S e p t e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 8 | N o r t h F u l t o n . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 3 6 , N o . 3 7
Alpharetta studying pedestrian traffic
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Mindfulness helps students battle stress
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North Point revival comes into focus VIEW 1
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Jillian DiMarco/Herald
Alpharetta seeks input on Wills Park Master Plan The City of Alpharetta is seeking public input for revisions to the Wills Park Master Plan. Residents can take an online survey available through Sept. 14, and they can participate in public meetings running through Oct. 15. Here, Andrew Gagne and his companion Dani enjoy Waggy World at Wills Park on a recent afternoon. Read more, Page 8.
First Freedom Bowl ‘huge success’
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