2022 HIGH FOOTBALLSCHOOLPREVIEW PULLSPECIALOUTSECTION FILE PHOTO August 25, 2022 | AppenMedia.com | An Appen Media Group Publication

2 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody 2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW 8-19 7:30 pm vs. Calhoun 8-26 7:30 pm @ Eagle’s Landing Christian 9-9 7:30 pm @ St. Pius X 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Marist 9-23 7:30 pm @ Sprayberry 9-30 7:30 pm vs. Roswell 10-7 7:30 pm @ Pope 10-14 7:30 pm @ Johns Creek 10-28 7:30 pm vs. Alpharetta 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Lassiter ► BLESSED TRINITY FOOTBALL 2022SCHEDULES ► ALPHARETTA 8-19 7:30 pm @ Jefferson 8-26 7:30 pm vs. Cambridge 9-9 7:30 pm vs. Chattahoochee 9-16 7:30 pm @ Milton 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Pope 9-30 7:30 pm @ Sprayberry 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Lassiter 10-21 7:30 pm vs. Johns Creek 10-28 7:30 pm @ Blessed Trinity 11-4 7:30 pm @ Roswell ► CAMBRIDGE 8-19 7:30 pm @ Creekview 8-26 7:30 pm vs. Cambridge 9-2 7:30 pm @ Alpharetta 9-9 7:30 pm vs. West Forsyth 9-23 7:30 pm @ Chattahoochee 9-30 7:30 pm vs. Greater Atl Christian 10-7 7:30 pm @ Centennial 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Kell 10-21 7:30 pm vs. Northview 11-4 7:30 pm @ North Springs FILE PHOTO High school football around the region kicks off in earnest this month, renewing a fall tradition that has bred heart-stopping action and long-standing rivalries.

2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 3 FILE PHOTO Appen LocalProudlyMediaSupportsAthletics From kickoff to post-game, athletes don’t stop working. We’ll be right there to help cheer them on and honor their efforts. 319 North Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 770.442.3278 | AppenMedia.com

4 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody 2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW 8-19 7:30 pm @ Wheeler 8-26 7:30 pm vs. Roswell 9-9 7:30 pm @ Etowah 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Westminster 9-23 7:30 pm @ Kell 9-30 7:30 pm vs. Chattahoochee 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Cambridge 10-21 7:30 pm vs. North Springs 10-28 7:30 pm @ Northview 11-4 7:30 pm @ Greater Atlanta Christian ► CENTENNIAL 8-19 7:30 pm vs. Roswell 8-26 7:30 pm @ Cambridge 9-9 7:30 pm @ Harrison 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Pebblebrook 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Dacula 10-7 7:30 pm @ West Forsyth 10-14 7:30 pm @ South Forsyth 10-21 7:30 pm vs. Lambert 10-28 7:30 pm @ Milton 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Forsyth Central ► DENMARK ► CHATTAHOOCHEE 8-19 7:30 pm vs. Forsyth Central 8-26 7:30 pm @ Osborne 9-9 7:30 pm @ Northview 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Johns Creek 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Cambridge 9-30 7:30 pm @ Centennial 10-7 7:30 pm vs. North Springs 10-14 7:30 pm @ Northview 10-28 7:30 pm @ Greater Atl Christian 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Kell ► DUNWOODY 8-19 7:30 pm vs. North Springs 9-2 7:30 pm @ Chamblee 9-9 7:30 pm @ Druid Hills 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Northview 9-23 7:30 pm @ Lakeside, DeKalb 9-30 7:30 pm vs. Marist 10-14 7:30 pm vs. St. Pius X 10-21 7:30 pm @ South Cobb 10-28 7:30 pm vs. Riverwood 11-4 7:30 pm @ North Atlanta FILE PHOTO

With every public project, the city works to limit the impact to tree canopy, McLeod said, but removing trees can be necessary, whether it’s to alleviate the impact of roots, proper placement or due to trees dying or becoming diseased.
The city currently has a surplus total of 445 trees (meaning it has planted 445 more trees than it has removed), McLeod said. That total does not include trees planted this year.
DUNWOODY, Ga. — With the smell of freshly popped popcorn and the sound of Boogie, Funk and Groove in the air, visitors joined the Spruill Center for the Arts on Aug. 18 for its first Pop Up in the Plaza Visitorsevent.could glimpse into several artist demonstrations, an improv show and tour the building and in-session classes.The Dunwoody-based art center is a private, non-profit organization that enrolls more than 5,000 people annu ally for over 800 visual arts courses. The center houses the Spruill Gal lery, which displays from four to six exhibitions each year in a variety of mediums. It’s also the home to Stage Door Theatre, the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild and the Dunwoody branch of the DeKalb County Library. Spruill CEO Alan Mothner, who joined staff in 2020, came up with the idea for the pop-up events alongside Pop Up in Plaza spreads the arts for Spruill Center
Officials address tree loss concerns
The Chamblee-Dunwoody and Womack Road intersection is under construction, with trees removed to build a retaining wall.
“The No Net Loss of Trees policy ap plies to public-owned land where every tree that is taken down for construction or because the tree is dying or diseased, or whatever the reason, we plant one tree for every tree that is removed,” he said. “That is not an inch for every inch that is removed but a tree for a tree.”
A view from March 2022 shows the corner of Womack Road prior to trees removed for Chamblee-Dunwoody and Womack Road intersection improvements.
The city takes different approaches to following its tree policies, depending on the circumstance.
Page 3
See 3
August 25, 2022 | An Appen Media Group Publication | Serving the community since 1976 Copeland store stood in Dunwoody Village ► PAGE 6
By AMBER PERRY amber@appenmedia.com
By R.J. TURNER newsroom@appenmedia.com
DUNWOODY, Ga. — Maintaining city trees while tackling road and stormwater issues has challenged Dunwoody officials as residents raise concerns of losing their greenTreecanopy.protection bylaws are included in Dunwoody’s Code of Ordinances, Compre hensive Land Use Plan, and Sustainability Plan underlining the No Net Loss of Trees policy.Director of Community Development Richard McLeod said the city takes its tree population seriously.

Between Aug. 4 and Aug. 14, law en forcement agencies in Georgia located 28 adolescent victims, including 18 missing children and nine children who were being commercially sexually exploited. Operations in Atlanta also led to the arrest of four people on human trafficking charges, said Keri Farley Special Agent in Charge of FBI “Identifying,Atlanta.investigating, and ap prehending sex trafficking offenders is a critical part of our mission,” Farley said at a press conference on Aug. 16. “It’s impor tant for anyone who is a victim of sexual exploitation to know that we prioritize the safety of victims when working with our law enforcement partners to bring sex traffickers to Additionaljustice.”investigations are being car ried out throughout Georgia in the wake of Operation Cross Country. Officers from police departments and sheriff’s offices in Dunwoody, Atlanta, Ful ton, Cobb, DeKalb, Gwinnett and Carroll counties participated in the operation, as well as officers from multiple school sys tems throughout the metro-Atlanta area.
678-298-1664 MoveWithMcCar ty.com #1 Team at 2018 2021 Voted Best of Perimeter Realtor Team for 2021
Driver injured in wreck with Dunwoody Police Officer
BRYAN BUSBY/SPECIAL TO THE CRIER Authorities say that a driver was injured Aug. 16 when a car collided with a Dun woody Police vehicle near Perimeter Center.
2 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody PUBLIC SAFETY | 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Dick Williams PUBLISHER: Hans Appen GENERAL MANAGER & ADVERTISING: Jim Hart MANAGING EDITOR: Patrick Fox EDITORIAL QUESTIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: Alpharetta: ext. 118, Roswell ext. 122 Dunwoody Crier: ext. 123 Forsyth Herald: ext. 118 Johns Creek Herald: ext. 123 Milton Herald: ext. 139 Calendar: ext. 122 TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL: News/Press Releases: NorthFulton.com/Sponsored Calendar/Events: NorthFulton.com/Calendar ADVERTISING QUESTIONS: General Advertising: ext. advertising@appenmediagroup.com100 Classified Advertising: ext. donna@appenmediagroup.com143 Circulation/Subscriptions/Delivery: ext. 100 circulation@appenmediagroup.com OUR PUBLICATIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: 28,000 circulation Johns Creek Herald: 20,000 circulation Dunwoody Crier: 18,000 circulation Forsyth Herald: 17,000 circulation Milton Herald: 10,000 circulation Answer Book: 40,000 circulation 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 Honored as a newspaperofGeneralExcellence 2018 2018 THECRIER.net 770-442-3278 | AppenMedia.com 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Dick Williams PUBLISHER: Hans Appen GENERAL MANAGER & ADVERTISING: Jim Hart MANAGING EDITOR: Patrick Fox EDITORIAL QUESTIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: Alpharetta: ext. 118, Roswell: ext.122 Dunwoody Crier: ext. 143 Forsyth Herald: ext. 118 Johns Creek Herald: ext.123 Milton Herald: ext.139 Calendar: ext.122 TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL: News / Press Releases: AppenMedia.com/Sponsored Calendar / Events: AppenMedia/Calendar ADVERTISING QUESTIONS: General Advertising: advertising@appenmedia.comext.100 Classified Advertising: ext. classifieds@appenmedia.com119 Circulation / Subscriptions / Delivery: ext. 100 circulation@appenmedia.com OUR PUBLICATIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: 28,000 circulation Johns Creek Herald: 20,000 circulation Dunwoody Crier: 18,000 circulation Forsyth Herald: 17,000 circulation Milton Herald: 10,000 circulation Answer Book: 40,000 circulation 770-442-3278 | NorthFulton.com 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Ray Appen PUBLISHER: Hans Appen EDITOR: Patrick Fox EDITORIAL QUESTIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: ext. 122 Crier: ext. 143 Herald: ext. Johns Creek Herald: ext. 123 Milton Herald: ext. ext. 122 TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL: News/Press Releases: NorthFulton.com/Sponsored Calendar/Events: NorthFulton.com/Calendar ADVERTISING QUESTIONS: General Advertising: ext. advertising@appenmediagroup.com100 Classified Advertising: ext. classifieds@appenmediagroup.com119 Circulation/Subscriptions/Delivery: ext. 100 circulation@appenmediagroup.com OUR PUBLICATIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: 28,000 circulation Johns Creek Herald: 20,000 circulation Dunwoody Crier: 18,000 circulation Forsyth Herald: 17,000 circulation Milton Herald: 10,000 circulation Answer Book: 40,000 circulation 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 Honored as a newspaperofGeneralExcellence 2018 2018 THECRIER.net 770-442-3278 | NorthFulton.com 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Ray Appen PUBLISHER: Hans Appen MANAGING EDITOR: Patrick Fox EDITORIAL QUESTIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: Alpharetta: ext. 118, Roswell ext. 122 Dunwoody Crier: ext. 143 Forsyth Herald: ext. 118 Johns Creek Herald: ext. 123 Milton Herald: ext. 139 Calendar: ext. 122 TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL: News/Press Releases: NorthFulton.com/Sponsored Calendar/Events: NorthFulton.com/Calendar ADVERTISING QUESTIONS: General Advertising: ext. advertising@appenmediagroup.com100 Classified Advertising: ext. classifieds@appenmediagroup.com119 Circulation/Subscriptions/Delivery: ext. 100 circulation@appenmediagroup.com OUR PUBLICATIONS: Alpharetta-Roswell Herald: 28,000 circulation Johns Creek Herald: 20,000 circulation Dunwoody Crier: 18,000 circulation Forsyth Herald: 17,000 circulation Milton Herald: 10,000 circulation Answer Book: 40,000 circulation 319 N. Main Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 Honored as a newspaperofGeneralExcellence 2018 2018 AppenTHECRIER.netMedia.com
ATLANTA — A nationwide Federal Bureau of Investigation sex trafficking operation this month located 28 missing children and adolescent sex trafficking victims in Georgia.“Operation Cross Country XII,” which partnered FBI agents with over 200 state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, targeted individuals and criminal enterprises in volved in child sex trafficking and human trafficking over a two-week period.
Following the announcement on Oper ation Cross Country, the Dunwoody Police Department thanked federal authorities for their support during the two-week investigation.“TheFBIis a critical partner in our efforts to identify and rescue adults and children who are being victims of sex traf ficking,” Dunwoody Chief of Police Billy Grogan said. “It’s an issue that a lot of people don’t want to talk about, but it’s certainly something that’s prevalent, more than most people know. And you can cer tainly look at the stats of Operation Cross Country to note that.”
DUNWOODY, Ga. — Authorities say that a driver was injured Aug. 16 when a car col lided with a Dunwoody Police vehicle near Perimeter Center. A Dunwoody Police vehicle was enroute to a call at about 7 p.m. when it collided with a civilian vehicle in the intersection of Perimeter Center West and Perimeter Center Parkway in Dunwoody, police sources say. The civilian driver received injuries from the wreck, but authorities have not commented on the nature of the injuries or the suspected cause of the wreck. According to a Dunwoody Police, the Georgia State Patrol has been called in to investigate this wreck, but as of 2 p.m. Wednesday, the GSP has not provided any new information or confirmed they are investigating the wreck.
By ALEXANDER POPP alex@appenmedia.com
“Humanoffenses.trafficking is among the most heinous crimes the FBI encounters,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Unfortu nately, such crimes—against both adults and children—are far more common than most people realize. As we did in this operation, the FBI and our partners will continue to find and arrest traffick ers, identify and help victims, and raise awareness of the exploitation of our most vulnerable populations.”
Nationwide, Operation Cross Country led to the location of 141 adult victims of human trafficking and 31 missing children, the FBI said. Investigators also identified or arrested 85 suspects with child sexual exploitation and human traf ficking
FBI rescues children in sex traffic ring

Continued from Page 1
Doane, an engineer by trade, worked on a colorful, textured portrait with marker and ink, which was based on a reference picture sent by Horne. Votja, who said he’s finally checked creating art off his bucket list, steadily detailed a pair of praying hands in ink. The pandemic put life into perspective for him, Votja said. Horne worked on a portrait of a Na tive American, having always loved the culture. He said he divorced his parents at the age of 5 because he wanted to be Native American but found out it doesn’t work that “There’sway.alot of spirituality in the way that they lead their lives,” he said. “We would do good to study and learn from them.”
AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 3NEWS
The courtyard is open to the public from sunrise to sunset, he said. The center has a coffee studio. Visitors can pop their head into a class, visit the library or see what’s happening in Stage Door.
Existing trees are incorporated into the design for the Peeler Road sidewalk project.
“This was an unusual design, but it’s one that allowed us to save trees and enhance the aesthetics by preserving the trees and natural drainage along the edge of the park.” Smith said. The cost for the project was $1.3 mil lion.McLeod said the No Net Loss of Trees policy is important to maintain Dun woody’s Tree City USA designation.
With son Jack by his side, John Doane works on an elaborate portrait using marker and ink, while his instructor, John Horne, follows his progress. Horne has been Doane’s instructor at the Spruill Center for the past five months.
Starr Petronella, a Spruill instructor, works with glass.
For the Chamblee-Dunwoody/Womack Road intersection improvements, trees cut along Womack will be replaced with plant ings at another location.
Continued from Page 1
“The primary purpose of the intersec tion project is to improve traffic flow by adding a left turn lane from Womack Road to Chamblee Dunwoody,” Public Works Director Michael Smith said. The sight line for drivers turning from Womack Road will also be improved so the No Right Turn on Red restriction can be removed. To make room for the left turn lane, Womack Road is being widened toward the library side. The slope is being cut back and replaced with a retaining wall along the edge of the library parking lot.
Horne’s interest in art started at an early age, and he had to shake off his parents’ disapproval of wanting to pursue it as a career. “I was born with a pencil in my mouth,” he said. Beside Horne, other Spruill Center instructors showed their art processes to passersby.StarrPetronella fused glass, using dif ferent tools and techniques. Betsy Ayers captivated a young audience, smearing acrylic paint with palette knives in what she called her typical introductory class setup.Inthe courtyard, members of the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild gave loom lessons using a floor loom and a rigid-heddle loom. Membership Chair Susan Bennett gave instruction on how to operate the floor loom, which had foot pedals similar to a piano. Each pedal was marked by tape: L, 1, 2, 3, 4, R. Depend ing on the pattern, weavers rhythmically push on the appropriate pedal, drive the boat shuttle through the open space of string, then “beat” the string onto the preexisting weaved fabric.
“If we’re going to be a true community art center, people in the community need to know what’s offered here,” Mothner said.Along an inviting multicolored, paved path leading to the courtyard, longtime teaching artist John Horne gave drawing demonstrations beside two of his middleaged students, John Doane and Tim Vojta. While periodically asking visitors to color printed designs, the three diligently worked on separate pieces.
An hour or so into the event, Stage Door Theatre Development Director Joey Davila put on an improv show. Davila asked for volunteers to participate in different improv scenes. He told a story beside a group of brave souls who reacted with frozen poses. Davila said he’s been with Stage Door for about a year and has been doing improv for about five years. The event was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Dunwoody. Club member Charlie Augello said Dunwoody is finally getting a community explosion.
“We’re inviting people to come be part of the culture here,” Mothner said. Pop Up will return Sept. 17 for Spruill’s Back to Spruill Week, which will showcase special workshops and activities to start the fall quarter.
As part of the project, the stormwa ter drainage along Chamblee Dunwoody Road must be improved, and the older 4-foot-wide sidewalk will be replaced with a 6-foot-wide sidewalk. Construction cost is $2.1 million. The prevalence of utilities near the intersection will probably limit planting opportunities, but trees will be replanted elsewhere in the city to replace the ones removed in accordance with the city’s No Net Loss of Tree Policy, Smith said. Incorporating trees into design Peeler Road sidewalk project, com pleted in 2021, incorporated existing trees into the design. The project involved drainage enhance ments, bike lanes on both sides of the street, and flash beacon crosswalks for Brook Run Park access.
“I think this is what it’s all about,” AugelloWhilesaid.they’ve had pop-up events in the past, like the artist market, Pop Up in the Plaza is community centered. Spruill CEO Mothner invites the com munity to “come hang out, have a respite.”
“As Dunwoody strives to become more pedestrian and bike-friendly, we face some tough choices and carefully evaluate any tree removed,” he said. “Overall, our poli cies support a green city with plenty of trees and tree coverage to go around for everyone.”McLeod said the cost of tree replace ment comes from the city’s general fund budget, and developers pay into the tree recompense if they’re unable to re plant trees removed for projects on their properties.Dunwoody is also a part of the Front Yard Tree Planting Program and One Mil lion Trees initiative with Trees Atlanta.
Spruill: Replacement at other location
Spruill’s board. He said many people don’t know that Spruill provides space to so many entities and decided that throw ing an open house party and welcoming the community to its beautiful half-acre greenspace would spread awareness.

Highlighting annual scholarship, Habitat milestone, Cub Scouts
Bubble Gum
Equal Housing Opportunity Rhonda Haran, Managing Broker. All information believed accurate but not guaranteed 770.284.9900 8000 AVALON BOULEVARD, SUITE 220 ALPHARETTA, GEORGIA 30009 REALTOR® c: 678.427.8697 | o: NICOLEM@ANSLEYATLANTA.COM770.284.9900 Your NeighborDunwoody&TrustedRealEstateAdvisor “My goal is to get my sellers the most equity out of their home and secure the best deal for my buyers via my expertise, network and the Ansley Advantage!”
4 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody COMMUNITY
Crier Notes
The Dunwoody North Civic Association announced the winning essay for its fourth annual scholarship program for graduating seniors in the Dunwoody North com munities. From left, Nolan Obrien (Second Place), Lyn Coltman, Win Scott (First Place) and Gerri Penn. Coltman and Penn are the program’s
ADAM THRONE/SPECIAL TO THE CRIER Cub Scout Pack 1818 held its Water Olympics event at Marcus Jewish Community Center’s Camp Alterman site Aug. 14. Scouts competed in events and launched water bottle rockets. The group, open to boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade, is chartered out of the Marcus Jewish Community Center. The next open house event will be “Raingutter Regatta” on Aug. 28. Email 1818scouts@ gmail.com for more information.
Bubble Gum (ID# 50394529) is 2-years-old and 51 lbs. She is also a bit shy at first. Once she’s spent some time sniffing you out, she gets bouncy, playful and oh so sweet... just like Bubble Gum. She’s a medium-energy girl who is not much more than a pup at heart. She’s ready to love and learn. Bubble Gum can’t wait to become part of your family. Come by and have your heart stolen at Dekalb County Animal Services. Don’t work from home alone; our shelters are full of incredible pets waiting for homes, and to them, your love is priceless. Let’s “Clear The Shel ter.” $20 Adoptions in August. We must find 500 homes; will yours be one of them? Expand your family by 4 furry little feet, meet Bubble Gum and have a loving friend forever. All adoptions include spay/neuter, vaccinations and microchip. If you would like more information about Bubble Gum please email adoption@dekalb animalservices.com or call (404) 294-2165; all potential adopters will be screened to ensure Bubble Gum goes to a good home.
Dunwoody United Methodist Church dedi cated its 31st Habitat for Humanity House in July. A golf tournament and the church’s annual holiday festival helped to raise the funds.
Send your notes to the crier newsroom@appenmedia.com.DUNWOODYNORTHCIVICASSOCIATION/PROVIDED

AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 5NEWBUSINESSSPOTLIGHT Business: Panda Express Owner: Shanshan Zhang Description: Where the way we wok inspires a fresh, flavorful combina tion of Chinese regional cuisine and technique with bold American tastes. Our flavors are a combination of Chinese roots with an American taste. We serve dishes that are authentically American Chinese, every time. Opened: June 2022 Phone: 770-797-2000 Address: 4720 Ashford Dunwoody Road; Dunwoody, GA in Perimeter Marketplace Website: https://www.pandaexpress.com/ Business: Heyday Dunwoody Owner: Katy Barbeau Description: Founded in 2015, Heyday takes the facial out of the tradition al spa experience to meet the demands of the modern customer and take the guesswork out of skincare. Focusing exclusively on skincare, Heyday provides fully customizable 50-minute facials that are curated and per formed by Heyday’s Skin Therapists, all licensed estheticians. Opened: July 2022 Phone: 770-373-7670 Address: 123 Perimeter Center W., Suite 300, Dunwoody, GA 30346 Website: heydayskincare.com/pages/dunwoody Dunwoody Animal Medical Center welcomes Dr. Ann Mayberry to our team! Please join us in welcoming Dr. Ann Mayberry back to Dunwoody and joining our team at Dunwoody Animal Medical Center. Dr. Mayberry is available for appointments starting August 29th. For an appointment, please call us at Williamsburg770-698-9227.atDunwoody • 2482 Jett Ferry Rd. • #600 Atlanta, GA 30338 • 770-698-9227 • dunwoodyamc.com Best PerimeterOf2022Dunwoody•SandySpringsBrookhaven Presented By an Appen Media Group publication WINNER T:\ADS_2022\Dunwoody Animal Medical Center

6 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody OPINION
Walgreens in Dun woody Village is about where Larkin Copeland’s store once sat. It was a two-level brick store on the east side of the Roswell Railroad tracks near the Dunwoody Depot. The first floor of the store featured an arched doorway and two arched windows on either side of the door. Copeland’s home was next door. Copeland married Lavada Ball in 1887. Both of their families had deep roots in Dunwoody. Copeland was one of nine children of Obediah and Salina Corley Co peland, whose home sat where Dunwoody Springs Elementary School now stands. Lavada Ball was the daughter of Mar tin and Martha Sentell Ball and grand daughter of Peter and Margaret Robertson Ball. Peter Ball operated the mill along what is known as Ball Mill Creek. The 1900 census shows Larkin Cope land as a farmer. By 1910, he is operating a store and his oldest son Howell works at the store. Larkin and Lavada’s other chil dren were Ethel, Fred and Grace. Cham blee Dunwoody Road was the path of the Roswell Railroad during this time, so the census identifies their street as Southern Railway.TheRoswell Historical Society and City of Roswell Research Library and Archives has a photo of the store. Along with the photo was a note identifying Larkin Elijah Copeland standing in front of his store in Dunwoody. It also identifies the location as being near the intersection of Cham blee Dunwoody and Mount Vernon roads. The photo is on a photo card addressed to Mrs. S.M. Copeland of Chamblee, Georgia, and dated 1908. A 1915 map of Dunwoody indicates that Larkin Copeland was planning to divide his land on Chamblee Dunwoody Road into several lots. He died in Novem ber of that year, and the development never happened. Lavada Ball later moved to Atlanta and lived until 1958. The spelling on the photograph of the store and on Larkin Copeland’s grave marker leaves the e out of Copeland. However, most other records of the family show the spelling Copeland. Their daughter Grace Copeland went on to run a grocery store in Atlanta along with her husband Dillard Blackwell. Blackwell’s Grocery was located at 1128 Oak Street in Atlanta. In “The Story of Dunwoody,” writ ten by Ethel W. Spruill and Elizabeth L. Davis in 1975, there is a documented memory of the Roswell Railroad which includes the Copeland store. The mem ory comes from Annie Roberts Wing, who married Henry Wing and was the daughter of Roswell Railroad engineer Ike Roberts. She remembered riding Old Buck, the engine of the Roswell Railroad, to Dunwoody to pick the first violets of spring and shop at Larkin Copeland’s store. Her purchases usually included shoes and some “eatables.”
Award-winning author Valerie Big gerstaff is a longtime columnist for Appen Media and the Dunwoody Crier. She lives in Sandy Springs. You can email Valerie at pasttensega@gmail.com or visit her website at pasttensega.com.
Larkin Copeland’s store stood near train depot
Larkin Copeland’s store, circa 1908, was located along the Roswell Rail road on standswhereDunwoodyChambleeRoadWalgreenstoday.

The daily stock market machina tions and financial headlines will drive you crackers. Will the Federal Reserve Bank raise inter est rates 100 basis points? The market drops. Nope, the Fed-heads will only raise interest rates by 75 basis points. The market goes up. “Earning seasons slow start clouds market outlook,” noted The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), 7/18/22. Market goes down. A few days later the same paper declared, “Earnings propel 754-point rise in Dow.” Say what? It’s enough to cause “mental whip lash.” The week of July 18, the Fed raised interest rates again, and on 7/28 two quarters of negative GDP growth was an nounced which generally is considered a recession. But the president and his spokespersons said we really weren’t in a recession. The S&P 500 index rose by 1.21 percent that day. Some market watchers continue to opine that we’ll avoid a serious recession, or perhaps have “a soft landing,” whatever that means. Akin to a “soft car crash?” Is any market surge a “dead cat bounce” or the beginning of a recovery? Confounding questions.Talking heads generate daily buzz for the media. One can have strong opinions, but no one really knows what the market will do day-to-day. For you as an investor, it’s the long run that counts. If you believe in America and the beauty of a market economy, bet on growth over time. The legendary investor and wise teacher, Sir John M. Templeton (19122008), proclaimed, “The best time to invest is when you have money.” Whether or not younger investors are familiar with the wis dom of Sir John, a WSJ piece on 7/18/22 noted that despite nerve-wracking market jitters, “amateur investors see opportunity.”
The article states, “In March, individual investors bought $28 billion of U.S.-listed stocks and exchange-traded funds [ETFs] on a net basis – the largest sum ever re corded by Vanda research since it started tracking in 2014.” The paper stated that in a contrarian trend “institutional investors are doing the opposite.” When the so-called “smart money” sells, someone buys. If that’s you, buy ing because you have the money, stay the course and keep dollar-cost-averaging. In the long run, you’ll be a winner. Buy what you believe in and hang on for the long term. Early in the 1980s this writer met Bob James, one of the founders of what is now Raymond James Finan cial (RJF-NYSE). Liking his philosophies, and believing that his firm had a future in financial planning and asset manage ment, a modest investment was made in the company. Over the years, as the stock split multiple times, it was held through bear markets, sideways markets, and bull markets. Even a drop of close to 50 percent during one bear market was not sufficient to shake belief in the long run. In late June with the stock down 30 percent at the low compared to its one year high (52-week range $81.95-$117.37), at $90.63 the stock had a yield of 1.50 percent on dividends. Retired investors who savor dividends will hold good stocks through thick and thin because they like the dividend cash flow, especially when compared to still puny money market fund and bank interest. “Value stocks,” those paying respectable dividends, have held up well during recent turmoil compared to high-flying growth stocks with low yields or no dividends. When prices are down, those accumulating funds for retirement should consider allocations to solid dividend pay ers with growth prospects. Warren Buffett has long been a contrar ian investor worth emulating. Seeing the
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AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 7OPINION See INVEST, Page 10 THE INVESTMENT COACH

8 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody YOUR SAFETY IS OUR TOP PRIORITY The health and safety of our customers, associates and services providers is our top priority, and we’re continuing to take extra precautions. Visit homedepot.com/hscovidsafety for more information about how we are responding to COVID-19. Home Depot local Service Providers are background checked, insured, licensed and/or registered. License or registration numbers held by or on behalf of Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. are available at homedepot.com/licensenumbers or at the Special Services Desk in The Home Depot store. State specific licensing information includes: AL 51289, 1924; AK 25084; AZ ROC252435, ROC092581; AR 0228160520; CA 602331; CT HIC.533772; DC 420214000109, 410517000372; FL CRC046858, CGC1514813; GA RBCO005730, GCCO005540; HI CT-22120; ID RCE-19683; IA C091302; LA 43960, 557308, 883162; MD 85434, 42144; MA 112785, CS-107774; MI 2101089942, 2102119069; MN BC147263; MS 22222-MC; MT 37730; NE 26085; NV 38686; NJ 13VH09277500; NM 86302; NC 31521; ND 29073; OR 95843; The Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. is a Registered General Contractor in Rhode Island and its Registration Number is 9480; SC GLG110120; TN 47781; UT 286936-5501; VA 2705-068841; WA HOMED088RH; WV WV036104; WI 1046796. ©2020 Home Depot Product Authority, LLC. All rights reserved. *production time takes approximately 6-8 weeks. HDIE20K0022A HOMECUSTOMORGANIZATION Solutions for every room in your home Custom Design High-quality, furniture-grade product customized to your space, style, and budget. ConsultationComplimentary We offer complimentary design consultations with 3D renderings Quick 1-3 Day Install* Enjoy your new, organized space in as little as 1-3 days. Affordable Financing We offer multiple financing options to make your project affordable [on a monthly basis]. 770-744-2034HOMEDEPOT.COM/MYHOMEORGINSTALL Call or visit for your FREE IN-HOME OR VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONHello there, Our local team is based in your area. We’d like to provide you with a free in-home or virtual Custom Home Organization consultation and quote. Frank Paras Home Depot Installation Services Local Team Leader Tara Tucker Attention School Leaders! Promote your School’s Enrollment and Open Houses in our next Education Section, October 20th. Includes Advertising Space and additional Advertorial & Photo for your school. Deadline is 10/12/22 To learn more and to reserve your space, email mike@appenmedia.com

AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 9OPINION
PHOTOS BY HOLCOMBE FAMILY/PROVIDED Ebenezer School on Ebenezer Road was a two-room school that housed students from grades 1 through 6. It closed in 1933 and was consolidated with Northwest ern Elementary School.
Fannie’s son Bobby also remembers picking cotton. He says the cotton boll “would eat up your hand.” A cotton boll is made up of separate compartments in which up to 300 seeds grow. To pick the cotton from the bolls, Bobby had to twist the cotton out of the boll which was very sharp and would cut your hand if the cot ton was not twisted correctly. The family also operated a dairy farm with about 75 cows for about five years in the 1950s. They raised Guernsey, Jersey and Holstein cows and sold their milk to the Creatwood Farm Dairy in Smyrna. When young Fannie went to Ebenezer School in Roswell, after milking the cows before breakfast, she had to walk half a mile from her house to catch the school bus. One room of the two-room wooden schoolhouse accommodated grades 1 through 3 and the other housed grades 4 through 6. Each room had a woodburn ing stove. The curriculum was reading, writing and arithmetic.
Fannie Holcombe – four generations strong
Fannie Holcombe graduated from Milton High School in 1938.
The Holcombe Machine Shop has become a local landmark. Fannie and Otis Holcombe sit at a table with some of their German Pink and Big Boy tomatoes in 1999.
Fannie Holcombe was born in 1919 on Etris Road in Milton County. One of 11 children, she learned the meaning of hard work at an early age. Her father Wil liam Samuel Etris (1875–1956) grew cotton and corn on 40 acres. Corn was for turning into meal in their grist mill to feed the cows. He would also grind corn for neighbors in exchange for a portion of the meal. Cotton was the cash“Oh,crop.how my back hurt picking cot ton on my knees” Fannie recalls. Yes, she crawled between the rows of cotton because the large sack strapped around her shoulder had to be dragged along the ground and would weigh 100 pounds when full of picked cotton. Planting cotton was a complex, multi stage process involving a lot of plowing be hind a mule and a lot of hoeing by hand. Cotton growing and picking was a sun-up to sun-down job in the hot Georgia sun.
Fannie married Otis Holcombe (1916–2006) in 1939. He was raised on a farm on Providence Road in the Providence Community and was a trained machinist and mechanic. They had five children, 10 grandchildren – one deceased – and seven great-grandchildren. They lived initially on Cox Road, then on King Road in Milton. In 1960, they purchased a property on Mayfield Road. The previous owner, James Cash, was an automobile me chanic who built a concrete block work shop near his house. The workshop has become a local landmark with its faded sign HOLCOMBE’S MACHINE SHOP on the front exterior wall. People often stop by to have graduation photos taken in front of the workshop where Otis used to make small items for friends and custom ers. He obtained the necessary saws and other pieces of equipment from Elliot’s Business Machine Company in Atlanta where he was employed. Later he joined Simmons Engineering, a company in Roswell and Dallas that made machines for chicken processing plants, until his retirement.Fannie’s daughter, Kay Bagley, says that her father “would come home from work, go to the shop and make bowls, roll ing pins, jewelry and even a tractor” which the family still has parked by the shop.
Rodney Reese, Fannie’s grandnephew, recalls annual family reunions, usually at the home of Fannie’s sister Bertha Etris Cook (1902–2011) at her home on Etris Road. Bertha passed away at age 108. “It was a very close-knit family,” Rod neyWhensays. asked how the world has changed over the decades, Fannie says “back then, everyone went outside and played. Today, it is all about iPhones. Families visited one another, and when ever anyone needed help, the community pitchedBobbyin.”says “a handshake was a sign of trust.”Words to live by.
Fannie then attended Northwestern Elementary School, which was located where the Milton Community Church is today on Birmingham Highway. The school closed in 1992. She graduated from Milton High School in 1938. Fannie is a remarkable 102 years old. Physically strong and agile, she enjoys sewing and solving up to 1,000-piece puzzles which she can finish in three or four days. She is totally committed to the Atlanta Braves, so much so that the team sent her a Braves baseball cap on her 100thAccordingbirthday.to the U.S. Census Bu reau, in 2021 there were almost 98,000 centenarians in the United States. Bad news for our male readers, 83 percent of centenarians were female. The number reaching the century mark grew substan tially from 53,000 in 2010, but centenar ians still represent a very small percent age of the total population and a smaller percentage than in many other countries.

stress caused by overemphasis on “green new deal” and ESG initiatives, not only in mature economies like ours but also in emerging economies like Sri Lanka and Ghana, and recognizing that the global economy and supply chain still largely runs on fossil fuels, Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway now controls almost 20 percent of Occidental Petroleum’s stock (OXY) after buying another $250 million in shares in the oil producer in mid-July. The Energy Select Sector SPDR ETF, XLE, has a 52-week trading range of $45.14 to $93.31. On July 29, 2022, the stock traded at 16 percent below its 52week high at $78.42, with a dividend yield of 3.57 percent. A bargain? Or will politics and the war on the American fossil fuels industry continue to weigh on the prices of fossil fuel related equities? Therein lies the rub. Never invest more than you can afford to lose, especially in the short run. In the long run, a well-diversified portfolio will bounce around in value but it is unlikely to go toAszero.amatter of disclosure, the mention of specific securities does not constitute advice to buy or sell those securities. They are cited only as examples. If you are a “do it yourself” investor, do your research and due diligence. If you work with an advisor, feel free to talk to your financial adviser relative to specific strategies and ideas. In his 1987 book, The Templeton Plan: 21 Steps to Success and Happiness,” Sir John noted that “people on the road to suc cess are not afraid to take calculated risks.” Successful investing is based on calculated risks and diversification over time. Dollarcost-averaging, combined with patience, discipline, and time, works. Lewis Walker, CFP®, is a life centered financial planning strategist with Capital Insight Group; 770-441-3553; lewis@lew walker.com. Securities & advisory services offered through The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc. (SFA). Lewis is a registered representative and investment adviser rep resentative of SFA, otherwise unaffiliated with Capital Insight Group. He’s a Gallup Certified Clifton Strengths Coach and Certi fied Exit Planning Advisor. Continued from Page 7
PALS is pleased to announce its Fall 2022 Program lineup. Classes will run on Mondays from September 12 - Novem ber 7 (no class September 26) at the Dunwoody Baptist Church. Registration is online at www.palsonline.info
The class line up is as follows:
FromMONDAYS:10:00 am - 11:00 am The Sociology of Religion Kemal Budak will explore the importance of religion in our social life, looking at both the global and American religious landscapes. Topics will include the relationship between religion and politics, what are sects and cults, what constitutes a denomination, ending with an examination of strange and unusual religious beliefs and practices. The seminal works of Karl Marx and Max Weber will also be examined.
From 10:00 am - 11:00 am Love to Travel Ron Landry will regale us with his travelogues taking us to such wide ranging places as Australia and New Zealand, Germany, the Caribbean, Scandinavia, Spain and Portugal, France, Italy, Monaco and Tahiti.
From 10:00 am - 1:45 pm Mah Jongg Bring your own Mah Jongg card and come play. There is no instructor for the weekly session- just fun and self-evaluation.
From 10:00 am - 1:45 pm Open Bridge for Experienced Players There is no instructor for this weekly session – just fun and self-evaluation.
From 11:15 am - 12:15 pm Election 2022 This year’s Mid-Term election will be one of the most conse quential in our lifetime. We will hear from leading academics from such universities as Kennesaw State and Georgia State as well as Morehouse College and the top political reporters from the Atlanta Journal Constitution about their views of the upcoming national, state and local elections.
Copyright ©2022 PuzzleJunction.com Dunwoody Crier 8/25/22 Crossword PuzzleJunction.com Solution on next page 45 Fitting 47 Essen’s river 48 Crayola color 51 Legal witness 52 Top dog 53 Voracious eel 54 commentParenthetical 55 Simple song 59 Coward of note 61 Aquarium 62 Store (Abbr.)posting 64 “60 networkMinutes” 65 Consume 67 Further 1234 56789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Across 1 Whizzes 5 Seasonal visitor 10 Blubber 13 Watch part 14 Similar 15 Sine ___ non 16 French romance 17 Sells cheap 19 Chi follower 20 Valuable violin 22 Fabled racer 23 Planted 25 Freshened up 28 Supplant 31 contractionCarol 32 Wistful word 33 Delay 34 Certify 38 Go astray 39 ___ judicata 41 Pastoral place 42 Odium 46 Big California___, 48 Office fill-in 49 Marker 50 Island fears 52 Stockpiled 56 alternativeEmail 57 Misplace 58 Lifeless 60 Ultimate degree 63 NJ university 66 Perfume 68 Owned, once 69 Psycho motel 70 Some horses 71 Sailor’s assent 72 Fashion 73 Central part Down 1 PIN takers 2 Flaky roll 3 ___ de vie 4 Urban problem 5 Police cruiser 6 Em, to Dorothy 7 Rock bottom 8 Lao-___Philosopher 9 Ventilate 10 Type of bread 11 Freakish 12 Stationed 13 Gullible one 18 Dresser 21 Kind of ticket 24 Saturn’s wife 26 LAX abbr. 27 Louse-to-be 28 Short run 29 Hipbones 30 Discharge 35 Primary 36 Rest area sight 37 Faucets 40 Movie genre 43 Out of bed 44 Dawn deity SOLUTiON ON PAGE 14
10 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody

Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery! you for shopping local & helping us celebrate 29th year!
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate 29th year!
year! 1101
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate 29th Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 • Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays MOVED around the corner into Historic Roswell! visit our new location and check out a great selection of American-made regular & small-scale sofas, recliners, lift chairs & more! IN A HURRY? about select floor samples brand new arrivals for immediate
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom in Historic Roswell & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such as small-scale sofas (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort and to make sleeping or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! Ask about select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate delivery!
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
COMFORTluxurySLEEPERbyAmericanLeatherthru9/11/22! NEW YEAR SALE***
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***
AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 11 ***HAPPY NEW YEAR SALE***
Did you know we just moved?!? Come see our new showroom & check out our great selection of quality furniture, such (so your feet will touch the floor!), recliners-that-don’t-look-like-recliners, micro-adjustible power lift chairs (for precision comfort or standing up a whole lot easier), rugs, lamps & more! select floor samples & brand new arrivals available for immediate 1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sale* on the
Thank you for shopping local & helping us celebrate our 29th year!
1101 Alpharetta St (Hwy 9), Historic Roswell • 770-518-8518 • Open Tu-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5, closed on Mondays NEW YEAR SALE***

12 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody

Call Bill: 404-245-9396
Make a big difference in the life of our area youth! Alpharetta Presbyterian Church is seeking a Director of Youth Ministry This full-time position with benefits is the lead staff working with grades 5-12 to create a welcoming, engaging, inspiring and fun program of worship, service, fellowship and education. Competitive salary with benefits. Please see a complete job description at https:// alpharettapres.com/about-us/jobs/. Resumes may be sent to jobs@alpharettapres.com.
AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 13
In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by his sisters, Mary Walker Clutter and Mildred Walker Brown; half-sisters, Alma Walker Heyne and Bernice Walker Lucabaugh; brothers, Patrick Austin Walker and Franklin DelanoHeWalker.issurvived by his two sons, Dwight Dallas Walker and Rambridge Ray Walker, of Georgia; halfbrothers, Norman Walker, Eugene Walker, Curtis Walker of Hillsboro, West Virginia, and Vernon Walker of Cottle, West Virginia; and many nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be held later followed by a military funeral at Arlington National Cemetery.
Dallas Ray Walker
Should you have any questions or comments, or would like to view the application and supporting materials, please contact the City of Dunwoody Community Development Department at 678-382-6800. Members of the public are encouraged to call or schedule a meeting with the staff in advance of the Public Hearing if they have questions or are unfamiliar with the process. The staff is available to answer questions, discuss the decision-making process, and receive comments and concerns.
Dallas Ray Walker of Dunwoody, Georgia passed away on Tuesday morning, 07/26/22. He was 93 years old. One of eleven children, Dallas came into the world on November 9, 1928, in the town of Lobelia, West Virginia in Pocahontas County. His parents were Edward E. and Frances.After a successful career in the United States Marine Corps, he retired as a full-bird Colonel. After his retirement from active service from the U.S.M.C. he had various executive positions in civilian life. Dallas’s wife, Ione Leona, of 57 years passed away on March 31, 2015. Dallas is now in heaven with his beloved partner in life.
Bilingual Client Services Specialist North Fulton Community Charities has an immediate opening for a part-time Bilingual Client Services Specialist in the Food Pantry. The role includes data entry, updating clients’ applications, and keeping clients and students informed of programs and service enhancements. Must be English/Spanish bilingual. Visit www.nfcchelp.org/work-at-NFCC for more information on the position and how to apply or email Mel Fortin, Director of Pantry Services at mfortin@ nfcchelp.org.
H&A International Jewelry is hiring! We are an independent jewelry store located in Dunwoody, Georgia, and we have been in business for over 38 years! We have a fantastic schedule, Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 5pm We are looking for a full-time sales associate as well as a full-time front desk receptionist! Come and join our team of knowledgeable jewelry professionals.
The City of Dunwoody Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council of Chambers of Dunwoody City Hall, located at 4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, Georgia 30338, for the purpose of due process of the following: ZBA 22-14, 4903 Leeds Court: Variances from Sec. 27-58 to allow encroachment into the rear setback and Sec. 16-78 to allow encroachment into the 75-foot stream buffer for a home addition.
The sales associate role will be working along with our show room manager to assist customers in finding the perfect pieces!
The front desk receptionist will be responsible for greeting customers, answering the phones, scheduling appointments, etc. Prior knowledge on jewelry is great but we are happy to train the right candidates! Other responsibilities will include participating in store set up and light housekeeping. Please send resumes to Heba@hajewelry.com
In Memoriam
The City of Dunwoody Planning Commission will meet on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Dunwoody City Hall, which is located at 4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338, for the purpose of due process of the following: 41, 47, & 53 Perimeter Center East, RZ 22-02 & SLUP 22-02: The applicant, Grubb Properties, seeks a rezoning, from PC-2c to PC-2c, to amend the conditions of zoning associated with cases RZ 18-02 & SLUP 18-02, and requests a Special Land Use Permit to allow Multi-unit building, rental; Age-Restricted Multi-unit building, rental; and Group Living uses. The applicant also requests relief from Sec. 27-98.
Deadline to place a Classified ad Thursdayat5pm
Carmichael, Brasher, Tuvell & Company is hiring an Income Tax Preparer, Corporate and Individual. Great pay and flexible, relaxed work environment. Seeking full and/or part-time individual for individual and corporate tax prepara tion and accounting. Prior tax preparation required and have working knowledge of QuickBooks. Our office is located in the heart of Dunwoody and work from home is an option. To apply email your resume to gbrasher@cbtcpa.com
Part-time & Full-time positions available. Pay is $12-$14 per hour. Hours starting at 6:30AM, Monday-Friday. Pick-up truck not required but must have your own reliable transportation. Gas allowance provided. Looking for people who enjoy working outside and are enthusiastic, dependable & punctual. Able to contribute independently or on a crew with consistently friendly Well-establishedattitude. commercial pool maintenance company providing service in the North Atlanta Metro area.

14 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody CONTRACTINGRoofingKETNER * Re-Roofs, * Repairs & Painting. * * Lic/Ins. * Exc Refs. * Free Est. * 25+ Years Experience Neil 770-318-7762.Ketner Roofing Handyman Matthew the Handyman - Carpentry, paint ing, drywall, plumbing. Electrical and small 404-547-2079.jobs. Handyman PLACE YOUR AD HERE 770.442.3278 SELL IT, FIND IT, BUY IT IN CLASSIFIEDSOUR YOURPLACEADHERE 770.442.3278 CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES Call 770-442-3278 A – 1 DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT COMPANY Specializing in DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT SIDEWALKS, PATIOS, AND SLABS Since 1974 Insured – Free Estimates David 770-493-6222Scott Concrete/Asphalt ALEX FRASER MASONRY INC. • BRICK • BLOCK • CONCRETE • STONEWORK FULLY INSURED Tel: (770) 664-2294 Cell: (404) 281-0539 Alex Fraser, President www.alexfrasermasonry.com E-Mail: afrasermasonry@aol.com Concrete RetainingWalls Brick or Wood Contact Ralph Rucker. Many local references. Honest, reasonableprofessionalpunctual,andprices! 678-898-7237 MARTINEZ MASONRY Retaining Walls • Patios• Repairs Walkways • Masonry Work martinezmasonry281@yahoo com 404-408-4170 Ask for Tony Martinez $250 OFF DRIVEWAY!NEW Mention this ad. Concrete driveway specialists. Driveways, Pool Decks, Patios, Walkways, Slabs. A+ BBB rating. FREE ESTIMATE. Call Rachael at 678-250-4546 to schedule a FREE Estimate. 30 years of experience. ARBOR HILLS CONSTRUCTION INC. Please note we do have a minimum charge on accepted jobs of $4,500. Driveway Garage Doors Tree Services Neumann’s Landscape & Tree Service: Joe 770-452-1173Neumannor404-644-7179. 770-393-1652 If you can’t lift your door, let Dunwoody Door Lift it! Dunwoody Door Lift Co. The ONLY garage door company in Dunwoody! We sell, install and repair garage doors and openers. Authorized Genie Dealer serving Dunwoody since 1973. Tree Services Concrete/AsphaltService Directory ROT-DOC Rot Repair Technician Don’t waste good paint on rotten wood. Minor repairs make a major difference! Interior/Exterior Painting Pressure Washing Rotten Wood Deck Repair Free Estimates Thurman | 770.899.1354 | www.rot-doc.com Home Improvement Sales Cemetery ARLINGTON Side by side lawn crypts, Serenity Section,678-596-7455$16,000/both. Deadline to place a classified ad - Thursdays by 5:00 pm SPINET PIANO, lovely, plus bench. Maple $100/bestfinish.offer.770-451-9464 Musical Instruments DUNWOODY: Basement bargains! Hidden books,clocks,Christmas,crystal,edAntique8/27,8/26CircleWindingSubdivision;Branches1250Branch30338.FridayandSaturday9AM-2:30PM.silver-platpieces,China,golfclubs,lamps,cookbooks,artwork,etc. Garage Sale

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16 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody Brian Iroff GIA Graduate Gemologist 3960 Old Milton Pkwy #300 (1.5 miles East of 400) Gold is at a 8 year high! You get the best price in town, and immediate payment! Over 75% of Our Business Comes from Satisfied Customer Referrals! OldMiltonPkwy GA400 GA400 Kimball BridgeRdNorthPoint Pkwy WebbBridgeRd Best AtlantaNorthOf Presented By WINNER Tuesday – Friday: 10AM – 5PM Saturday: 10AM – 2PM • Sunday & Monday: Closed *Appointments may be available outside of traditional store hours. 2008-2021 Paying up $150,000to FREE CASH EVALUATION Must Present Coupon. DC Restyle or Custom Make Something New! We Take Trade-Ins. PremiumsPaying for Vintage Rolex andWatchesOmega 770-751-7222CallorTextwww.iroff.com Jewelry Estate jewelry Fine CartierTiffanyDavidDesignerGemstoneDiamondPlatinumJewelryJewelryJewelryJewelryJewelryYurman&Co. Gold Gold GoldGoldGoldDentalGoldBrokenJewelryJewelryWatchesGoldCoinsBarsNuggets Silver Sterling SilverSilverBowlsFlatwareSilverwareSilverJewelryBars Diamonds All Sizes All Shapes All Cuts All Chipped/BrokenLooseQualitiesorSet Gemstones JadeLooseSemi-PreciousAllEmeraldsRubiesSapphiresPreciousorSet Coins All Gold Coins All Silver Coins All Platinum Coins Silver PaperCollectableDollarsCoinsMoney Watches AudemarsPatekOmegaCartierRolex Piguet andTagheuerother brands WE BUY ALL JEWELRY! Your estate jewelry & diamond specialists for 60 years. Schedule a private appointment.WorthWeMakeItYourDrive!

2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 5 8-17 8:30 pm @ Parview 8-25 7:00 pm vs. Western H.S. (Davie, Florida) 9-2 7:30 pm vs. Lanier 9-16 7:30 pm @ Chattahoochee 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Roswell 9-30 7:30 pm @ Lassiter 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Sprayberry 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Blessed Trinity 10-21 7:30 pm @ Alpharetta 10-28 7:30 pm @ Pope ► JOHNS CREEK ► FELLOWSHIP 8-19 2:30 pm vs. Mt. Pisgah Christian 8-26 7:30 pm @ Trinity Christian 9-9 7:30 pm vs. St. Francis 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Lovett 9-30 7:30 pm @ Rabun County 10-7 7:30 pm vs. East Jackson 10-14 7:30 pm @ Athens Academy 10-21 7:30 pm vs. Providence Christian 10-28 7:30 pm @ Banks County 11-3 7:00 pm vs. Union County ► FORSYTH 8-19 7:30 pm @ Chattahoochee 8-26 7:30 pm @ North Fulton 9-2 7:30 pm vs. Etowah 9-16 7:30 pm @ Habersham Central 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Seckinger 10-7 7:30 pm @ Lambert 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Milton 10-21 7:30 pm vs. South Forsyth 10-28 7:30 pm vs. West Forsyth 11-4 7:30 pm @ Denmark ► KING’S RIDGE 8-19 7:30 pm vs. Lakeview Academy 8-26 7:30 pm @ Riverside Military 9-2 7:30 pm vs. Calvary Christian 9-23 7:30 pm @ Bethlehem Christian 9-30 7:30 pm @ Heritage, Newnan 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Cherokee Christian 10-22 7:30 pm vs. Lanier Christian 10-28 7:30 pm @ King’s Academy FILE PHOTOS

6 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody 2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW ► SOUTH FORSYTH ► WEST FOREST 8-19 7:30 pm @ Lanier 8-26 7:30 pm vs. Harrison 9-2 7:30 pm vs. North Oconee 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Clarke central 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Brookwood 10-7 7:30 pm @ Milton 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Denmark 10-21 7:30 pm @ Forsyth Central 10-28 7:30 pm vs. Lambert 11-4 7:30 pm @ West Forsyth 8-18 7:30 pm @ Archer 8-26 7:30 pm @ Marietta 9-2 7:30 pm vs. North Fulton 9-9 7:30 pm vs. West Fulton 9-16 7:30 pm @ Cherokee 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Denmark 10-14 7:30 pm @ Lambert 10-21 7:30 pm vs. Milton 10-28 7:30 pm @ Forsyth Central 11-4 7:30 pm vs. South Forsyth ► ROSWELL 8-19 7:30 pm @ Denmark 8-26 7:30 pm @ Centennial 9-2 7:30 pm vs. Marietta 9-9 7:30 pm vs. Milton 9-23 7:30 pm @ Johns Creek 9-30 7:30 pm @ Blessed Trinity 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Lassiter 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Pope 10-21 7:30 pm @ Sprayberry 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Alpharetta ► ST. FRANCIS 8-19 7:30 pm vs. Providence Christian 8-26 7:30 pm vs. Landmark Christian 9-9 7:30 pm @ Fellowship Christian 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Hart County 9-23 7:30 pm vs. Christian Heritage 9-30 7:30 pm @ Bowden 10-7 7:30 pm @ Rabun County 10-21 7:30 pm vs. Whitefield Academy 10-28 7:30 pm @ Mount Pisgah 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Mount Vernon FILE PHOTOS

2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody | Dunwoody Crier | August 25, 2022 | 7 ► MILTON 8-19 8:30 pm @ Lipscomb Academy, TN 8-26 12:00 pm vs. Christian Brothers, MO 9-9 7:30 pm @ Roswell 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Alpharetta 9-23 7:30 pm vs. North Cobb 10-7 7:30 pm vs. South Forsyth 10-14 7:30 pm @ Forsyth Central 10-21 7:30 pm @ West Forsyth 10-28 7:30 pm vs. Denmark 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Lambert 8-19 7:30 pm @ McNair 8-26 7:30 pm vs. Lakeside, DeKalb 9-9 5:30 pm vs. Midtown 9-16 7:30 pm @ Dunwoody 9-23 7:30 pm @ Greater Atlanta Christian 9-30 7:30 pm vs. North Springs 10-7 7:30 pm @ Kell 10-14 7:30 pm vs. Chattahoochee 10-21 7:30 pm @ Cambridge 10-28 7:30 pm vs. Centennial ► NORTHVIEW 8-19 2:30 pm @ Fellowship Christian 8-26 7:30 pm @ Mount Paran Christian 9-2 7:30 pm @ Cherokee Christian 9-9 7:30 pm @ Athens Academy 9-23 7:30 pm vs. First Presbyterian Day 9-30 7:30 pm @ Mt. Zion, Carroll 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Christian Heritage 10-21 7:30 pm @ Mount Vernon 10-28 7:30 pm vs. St. Francis 11-4 7:30 pm vs. Whitefield Academy ► MOUNT PISGAH 8-19 7:30 pm vs. Sequoyah 8-26 7:30 pm @ Dawson County 9-2 7:30 pm @ Mountain View 9-16 7:30 pm vs. Flowery Branch 9-23 8:00 pm vs. East Coweta 10-7 7:30 pm vs. Forsyth Central 10-14 7:30 pm vs. West Forsyth 10-21 7:30 pm @ Denmark 10-28 7:30 pm @ South Forsyth 11-4 7:30 pm @ Milton ► LAMBERT FILE PHOTOS

8 | August 25, 2022 | Dunwoody Crier | AppenMedia.com/Dunwoody 2022 FOOTBALL PREVIEW BARBECUE Good luck to all our boys playing football this season! And to all the fans, come see us before the game! cuebarbecue.com MILTON | CUMMING | PEACHTREE CORNERS | BUFORD Homemade everything y’all! ’cue caters y’all!!