School Board: Safety, transportation funding top list of requests N ov e m b e r 1 6 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 7 , N o . 4 6
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‘It is a day of action’ Cumming honors veterans at City Center observance By SHELBY ISRAEL FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Dozens of guests gathered on a rainy Nov. 10 to honor the service of veterans with a ceremony and live music at Cumming City Center. The 11 a.m. Veterans Day service was the first to be held at the development. Previously, the commemoration was held at the Veterans War Memorial on Veterans Memorial Boulevard. Cumming Mayor Troy Brumbalow welcomed guests, saying it was an honor to host the Veterans Day ceremony at City Center, which he had envisioned as a community gathering place since taking office in 2018. “We know that without the efforts of each and every service member throughout history, our great nation would not be that: the land of the free,” he said. “And the remark that the United States is the land of the free because of the brave is most definitely true.”
See VETERANS, Page 20
The Forsyth County Fire Department and Sheriff’s Office Joint Honor Guard presents the colors at the annual Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 10 at Cumming City Center.
Challenger unseats incumbent in Cumming City Council race CUMMING, Ga. — Cumming voters elected Susie Charles-Carr to the City Council Nov.
7, ousting incumbent Linda Ledbetter from the Post 5 seat after two terms. Charles-Carr won 333 of the 503 votes cast, a 66 percent margin. Charles-Carr works as a special education teacher for
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ming city limits were eligible to vote in the election. Incumbent Post 3 Councilman Joey Cochran and incumbent Post 4 Councilman Christopher Light both ran unopposed.
Forsyth County Schools. The 2023 race saw a turnout of 506 voters, or 13 percent of those registered. Around 4,000 of Forsyth County’s 177,642 registered voters who live in Cum-