County Detention Center. The preliminary autopsy from Georgia Bureau of Investigation states the child died as a result of blunt force trauma, Sheriff Duane Piper said.
See TRUETT, Page 8
Buster Evans steps down as superintendent Gov. Deal appoints Evans to prison’s education initiatives By ALDO NAHED aldo@forsythherald.com
Wyatt Pruitt was found dead Feb. 25 in north Forsyth County.
FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Forsyth County School Superintendent L.C. “Buster” Evans announced he would step down from his post and take on a new job with the state. Gov. Nathan Deal tapped Evans to increase the number
of inmates with high school diplomas at state prisons. This is part of Deal’s plan to reduce recidivism. Evans will join the Department of Corrections as the assistant commissioner of education effective July 1. Evans will lead education
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See EVANS, Page 4
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