Forsyth Herald - December 14, 2023

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D e c e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 7 , N o . 5 0


County adjusts polling sites for upcoming election cycle By SHELBY ISRAEL


Pinecrest Academy kindergarteners participate in a Stuff the Truck for the school’s annual canned food drive for the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry at St. Brendan Catholic Church. Pinecrest families and students donated a record 23,790 items in the 2023 drive.

School sees record donations in annual canned food drive FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Pinecrest Academy donated a record 23,790 items this fall in its annual canned food drive for the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry at St. Brendan Catholic Church. The drive provided frozen meat, bread, desserts, diapers, cleaning supplies, personal care items, paper goods and fresh fruit and vegetables to 2,900 families across Forsyth County. This year marked the school’s eighth year participating in the drive. St. Joseph’s Food Pantry Coordinator Barbara Gordon said the donations come at a time when the program’s inventory is exceptionally low. “We always have concerns about how we will continue to serve our families,” Gordon said. “Food donations from Pinecrest allow us to be very generous, particularly at our Christmas Food Market.”


FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. — Some 37,000 voters in north Forsyth County will see new polling places and adjusted precinct lines for the 2024 election cycle. The County Commission unanimously approved the new lines and locations at a formal meeting Dec. 7. The withdrawal of Concord Baptist Church as a polling place was a catalyst for the revisions. North Forsyth County residents have voted at the church for decades, but the facility elected to not host polling in 2024. Most residents who voted at Concord Baptist will now vote at Hope Fellowship Church on Matt Highway in the new Matt precinct, 51. Others who voted in Concord, precinct 27, will be distributed between the Coal Mountain and Crossroads precincts. County Voter Registrations and Elections Director Mandi Smith first presented the plans at a Board of Commissioners work session Oct. 24. The proposed changes were advertised to residents throughout November, and the Board of Voter Registrations and Elections opened an online portal for feedback. At the Dec. 7 meeting, Smith said the Elections Office received 64 online comments, half of them from voters registered in the now-retired Concord precinct. Many respondents issued a plea to continue voting at Concord Baptist, noting the increased distance between their homes and Hope Fellowship Church, as well as traffic on Ga. 369. “It’ll make it really hard to vote if I have to travel over 20 minutes away to take part in my civic duty,” one person wrote. County Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills said


This map shows the new precinct lines in north Forsyth County for the 2024 election cycle. The changes will affect some 37,000 registered voters. she sympathized with the concerned residents. She said she has voted at the church for most of her life. “They pulled out, and there’s no way you can say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, you can’t,’” she said. “And they’ve been doing it for a long, long time.” Mills said the withdrawal of Harmony Grove

See POLLING, Page 7

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