Milton to celebrate Arbor Day Feb. 16 ► PAGE 4
Fe b r u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 | A p p e n M e d i a . c o m | A n A p p e n M e d i a G r o u p P u b l i c a t i o n | 5 0 ¢ | Vo l u m e 1 9 , N o . 7
Residents at the Feb. 5 Milton City Council meeting follow public comments relating to an alcohol beverage license for D’Rose Vintners, a farm winery located at the rear of the Providence Plantation neighborhood. The City Council voted unanimously to defer any formal action on the matter.
Fate of farm winery rests with City Council By HAYDEN SUMLIN MILTON, Ga. — More than 40 residents showed up to Milton City Hall Feb. 5 to voice concerns about upcoming votes the City Council will make on various matters that could have lasting impact. While some residents chose to speak about proposed changes to meeting procedures and active park space, a majority urged the City Council to deny an alcohol beverage license for Jim and Daryn Rosenberger’s farm winery, D’Rose Vintners. The winery is in the gated Boxwood Estates subdivision off Blackmaral Lane. To visit the winery,
patrons must drive through the Providence Plantation neighborhood, where residents have complained about speeding. Five years ago, the Public Works Department assisted Providence Plantation in a traffic study which showed that of around 400 vehicles, nearly 80 percent of the traffic, exceeded the 25-mph speed limit. The intent was to install speed bumps, but that never happened because a handful of homeowners objected. For more than two hours at the Feb. 5 City Council meeting, 33 residents from the Providence Plantation neighborhood, Boxwood Estates subdivision and surrounding neighborhoods urged councilmembers to
deny the alcohol beverage license for the Rosenberger’s farm winery. Their primary concerns are increased traffic, drunk driving as well as the precedent the license could set for all of Milton. Jessica Buxton, a Providence Plantation resident at the entrance to the Boxwood estates subdivision, said the ongoing dispute stems from Rosenberger’s 2021 request to have his 10.8-acre property rezoned from Community Unit Plan, or CUP, to an agricultural area, or AG-1. “What was sent to us from the city said nothing
See WINERY, Page 9
Caroline Nalisnick C: 404.513.9226 |
Sam DiVito C: 404.803.5999 |
Allison Kloster C: 404.784.5287 |