City celebrates Arbor Day Autrey Mill observance features baby hemlock
Fe b r u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 2 4 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 2 8 , N o . 8
RESS NP CITY COUNCIL Performing arts center garners major support for hotel tax funding ► PAGE 3
By AMBER PERRY JOHNS CREEK, Ga. — A baby hemlock tree was introduced to the grounds at Autrey Mill Nature Center in celebration of Arbor Day Feb. 16. Johns Creek City Councilman Dilip Tunki, a former board member at Autrey Mill, and Assistant to the City Manager Olivia Gazda, who helped secure the city’s first Tree City USA certification for the year of 2023, joined Autrey Mill Executive Director Lizen Hayes and community volunteer Will Lance for the ceremony. “There’s a disease that’s been killing the hemlock trees by the millions, literally up in the Appalachians and all the way across to the Great Lakes,” said Lance, who brought the hemlock for planting. Lance said the disease is brought on by a microscopic insect, a woolly adelgid, which can kill a good-sized
See TREES, Page 6
Public seeks coverage of elections, people at Appen staff forum ► PAGE 6
Johns Creek City Councilman Dilip Tunki, Autrey Mill Nature Preserve Executive Director Lizen Hayes, Johns Creek Assistant to the City Manager Olivia Gazda and community volunteer Will Lance gather for a tree planting ceremony at Autrey Mill in honor of Arbor Day Feb. 16.
City of Johns Creek loses two key staffers By AMBER PERRY JOHNS CREEK, Ga. — The City of Johns Creek is on the hunt for a new economic development director and event coordinator following their resignations, effective Feb. 16.
“Until their replacements are hired, we are working as a team to ensure our efforts continue and our level of service to the community remains unchanged,” Interim City Manager Kimberly Greer wrote in an email. Economic Development Director Randall Toussaint, who had been with the
city for two years, helped land biomedical engineering giant Boston Scientific for the city’s Town Center area. Several applications have already been submitted for Toussaint’s position, according to the city’s LinkedIn job posting.
Targeted local marketing in the most trusted local media works. Alpharetta | Roswell | Milton | Johns Creek Forsyth | Dunwoody | Sandy Springs Local community newspapers – Heralds & Criers – that matter.
See STAFF, Page 21
Johns Creek Chamber serves as focal point for small businesses ► PAGE 8
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