Dunwoody Crier - November 23, 2023

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N ov e m b e r 2 3 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | S e r v i n g t h e c o m m u n i t y s i n c e 1 9 7 6

Light Up Dunwoody

Holiday tradition continues strong

See LIGHT, Page 21

By HAYDEN SUMLIN hayden@appenmedia.com DUNWOODY, Ga. — Residents took to the microphone Nov. 13 to tell the Dunwoody City Council that lack of communication helped doom a bond referendum on the Nov. 7 ballot. The bond referendum, which would have raised $60 million for construction of parks, trails and greenspace, failed at the polls by a 57-43 margin. As a result, some capital improvement projects in line for bond financing may be postponed or eliminated. The Village Crossroads on Chamblee Dunwoody Road, continuance of the Winters Chapel multi-use trail and Wildcat Park will require other funding mechanisms, which could mean projects are delayed and will carry a higher price tag. Dunwoody resident Ali Mahbod told councilmembers the Nov. 7 election reflects the public’s confidence in the City Council’s work since the COVID-19 pandemic because all incumbents were

By LUKE GARDNER newsroom@appenmedia.com DUNWOODY, Ga. — Hundreds gathered at the Shops of Dunwoody to partake in this year’s Light Up Dunwoody celebration, which lasted from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Nov. 19. The celebration has been going on for decades and has become a staple of the community. “It’s grown over the years,” said Dunwoody Homeowners Association President Bob Fiscella. “We used to set up by the old farmhouse, but we outgrew that. This year is probably one of our biggest. We’re expecting around 1,000 people.” Performances started at 3 p.m. and included sets by the North Georgia School of Ballet, Expressions in Motion Dance, the Dunwoody High School Marching Band and dancers from Dan & Company Studios. Families explored various vendor tents where sponsors like Xfinity, Dunwoody Christian School and Kaplan Orthodontics handed out merchandise and holiday cheer. Attendees waited excitedly for their opportunity to get photographed with Santa or live reindeer as kids joyfully danced to Christmas music and played at a crafts station created by the Spruill Arts Center. “We come every year [to celebrate] the start of the season,” attendee Mike McMahan said. “I like to see the kids having fun; it reminds me of being a kid. We also came for hot chocolate and donuts.” Several food vendors were present, including a Cinnaholic tent, the Red Popcorn Wagon, Operation Mini Donuts and the Low-Co Motion food truck. Low-Co Motion offered a variety of sandwiches and sides, including a gourmet grilled cheese and the “OMG blt.”

Voters say communication lapse helped doom bond

See DUNWOODY, Page 12


A crowd gazes and takes photos as the tree is officially lit during the Light Up Dunwoody celebration on Nov. 19.

Development Authority, Create Dunwoody reviews year’s artistic, cultural efforts ► PAGE 5

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