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Straight teeth without braces?

Brought to you by – The Atlanta Center for Dental Health

Can you really have straight teeth without braces? The short answer to this question is,Yes! We all remember when straighter teeth meant braces. You could have straight teeth. You just had to have metal bands, brackets, and wires on your teeth for 18-24 months. We all loved the results; we just didn’t like the process we had to go through.

Technology has come a long way over the last few years. The Atlanta Center for Dental Health offers Invisalign to all their patients. Invisalign is a revolutionary new way to straighten your teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. It uses a series of clear, removable aligners that are custom-made for your teeth and gradually move them into a straighter, better position, and better bite to improve your appearance, comfort with chewing, the longevity of the teeth, and overall health.

Unlike metal braces, Invisalign is almost invisible, so you don’t have to worry about your smile being altered by metal brackets and wires. Invisalign aligners are a comfortable way to move the teeth and improve your appearance, bite, and health. Additionally, Invisalign is much more comfortable to wear than metal braces and can be removed when eating and brushing your teeth.

Having straight teeth is more than just a cosmetic consideration, it’s also important for your oral health. When your teeth are misaligned, it can cause overcrowding, which can lead to plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease. Invisalign can help correct your bite and alignment issues, reducing your risk for these oral health problems.

Invisalign can also help improve your appearance. Straighter teeth can make you look and feel more attractive. When teeth are straight and properly aligned, it can make your smile look brighter and healthier. It can also help with speech and chewing problems that can be caused by crooked teeth. Invisalign is more convenient than traditional braces. You don’t have to worry about frequent trips to the dentist for adjustments, and you don’t have to worry about food getting stuck in your braces.

Invisalign is typically much faster than traditional braces, so you can enjoy your new, straighter smile in a matter of months instead of years. Overall, Invisalign is an excellent way to straighten your teeth and improve your oral health. It’s comfortable, convenient, and nearly invisible, so you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile without the discomfort and hassle of traditional braces. If you’re considering straightening your teeth,

Invisalign is worth considering. Nearly everyone is a candidate for Invisalign. You are invited to call or stop by for more information or a complimentary consultation and smile outcome simulation.

Dr. Bradley Hepler, Dr. Jeffrey Priluck and the experienced team at the Atlanta Center for Dental Health are dedicated to your health and longevity. We provide all the modern advances that contemporary aesthetic dentistry offers. You will realize immediate results with non-invasive and often inexpensive procedures to enhance your smile. If you would like a complementary consultation to discover your smile restoring options, please call the Atlanta Center for Dental Health at 770-992-2236. Dr. Bradley Hepler and Dr. Jeffrey Priluck have spent many hours dedicated to perfecting and updating the latest and best techniques in dentistry. It is with this breadth of knowledge that they provide each patient with the perfect solution to their situation, their life, and their goals. It is our pleasure to serve this community and help as many people as possible live their best life.

Has your oncologist ever talked to you about personalizing your cancer treatment? In other words, has he or she looked at unique aspects of your case, and tailored your treatments accordingly?

Of the various medical specialties, oncology is arguably the least personalized of all. Patients with a certain type of cancer typically receive the same first-line treatment. If that doesn’t work, they will receive the next best – or second-line –treatment. Following treatment flow charts this way has been referred to by some critics as “cookbook medicine.” Sadly, there is some truth to that criticism.

As an integrative oncologist, I believe that treatment should be as personalized as possible. This means that we must first peel back the various layers of each patient’s diagnosis before making treatment decisions. The type of cancer is certainly important, but that is only part of what makes each patient’s cancer unique.

For example, we must also consider each patient’s medical history, family history, work history, relationships, emotional health, and stressors as well. These details, coupled with advanced testing on the tumor tissue itself, are all important when crafting the optimal treatment protocol for each patient. This is what personalized cancer treatment is all about!

If you would like more information about my innovative cancer clinic, please visit my website at tcfam.com.

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