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How to protect your property
Brought to you by - Geerdes & Associates
The first thing you should do after buying a property is to protect it. This sounds like common sense, but we are not talking about insurance - we’re talking about protecting your house after your death. People don’t usually think about what happens after they pass away, which is unfortunate, because oftentimes their property ends up in court and at the mercy of creditors. Especially in Georgia, where properties aren’t protected by an automatic right of survivorship, many end up losing their homes after the homeowner passes away or are forced to pay exorbitant court fees to keep it.
trust. Unlike a Will, assets in a trust never have to go through probate. There are two types of trust: Revocable and Irrevocable. A Revocable Trust, if set up correctly, can ensure that your property passes to your beneficiary right after your death. An Irrevocable Trust provides more protection as assets. However, there are different types of Irrevocable Trust depending on the level of asset protection and estate tax planning. An advanced estate planning attorney is important to set up any trusts, especially the more advanced Irrevocable Trusts.
How can you make sure your hard work doesn’t go to waste? The best way to protect your property is to place it in a
It’s best to consult an estate planning attorney to see your options for protecting your home and life savings. Time is of the essence, and don’t wait to protect what’s important to you, for those important to you before it is too late. Contact us today at 770.209.2346.