Johns Creek Herald - January 25, 2024

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Chattahoochee High lacrosse gets jump on the competition ► PAGE 9

J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 4 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 8 , N o . 4

Johns Creek hosts talk from Civil Rights leader JOHNS CREEK, Ga. — Johns Creek held its first Unity Breakfast in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 15, welcoming resident and Civil Rights activist John Suttles to share his story. Suttles became a Civil Rights activist on March 7, 1965, as one of the youths involved in attempting a voting rights march from Selma, Alabama, to Montogomery. Despite the marchers being beaten and gassed on Bloody Sunday, he was not deterred and continued to work throughout his life to encourage change. Mayor John Bradberry offered welcoming remarks at the Unity Breakfast, which saw the help of volunteers from North View High School’s Black History Club.

The event, held at Taylor Lodge at St. Benedict’s Catholic Church, also featured performances from vocalists Brianna Yancey and Mikaela Ayira, juniors at Chattahoochee High School. “When MLK said that our nation should live up to the true nature of its creed, ‘that all men are created equal’ and that we ‘should be judged not by the color of our skin but by the context of our character,’ he was seeking to fulfill the promise of our nation’s founding,” Bradberry said in a statement to Appen Media. “He was a great American who helped bring us closer to building ‘a more perfect union.’”


United restoration

Remodeling crew installs top tier work

Middle, Scott Hessing, owner of United Home Restoration, gathers with crew members Vicente Perez Hernandez, left, and Trister Castro Hernandez, right, in front of El Trompo Mexican Taqueria, a go-to lunch spot. Hessing’s Johns Creek business does remodeling work for residential and commercial properties in Metro Atlanta, including installation of decks and fences, custom trim work and interior and exterior painting. See story Page 10


What do you want to know about the community?


— Amber Perry

In an interview with Johns Creek resident Kaaryn Walker, Civil Rights activist John Suttles speaks before the crowd at the city’s first Unity Breakfast in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 15 at Taylor Lodge at St. Benedict’s Catholic Church on Parsons Road.

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